104. Those Who Sent God (1)


[You are just a tool. ]


Since coming down from the palace, the frequency of voices has been increasing.


Kim Sungchul did not care.


He was greeted with a little hearing.


The voice is so faint that I can’t even remember it.


Instead, Kim Sungchul focused on the movement of the barbarians who were ready for battle.


The barbarian warfare was coarse overall.


Although they mimicked humanity in their own way, they took the form of left, middle, and right wing, but seemed to have only an assortment in the eyes of seasoned longevity like Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul thought about the placement and movement of the enemy.


‘An enemy commander will never have a massive turn.’


However, if you have such a strong military, it may not make sense to operate or strategy.


Each barbarian has enough power to face dozens of elite soldiers alone.


The half-hearted opponent would have only pressed with force.


But no longer.


They will know.


There are some opponents that cannot be defeated by their good strength and courage.


At that time, a messenger approached Kim Sung-chul and urgently reported.


“The Troops of the Wandering King are changing positions.”


Kim Sungchul turned around and looked at the armed forces of the Wandering King in the right wing.


A legionary army composed of salvation soldiers, civil servants, and wizards.


The Wandering King’s army moved one step away from what was originally expected. Thanks to this, there was a pretty big gap between the middle and right wing.


“Can I just leave it alone?”


One of the staff was worried and asked Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul didn’t think much.


Rather, he gave high praise to the wandering king’s movements.


‘The figure looked at the level of the enemy by watching the chaotic movements of the barbarians. It is impossible to break through or to be surrounded by heat. Rather, they’re going to try to widen the range of allied ships by firing gaps. ‘


The military talents of the Wandering Kings were unknown. But assuming that chromegard is at the center of history, which conquered the early continent of Luteginea, his strategy would not be unusual.


The barbarians sent a reaper to Kim Seong-chul before the battle began. It was a man who was abused and tortured and dejected into a disastrous figure that could no longer be called a human bone.


His lips were ripped off, and all of them were pulled out. He made disgusting breathing and spoke out of the barbarian’s requirements with difficult pronunciation.


“Fly over the city and disband the army. Otherwise it will tell you what true pain is. ”


The officers of the human empire saw the terrible mole of the grim reaper and urged them to return here.


But the grim reaper tried to return to the barbarian camp, though so abused.


He stood at a distance and glanced at Kim Seong-cheol, who was staring at him.


“The savages are a race of divine choice. You can’t go against them.


Therefore, you must die on your side, and you will suffer miserable death, and rather live as a barbarian dog. ”


The reaper returned to the camp of the Gearco Savage.


But the barbarians used the grim reaper as a divination for the guts that were torn apart and alive in front of all eyes.


A frenzied shout arose in the camp of the barbarians.


It was a pretty good point ruled by the internal organs.


An eerie horn resonated in the barbarian’s camp.


The first wave of barbarians moved.


At first they walked sneak and began to drive, and then raced like an angry beast. Thousands of barbarians kicked up huge dust clouds reminiscent of sandstorms.


In response, the ships of the human empire placed in the front row began to launch magical bombardment.


Fires soared everywhere and an explosion that exploded the eardrum covered the ground.


Thousands of barbarians who flew in a hurry were struck by the neglected attacks and burned to death.


It was a vivid view of why the empire fleet was once the continent’s strongest armed force.


Kim Sungchul, standing on the ground, thought inwardly as he saw the proper bombardment and fire concentration of the fleet.


‘The persimmon’s persimmon is not dead yet.’


The efficient and deadly bombing of the imperial fleet left the barbarian’s first wave dead and left them on their way before they reached the defensive barrier.


There were a few barbarians who arrived at the fort, firmly piled up with barriers and earth and sand, and even half of them were hunted by the defenders.


Although less pressured, the right wing of the Wandering King also lightly crushed the barbarian’s first attack.


The savages could not utilize the gap between the middle army and the right wing, as the Wandering King thought.


It is an epic but overwhelming victory.


‘Good flow. If it just flows like this, I won’t have to step out. ‘


Kim Sungchul Thinking so, he stared at the flying dragons hovering in the distant sky.


They communicate in real time with the wizards of the earth, finding the location of the head of the barbarians.


If the position of the head is specified, Kim Sungchul will lead the crouched army and counter-communicate the leader at once.


Meanwhile, a second horn sound was heard in the dust cloud caused by the first wave.


‘How will you come out next time? Barbarians. ‘


Kim Sungchul I stared at the dust cloud with sad eyes.


Something came out of the dust cloud at a steep rate. Kim Sungchul Instantly found it to be a literal barbarian.


An unknown force sent a live savage to the sky like a shot.


Savage ascending through dust clouds at the speed of processing acceleration climbed high enough to overlook the Imperial Fleet, then descended from the air and descended toward the deck of the fleet.




A few barbarians landed on the deck and plunged down, but a number of barbarian warriors landed smashing the decks of the Empire.


Fear aroused in the eyes of the crew of the human empire.


The barbarians smiled and moved on to the crew of the public good, who had murdered their companions in disastrous ways.


Soon after, one of the empire lines crashed on fire.


In the dust cloud, the savage invaded like a shot, soaring up into the sky, aiming for the common good of another empire.


Kim Sungchul Instructed the air reconnaissance team to find out what the alternative barbarians were popping up without magic.


“The catapult. Barbarians are shooting themselves up using primitive catapults. ”


Kim Sungchul, who heard that, burst into laughter. But coldly thought, the barbarians were simply using their assets and their overwhelming abilities in the face of absolute technology. At first glance, the barbarians are doing the best they can.


Several public ships were abandoned or blasted into the ground by barbarian raids.


Soon a scorpion flew from the Imperial Fleet.


[A savage air raid will change the fleet to a safer location. Support shelling is expected to weaken. I wish you good luck. ]


Kim Sungchul, who received the scorpion, momentarily saw that it was written by the emperor himself.


In the meantime, I noticed a scene where a savage who had misguided in the air plummeted not far from Kim Sung-chul.


The barbarians died instantly, but the overall offensive was successful. The empire fleet, a powerful air battery deployed forward, was hit and forced to place their positions in defensive positions.


As the dust cloud caused by the first wave was lifted, Kim Sungchul could watch the next movement of the barbarians.


The sound of drunkenness was heard among the soldiers.


Huge beasts that had not been clearly seen before appeared in the barbarian’s camp.


There are numerous beasts in this world, but the savages were unfamiliar to Kim Sung-chul’s rich experience and wide understanding.


His question of transcendence responded in question.


Kim Sung Chul’s pupils shook lightly.


“Shinsu?” “As Sleuth!”


The third of the savage began with a roar of monsters never seen before.


Urgent scorpions continued from the air patrol.


“Savages are calling monsters with strange rituals.”


“A message from the rear! Many new barbarian reinforcements have appeared. But that number is… That’s ridiculous! ”


“A barbarian is drawing a huge circle of magic in the barbarian army. Intention is unknown. ”


Savage began to move in earnest.


Later, Kim Sungchul canceled his idea that the enemy was considered incompetent after hearing about the scale of the additional force of the newly added barbarians.


The tactics are obviously lacking, but the ability to draw large pictures was not far behind in humans. Rather, it is more than that.


‘You’re tricking the numbers.’


New troops are estimated at 30,000 in the rear alone. This is close to the total number of barbarians who have occupied the field.


That number won’t rise from the ground.


The hidden power was revealed by the proper opportunity to hide from the eyes of the reconnaissance team of the old man who seized the sky.


In order to induce the battle of the varieties that misjudged their numbers.


Just as Kim Sung-chul thought he would annihilate the barbarians at once, the chief of the barbarians is also trying to root out the resistance of the hungry mankind at once.


Kim Sungchul He flew into the sky and stared at the enemy’s reinforcements running over the dark horizon.


‘I’ll join the main body in about two hours at low speed.’


Before two torrents merge into one and wipe out everything.


Kim Sungchul, scouting at the retreat, staring at the Third Wave, advancing Shin Sung.


“Is the location information of the head of the enemy still?”


The fleet of the Imperial Fleet resonated, causing several pillars of fire and explosions on the front.


The bombardment of the imperial fleet was still powerful, but it was not as accurate as it was, with its altitude and retreat deployed.


A few pilgrims and barbarians fell, but they were heading towards this state with all their strength.


At that time, Kim Sung-cheol heard good news such as cheon-geum.


“The enemy’s boss has been positioned. The Wyrm Knight, who found the head, will send a light signal soon. ”


A drake knight was holding a green stone in the sky and holding his hand to announce his position.


Kim Seong-cheol’s face.


“Huh? That girl. Isn’t she the girl? Named for what he eats… My sister is a little short. ”


Bertelgia also waved and said that his face was familiar.


“Is it stud? Perhaps it was a stew. If a woman’s name is steak, something is strange. ”


“Stuna Steak!”


The fierce female Wyrm Knight, who met at the Tower of the Hermit, also appeared in the battle. The captain of the Imperial Collaboration, with some ties, would have participated in this battle.


Fighting with acquaintances always multiplies strength.


Kim Sungchul In the middle of Gray’s empire collusion, he looked up at a red colleague showing off its toxic presence.


His flagship was Silpid.


“Tell Marrakech. I will move forward, and break the road. ”


Kim Seong-cheol’s name was immediately delivered to Marakia, who was staying at the bridge in Silpid.


“Kink. It’s finally time to show my true skills to the lower humans. ”


Maracia stood on the deck and began to glorify secret and powerful spells that were handed down to the joins.


Kim Sungchul, accordingly, walked forward against thousands of barbarians and dozens of deities.


Only in short run without any follow up troops.


“A toe on eh!”


Bizarre gods with huge heads and beaks on long legs like ostriches found Kim Seong-chul and fled toward Kim Seong-chul, flapping small flightless wings.


But before the monsters reached Kim Seong-chul, the shock waves from the red line hit the Shinsu and crushed them.


“Fuhufu. No big deal. That flightless bird. The most superior of all winged ones is our Nahaq! ”


After a long time, Marakia, spreading her wings with black feathers, smiled proudly and turned a stick of smoke.


From now on, the heresy inquisitor Tygon Bosvorot, who had been a crew member of Silpid, shouted with excitement in a cool blow.


“That’s it! Penguin! Children of plagues deserving curses. You look great! ”


Kim Sungchul The march’s defenses reached the line of barbarians, breaking through the heat of the Third Wave, which was supported by Marakia’s magic bombardment.


The baptism of an arrow with deadly power on one foot greeted him earnestly.


Arm Garaz began to rotate like a windmill and hit an arrow. With the ascendant’s hand in his left hand, he protected his heart and Bertelgia, who was closest to his heart.


“Ugh. I don’t feel good? ”


Bertelgia shook his body lightly.


Now, it is possible to adapt, but opponents seem to be Bertelgia was also anxious.


“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. ”


Kim Sungchul replied with a soft voice.


Then an unknown voice echoed within him.


[Yeah. Go forward Everything will be fine.
[The intended fate awaits you.
[Do your part. A tool that has abandoned itself to be human. ]


The voice in question was clearly mocking Kim Sung-chul.


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