103. Standing at the Crossroads of Choice (4)


It was the moment he took his first steps.


A voice flowed from within him.


[Now, choose. Either way, there is no hope, but now you are the tool you have to choose. ]


A voice that cannot be disobeyed. Obviously, it’s a strange thing and can’t be there, but it’s a voice that convinces you that at some point you don’t know it.


When did you recognize this voice?


Kim Sungchul I wondered about what was going on inside of me.


When you became an enemy of the world?


When you stood on the stairs of God?


Defeat the Demon King and Chil-Hoong?


Or get a sense of transcendence?


In the midst of myriad past remnants, Kim Sungchul reminded me of a steel wheel that was spinning on the palm of his hand.


‘The soul of steel? Or is it because of increased willpower. ‘


The exact reason is unknown.


But for some reason he was able to hear his inner voice. Abominable voice that moves itself without knowing it.


Surprisingly, however, the long-earned suspicion soon disappeared as ethanol evaporated.


Perhaps it’s a waste of time to think about it now.


The important thing is that there is a will to lead oneself. And Kim Sungchul feels a strong resistance to that will.


Kim Sungchul closed her eyes.


And one step away from the situation.


The last party of a dead warrior suddenly came to mind.


Another uninvited guest was looking at the scene with three kings behind his seat discussing the fate of the world.


She was now wandering through the last pages of history, which is now incredible.


The catastrophe of LaGranje. This record says that there was a confinement between the emperor and the enemy of the world. ‘


The emperor who desires destruction.


Kim Sung-chul, the caller of destruction.


The collusion between the two was taken for granted.


Not surprisingly, I walked toward Kim Sungchul.


Kim Sungchul soon stood in front of the emperor.


For ten years, his friend and friend, who had lived together for a lifetime, could now face each other.


Kim Seong-cheol’s straight gaze looked at the gaze of the emperor’s shaking.


It cannot be.


The friend, the Emperor, was Kim Sung-chul’s spiritual landlord and the only monarch he recognized.


But the situation now seems to be reversed.


The emperor, who was taller than Kim Sung-chul and wore a shining armor, and even a priest, seemed to be smaller than Kim Sung-chul.


At least nothing thought so.


There was no different word between the two.


There was no magical exchange.


A short time has passed since the town was feeling forever.


“You have the same face as before.”


Kim Seong-cheol’s mouth was a grin.


The emperor stopped and asked.


Kim Sungchul turned around and responded with a light voice.


“I will leave it to you.”


Emperor Kim and Wandering King walked behind Kim Sungchul. Standing at the midpoint of both opposing axes.


“I will make a decision.”


The moment came to cut the fate of the world.


The dog held his breath and watched it.


Soon Kim said.


“It is my decision not to make a decision.”


The dog doubted his ear.


You won’t make a decision.


What language is this?


Soon Kim said.


“On behalf of the world council, ordered as one king. Emperor of the human empire. And king of the Luteginea kingdom. End their opposition now and come under my flag. ”


Kim Sungchul pointed north with powerful gestures.


The savages crush the barren plains.


“The decision will be made after smashing them. And I will not allow it. But be willing if you wish. ”


Arm Garaz appeared in Kim Seong-chul’s hand.


“If you want to turn against me.”


Kim’s choice is not to choose.


It is not indecision.


A decision that can change the flow of destiny in the world.


How can such a crucial decision be made only by the flow of fragmented information and emotions?


It is convinced that there may be noise.


But it is only a challenge to be solved.


The work is in order.


Now is the time to join forces in facing the crisis.


It is next to take a side.


It is Kim Seong-cheol’s heart.


[The presumptuous installation. Tools. ]


He walked in front of Kim Sungchul, listening to the inner voice of the curse.


To the battlefield waiting for yourself.


The emperor stepped back and gestured to his men who were holding their breath in the palace.


“Prepare for battle. From now on, the entire army of our human empire will help the chairman of the World Congress to deal with the barbarians of the north. ”


The emperor came under Kim Sung-chul’s military flag.


What is left is the Wandering King.


His face was invisible due to an invisible helmet.


But I could hear anything. A weak sigh that flows out of the helmet.


An ugly lich spread through the rags with black smoke rising behind the Wandering King.


“Your Majesty, What Do You Do?”


The Wandering King spoke with the original tired and languid voice.


“Go with the Salvation Army and go under his banner. I will also lead the fleet of the floating islands. ”


“Okay. Your Majesty. ”


Akun Gandarba politely bowed and disappeared with black smoke. The Wandering King also stared at Kim’s back for a while and disappeared.


In a gloomy city covered with dark clouds, a long trumpet sound rang for a long time.


A fleet of empires hiding in the clouds revealed its greatness after a long time.


The dog stared at the back of the man standing at the end of the palace.


He made it.


Human beings that could never be fused together.


Although it is temporary and is caused by external factors, Kim Sungchul, who achieved it, is indeed the one king.


There was a slight movement in the pocket of the man’s statue. Bertelgia.


“Well, when are you talking about?”


She suddenly asked a question.


Kim Sungchul cast a fly, falling down the empty palace.


“Oh? that? When was it? ”


Kim Sungchul scratched his head balancing in the air.


Soon the scene of the past, which could never return to his mind, passed before his eyes.


“It was then. When the rebels were all starving, he couldn’t stand the hunger and secretly stole a sweet potato.


“What? Was it just something that you wanted to be great? ”


Bertelgia shook his body.


Kim Seong-cheol flashed his eyes as if thinking something.


“There is another time.”


“When? When you steal potatoes without being patient? ”


Kim Sungchul shook her head.


“Before preparing for the final battle in front of this city, Emperor Ani William had that face.”


“He’s not good at lying.”


“Like me.”


Kim Sungchul, with a faint smile, felt a pleasant wind pass through the wet hair.


The clouds that covered Lagrange for a long time were disappearing.


The rain that had long soaked La Grande ceased.


Kim Sungchul, who returned to the main camp, immediately convened the entire army to move to LaGranje.


The reaction of the king and its emperors was a surprise.


In the meantime, the human empire, which has been locked away by the door, has joined the anti-barbarian front.


The celestial losers and empire fleets that once ruled the continent, despite many rumors, still occupied a place on the front with great power.


In addition, the hidden power of the Wandering King, who was wrapped in a veil, also appeared under the flag of the World Congress.


The bizarre appearance of the bizarre salvation, reported only by rumors, caused surprises and shocks for many.


The salvation of the expedition fleet from the fantasy floating archipelago was no less than a salvage soldier. Although the number is less than that of the imperial fleet, the unique craftsmanship built with mysterious mystery technology has encouraged the allies’ courage to show off their swan-like appearance.


It was the moment when the shredded mankind finally merged into one.


One king was not yet born, but the morale of the old man was higher than ever.


Although some were still skeptical about the human empire, the emperor was trying to relieve disbelief by volunteering to take the forefront.


Kim Sungchul, who stood at the center, could feel the hope of human beings.


‘Lead this battle to victory and make a king’


Kim Sungchul was not just preparing for battle.


Through Marker Reid he focused on identifying the identity of the apocalyptic denomination.


It was about that time that the messenger of the Doctrine denominations visited not only the Dwarves, but also other major nations, including the Elven and Ancient Kingdoms.


The prince, who had served as commander-in-chief of the elves, instead of the king, admitted frankly that they were about to do business with the apocalypse.


However, it was not accepted that the conditions of the apocalyptic denomination were necessarily consumption of the best and noblest talent in the kingdom.


Arkanite in the ancient kingdom also denied several times and eventually gave a similar answer to the elven prince.


“When I get old, I see it. For those who deceive help, and those who do not. ”


Kim Sungchul found that the end denomination included not only Sarasa Zero, but also Altusius Zero, who passed on the magic of the Celestial Engineers.


‘Is the stubborn one attached to the denomination? Alternative Apocalypse. Who are they? ‘


The Emperor and the Wandering King accuse each other of being a pontoon of the Apocalypse.


The truth is not certain. There was only hope to confirm the truth.


“Schnell Merker. The apostolic patriarchs were found to be hiding in a change not far from the ancient kingdom. ”


Arcanite did it.


A presbytery and a suspicious person, he seemed to have a lot of concrete information from the outset, observing the end of the denomination, but working together without showing up.


Admiral Schnellmerker of the Apocalypse.


If he could capture him, he would be able to confirm the identity of the apostolic lordship.


It is then sufficient to decide which one to choose.


Kim Sungchul thought so and prepared for the upcoming battle.


The armed forces of the barbarians came to it without end.


The scouts constantly reported reports of barbarian reinforcements, and each time the estimated numbers of barbarians on the status board rose steeply.


Three days after the barbarian horns rang out over the walls of La Grande, the number of barbarians rose to 30,000.


The number of allied forces against humanity is about 100,000.


The numbers are rather meager to prevent the mighty barbarians, but war weapons such as war crafts, mobile fortresses, and salvation forces will bring a balance of power.


And on the human side there is a warrior with a hammer.


Under the collusion of the human empire in the forefront, Kim Sungchul stood up with an arm-garage that symbolized himself.


‘This fight is to determine the future of humanity.’


The savage killer is a barbarian who is such a threat that the emperor and the wandering king, like water and oil, stand in the same color.


If Kim is the enemy of the world, the savage is the enemy of mankind.


The barbarians are now raving all their powers against the Lagrande in the heart of the human empire.


If you lose here, everything is meaningless.


The savages who defeated mankind will unrelentingly reach out to the whole world and inflict divine withdrawal on those who survive. Until the last breath is lost.


To do so, you must win this battle.


Fortunately, the location of the suspected head of the enemy has been identified. Experience has shown that barbarians tended to weaken rapidly when heads fell.


If you can take down the head here where most of the barbarians gather, there may be a chance not only to defend LaGranje but to annihilate most of the barbarians.


Then mankind will be saved.


Kim Sungchul Don’t pray to God or do good luck right before the battle.


However, he was closing his eyes with his arms in a prayer-like posture.


Kim Sungchul was thinking back.


‘I’m not a tool’


Kim Sungchul opened her eyes to the sound of drums from all directions.


Divine power flowed through the body of the warrior.


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