103. Standing at the Crossroads of Choice (3)


A thunderbolt hit by a black thunderstorm hit the lightning rod above the empty palace. The flashing lights chew on the three men on stage. Heavy silence continued for a while in the pouring rain.


It was the emperor who broke the silence that would never end.


“…. Uninvited guests disturb my garden. ”


His voice had a peculiar dignity, but there was a tired corner somewhere.


At the end of the emperor, the Wandering King responded immediately.


He lifted his head toward the emperor and spoke in a haughty tone of discomfort.


“LaGranje is my city that I planned and built. So this garden also mine. William Quinton Marlborough. You are not qualified to say that. ”


The emperor only had a vicious cynicism.


The intangible aura of energy emanating between the two men sparked an invisible flame.


Kim Sungchul Bystander, he was watching the conflict between the two kings.


Not yet choosing what to do.


[You have a hilt. The time of choice has come. ]


A voice that could not be disobedient resonated from the inside of Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul felt dizzy at the moment. My senses are lost. Sound and visibility also feel.


‘What is this sense?’


In the numbness only the feeling of sinning the heart was clearly felt.


The abnormal signs were felt by Bertelgia near his heart more than anyone else.


Kim Sungchul shook her from side to side as she shook her head, feeling that her distant sensation had recovered.


Still holding a hand that felt a sense of foreignness, the two men in the field, Emperor Kim Sungchul and Wandering King.


The rain was falling.


The first move was the emperor.


“Chromegald. It’s time to put an end to this damn evil. ”


I don’t know if it’s conscious or if it’s burned with fierce anger, but the emperor was staring only at the wandering king and didn’t give Kim Sung-chul a glance.


As if he was not here.


Such emperor’s actions were sufficient to provoke bad feelings for Kim Sung-chul.


As the amplitude of faith began to swing, Kim Sungchul saw an invisible helmet pointing toward him as he grew larger.


The Wandering King told Kim Sung-chul.


“Do you see it? Breaking. The image of a pathetic person who cannot survive the humiliating humiliation but lives only by hatred of me? ”


It was a word that brought Kim Sung-chul, an unwanted bystander, to the raining stage.


The emperor, who only stared at the wandering king, turned his head to capture Kim Sung-cheol in his indifferent eyes.


The long distance prevented him from reading what Emperor Kim Sungchul thought. But one thing was clear.


The emperor is now reluctant to himself.


The Emperor’s concern was only Kromgald as the Wandering King said.


The emperor, who glanced at Kim Sung-cheol for a moment, leaned back and stared at the wandering king.


“Aren’t you ashamed? Chromed. Trying to attract a third party who has nothing to do with the matter between them. ”


Chromolde just laughed.


He continued looking at Kim Sung-chul.


“If so, speak directly to the crusher. Get out of here. ”


The heartbeat of the ancient gods was heard in the ears of all.


A faint anger floated on the face of the emperor disappeared.


And he turned back to Kim Seong-cheol while Kim Seong-cheol responded.


“Will you leave your seat? My friend. This is a problem between me and chromegard. ”


The Emperor’s words ended there.


There was no explanation and no reason.


Except for the elaborate tone, it is no different from a simple command.


The faith that began to shake was greatly shaken.


‘Why don’t you tell me?’


Kim Seong-cheol came to this place alone with a hard-organized alliance behind him to listen to the story of the emperor.


But the emperor is now trying to tell Kim Sung-chul nothing.


Despite Kim’s earnest eyes, the emperor turned away from Kim Sung-chul’s request.


If you think soberly, since the day the Luteginea kingdom surrendered, the emperor said nothing.


At the end of the empire’s enemies, who fought every day, facing upcoming disasters, and growing seeds of discord.


The emperor could tell Kim Sung-chul.


The reason for putting off the current situation and disaster.


But in the end he told nothing and Kim Sungchul was an enemy of the world and had to live in loneliness.


The real funny thing happened after that.


When Kim Seong-chul was busy and defeating the Demon King and Chil-Hoong, the powers of this world were keeping their secrets behind and making ridiculous ridicule.


The heart sounds of the ancient gods are uncomfortable.


‘What am I doing?’


A deep sigh flowed from Kim’s nose and mouth.


The white breath went up into the sky, scattered and disappeared.


After a brief heavy silence, Kim Sungchul finally opened his mouth.


“I am here.”


In the hands of Kim Seong-chul, the arm karas became the blue blood of evil spirits.


The rain, pouring like rain, washed the muddy blue blood on the arm garaz.


The thundercloud flashed another lightning, flashing three figures on stage.


The center of gravity of the conflict went from the composition of the emperor and the wandering king to the emperor and Kim Sung-cheol.


It is the situation of immediate action.


At that time, the sound of powerless applause rang empty through tension.


He claps three times with an exaggerated gesture.


The confrontation between Kim Seong-cheol and the emperor turned to the wandering king again.


“What are you going to do with the fight of the humans of old age in these places? In a new era, humans are trying to destroy us from the ground. ”


The wandering king’s voice was different.


The roaring voices of the insolent armies, which were exhausted, languid, and faint, disappeared, and instead, powerful, refreshing, distinct, compelling voices, even glimpse of the moon’s temperament, were flowing out of the invisible helmet.


“I make one suggestion. Emperor. ”


“…. I will return your empire. ”


A faint change occurred on the face of the emperor.


The Wandering King continued to speak.


“It is not a formal return. The princes who follow me will be sent to the rich army. No matter who you appoint as a new empire in the empty land, it is your problem. ”


The emperor was silent, just listening to the wandering king. The wandering king saw the emperor and opened his mouth again.


“And I will also leave the rich islands and end the rest of my life there.”


The emperor shook his voice sharply.


The Wandering King took a brief moment and spoke in a serious tone.


“You have to give up two things.”


“What are the two?”


“One is the crown on your head.”


The emperor laughed and waited for the next words.


The Wandering King continued.


“The other is this city.”


“You make a crazy sound. Chrome galld. ”


“Can’t you see I’m moving the heart of the ancient god? To pass it on to the one who holds the black ambition? ”


The voice of the emperor was buried lightly.


The emperor is excited. Hard to see.


“It is not the sound of passing over to me.”


The Wandering King said aloud.


The Wandering King raised his hand and pointed to Kim Sung Chul with his finger.


“This Lagranje city, in which the heart of the ancient god was asleep, would be a royal road suitable for the chair of the new world council and one king.”


The Wandering King was speaking.


Kim Seong-cheol as a king asking for disaster, to give Lagranje to its territory.


Unbound from any faction, it was a good cause for the surveillance and management of a dangerous city to the heroic man who Orot walked to resolve the disaster, and in some sense even seemed to be a universal idea.


“The heart of the ancient gods is a dangerous thing. To me or to you Only the crusher will be entitled to control and manage it. ”


The Wandering King faltered his allegations in a loud voice.


Now Barton passed over to the Emperor and Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul He did not intend to be a king, but thought that he should take care of the heart of that dangerous ancient god.


Anxiety and nervousness appeared on the face of the emperor. He seemed to feel that he was at bay.


“He is unforgivable.”


The emperor spoke to Kim Sung-chul in a sudden trembling voice.


An empty echo. Kim Sungchul looked at the emperor with a sober look.


The emperor continued.


“Do you know that he is the lord of the apocalyptic denomination?”


“Yes. That is the pontoon of the apocalyptic denomination that craves the destruction of the world! ”


The wandering king burst into laughter.


“You’re down. Summoner. Is the ground a sound to prepare? ”


“There is no need for evidence. For the truth speaks. ”


Another thunderstorm shook up the earth.


In the city below, rising air flows strangely, rolling up the rain, flying up into the air.


“If you want to believe like that, you are free to believe. But emperor. Don’t you think it’s a bit brazen? ”


The Wandering King ridiculed.


“From the known fact, the apocalyptic denominations grew up here in La Grande, and rapidly expanded in the empire. I have to ask a question here. How could the unfounded pseudo-religion prevail in this city, where the whole city was divided into territories, and the headquarters of the Horasan and Myra denominations overseeing heresy? ”


The wandering king was pushing the emperor in a relaxed manner. But the emperor was not easy. He countered with a majestic voice, with a stone-like posture without a slight motion.


“Chromgald makes a convincing sophistication. Isn’t the underground of this city mine? ”


“In the basement there are only a few salvation soldiers and one of my servants. What can a lifesaving soldier with intelligence not just a monkey do? I don’t know if they can do the job. Their purpose is to protect the heart of the ancient gods to the last. ”


The controversy shows signs of lengthening.


Kim Sungchul I felt stuffy and bored.


At thirteen it was certainly the emperor.


His words were groundless, meager and impressed. The Wandering King continued to attack him.


“Do not blur the point. Hwang is the most important goal for us now. Answer Emperor. Will you return your crown now? And shall I hand it over to a king? ”


The wandering king was gradually driving the emperor into the cliff.


It was also seen in the eyes of Kim Sung Chul.


The emperor had no intention of giving up the crown, nor of giving up the city.


Kim Sungchul’s remarkable embarrassingly stubborn emperor, Kim Sungchul, reminded me of typical powers, monks like Dinecraft, Arcanite, and even selfish people like Martin Bregas.


‘Emperor. Why are you? ‘


At that time I heard a horn sound from a distance.


A dreary ringing swept through the fields in a creepy form.


The horn of the savage.


Kim Sungchul immediately turned north.


The savages. The barbarian army, which is three days away, was advancing to near the islands in a day.


The Wandering King, who saw the army of the barbarians, spoke hurriedly.


“You came to hear the heartbeat of the ancient gods. The fake gods they serve would be ordered. Destroy this city and destroy the heart right now. ”


There is no time left now.


The time has come to end the tedious story.


Kim Seong-chul finally came to the front.


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