Kim Seong-cheol’s strong hands caught the wandering king.


There was no time to escape and no time for it.


Kim Seong-cheol said in a calm tone while catching the fattening.


“My old friend has taken great care of you.”


The wandering king’s eyes widened for a while.


The Wandering King’s body was still in the ground.


Cromgald’s body on the floor was not enough to smash grapes made of blackish stone, and he was washed away with long marks.


Kim Sung-chul’s new type wanted to disappear in a moment, but Kim Sungchul appeared behind the fallen wandering king.


Kim Seong-chul’s strong hand once again caught chrome galde. This time it’s lame.


A groaning moan came out of Cromgald’s mouth.


Kim Seong-cheol lifted him by grabbing his neck.


“What are you doing!”


The remnants of Kromgald, who had hardened for some time in the aftermath of the disaster, finally woke up and tried to restrain Kim Sung-chul.


But their king is in Kim Seong-chul’s hands. Kim Sungchul caught the chrome gale and landed on the ground.


Chromegard’s obedient face was ground and left a dark blood stain on the floor.


Kim Sungchul This time, he grabbed the chrome gal’s ankle and lifted it up and hit the ground.


Red blood splashed everywhere with sound of something breaking.


He did not die to death. I just adjusted my power at the line that slightly touched my hand.


Chromolde gained great power in the dungeon of God, but was nothing more than Kim Seong-chul.


In fact, even Kim Sungchul’s main weapon, Arm Karaz, was not taken out.


He overpowered Chromgarde simply by force.


It was when Kim Sung-chul lifted the chrome gald again to hit the second pack.


“This summoner child!”


“A Hybrid Man Who Should Be Cursed!”


Behind Kim Seong-chul, a group of apocalyptic denominations took the sword and struck him.


But Kim Sungchul kept everything here.


Kim Sungchul reached out without looking back.


Chain Lightning, already in full glory, flew over the coming crowds and burned them black.


Kim Sungchul took out the black cane of Rise Haimer and aimed for Kromgald in the midst of a scream of terrible flurry of death.


In the hem of his coat, a stringed Soulstone had been casting a spell since he was knocked out by chrome galls.


Primitive light starlight by name.


Altogius and Sarasa, who were on board, stared at the tip of the cane that Kim Sung-cheol aimed at with a firm face.


Soon a white stream of light flew toward them.


Four ray of light flew at the same time aiming at the past and the common good.


The attack contained Kim Sung-chul’s decisive message. I will no longer dwell on old ties.


Just before the light hit, Althus and Sarasa disappeared, looking at the deadly attack aimed at them exactly.


One ray split through the air, but the other three passed through the chrome galle’s line.


Collaboration crashed with binge drinking.


Cromgal’s feet are gone.


Kim Sungchul, walking down, slowly walked towards Cromgald, breathing fast.


Chromgard has long lost strength and willingness to resist.


If anyone is attacked by such an ignorant and overwhelming, it will be.


It was a long wait.


Kim Sungchul I had no intention of missing out on this occasion.


Kromgarde’s troops were destroyed and his liner sank. Kromgald also lies unconsciously at his feet.


The only variable is the survival of the seven Riches over Althus, Sarasa, and the colorful robes. Perhaps these are the most trusted loyalists among the chromgades.


Unexpected guests appeared in the fallen collinear.


An old friend, Shamal Rajput.


The name of the lord of the assassination denomination is not only decoration, it seems to have escaped from the disaster of LaGranje.


The problem is that the destination is not right.


Half of the face was covered with running blood as the debris hit the temple when the collusion sank.


Shamal Rajput followed the name of Kim Seong-chul.


But Kim Sungchul did not respond.


He was a former figure for Kim Sung Chul.


Kim Sungchul Instead of listening to the words of Shamal Rajput, he took out the rope he had always carried and tied him to the neck.


Kim Seong-chul pulled the rope.


The crumbled body of the crumbled chrome galled, revealing the hidden face.


“Cloull… . ”


Half of Cromgald’s face was broken in shape.


Most of the teeth were broken out of the mouth with a terrible moan and a fuzz.


The founder of Luteginea, a miserable mogul that was unsuitable for the man who controlled the world’s history for many years.


‘Although I did this, Adelwhite doesn’t appear.’


I can’t feel the energy of watching around me.


But what bothered me was the behavior of the surviving chromeguard men.


One of Rich’s actions seemed to communicate something.


Kim Sungchul I left it so.


His primary goal was Bertelgia, not chrome galley.


“Then, shall we listen to you until Adelwhite comes?”


When Kim Seong-chul pulled the rope, Chrome Gull was drawn to him like a dog.


The face of dust and blood covered chrome gald touched under Kim Sung-chul’s foot.


Chromolds trembled and grabbed the ground by two hands. A faint murmur flowed out of the leaking mouth.


Kim Sungchul could understand some of the words.


“…. He is nothing without the power of God. ”


Kim Sungchul, who heard it, grabbed Kromgard’s hair and lifted his face.


One eye couldn’t find out if it was ground together when ground, but the other one was staring at Kim Sung-chul.


The moment I saw that eye, Kim Sungchul was feeling embarrassed. The energy in Kromgal’s eyes was more of a vicious beast than of humans.


‘This guy. Did you have this look? ‘


He always covered his face with an invisible helmet, and even when revealing his face, Kim Seong-cheol saw nothing but vanity and boredom.


Kim Sungchul I remembered the will of the emperor.


The emperor, who was in flames of the cross of the covenant, said:


“Alleogos knows the nature of chrome galds. Must be prevented. He is… To become an unborn god…


The wandering king’s spooky, beast-like eyes seemed to suggest the nature of the chromegard, which the emperor spoke of.


Kim Sung-cheol’s brainstormed a thought.


It is not a thought in the head.


Instinctively felt.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes lived a dark life.


‘This person should not be saved.’


Kim Sungchul managed to restrain himself by trying to finish Kromgald.


He almost forgot his purpose.


Chromolde is to be defeated, but Bertelgia is now the top priority.


Kromgard must be alive until Adelwhite, who took Bertelgia, appears.


Kim Sungchul momentarily subsided his life to kill Kromgald and grabbed his neck instead.


Cromgard’s body flashed.


The life of Kromgal is now in Kim Seong-chul’s hands. With a little power, the Wandering King’s neckbone will be crushed at any time.


Kim Sungchul Cromgal’s men looked down while grasping the collar.


But their attitude is strange.


They stayed in place, even though the Master was in danger of dying.


Kim Sung-chul said, looking down at them.


“I will kill your king.”


Kim Sung-cheol speaks as a test and gives a little strength to the hand that grabs the chrome galde.


Cromgald’s body trembled like an aspen tree, and irrespective of his will, his voice leaked out of his throat when his life was at stake.


A magic circle was held behind the Altius and the Seven Lich, and a woman appeared.


Adele White. Achieve the purpose.


The results were different from what was expected.


Bertelgia and Kim Seong-cheol’s teasing book are nowhere to be found.


Kim Sungchul with a calm tone, still squeezing Kromgald’s neck.


“Where is Bertelgia?”


Adelwhite smiled and said nothing.


Kim Sungchul He stiffened Cromgal’s throat.


The neckbone began to shatter.


The crumbled chromegad’s body drooped.


Kim Sung-chul was approaching the threshold that he thought was dangerous.


But Adelwhite, standing still, looked at this like a bystander.


Not only Adelwhite. Kromgald’s seven men, the Lich and Altius, were silently watching their masters die.


‘What is it? Are you sure? ‘


Kim Sungchul The head of all possible cases was drawn.


Now there is no one to stop him here.


Who will confront him who has the power of God to take down the Lord?


Adelwhite’s long-term curse and poisonous attacks that have not seen its power yet can be easily avoided with a little bit of preparation.


In a breathtaking silence, suddenly a new type of chrome galld violently violated.


A faint wrinkle was engraved on Kim Seong-chul’s forehead.


Kromgald, in his hand, could not sustain his strength and eventually died.


The energy of life was felt out.


Still, Adelwhite and Kromgal’s men are taking no action.


Kim Sungchul soon learned why.


The golden sacred light frosted on the body of the dead chromeguard and his broken body began to recover.


Resurrection of the soul.


“No, he’s following my skills!”


Tygon, who was at Silpid’s bridge, shouted.


Adelwhite opened his mouth in the short time that Chromgarde was resurrected in divine splendor.


“I make one bet.”


Kim Seong-cheol asked around the chrome galde.


Arm Garaz appeared in his hand.


Adel White’s face came up with a dark excellence.


Once a friend turns into an enemy, bitterness is bitter even for those who have lived forever.


Adelwhite spoke with a sad face.


“Due to the people I point to. If I beat him, I’ll give you a living book, a child named Bertelgia. ”


Kim Sungchul laughed at the words.


“Why should I respond to the offer?”


Kim Sungchul stared at the resurrected chrome gald.


The hostage showed Adelwhite that he was also present.


At that time, one of the chromegard’s men, who was still behind, stepped forward.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to him when he saw him.


His magic teacher, a man, touched his hand.


He was talking.


Kim is a duel opponent.


‘Are you going to have a priest battle?’


Altius is a powerful wizard.


But he was not Kim Seong-chul’s opponent before, and now he’s no more.


What do you believe?


Revenge? belief? Or wait?


Kim Sungchul stared at Adelwhite.


There is no special movement or nervousness.


There seems to be something wrong, but it’s okay.


The number of spleen also has Kim Seong-chul.


The golden sheen that covered the chromeguard disappeared while each of them hid and stared at each other.


Kim Sungchul As soon as Kromgald returned from his death, he grabbed it again with his strong hands.


As soon as the eyes of Cromgal were screamed, Kim Sung-chul’s strong hand broke the chromegard’s shoulder.


Cromgald screamed desperately.


Kim Sungchul continued to break the remaining arms and legs in moderation.


Cromgal wriggled like a worm and wept like a cow.


It was a terrible sight.


Kim Seong-cheol would not have screamed, but there would be no small fine hair on the eyebrows.


Moreover, this pain was nothing compared to the tortured torture that was done every day in the basement, dark, torture chambers of the arena.


‘However, this guy would have ruled the world as the king of the back of the last thousands of years, so I would not have experienced this pain.’


Cromgal, whose limbs were all shattered, chewed his lips as he leaned on the floor.


“I will not forgive you… ! ”


Though unsightly, the wild beast in the eyes of Cromgald became more vicious and fierce than the stem.


The moment I saw that eye, Kim Sungchul decided my heart.


Whatever the consequences, chromegald should get rid of it.


Kim Sungchul thought so and whispered in a low voice towards the dog behind him.


“I will respond to a duel, but if they do something strange, kill Kromgald.”


Kim Seong-chul’s hidden card, it is nothing.


Arom White, of course, was not aware of the existence of anything else, as well as other chromegard loads.


The rope between the neck of Kromgald and Kim Seong-chul’s hand shook gently.


Kim Sungchul I walked forward, laying down the ropes and spitting out a moan, leaving the wagging chrome galls behind.


Althusius, the dean of Erfurt and who taught the magic of light to Kim Sung-chul, walked toward Kim.


Kim Sungchul Gently lifted the arm Garaz and swung downward vigorously.


It means not to look.


Kim Sungchul Speaks calmly toward Adelwhite, who is calmly standing over Althusius.


“I will ask in old age, will I keep my promise?”


Adelwhite nodded with a bright smile.


“Of course. I will release the curse on your body with service. ”


“When can’t you live as a bowed man?”


Kim Sungchul laughed and turned his eyes to Altius.


Althus was staring at himself with a moderately dignified, stubborn face that was not much different from when he first met.


Althus replied with bright light in his eyes. Altugius’s robes fluttered, and a magic circle blossomed all over his body.


Kim Sungchul intended to finish at one time.


He was about to move.


Pale light shone across the body of Adelwhite.


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