103. Standing at the Crossroads of Choice (2)


The four-headed giant struck the giant with the serrated blade towards Kim Sung-chul.


A strong blow that is enough to split the ground.


Kim Sungchul stepped back and pulled out his new armor ascender.


The armor, made of black crusts from the Soul Warehouse, moved around and covered Kim’s left hand.


Feeling heavy weight in his left hand, Kim Sungchul turned around and watched the enemy move with a hammer.


Even with the naked eye, the enemy’s defenses were very strong. In particular, the full-body plated armor appeared to have a high anti-magic coating.


Kim Sungchul saw it momentarily thought.


‘Would you like to see a sword? Immortals matching Doron. ‘


The general of the human empire, Doron, is a figure who has little contact with Kim Sung-chul. He was not from the rebels and was the so-called new blood that came under the emperor after the establishment of the human empire.


However, he was a prominent prosecutor and a thorough soldier before Kim Sung-chul made his name known.


He, along with Kim Seong-cheol, the head of the Empire, resolved a number of insurgency and struggles in various parts of the country where it could shake the empire.


Some critics said that it was better than Kim Seong-cheol, who had reached the rank of empire because of his connection with the emperor.


Indeed, he had a special history as a Swordmaster from the Ancient Kingdom and had considerable skill and reputation for swords.


Kim Seong-cheol also has to fold a few times if you can only judge the sword skills.


However, it was a noble and chivalry character that Kim Sung-cheol rated higher than his swordsmanship.


He expressed his resistance to the emperor’s lukewarm response to the settlement of the disaster, but not by Kim Sung-cheol, who was rebellious.


‘It’s a strange thing. That’s how the guy chooses to be evil. ‘


Doron, as he knows, is never a man empowered by the iron prince of Nimbus Kingdom.


But reality does not move as expected.


Doron, a god of evil, has attacked Kim Sung-chul with his huge sword. A three-meter sword swung toward Kim Seong-chul like the wind.


In a moment, the arm-garazes and the cogwheels struck several times and blew up the flame.


The two warriors, who once exchanged sums, stepped back and stared at each other.


[Be careful. That rapist is one of the best devils in the world. ]


An unknown voice came from within.


The power of evil spirits is real. The afterglow of the evil spirits remained in Arm Garaz, making a clear sound. Kim Sung-cheol’s divine power also felt light fatigue.


The fight, which had been in a lull for a while, reattached and heralded the next clash.


In the midst of tension, the evil spirit suddenly stepped back.


“It is not too late now. Please step back. Imperial crew. You are not invited. ”


Doron spoke in a voice that was not much different from his human days. Indeed, the owner of the spirit. While borrowing the power of evil spirits, they were not swallowed up by the evil spirits.


Respectable enemy. But it’s also an enemy to defeat.


“When Have I Been Invited?”


Kim Sung-chul said, drawing the sword of evil spirits inwardly.


‘You cannot attract time in this place. Process him as soon as possible. ‘


In order to quickly break down a formidable enemy, it is not enough to use only one’s own power. Inevitably, the enemy must lead to unintended cooperation.


To do that, you must risk.


Unless the enemy is an idiot, he will think and will attack with the best choice through his own experience and judgment.


Confrontational battles of warriors with subtle powers are mostly determined by a hidden number that the opponent is not expecting.


Kim Sungchul I decided to believe in the defense of the newly acquired armor ascender’s hand.


But full confidence in unproven means is likely to lead to defeat.


Kim Sungchul Reminded me of the evil spirits, this time I jumped in arm-garazs first.


A hammer and a sword struck again in the air.


Intense workshop continued.


It was a fierce battle that smashed and bounced the stone grapes of which evil spirits and Kim Sung-chul stepped on.


In a breathtaking engagement, Kim Sungchul confirmed that the demon’s sword had a certain direction. But it is common. The evil spirit also became accustomed to Kim Seong-cheol’s wielding, and he smashed the gaps between the sums and artfully aimed at the gaps.


The blade of a huge cogwheel swept through Kim’s hair.


It was a hairy car. He almost split his head into two before he even had the number Kim Seong-cheol prepared.


Nevertheless, Kim Sungchul was not at all embarrassed.


Already he went to life and death in a number of battles. The sharp blow of the evil spirit might have made the heart swell, but it did not shake his roots.


Next is Kim’s turn.


He hurried to the evil spirits like a guard again, with divine power all over his body, in preparation for the unexpected counterattack of the evil spirits.


Armor made of square plate of evil spirits clashed against each other and moved in bizarre sounds like the cries of a scabbard.


The sword of the evil spirits stabbed from the bottom to intercept Kim Sung-chul. The counterattack has already seen many times using the difference of the rich. As before Kim Sungchul, he dug deeper, kicking the sword of the sawtooth blade into the arm garaz.


The four masks of evil spirits, eight eyes flashed in unison and poured power on the sword being pushed by the arm Garaz to push Kim Sung-chul away.


Kim Sungchul, who appeared in the air, instead of facing the mighty power of evil spirits, he gently shed a hammer and shed the sword of evil spirits. In response, Kim Sungchul landed on the floor, spinning top in the air.


The impact of the landing smashed another grape, splintered in all directions, and passed by drying dried trees and flowers in the garden of the empty palace.


Kim Sungchul took a deep breath.


The surrounding air filled with moisture discolored white and was sucked into his nostrils, spontaneously breathed into his mouth. The rain was still soaking his body, but steam was rising from his body, heated by the heat of battle.


Ashin’s armor still lingers and sounds similar to the cry of a grassworm.


The expected flow until now. It is an aspect of the same fighting that has been repeated over and over again. But evil spirits will not move the same way.


Kim Sungchul predicted at least one counterattack.


Not surprisingly, a giant foot that resembles the foot of a colossus hidden in Ashin’s armor appeared.


Assin’s feet kicked a pool of water stuck on the ground.


Sluice, mud and debris were poured onto Kim Seong-chul. Kicking dirt among swordsmen is one of the most common hidden numbers.


However, Ashin’s kicking sent Kim Seong-cheol a huge amount of earth and sand like landslides.


Kim Seong-cheol’s vision was instantly blocked by flying soil. Just before the line of sight was completely blocked, he stared at the light in the upper right corner of Kim Sungchul’s line of sight.


Double attacks. It is a mountain that will kick Kim Seong-cheol with Tosa at the same time as he takes steps to kick the Tosa.


The evil spirit has thrown the game.


The number of matches is the number of matches.


Kim Sungchul Reflecting on his philosophy from the mud, he instantly listed all the cards given to him.


there. Not only is the clock clogged, but it also protects you from the mud baptism that will have a profound impact.


A magic circle began to emerge in Kim’s body.


At the same time, his faithful soulstones also began to brig.


No. 1 Soulstone Wind Shield


No. 2 Soulstone Wind Shield


No. 3 Soulstone Wind Shield


No. 4 Soulstone Wind Shield


No. 5 Soulstone Wind Shield


No. 6 Soulstone Wind Shield


No. 7 Soulstone Wind Shield


Lightning Stone Chain No. 8


The virtue of defensive magic is a momentary brig.


At the same time as the brig, a bullet made of wind entered the chamber and waited for launch.


A pile of earth, filled with the power of the gods, overtakes Kim Sung-chul.


Bertelgia shook his body and dug deep into his pocket.


Kim Sungchul Krumbu was taken out of the Soul Warehouse by tossing his arms up.


At the same time he shouted the starter and released all the magic loaded in the Soulstone.


A total of nine wind barriers were deployed in front of Kim Sung-chul.


A torrent closer to explosion than to wind.


The mighty barrier threw a hole in the front of the blocked field, pushing out the pile of flying soil.


The blade of evil spirits flying obliquely in the upper right corner was clearly visible.


Strike full of strength.


Kim Sungchul With a wider field of vision, Kim Sungchul kicked a crumb bub just out of the gleaming sword, kicking up a pile of dirt and staring at a giant foot that has not yet reached the ground.


Even at that moment, the blade of evil spirits advanced and cast a shadow on the upper body of a new Kim Sung Chul.


Arm Karaz, who floated in the sky for a while, was in Kim Seong-chul’s hand.


Divine strength went to his body.


The steam rising from his body began to rise further in the pouring rain.


The following moment, a clash followed.


Sword and hammer hit all the power.


Great power and momentum.


His feet, firmly anchored to the ground like a tree root, began to push back.


The crumbs would not have survived this blow and broke.


The divine power that flowed into Kim’s body began to run out. Fortunately, the power of evil spirits are falling.


The crumb, just thrown, was pierced through some of Ashin’s huge feet before the plate armor was covered. The evil god commuters hunched, but their wounds were thin, and his wounds were completely shielded by a skirt of plate armor that extended to the ground.


The momentum of evil spirits was suspended for a while. The evil spirit crushed Kim Seong-cheol with his left hand on the bayonet.


Kim Seong-cheol’s feet suddenly slumped the ground made of heavy rain, soaking up to his knees. The evil spirits will press Kim Sung-chul as it is.


Kim Seong-chul’s power is divine, but Lim Ki-eun aims at not supporting the land.


A plate of evil spirits shook with an intermittent sound. Evil god tried to crush Kim Sung Chul with all his might. It is hard to dodge the attack while the watch is hidden in the ground.


But even at that moment, one of his soulstones was completely chanting a spell with a longer duration than other spells.


The chain of Lightning was completed, and the spirit of the carbuncle in the Soulstone was sent as an emotion.


‘Good job. Kahunka. ‘


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes flashed like a steam train.


The left hand of the ascender grabbed the serrated blade. The evil spirit did not react and exert more power. Believe in his superiority and will not respond to the tricks one by one.


But the other party is Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Seong-cheol’s gaze was staring at the blindfold covered by the skirt of Ashin’s feet and skirt.


The ascendant’s hand grasping the blade pointed precisely at that point.


“Chain Lightning.”


The lightning strikes from the tip of the finger, aiming near the skirt of Ashin.


The evil spirit only laughed. His sheet skirt had anti-magic coating on it that would block most of the magic.


However, the point Kim Sung Cheol was looking at was not a skirt. Soft lined up skirt. The rainwater that is still in progress now was a pool of decay.


Chain Lightning’s lightning strikes the pool of water.


The current went through the water, digging through the gaps between the skirts, digging into the foot of the evil spirits, crumb buried as it is.


It is not the scream of evil spirits.


Crumbuy’s scream came from inside the skirt.


But demons were also shocked. The force applied is weakened.


The ascended hand of the ascended man grabbed the cog wheels.


Divine power flowed through Kim’s body again. Arm Karaz facing the blade fell off.


A gap in force generated by the impact of chain lightning. By using it, only the ascendant’s hand supported the blade of evil spirits.


The evil spirit first made a sound.


Kim Sungchul Before the evil spirits recovered, they caught the blade, jumped out of the mud, and rushed to the evil spirits.


The evil spirit urgently spilled the sword on the sword.


A strong sword was inlaid on each day of the cogwheel to increase cutting force.


The wounds of the hands of the mythical ascendant ascension began. This will be cut off. But I can not stop. Kim Sungchul continued to move forward with extreme pain at his fingertips.


The finger fell off with a portion of the ascender’s hand. The pain of the whole body was puffing.


But at that moment, Kim Sungchul had advanced to the very front of evil spirits. To the distance he can beat with a hammer.


Arm Karaz went up high and fell down for evil spirits.


A huge body of evil spirits faltered.


Kim Sungchul He hit the evil spirit again with his left hand bleeding the blood of the evil spirit.


In a stormy battered battle, evil spirits desperately resisted, but no longer endured.


The strings connecting the sheet metal were broken, the mask covering the face was crushed, and blue blood was scattered everywhere.


The demon finally knelt.


Kim Sungchul did not stop.


Kim Sungchul’s onslaught, constantly exhaling steam on his body and red blood on his cut fingers.


“Turn off. . ”


The evil spirit finally fell.


The evil spirits began to fall, leaving a dead body whose shape could not be recognized.


“The great enemy…. . I will fight you… Glory… . ”


Doron disappeared, leaving a last will.


Transcendence signaled the end of the battle.


[Trust in the Emperor. He is shaking… . ]


The final voice of an imperial general was shimmering in my ears due to the mixed wind.


Kim Sungchul picked up my finger cut gloves, healed the wound to remove the elixir.


Fortunately, the fingers were properly attached, and the ascended fragments of the ascender’s hands were also attached to themselves, restoring the original shape.


Kim Sungchul Checked by pinching and stretching fingers. There is still a sense of foreign body and eerie pain.


But he can’t stop.


A man appeared on the terrace of the Imperial Palace.


William Quinton Marlborough.


The Emperor of the Human Empire appeared in golden armor.


He was looking at a place other than Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul I felt another moment and turned my head sideways.


There was a man standing in the rain, wearing an invisible helmet and armored with animal skin.


No. The only king Kromgald of the Holy Luteginea kingdom formed one of the triangular vertices in terms of the Emperor and Kim Seong-chul.


A king with the last crown and two kings without a crown.


They gathered in one place.


In the irregular beats of the heart of the ancient gods.


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