The future of the regressor is not definite.


It may change according to the actions of those living in the present.


Nevertheless, one word left was enough to drive Kim Sungchul into deep shock.


Kim Sungchul spent a day of sleeplessness and unconsciousness without wagging in the deep forest.


‘I … destroy this world. ? ”


That’s ridiculous.


Who was the only person who shook himself alone when the powers were just delaying the coming calamity and trying to pass it on to their later burdens?


After that, how many things had to be given up to save the world.


He lost his lifelong loss and his fame.


The world itself had to be turned into enemies to gain strength.


Wasn’t it hiding the summons now and pretending to be a novice to save the world?


Fortunately, the confusion did not last long.


He is a man with a stronger will than steel.


The confusion that plagued him like an evil spirit disappeared as if it had been washed away with a trumpet to announce the start of a class war.


“Okay! character! Humans. The final trial is here! You worked hard for a long time at the White Square. Now go through that door to the central square! ”


With the guidance of the Homunculus, the summoners headed for the central square.


“Where did you go?”


Lee Soo-jin discovered Kim Sung-chul and talked.


“You do not care.”


Kim Sungchul Speaked cold and kept a distance from Lee Soo Jin.


I had to.


Lee Soo Jin is from the future that should not happen.


The very existence of her in this world made Kim Sung-chul’s planting difficult.


Lee Soo-jin no longer talked to Kim Sung-chul, but he wandered silently around him.


The central square was already crowded with hundreds of people from other squares.


There were two round stadiums in the center, and a number of Homunculus gathered around the stadium to gather people.


“Those who are elected captains are coming up the arena immediately.”


Kim Seong-chul and 30 captains went up the stadium.


“Unforeseen! interesting! Those who won the 30 consecutive winner prediction trials are coming this way! ”


Those who were not included in the captain were led underneath the stadium and above the large squares marked with O, X and blank spaces stoned on the floor.


Those who do not have the courage to fight themselves, the unjust winner who just stood behind others and buried, the weak ones stood on each compartment, looking around with anxious eyes.


In the silence of all, a man suddenly stood before the people and shouted.


“You. Let’s calm down. You can live by being alert to the tiger! ”


He was not the captain after all.


The latter half of the lineup, which had only a weak acronym, was fiercely inexpressible.


More than eighty of the more than 150 deaths in the selection occurred in the last five positions.


Even though Kim Hak-chul was on the pitch, he came down quickly because of the bloody melee.


In the meantime, Kim Hak-chul is a secret that only three times he went to the stadium for Homunculus’ failure to check his face.


But he should not climb three times.


“You! Let’s all go through this trial! If we gather wisdom, there is nothing we cannot overcome! ”


When Kim Hak-chul’s empty cry waned, a gong sounded to announce the start of the final rating fight.


“For Captain No. 1!”


Those selected at Red Square and White Square, respectively, stood facing each other.


Baekguang’s batter No. 1 was a lucky man who was fortunate to have a captain’s seat when no one came out.


As each captain confronted each other, hundreds of people moved from behind to bustling, rolling their feet.


“Okay, we are starting to predict the pounding winner! If the white square seems to win O! If you lose, X! If you think it’s empty, you’re standing on the blank! ”


When the head of the training room was in charge, the whole voice rang out.


The crowd observed the appearance of each captain on the stadium.


In the present situation where there is no way to know who was better, the only reason they could see and judge was the appearance of the chiefs.


Summoners bet their lives on the better side.


Of course, there were some who roll their heads to bet.


“That person! Was he the first person? ”


“He’s simply lucky to be a captain and he’s going to be defeated. Let’s all go for X! Trust me and follow me! ”


Kim Hak-chul shouted first to X.


Even those who ignored Kim’s words seemed to be right.


The former entourage first headed to square X, which caused crowd psychology, leading most people to square X.


Later, there was a lack of Khans who could not enter X.


After a while, the iron gate of the central square opened and the Homunculus dragged a giant monster.


A nine-headed dinosaur-like monster.


On a large scale, it was much larger than Tamtam and its appearance was unparalleled.


The monster stood behind humans in the winner’s squad, controlled by Homunculus on his back.


“Cloull… . ”


A few people were confused when they saw a drool from a huge mouth wet the floor.


“There were so many people over there. Does everyone think I’m going to win? ”


Captain No. 1 from Red Square was a young and confident young man in his early 20s.


He said, grinning towards the captain No. 1 of White Square, where he was frozen in tension.


“I think I did it right. I think my hunks are playing. ”


The man, muttering an unknown word alone, turned back and briefly told Homunculus, the judge.


The referee, Homunculus, heard the words and looked at the captain of the White Square.


“There are humans. Do you agree with the other person’s abstention? ”


As a lucky guy in Baekwang Square, there was no reason to refuse.


As he nodded, Homunculus lifted the white flag high.


“The Victory of the White Square…. . It is! ”


It’s fresh, but the first war was over.


The name is huge, but in fact, the Great War is an event with a bonus game character.


The summoning palace’s desire for the summoners in the fourth class is to be courageous and enterprising to overcome the fierce competition.


The de facto class war was all over in advance.


As soon as the white flag with Homunculus was heard, a nine-headed monster roared.


After the ominous roar, the monster began to trample on the X squares and eat them.


“Hey, fuck you! The Red Square wins! ”


Kim Hak-chul’s entourage grabbed Kim Hak-chul’s fat and shook it, but it was already spilled.


“What are you going to do ?! now! Oh! ”


Kim Hak-chul was singing with a half-mad face.


“Kanadaramabasa, Azachakatapaha .. haha!”


Soon the head of the monster devoured him, and his words were cut off in the mouth of the monster.


Hundreds of survivors were eaten by monsters or trampled with heavy footsteps to make their fate different.


There was only blood and a corpse left on X-column, which had passed through a craze.


Captain No. 1 of the Red Square went down below the platform, scratching his head.


“How? Was the joke too much? ”


That was the end of the first chapter.


Similar trends followed, but there were not many who risked their lives.


The reward for winning the war was considerable.


In particular, it was great that the former book of the class to be transferred can be obtained by the selection reward.


After a fierce fight and a refreshing bye-bye, Kim Seong-chul’s turn came.


Kim Sungchul had no intention of abstaining.


It seemed to be the same for the other party.


A tall man with a large knife died in front of Kim Sung-chul.


“If you’re my opponent, you’re out of luck.”


He pulled his sword out of unusual energy.


“How do you do this? It’s a secret, but I’ve met the victorious goddess before coming here. ‘


Kim Sungchul discovered that there was a magical blessing on his whole body.


‘You’ve been pounding with buffs. The guy who hung this buff is probably the redhead over there? ‘


Kim Sungchul smacked the bracelet on his arm, revealing it, and bluntly asked him to smile.


“Is the hair color of the goddess red?”


Surprisingly passed through the eyes of the other party.


“How did you know that?”


At that question, he stared at the observation deck on the wall of Kim Sungchul.


Inside the Observation Deck, connected to the White Square, officials from the Iron Blood Knights Group, including Dolores Winterer, gathered.


Dolores, who was troubled by Krill Regal’s cessation of communication, was deeply moved by the appearance of the man wearing the scheduled bracelet.


‘A fool-like foal. Where did you go? If you’re going somewhere else, contact me in advance. Anyway, I’m glad that the results are good, but once I see you again, I won’t let you go…


Next to her, Masang-gil and other senior knights chatted and watched the stadium.


“Oh. Is he the knight’s son? ”


“I don’t think you’re very handsome as rumored… That’s bad. ”


“Yes. That’s bad. ”


Dolores and Masang-gil, who were in the middle of the sweat, sweated and turned their heads toward Dolores.


Dolores, who met Majeol-gil and his eyes, nodded face to face with a steady eye.


Today’s plan will go as planned.


Soon a gong sounded to announce the start of the game, and senior knights held their breath and watched the fight.


After a while, elasticity broke out among the senior knights.


Iron Blood Knight’s son pierced the heart of his opponent from Red Square with a sweet knife.


To be precise, the expression that the man who ran without his strength was sewed by himself with a calm sword and died.


“Oh my god .. !! At least with my own eyes, Heist, Levitation, and Peerless simply take down those opponents who have three spells.


“I can’t believe it. That calm and cool. And no hesitation. It’s like seeing the Iron Summoner’s days as a new summoner. ”


In the cheers that filled the observatory, the horseback road and Dolores’ face were distorted.


Ma Sang-gil approached Dolores and screamed in a low voice.


“What happened? Wizards. ”


Masang-gil was staring with eyes that seemed to kill Dolores.


Dolores felt his heart go down but he didn’t.


“I’ll take care of it. Until that human being met another. ”




Two senior knights approached the horseback.


Ma Sang-gil’s face was distorted, but soon he opened his face and turned toward his colleagues.


“Hey. Sanggil celebrates. I’m sure you’ve got a promotion for doing this difficult task. This will make our Iron Blood Knights the only major force to succeed the founder. ”


“Oh no. Something like that. ”


Ma-gil replied, wiping his sweat.


In the gap, Dolores often walked out of the observation deck.


Looking back at Dolores who ran away like a thief cat, he thought to himself.


‘That’s how it came from believing the wizard Naburin. I should have stepped out myself from the beginning. ‘


Masang-gil sought excuse around and exited the observation deck.


The moment he left the observatory, cheers burst out from the square.


Another captain wins his life.


She was aiming her sword at the kneeling enemy.


“I lost …”


The opponent declared surrender and Lee Soo-jin nodded and accepted.


Her dark black color absorbed Baek Young’s vision, and now she could not find an enemy in the summoning palace.


After a light victory, Lee went down to the stadium and headed for Kim Sung-chul.


I did not expect to answer.


Kim Sungchul stared at Lee Soo-jin and said in a low voice.


Kim Sungchul Palace tokens were counted one by one and placed in a pocket.


The total number of tokens in the pocket is 53.


The target has been exceeded.


“Good thing. I feel so good. ”


Lee Soo Jin smiled towards Kim Sung Chul.


Kim Sungchul did not respond.


“Am I wrong?”


Lee Soo-jin looked at the opportunity carefully but asked with a little emotion.


Kim Sungchul shook her head.


“No. I just want to be alone. ”


Woke up at Kim Sungchul seating all palace tokens in his pocket.


“It’s time to start slowly.”


Soon a bell rang loud enough to cover the entire square on the wall.


The ending bell signaled the end of all trials of the Summoning Palace.


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