When the morning sun began to burn the fallout east, the army began to move.


At the forefront are the group of apocalyptic denominations and rich archipelagos.


The original sin of Cromgald’s subordinates, they inevitably faced the task of standing on the front line and proving their authenticity.


After their army the kings of Dwarf and Arcanite were closely guarded with their spears on their backs.


Unlike the rich and apocalyptic denominations, the lords of the less powerful Guruteginian lords were torn into pieces and divided between the allies in order to prepare for the event.


In the same way, the fleet of the floating archipelago was split into each fleet and absorbed into each fleet.


And Schnellmerker, the chief of the chrome gale, was accompanied by Kim Seong-cheol’s flagship Silpid.


While Umbruck is still stuck, he will be in charge of bringing the strongest power in the Allies to move the denomination clan.


This is the perfection of the Kromgal’s hand over the armies.


At the forefront, if their flagship attempts to betray, they will be blocked by rear-armed forces of war, and they will be extinct as sandwiches between barbarians and military forces.


The situation is also the same as a bunch arranged separately. They may not even dream of organized rebellion.


Next to Kim Sungchul, who took over the army perfectly, he thought about ways to destroy the barbarian magic circle.


What the barbarian magic circle is difficult to destroy is purely of its vast size.


Destroying an enormous circle of magic at once, enough to fit a city, has no choice but to magical bombing, according to many fleets.


Recently, the savage brought a bizarre animal called Shinsu and used it for various purposes, and some of them had wings.


Indeed, an eyeless ghost with four wings above the barbarian’s head roams above the sky like a horrible soul roaming the old world.


Bombardment using the fleet is impossible.


Another weapon is needed to replace the bombing.


A weapon ignorant and ruthless enough to transcend common sense.


The Harmageddon scroll was taken out of the soul warehouse.


The trap tool left by Kim Young-woo Vestiare Kim Seong-chul.


The weapon, however, has a nasty design that causes the caster to be caught in an explosion when it is torn.


“This guy is a little bit. I need something different. Weapon enough to smash the city. Is there such a thing? ”


Bertelgia, who was wandering behind Kim Sung Chul at that time, said bluntly.


“A weapon that smashes the city?”


Kim Sungchul said in a hurry.


“Can alchemy produce such a weapon?”


Bertelgia sighed that Kim Sung Cheol was not happy.


“Only when you look for alchemy!”


There was nothing to say.


Kim Sungchul I’m not a good alchemist.


Strictly speaking, it would be right to be on a side job.


Bertelgia, breathing briefly, said, sighing.


“In fact, there is no such thing.”


Kim Sung-chul’s planting became uncomfortable.


“But when you hear the words smashing the city, are there any tools that come to mind?”


“What? Is there such a tool? ”


This is the Golden Gate. Even Arm Garaz has tools that make it impossible.


Bertelgia shook his body lightly toward Kim Seong-cheol, anxious for answers.


“You’re in the same place where you lived singing well.”


There is nothing in the city Panchuria on the river.


Other than a knack, a crook, a robber.


However, one scene suddenly passed by Kim Sung-chul’s brain.


A huge chain that bounds the city across the river.


Kim Sungchul I remember. The chain was rolled up by giants and smashed the entire city.


An object of such mass and size may be able to do it.


Above all, is there no power for Kim Sung-chul?


The divine power to move even those chains.


The problem is bringing it to the right place, and it will not be so difficult for him with the remaining power of mankind.


Schnellmerker volunteered for this mission.


“If we use the high transfer magic of our apocalyptic denominations, it will not be difficult to bring it.”


But he sneaked his hand over the spear in his body.


Kim Sungchul Umbruck pulled from his body the weapon of disaster without saying anything.


The weapon of disaster was polluting his mind just by using it.


“I will follow your command in my honor. As much as in this battle. ’


Schnellmerker vowed to obey in his honor.


Kim Sungchul Accepted Schnellmerker’s defection.


He gave Schnellmerker a line of goodwill and led Ashin on his own.


All the commanders reacted to Kim’s decision, but Kim Sungchul didn’t mind.


Schnellmerker faithfully carried out his mission and further devised a new plan to complement Kim’s operations.


“…. I want to use two joins. ”


He lavishly revealed the most secretive space movement techniques of the apocalyptic denomination, as if to show that he was under Kim Sung-chul.


In any case, the final puzzle was solved which would lead to the victory of the final battle in fear.


The rest was now emperor’s response.


A clap is a sound that must be met.


Kim Seong-cheol’s scorpion to stop the operation of the heart of the ancient god was enough to confuse the emperor.


As soon as the heart stops working, the barrier that surrounds the city will disappear and beyond, the barbarians will rush in.


The story signifies the destruction of the city.


The minority left by the emperor was a man’s story.


“Maybe be a trap of barbarians.”


“If we win this way, what does it mean if we die?”


Long unbelief and discord closed their hearts.


The emperor was not much different from them at one time.


But he remembers.


Kim Sung-chul’s changed appearance.


Invisible, he was now grown enough to look at his back.


The emperor could now know.


Kim Sung-cheol’s scorpion, which was too short and rude, did so because he believed in himself.


What do you need to explain the phrases between old friends.


The emperor recalled a battle that was different in form a long time ago, but not much different now.


Victory won by mortal life-giving minds that give flesh and take bones.


It was the same battle that Kim Sung-chul thought.


‘The guy is trying to reproduce the battle here.’


Though far away, the will of the keeper will work.


The emperor, who understood the meaning of Kim Seong-cheol, immediately issued a series of orders with a strict voice, despite the turbulence around him.


“The heart of the ancient god is temporarily shut down. Evacuate all citizens and defenders within 4 zones before stopping your heart. We will stop the enemy there. Until light shines from the east. ”


At that time, a corpse asked the emperor a question.


“What will the bands in District 8 do? Shall they also escape into District 4? ”


District 8. The garbage dump of the system called human sewer.


The emperor did not treat them as the same human beings, but treated them as dead garbage.


But what do you think is the distinction between human beings at the end of time?


The emperor spoke in a stern voice, breaking his old prejudice by himself.


“They are also my people. Evacuate to Zone 4 with no one left. This is an order. ”


An introductory order for subdivisions was issued before the heart of the ancient gods ceased operating.


Citizens living in District 1 or Citizens living in District 8 without discrimination.


“What happened?”


Bae Sung-hye, a resident of District 8, told her husband both feeling puzzled and feared by an unprecedented command.


His husband, called Kimchi, got up from his seat with his helmet reworked.


“There are rumors that the enemy of the world appeared once before the emperor.”


Bae Sung-hye’s eyes came to mind.


“Maybe the man moved the emperor’s heart.”


Kimchi, who stood up, reached out to Bae Sung-hye. Hand and hand face to face


“I had something I wanted to say before.”


Kimchi stared at the street scene filled with godless ancestors.


It was a terrible and disgusting landscape.


But what good is the landscape?


Kimchi lightly pulled Bae Sung-hye’s hand.


“Thank you for always being there.”


“Whatever the world is now, I am in paradise. Because you are by my side. ”


The couple hug for a while and walked along the procession to the upper quarters.


A creepy horn sounded creepy in the distance, but he never let go of his hand.


The heart of the ancient gods stopped beating at last.


All the citizens of the island of La Grande, slumbered behind the walls, prepared for the upcoming storm.


The savage did nothing.


A large group of tribes often moved independently of each tribal chief’s judgment, rather than moving to a uniform command.


Most of the barbarians were lazy and lazy, but there are exceptions.


A sneaky chief recognized that the blasphemous sound that had been heard over the high walls ceased.


Carefully, he ordered the prisoner’s rotting corpse to be shot up in the catapult instead of sending the tribal directly.


The savages threw themselves into the catapult, loaded the bodies and shot them over the walls.


If it were, the corpse would have hit the barrier and fell to the moat that had already formed the corpse, but the corpse passed out of the wall without any interruption.


The idea came to mind in the eyes of the savage tribal chief.


He immediately assembled all the tribes and directed them over the walls.


Hundreds of barbarians flocked to the walls like clouds.


Another tribe, who was sleeping late, watched as he dug in.


An amazing scene unfolded soon.


The troops crossed the wall with a ladder without any interruption.


For the first time, a barbarian trowel touched the walls of LaGranje, which had not been so knocked down.


The barbarians, beyond the walls, were excited and began to descend, plundering everything they could see.


There were alcohol, food, and mysterious toys.


There was no prisoner to play with.


Still, the savage did not mind.


Recently, they have not been able to give such a sense of accomplishment and stimulation to those who have been weary of long siege.


Other barbarians, screaming late, joined the ranks of predators when they saw the leading barbarians easily swung over the walls of La Grande.


The gates were wide open, and the barbarians poured out like water.


Shortly after, more than half of La Grande’s city was covered with barbarians.


LaGranje’s citizens and refugees, located in the upper part of the city, had to watch the barbarians take control of the city with fearful eyes.


The emperor was watching over it all.


Fortunately, the barbarians did not launch an offensive against District 4 immediately.


The savages had no time to continue their offensive, preoccupied with plundering the precious food, alcohol, and glitter that had been scattered throughout the city.


But the confusion will not last long.


The emperor looked east.


Beyond the earth where the yellow fallout is at the end of the horizon, no light of hope has yet been seen.


The barbarians, tired of food, alcohol, and toys, began to look for other things to do.


Vicious eyes stared at the lights on the city.


The roar of slaughter began to spread like wildfire among the barbarians.


The horn rang out.


The savages voluntarily obeyed their tribal commanders and prepared for the final offensive.


Numerous ladders have been prepared, with iron-clad barbarian warriors remodeling armor looted from humans.


The barbarian tribes, who stood in front of the wall leading to Zone 4, began to sing bizarre shouts.


A dreary shout echoed deep inside the jury shook the heart and ears of the citizens of the rest of the city.


The emperor looked down at the forces of the barbarians with a firm face.


Endless numbers. Moreover, each one is strong enough to match the thirteenth.


Unless you borrow the power of the heart of the ancient gods, you will never be able to stop them.


Nevertheless, he made a promise with his friend.


‘I will never betray you again this time.’


The emperor’s heart was determined.


He determined that he would keep his promise even if he gave everything.


The barbarian’s offensive soon began.


Myriad ladders began to hang on the walls.


The soldiers waiting in advance pulled up the ladder with all their power.


The savages, especially the nimble ones, began to leap toward the walls without the aid of any aid.


Some of them landed on the walls.


Dozens of swordsticks stabbed at the barbarians.


The barbarian threw down the soldiers, who had a lancet all over their bodies, and had torn down their gears for 10 years.


Less than 10 minutes after the battle began, emergency signals rang out throughout the line of defense.


“You are requesting a reinforcement from the left zone.”


“The number of Imperial Knights to be put in reserve has been reduced to less than half. Zone 4 will soon be captured. Your Majesty! ”


Zone 4 is the core of defense in the upper part of the spiraling system.


When the place collapses, the fate of the remaining three districts is almost as if it is a fire.


You must guard this place at all costs.


The emperor stared east.


There is no light yet.


At the moment, the emperor felt a strong desire to resume the heart of the ancient gods.


Only then can he keep his kingdom and his crown.


The face of Chromegald, who was so jealous, passed past his eyes.


‘You must beat as much as you can’


Jealousy, defeat and revenge.


For the emperor who had never lost to someone, the existence of chrome galld was a wall that had to be overcome.


I thought that only then could I get back my wrong values ​​and past.


It is the pillar that supports the emperor for the last decade.


The emperor clenched his fists.


You can protect the system just by giving orders.


Temptation difficult to handle.


But just before making a decision, he had another thought in his head.


It was Kim’s thoughts.


The man who endured everything.


What would he have done?


Would he have given up so easily?


No. He lives like a phoenix and fulfills his mission even if he loses all hope even if his body is broken.


The light began to shine.


It is not light shining in the east.


Deep inside the emperor’s heart is the inner light he created. Under that light the pillar of jealousy and jealousy that held the emperor down fell like a pillar of salt.


The emperor rose from his seat and ordered his men.


“…. Drop the empty palaces. ”


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