So far, Kim could understand.


However, as with Rise Haimer and Schnellmerker, they have a common blind spot.


“Those who have the power of chromium will not need to open all the dungeons. Should I do at most? Or by turning two dungeons he will ascend. ”


Those who have a certain level of ability in this world no longer stay in the world below and are transferred to the transcendental world.


It is called ascension.


Kim Sungchul In the past, the emperor had heard of chromegard’s stats.


According to him, the chromegard’s stats were all close to 700, as if they were woven together.


I do not know exactly what the conditions of ascension are, but it will not be so difficult through the dungeon of God.


According to the story of the chaotic god, ascendants, or goddesses, were created in one dungeon, so that one stat can reach immortality.


Being sold out to a single item and reaching the pole, being beyond the human being, or goddess, is in line with the intention of the true God who created this world.


“I don’t know what he thinks. He didn’t tell me everything. ”


Schnellmerker breathed out of severe pain.


Kim Sungchul Looking at his former lieutenant, he asked a question in a low voice.


“What did you work for under chrome galde?”


Schnellmerker responded with a bitter smile, even in pain.


“Do you remember? What did the one who guided us before coming to this world? ”


All summoners are guided by an unknown company before being summoned. The leader then points to this world.


But the two letters of paradise are erased in the summoning palace.


“Chromgald promised us a true paradise. To the ideal world of his realm. ”


A small world that Assin creates within a transcendental world. In it, Ashin is born again as a true God Almighty.


‘It’s what happened.’


The heart of the Doomsday paradise.


As the presented Paradise becomes more specific, so does the magnitude of faith.


“I will give you a chance.”


Kim Seong-cheol spoke calmly to Schnellmerker.


“Help me fight the barbarians with the denomination. And I will give you freedom. ”


“Is it really?”


There was a hope in the eyes of Schnellmerker, who was in pain.


Kim Sungchul nodded and said again.


“I will assume the most dangerous mission. If it is still good, come under my flag. ”


There was no other option for Schnellmerker with Ummbruck in place. Apocalyptic denominations with a powerful weapon called Ashinhwa came under Kim Sung Chul’s military discipline.


But Kim Sungchul did not stop there.


He walked out of the dungeon and shook a silent coral flute.


A dog appeared in the dark.


Kim Sungchul stared at her and said in a low voice.


“There is one thing to do.”


It has been months since the savage group appeared in the world. Invincible barbarians, who were initially known to be unstoppable, had been exposed to reality over time.


Becoming a human being, the second denomination’s vice-president, vice-president Schnellmerker, is hard to find, and captures the weakness of the unknown forces of barbarism with close observation and intelligence.


According to him, the overwhelming personal power of barbarians is not by their own accomplishment.


In other words, the power of the savage was given by someone.


Schnellmerker understood that the head of the barbarians did not simply stay at the head of the horde, but rather acted as a transmitter to distribute power to the tribe under the power of their god.


It is a well-known fact, but the barbarians lose their heads and they are weakened and scattered.


It is the sea that Kim Seong-cheol visually confirmed in numerous battlefields including the North Bangjeon Station.


But it wasn’t until the fact that it led to a direct weakening of power rather than a simple deterioration of morale.


“A savage is a spiritually connected being in tribal units. Each barbarian is associated with a lower tribal chief, and a lower tribe is linked with a higher tribe. And the tribes of the Supreme appear to be directly connected with the order they serve and the order we have served. ”


Schnellmerker brought with him a barbarian prisoner who had lost his head, and a prisoner who did not. The barbarians who lost their heads were lethargic, and their strength was insignificant. It was weak enough to deal lightly with an ordinary knight.


Kim Sungchul, who joined hands with Schnellmerker in almost 20 years, frankly acknowledged his former lieutenant’s ability.


‘It’s a waste to turn to.’


Schnellmerker presented a bold operation based on the intelligence he judged.


Kim Sungchul knew what he was planning to do before he even opened his mouth.


Kim Seong-cheol’s sense fell right.


“In short, it is an operation to cut the head of a snake.”


Schnellmerker confidently proposed the main anti-communist operation to annihilate the head of an enemy with one deadly surprise.


The barbarian camp is now vulnerable to attack from the outside in the shape of a circular siege of Lagrange.


Moreover, the savage siege that lasted over a month greatly disrupted the barbarian’s discipline. Their daily routine is to abuse prisoners all morning, and when they are moved, they beat LaGranze with a catapult and banquet with plundered wine and livestock at night.


It is a possible operation.


The problem is the enormous magic circle in the home of the savage.


The heads of world councils, including Schnellmerker, know that the enormous circle of magic has the power to mobilize order.


The magic circle is understood to use the power of the magic circle itself and the resonance of the heartbeat of the ancient gods to create the powers that are not allowed in the world by randomly maneuvering the heart of the ancient gods in LaGranje.


The surprise is a surprise, but the barbarian must smash the magic circle before the magic circle is activated.


Otherwise you will be the judge of the last battle defeated before order.


Two goals were now given to the Allied forces, including Kim Seong-chul.


One is to smash enemy enormous magic circles.


The other is to kill the head of the enemy.


Both must be done like lightning before the barbarian responds.


Schnellmerker made a suggestion to address this.


To throw LaGranje as bait.


The predator becomes most alert after hunting a prey.


Schnellmerker’s idea is that the barbarians will be at their most vulnerable time when the barbarians seize LaGranje and their minds are sold to countless captives and booty.


According to him, the offensive is delayed until the fall of LaGranje. Schnellmerker determined that it was only for LaGranje to last three months. The heart of the ancient gods protects the city, but the soldiers and supplies to support the citizens are already running out.


Most of the king and emperor participated in the opinion.


In particular, the chiefs of the prosperous archipelago and Jehu from the nobles of Luteginia were greatly welcomed.


Because they are a group that wants the fall of the emperor rather than Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sung-cheol thought that Schnellmerker’s view was the most ideal. From the point of view of the coalition itself.


But he made an appointment with Emperor Kim Sungchul.


At no later than a week, you’re going to bring the army back.


Kim Sungchul is not a man who promises.


But to keep promises is to deny things that should not be done on the back of mankind’s destiny.


At the moment of his defeat, both the emperor as well as the entire human race will be cleared from the world as ordered.


Kim Sungchul On a watchtower with a fall-out wind blowing, he leaned alone, gazing at the fallout of the East, which was turned to blood.


Or do you give up the promise and make the best time?


It is difficult to decide easily.


He knows how difficult it is to catch two rabbits.


Trying to get everything means that everything can be lost.


The fate and personal friendship of mankind.


It is not necessary to examine whichever is important.


But it was hard to give up on both sides, and Kim Sung-chul was in agony.


A glass of wine is filled with alcohol and breathe in at once.


Favorite sweet bitter elf but not enough to soothe his heavy mood.


A thick sigh leaked out of his mouth.


Back then became popular.


Light gait. It’s coming straight this way.


Kim Sungchul looked back.


“I’m here to say goodbye.”


The intruder was Rise Haimer.


Kim Sungchul decided to send her to the spirit world, prepared a letter to Adelwhite and a guard to accompany Rise Heimer.


Marakia and Bertelgia were reluctant to think of what Rise had done to Kim Seong-chul, and then let him go, but Kim Sungchul didn’t think so.


Rather, he was sorry for Krylia, who had left him in the spirit world.


Disappointment was great, but it was not adult to young children.


Rise Haimer’s mother-and-child reunion will lighten the burden of every corner of her heart.


“…. Didn’t you say you were leaving right away? ”


Kim Seong-chul turned his head back outside the wall and asked in a calm tone.


Rise Haimer walked slowly and put her arm on the watchtower’s chest, looking at the same place as Kim Sung-chul.


The dark night sky, but the stars are not visible, only the fallout at the east is picked up by the sunlight, it is colored like blood.


Looking at the bloody border, Rise Haimer sighed.


“You have to say hello when you go. I’ve had a lot with you. There are so many apples to do. ”


There is nothing to talk to her.


Kim Sungchul had no response.


In silence the cold time passed.


Rise Haimer’s mouth faint, a powerless smile came to mind. The relationship that changed as time passed was felt by the skin.


Kim Sung-chul’s calm voice echoed in silence.


“Go and take good care of Kriah.”


She is no longer special to Kim Seong-chul. So you don’t even have to listen to the apples.


She is not the same as the past.


She lifted her arm on the chest and turned back.


Unlike the beginning, I heard a little heavy footsteps.


Kim Sungchul tilted his glasses and looked at the distant sky without thinking.


Footsteps stopped nearby.


“Hey, I heard a rumor.”


Rise Haimer said.


Kim Sungchul did not look back, but she continued to speak without shrinking.


“You’re worried about helping the rebel leader?”


Kim Sungchul turned his head slightly to the side.


It was his first reaction to Rise’s words.


The courageous Rise Haimer put his hands together in his mouth, took a deep breath and suddenly said loudly.


“Do it or not! Is that your way? ”


Kim Sungchul, who heard the voice for some reason, felt like a flash of spirit.


Rise Haimer turned back looking at Kim’s faint side.


She disappeared toward the entrance of a wide open watchtower.


Kim Sungchul, who was left alone, lightly stirred the glass and thought.


‘It’s My Way’


Rise Haimer says.


There is no need to carve.


It was diluted now, but there was still a bit of resentment in her heart.


Just listen in one ear and let it flow in one ear.


On the one hand, however, this thought occurred.


If a word means something to you, what’s important about who said it?


Even the average person has words to engrave.


He knows him well.


Kim Sungchul was not like Kim Seong-chul at present.


When I calmed my head and looked back on myself, I thought too much.


Is it too heavy to carry.


Already three days were spent to worry.


The day of the promise with the emperor was only two days away.


Perhaps he just wanted to pass on his promise to the emperor unintentionally or deliberately.


It is a cowardly stroke.


It is not so.


Thinking quietly, he always did something in an important phase.


Kim Sungchul didn’t think after Kim Sungchul when he formed a rebel army against the continent of Luteginea, attempted to escape from the arena with Rise Haimer, and left the cowardly world council.


Whether the result was good or bad would need an accurate assessment, but at least he did not regret the choice at the time of Kim Sungchul.


“Well, I honestly don’t like it, but what I just said is worth listening to.”


Bertelgia spoke quietly in his pocket.


“Now you are not yours.”


Kim Sungchul turned back with a sigh and leaned back against the chest wall.


The wind blowing from afar shook the coat hem and hair comfortably.


“It is my way.”


There is nothing that comes to mind except to smash.


But the urge to do something urgently inspired him not to think about it.


Soon after a long stagnation, Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


There has been a similar battle in the past.


Luteginea looters surrounded a small village guarded by Kim Seong-chul, and the Emperor had a small troop to save Kim Sung-cheol and the village.


Of course, the size of the battle and the forces of the opposing forces were not comparable, but the overall situation was not very different from the present situation.


Kim Seong-cheol and William succeeded in destroying the forces of Luteginia by giving flesh and taking bones.


What if you use that now?


Of course, you can mislead everything or make a lot of sacrifices.


But it is better than doing nothing and regretting it. That’s Kim Seong-cheol’s mindset that Rise Haimer reminds.


“…. Let’s do it. ”


A faint smile came to Kim’s mouth.


He is sometimes greedy.


Promise with the emperor, the salvation of mankind.


Incompatible topics.


But he thought to get both. Not your advice, but your own will.


Kim Sungchul After a quick drink, he hurried to his office.


He immediately sent the best messenger to order:


[Two days later, stop the heart when the sun goes down. I will come with you. ]


Watching the flying messenger fly over the night sky, he summoned Kim Sungchul.


The last army of mankind obeyed his command and arranged it on a wide field.


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