“Okay, then everyone is going to the altar with their former books.”


The number of summoners who completed all trials was 83.


Although there are more graduates than average, this is not a large number, considering that there are 2,418 people summoned through a large summoning ceremony.


Kim Sungchul stared at a former book in his arms.


Chil Young-woong’s vision finally came into the hands of Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul took the book of the Echographer and climbed the altar with other summoners.


The wizards of the Summoning Palace, covered with thick hoods, appeared in an orderly manner, standing around the altar, and began to chanting in an unrecognizable language of the bass.


The patterns carved on the altar began to turn blue and struck the pillar of light among the summoners standing on the altar.


The summoners stared at the pillar of light with their souls open to the first sight they saw in life.


Meanwhile, the whole world was rapidly darkening.


The summoning palace was suddenly covered in darkness as if the sun had been swallowed up by something unknown.


The summoners were once again surprised, but stared at the sky without Kim Sungchul.


A solar eclipse was taking place.


Class grants usually have to be timed.


The eclipse that comes regularly is the best moment for giving large classes.


At the moment when the sun was completely covered by the moon, the wizard’s brigade grew bigger and larger, and a letter appeared before Kim Sung-chul.


[Open the book of the former. ]


Kim Sungchul has written the book of echoes.


Then the pillar of light, which was on the altar, approached Kim Seong-chul and wrapped him in light.


Tens of thousands of letters written in the book of Echoes were separated from the book, floating in the pillar of light, and flooded with Kim Sung-chul’s body.


[You have a blessing of echo. ]


[Congratulations! Acquired the Legendary Class Echographer! ]


Rewards: Obtain Class-Echographer


Kim Sungchul immediately popped up classes and stats.


“Ability and Class.”


Strength 999+ Agility 853 Stamina 801


Magic 32 Intuition 25 Magic Resistance 621


Will 502 18 18 Charm Will


Main Class-Primal Warrior (Mythology)

 Subclasses-Echographer (Legend)


Subclasses-Senior Cook (Rare)

 Subclasses-Alchemist (Rare)


The Echographer is finally available.


In terms of stats, the magic-related figures are quite high, and willingness has risen by one.


You have now achieved all your goals.


Kim Sungchul Reminded me of the devil.


‘It won’t take long.’


When the eclipse ended and the light returned to the world, the summoners realized their changed status.


Hundreds of Homunculus were removing their hats, showing courtesy and respect for humans.


“Okay! character! Humans! Good work! Today, our Homuncules pay homage to surviving humans! ”


In a tumultuous atmosphere, the summoners finally realized that this long and long hell was over.


A huge gate to the south was opening.


[Congratulations on completing the Summon Palace. ]


[You have passed all the trials of the Summoning Palace and proved your ability to survive in the world. ]


The same message appeared in the eyes of all survivors.


Tears, grins, and reactions were different, but one thing was certain.


He survived the hell without dying.


The people walked toward the exit of the summoned palace with their worries and expectations.


Beyond the gates there was an open green plain, and beyond that there was a golden shining city.


“Where are you going to go now?”


Lee Soo Jin approached and asked.


Kim Sungchul did not answer.


Lee Soo-jin’s eyes remained lonely for a while, but she soon greeted him on his back.


“If the kite touches, see you again.”


Shortly after his words, Lee Soo-jin headed east.


A shallow sigh came out of Kim’s mouth.


Regret or hesitation to hear more of the future story from her.


Why did he fall?


What events will appear.


But Kim Sungchul eventually overcame that sweet temptation.


‘The future you saw will not exist’


The Fall begins with very little doubt.


If you can’t do what you need to be swept by an uncertain future and you only have questions about yourself, it’s right to cut the shoots altogether.


Kim Sungchul believes in herself.


Do not doubt yourself.


In addition, there was another reason to be separated from Lee Soo-jin right now.


Beyond the gate, a sorcerer with a red hair was waiting for him next to a stone pillar that had collapsed.


“Hi. Cute freshman. ”


Dolores Winterler spoke softly.


“Can I talk to you for a moment?”


Kim Sungchul nodded and Dolores took Kim Seong-chul to a remote forest.


“Thank you for following me.”


She went to a place where people could not reach her eyes.


“I will send you at least without pain.”


Dolores Winterler created a storm of ice swirling over the palm of his hand, terrifying at the end of the horse.


As she reached out, the ice storm on the palm of her palm grew exponentially and hit Kim Sung-chul.


In the place where the ice storm passed, only a human ice cube remained.


“I’m sorry. But how do you do it This is my job. ”


Dolores fixed the cane and walked towards the frozen Kim Sung-chul.


To smash the frozen Kim Sung-chul.


But when she approached Kim Sung-chul’s body, she felt an unexpected way of life.


The moment he was looking back, a devastating blow hit Dolores’s back.


In one room, Dolores was left on the ground.


Dolores woke up for a while, then coughed up vigorously and vomited red blood with the cough.


Easily catching prey in front of them all sold their minds, allowing unexpected surprises.


But even then.


Dolores Winterler stared back slowly, shaking his head in a pit that seemed to have a broken trunk.


An unexpected figure stood like a reaper behind her.


“The Party… Why are you… ? ”


The assault on Dolores was a senior knight on the Iron Blood Knight.


With a heavy war hammer, he was staring at her with his face.


At that moment, one of the phrases I saw in Dorothy’s book a long time ago was like a picture.


There is nothing fixed in the world.


Everything changes every moment.


“Did you dare to play with me?”


The predator, once playing with her hands, cut off the line and was now giving her teeth.


The horseback road collapsed and approached Dolores, who could not resist and lifted the mace.


Dolores, who realized what he was trying to do, shouted out his arms and screamed out, but it was just a pointless sense.


Ma-sang-gil took her arm and leg in order with her mace.


The joints of the limbs broke and bent in a strange direction.


Dolores was screaming and painful at that time, but never erased the poison she had in her eyes.


“I will curse you .. Masang-gil !!”


“Do as you please. Wizards. ”


Masang-gil stood in front of Dolores, whose limbs were all shattered, and trampled his head with trotters.


Dolores’s face hit the ground.


Ma Sang-gil took a pipe out of his arms while trampling Dolores, bite his mouth, and enjoyed the smoke with a satisfied face.


“I should have done this. I’m too soft. is not it? Wizard? ”


At the same time, the horseback gave way to the foot that trampled his head slowly.


Dolores screamed, but her scream was soon buried in the dirt.


Ma Sang-gil relaxedly stared at the frozen Kim Sung-chul.


“Is this child in the Park Aram band? It’s like a lucky guy. ”


Masang-gil lightly kicked Dolores’s head and walked toward Kim Seong-cheol to see the frozen Kim Seong-cheol.


“I’m sorry. But this world is like this. It’s a place where anything can’t happen. ”


The horseback road lifted the mace.


To do what Dolores wanted to do.


But the moment he tried to pull down, an unexpected voice came out of his face.


“I think so too.”


The horseback road’s eyes widened.


The next wicked hand, crushing the ice, grabbed the neck of the horseback.


Horseback trail shook as it climbed into the air.


The eyes were amazed at the killer who broke the ice.


‘What .. what? This child… . ‘


It cannot be.


A senior knight in the so-called superman class, whose strength is over 300, is so easily overpowered.


With all his strength, he tried to destroy the hand that grabbed his collar, but he was crushed.


The mysterious man was touching his face in a blurred vision. The skeleton and muscles of the face were distorted with a terrible sound.


At that moment Mae-gil received an ominous foreboding.


Soon after seeing the face of the hero who revealed my appearance, Ma-sang-gil screamed with incomprehensible screams.


“Three. Three. World. . enemy… group… Kim !! ”


Kim Seong-cheol’s devil literally broke the neck of Ma Sang-gil.


The body of a senior knight in the air drooped, and filthy urine flowed out from the sparkling iron.


Kim Sungchul Wrapped a rope around the neck of Ma-sang-gil and hung it on a tree, and now walked toward the red-haired mage, who had a limb broken and waiting for death.


“He likes to play with fun.”


Dolores saw a being looking down on himself, spitting dirt out of his mouth.


Dolorens, a miscellaneous man, cannot know Kim’s face.


Kim Sungchul stood in front of her and said quietly.


“But I was not lucky.”


A huge hammer appeared in Kim Seong-chul’s hands.


Arms of war hammer armed forged sky.


A name was forgotten in Dolores’ brainstorming that legendary weapon.


‘No way… This human is that… !! ’


A cheerful pore rang out over the woods.


Some frightened birds flew over the sky with food.


Kim Sungchul left the forest leaving an anonymous bracelet in front of Dolores’ crushed head.


A curved road between the plains summoned three or five people to see the golden city.


‘What should I do now?’


I have a wizard class, but that’s just another start.


Kim Sungchul was accustomed to dealing with wizards, but had no knowledge of magic itself.


In order to learn the proper magic from the foundation, you must enter a magic school or guild.


However, the curse of Kim is very bad.


Kim Sungchul came up with a spear that marked the curses on herself.


Myriad characters covered my eyes.


The Last Word of Archmage Balzac (Intuition -10)


The Normal Curse of Adel White, a Witch in the Ghostly Forest (Strength -5, Curse of Erectile Dysfunction)


The enemy of the empire (forces: the enemy of the human empire, blank bounty)

 Enemies of the Wizard Guild of Guilds (forces: enemies of the Wizard Guild of Guilds and their guilds)


What matters right now is the curse of the enemy of the Wizard Guild.


The Wizard Alliance Guild is a confederation of all wizards, guilds, schools, and mercenaries, except for some wandering wizards and exiled wizards.


Kim Sungchul was declared by such groups.


A veil of deceivers can conceal identity, but it is another matter to deceive suspicious and insidious wizards and enter schools or guilds.


As I was thinking for a while, a familiar little friend was lamenting at my feet.


Krill Regal’s heavenly squirrel is now deceased.


Kim Sungchul reached out and let the sky squirrel ride his hand on his shoulder.


“You were there!”


In the far north, a man dressed in robe wearing a dogskin robe was running brightly smiling.


Slave Hunter Christian Ashwood.


Kim Sungchul, staring at the slave hunter’s approach with indifferent eyes, soon remembered his former job and smiled faintly.


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