The light flew straight toward Sarasa.


Kim Sungchul Sarassa found a colorful mirror in her arms, decorated with silver and brass.


The light emitted from Adelwhite was reflected by Sarasa’s mirror and directed toward the sky, and scattered over the heads of Kim Sung-chul and Althuss.


Kim Seong-cheol looked at Adele White beyond the tabernacle and asked with a voice of cold anger.


Adele White stepped back and said.


“Do you know you are a girl?”


Kim Sungchul leaped up while asking.


However, the intangible curtain did not allow Kim Sung-chul to pass by.


Kim Sung-cheol’s beautiful eyes have deep wrinkles.


A type of engagement that has never been seen before.


It is not simply hard or impermeable.


Kim Sung-chul’s sense of transcendence responded in a small shock.


This is not a simple bond.


The rules of the world have been arbitrarily rearranged.


[hoo? The realm of nothing? I missed you. ]


The shrewd voice of the chaos god, which had shut for a long time, echoed from within.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyebrows fluttered.


[Before the Lord appeared, it was called God’s trial as God’s solution to human disputes. I thought there was nothing to see again after the girl fell away, but after a long time, I saw an exciting landscape. ]


A dark scene appeared in front of Kim Sung Chul’s eyes.


A series of scenes where two men struggled for life and honor in a spherical space that was created now passed before them.


[It’s an extremely primitive and barbaric means, but when I think about it now, there’s a fair side compared to the detestable law of order. ]


Another veil appeared between Kim Seong-cheol and Altusius, while the humorous laughter of the chaotic god resonated within.


The subdued blue space dividing the hemispherical space surrounding Kim Sung-chul and Althuss.


Althusius, who was thinking of a magic circle, pulled out his wand and shouted vigorously toward Kim Sung-chul.


The air on the trajectory was slightly shaken.


The next moment, intense light will burn everything on the path.


Kim Sungchul I stopped thinking for a while and leaned to the side.


Intense light streams flew through the transparent blue membrane and flew toward Kim Sung-chul. However, the ray of light only penetrated the blue tabernacle, not the outer tents surrounding Kim Sung-chul and Altius.


Kim Sungchul rushed toward Altusius, feeling the air around him suddenly hot.


But this time, the blue tabernacle blocked his progress.


Kim Sungchul discovered that the indestructible force of the tabernacle outside of Kim Sungchul was standing in the blue tabernacle.


Starlight, which used to heat up the air inside the tabernacle, faded away.


Kim Sungchul stood in front of the blue tabernacle with his arm karas, holding both Althus and Adelwhite at the same time.


Adel White’s laughter came from outside the tent.


“Are you surprised? Is my court? ”


Kim Sungchul turned to Adelwhite, turning sideways like a noble beast inside us.


“Before the appearance of the lords, I worked on behalf of all human beings, offering tribute to God and spreading their voices. Of course, resolving disputes between humans was one of the ladies’ role. ”


In the midst of Adelwhite’s words, Althuss constantly cast spells and thoughts of several circles.


Adelwhite’s words continued.


“There is an insurmountable power gap between you and him. It’s not fair to do a duel like this. So we have made a courtroom that can fairly cover each other’s right by magic only. ”


Only magical attacks are possible here.


Therefore, Kim’s long-term force is useless.


However, Kim has a divine power.


I don’t want to admit it, but Kim Sungchul admitted that he was trapped by Adelwhite’s trap.


Though it was an unexpected means, it was caught.


Therefore you must come out.


The inner black giant has caused a body.


Black flames began to rise on Kim’s right body. The fireworks stayed exactly on Kim’s right arm.


The smile disappeared on the face of Adelwhite, who had seen the black flame.


“Quickly rescue him.”


Adelwhite showed a magical spell.


Of course, Kim Sungchul is preparing for this.


Kim Sung-chul briefly called his secret allies.


Seven Riches attempted to move towards Cromgald by short-distance teleportation.


A hand holding a dagger flashing from the air jumped out and chromed the neck.


It was a day of cruelty suffering.


He turned his eyes white and died.


At the same time, Kim Sungchul felt the black giant’s gaze within him and let the black flame stay in his right arm and arm garaz.


The power of God is felt.


Kim Sungchul staring at Adelwhite in a calm tone.


The hammer of God’s strength struck the enchantment.


The space that changed the rules of the world shook wildly. Altuzius, who muttered a spell and cast spells, shook down, and the magic circle that bloomed like flowers scattered like sand.


A crack occurred in the corner of the mirror held by Sarasa with both hands.


Breaking power even rules.


That is the power of God.


A black blood emanated from Sarasa’s body. In the blood of the dead, unknown white bugs were lingering.


Sarasa shouted at Adelwhite.


Adelwhite’s expression was hardened.


She came to the back of Sarasa shortly before Kim Seong-cheol knocked back again and took something out of her arms.


It was a bizarre form of dagger with a live stem reminiscent of a tree root.


Adelwhite put the dagger in Sarasa Zero’s neck.


The mask covering half of Sarasa’s face was removed. Clear face without tee.


However, half of the face soon turned black and began to change into a distorted undead appearance.


Even the cane was dropped, and Altusius approached the end of the enchantment and clenched his fist.


Sarasa shouted to Altusius.


“Stop the author! Then neither you nor your granddaughter can be saved. ”


After hearing that, Altusius surprisingly calmed himself and stared at Kim.


“This is what happened.”


“Stop. She will never keep her promise. ”


Althus did not listen to Kim. Still stubborn old.


Kim Sungchul stared at the chrome gal and Lee Soo-jin.


Kromgald’s seven riches were surrounded by Lee Sujin, and dead Kromgal was rolling under Lee’s feet.


‘If Lee Sujin can easily escape.’


I was about to think so.


The body of the dead chrome galed began to be dyed golden.


Another resurrection stamp was triggered.


Adelwhite’s soft and cynical voice dug into his ear when he felt stabbed.


“Chromgald knew this would happen and now he has filled all eight souls with the Resurrection Stamp.”


“It was my advice. As long as we are together, there is no danger that we cannot get through. ”


Arm Garaz covered with black flames struck again.


The axis was shaken, and the floating island, which was asleep on the ground, spurred to the sky with dirt and gravel.


It is a blow of power to comrade.


However, the bond made by the power of another power was not broken. However, only a part of the mirror that maintains the boundary is broken.


Sarasa again spits out the blood.


Some parts of Sarasa’s face changed like undead.


The last remaining vitality was consumed to maintain enchantment.


However, a bizarre form of dagger made of tree roots stuck in her neck was empowering her.


Daggers crushed and energized Sarasa, Sarasa’s face turned like an undead began to reclaim the original.


Adelwhite put another dagger into Sarasa’s body and ordered the chromgad’s men.


“Come, move him!”


Seven Ricci wrapped around the resurrected chrome galde. One of the riches magiced any dog. Just before the magic touches anything, anything disappeared into the air.


Kim Sung-chul’s eyes shook.


At that time, the voice of chaos was heard from the inside of Kim.


[What are you doing? God’s tool. Accept all the power of the Black Giant. Then you will be able to break this trivial enchantment at once. ]


Kim Sungchul beat the door again.


The tip of the mirror was broken again.


But only part of it.


If the mirror is broken and the barrier is broken, it is now necessary to knock out the batter ten times more with the same force.


Of course, if you fully accept the power of the giants, you can break the enchantment, but it is an unacceptable option.


Kim Seong-cheol’s hammer smashed through the door.


Sarasa spits blood out of her mouth, and her face gradually turns into a disgusting form like the other Rich.


A man’s growling voice came from behind. Kim Sungchul saw a man who taught himself magic.


Fighting. Fierce fighting was standing over his whole body.


Ironically, Kim Sungchul found the simplest solution in him.


‘If you knock this guy down.’


Kim Seong-chul and Althuss.


The purpose of encircling the two men is to cover the winners and losers.


Attaining the end will also remove this enchantment that is changing the rules of the world.


Kim Sungchul recollected the order after harvesting eight Garaz.


Altusius first attacked with one hand outstretched.


Several small streams of light flew at Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


A very sophisticated and accurate attack.


There is no one else who handles Glare so precisely than Althus.


Kim Sungchul A black flame prevented the glare from flying over the arms of Garaz.


A magic circle appeared on the whole body of Althuss.


Meteo’s formula.


Altusius continued to contain Kim Seong-cheol in glare while still honoring Meteo.


It is difficult for Altugius to use Glare with high accuracy and proficiency to gain time, or to defuse his opponent with Meteora after he uses his magic with low accuracy but little time and hard to evade. It’s one of my favorite combat styles for decades.


However, Kim Sungchul was superior in all respects to Altius. Physical strength, magical power, and experience.


Kim Sungchul It wasn’t too easy to avoid the glare of Altusius, and he fought back the magic he learned from his teacher with dozens of times.


The eight soul stones in the hem of Kim Sung-chul’s coat sparkled in unison.


Magic Glare Needs No Brig,


Kim Sungchul He placed his arm karazu, spreading the black flames on his right hand and his calm left hand at the same time, releasing the boiling magic inside.


A few or even dozens of light beams came out of Kim Sung-chul’s fingertips.


Small lights gathered and radiated at one time, comparable to the light emitted from the sun that was obscured by clouds.


In front of the storm of light, Altusius lately completed the Meteor and sang the magic barrier at the same time, but several of Glare’s beams passed through his furnace.


My eyes were far blurred.


As he fell, the encirclement between the two began to fade.


Shortly afterwards, a huge meteorite fell for Kim Seong-chul’s larynx.


Altius’ mortal blow was simply crushed by simply smashing it with a black flamed fist.


Kim Sungchul left the fallen Altusius and ran out of bounds.


However, enchantment is not yet completely dissolved.


It was clearly extinguished, but it still remained, blocking Kim’s front.


‘It’s dirty slowly.’


It’s never slow. I felt so frustrated.


In the meantime, Kromgald finished his resurrection.


He glanced at Kim Sung-cheol with a beast-like eye and opened the portal with Adelwhite.


It was a moment when Kim Sung-chul screamed.


The surroundings were stained with darkness.


It is not the power of darkness.


By an indescribably huge being.


Familiar power was felt around.


Kim Sungchul picked up the arm garaz again.


Two huge shapes appeared in the sky.


Kim Sung-chul’s eyes showed intense anger.


The beings who dominated this world reappeared before him.


-Still, the new girl Ruteginea. You always give us grace at the right moment! ]


The enormous hand of the Orderly God contained the material of a sphere that seemed to contain the universe. The spherical material had a long strip of string reaching to the side of the neutral god.


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