The enchantment is still on the verge of breaking.


The Order God grabbed the spherical material.


-These bastards! ]


A sharp swear word rang out from the inside of Kim Sung Chul.


The Chaos god is so surprised.


It is a chaotic god who said nothing when Kim Sung-chul controls the Black Giant.


He was silent even though it was likely to cause a great obstacle to his purpose.


Now, embarrassment that can not be compared to now, came to the skin vividly.


Soon Kim Sungchul could understand why the chaos god was embarrassed.


The transcendental sense responded to the coming sphere.


Transcendental senses were speaking.


The sphere is itself a door to another world.


Kim Seong-chul leads to the original world.


[Go back! Summoner! Where you should be! ]


The scoffs of order rang out over the sphere.


Soon the order lifted the sphere.


Very slowly and carefully.


It was as if the cup filled with water did not overflow.


The sphere of dimensions in his hands was an unwieldy object.


Soon the sphere rose to the point where it could be properly thrown.


The glorious light emanating from the Order God unnaturally revealed the darkness they cast.


Enchantment has not been lifted yet.


This is the only way to gamble.


The black flames of Kim’s body grew.


‘You can’t go back this way’


Leaving all that is left is a greater punishment than death for him.


The power of black giants grew stronger and swallowed consciousness.


I feel a lot of power.


The power of God to destroy everything.


Inversely everything faded.


All the memories of Kim Seong-chul’s life and even Bertelgia.


Just before the last ritual disappeared, something caught his eyes.


Black dots stained over the light of order.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes covered with black flames widened.


The identity of the black spot was Silpid.


“There is no beginning! Heresy! ”


Silfid’s player stood with Tygon Bosvorot, chief heresy examiner of the Mura denomination.


Silfid, led by him, was rushing to order at full speed.


Order could not move.


His hands hold a sphere of control that only two masters can barely control.


But order is given.


Likewise, he summoned a sword of justice to establish the order of the world by simply shaking his body.


Tens of thousands of swords appeared between Silpid and Order.


Tygon’s face became blue.


I know it well.


A sword storm that Kim Sung Chul could not overcome.


[How dare you, a trivial bug bites God. ]


Tens of thousands of swords pointed to Silpid at once.


Tygon was clearly terrified.


Strictly speaking, order was a form that was once overwhelmed by what he worshiped.


However, it is only appearance.


Tygon was not overwhelmed.


Rather, he cried aloud.


“Don’t turn the rider!”


Compared to the order of the gods, the voice of an ant is small enough to speak.


The swords began to tremble.


The judgment is about to begin.


But the sword was about to move.


Subtle movements took place on the spheres of dimension.


[Brother! Be careful! ]


Another silent neutral god shouted.


At the end of the words, the sphere of dimension, which was placed on the palm of the terrible order, began to react violently.


The spheres of dimension swell, creating a bulging protrusion that is endangered everywhere.


Order posture urgently stabilized the sphere of Honbibaeksan.


Silpid’s swords disappeared.


The indignant voice of the Order sounded.


[Why do those who serve me do these things! ]


It was a divine voice ringing heaven and earth.


But Tygon did not hesitate at all.


Rather, he bristled with white eyebrows and whiskers and shouted loudest he could.


“When you throw us away like a devotee, you come and talk now!”


Tygon, shot cool, looked down at Kim Sung-chul, who was surrounded by black flames.


He nodded toward Kim Seong-cheol in the distance.


Suddenly, faint light leaked out of Tygon’s body. It is not substantive light. It was like a hallucination of Kim Seong-chul.


The light seemed to go through the glorious light of the orderly body, even through his great new form, to the higher heavens.


The light of true conviction touched heaven directly through the Order.


Tygon looked at the torso of the coming order. His loyal priests came out of the bridge and walked behind him.


The route is fixed and there is no way back.


Tygon looked back at his priests and told everyone with a gentle expression.


“Our faith is not wrong. Even if we believed in a false being, the true God beyond would have listened to our prayers silently. ”


Tygon closed his eyes and prayed.


Silpid hit and broke the torso of the Order.


The bodies of the Order were only shaken lightly, but some of the time they had earned was an invaluable time.


Their sacrifice cannot be in vain.


The black flames on Kim’s body slowly began to disappear.


At the same time, Sarah, who was standing outside the tabernacle, fell and the tabernacle was lifted.


The spheres in the hands of the Order began to slowly disappear. The neutral gods were reaping their mortal powers.


[Digo! Why are you reaping it ?! ]


The Order God reversed the Neutral God.


[If everything goes wrong, everyone dies. brother! ]


Dirt did not back down.


The sphere connected to the body of the neutral god slowly disappeared and then disappeared.


The biggest threat has disappeared.


[damn it! Damn bugs! ]


The angered voice of order spread out, but he soon had to shut up.


Kim Seong-cheol was staring at him right under him.


But the luck of order is not yet complete.


The whole world drenched in an instant.


As if the fluorescent lamps near the end of their lives, the whole world was dyed in darkness, and found its original form.


Transcendental senses responded.


Great things are happening in this world.


No. 55 appeared before Kim Sung-chul.


“It’s a big day! Father … My father is about to die! ”




“If your father dies, this world is in great danger!”


Number 55 was speaking in a crying voice, not like her.


Order and neutral god escaped through the gap.


The deeds of appearing and fleeing are elite.


But they misled again.


Kim Seong-cheol’s body was a panacea.


Because of the reaction that almost accepted the black giant, his body creaked and his energy was exhausted.


If the Lords fought for their lives, they might have sealed Kim Sung-chul in the way they wanted.


When the Lords disappeared, Kim Sungchul sat down without power. Fearful lethargy and terrible pain have hit him.


Kim Sungchul turned his head hard and stared at the place where Adelwhite was.


Adelwhite and Kromgald have already fled in the chaos. And Tygon, the priests, and Silpid, who would be his feet, also disappeared.


Only one, the baron, came down to him and looked at him with hunky eyes, but that was all.


I thought I had analyzed my opponent, but the sneaks of Kromgal and the potential of Adelwhite exceeded my expectations.


It is inevitable.


The fact that a girl has such power was not recorded in any literature.


Kim Sungchul did his best.


I was just not lucky this time.


But the price of this mistake is huge.


Bertelgia was not found yet, and Kromgard escaped safely and is now tied up.


A breathtaking moan came from behind Kim Seong-chul, who breathed a deep sigh.


It belongs to Altius.


Glare was fatally wounded and approached his granddaughter, who was bleeding and crawled with both arms, holding her upper body.


Sarasa was already about to die.


“You have to go back to your father quickly!”


Ignored the 55’s screaming loudly and approached Kim Sungchul Sarasa and Altius.


The two grandchildren had already died.


It was Sarasa who died first.


“Paradise… . I just wanted to go to paradise. People… . ”


Sarasa’s head was bent like a flower.


The undyed eyes of the undead disappeared.


In the wind, Sarasa’s last wish was conveyed to Kim Sung-chul’s ear.


[Being a person again… . In Erfurt… . I just wanted to play and play in our dorm with that terrible student… . ]


Rustic wish without a chin.


Kim Sungchul did not say anything.


Altugius closed his eyes with his granddaughter, and glanced at Kim Sung-cheol’s foot in front of him.


Soon his voice was heard.


“…. When I wandered the strange streets of the rich islands, I saw local kids playing. ”


Altusius is already out of life.


Kim Sungchul stared at the dying old man with tired eyes.


Althus’s words continued.


“…. He was playing with a sloppy toy sword and spear made of wood. Even though the numbers weren’t enough, I had only two kids with swords and spears The child with the spear played the demon role, and the child with the sword acted as a warrior. The rest of the children without the kendo spears acted as ordinary people, saved by the demon king or warrior. I sat in the shade for a while and watched the children play, and soon a fight broke out. Everybody wanted to be a warrior or a demon king, because no one wanted to stay in the periphery. ”


“…. Is that why you changed? ”


Kim Sung-cheol asked in a calm tone.


Altius looks back at Kim Sung-chul. He did not look straight at Kim. It was because his eyes were already immersed in the dark, like water.


“I never changed. I just wanted to turn my granddaughter into a human being. Wouldn’t it be that you did not return my granddaughter to humanity? ”


“You and I would like to replace this now, but the positions we are in are essentially the same.”


“Someone says, but my goal is to save my granddaughter. As the enemy of the world you tried to save the daughter of Princess Luteguinea. But you had a toy sword to pretend to be the main character and nothing to me. That’s the difference between the two of us. ”


Althuss died as it was.


Even without eyes.


Subsequently, Altugius’s heart came through the wind and passed on to the transcendental sense.


[Sorry. Everything. ]


The man was not honest until the end.


Kim Sungchul walked back to the dead grandson.


The direction was not determined.


A dog appeared from behind and looked at Kim Sung Chul.


“What should I do now?”


As soon as she asked, number 55 came out again.


“Go to where your father is! My father might give me a way! ”


Kim Sungchul 55 stared in the water.


My key is not an option.


However, now that everything is broken, it seems not too bad to leave everything to a very small hope.


Kim Sung-chul said to 55.


“Please guide. No. 55. ”


Eckhart met again, becoming more faint than ever.


In the infinite space he changed into the form of points that did not even good.


After several short and discontinuous voices, Eckhart managed to convey his will to Kim.


“I am on the verge of extinction.”


His voice was no longer a human voice.


No more or less than the transfer of the will.


“If I die, the collapse of this world will begin. How the neutral gods stand, but if you don’t pick a new manager, the world ends with that. ”


He was making the same sound as before.


Kim Sungchul I felt tired fatigue rather than antagonism.


“Become my manager. It is only for the end that everyone wants! ”


Kim Sungchul, who heard the words, narrowed his eyes and stared at Eckhart.


“Everyone wants a ending?”


That’s ridiculous.


There were too many tragedies and absurdities.


There are so many things that cannot be enumerated.


Kim Sungchul knows where the cause came from.


If he becomes an administrator, the world will regain tranquility, as Eckhart said.


Under its cursed order and neutral grace, the world will be stabilized.


Inevitably with new tragedy and absurdity to come.


“I will not be an administrator.”


His will was firm and unreturned.


A thick sigh flowed from Eckhart, who turned into a point.


“You are really a godly tool to destroy the world.”


Kim Sungchul did not deny.


“While I may say that I am a tool of God, I will not let these tragedies be repeated twice.”


Arm Garaz appeared in Kim Seong-chul’s hand.


“I only do my way.”


Eckhart did not say anything.


Space began to collapse.


Eckhart’s death was beginning.


“…. You look like me, but you are completely different. ”


“I just wanted to be empowered and didn’t know what to do with it. But I see you a little bit. ”


In the crumbling space, the dots began to disappear.


Eckhart left his last testament.


“You yourself know best where to go.”


Suddenly, a whitish figure appeared in the eyes of Kim Sung-chul.


Old and exhausted alchemist’s face.


Eckhart’s bare face.


He smiled at Kim Sung-cheol.


“…. You have to know what your own destiny is to be against it. ”


That is the end of Eckhart.


His space collapsed.


At the end of the psychedelic landscape, Kim Sungchul stood on the desolate northeastern land that he originally had.


A dog came towards him.


Kim Sungchul shook her head at her question.


“I have only heard erratic stories.”


Disappointment passed through the eyes of the dog.


Kim Sungchul laid his hands on her shoulder and stared west.


“But there was a little bit of reference.”


Kim Seong-cheol clapping.


“There. Book friends. ”


The 49 appeared in the air.


No. 55 did not appear.


No. 49, the expression was unknown, but the mood was gloomy.


The death of their father, Eckhart.


I told Kim Sungchul 49.


“Can you take me to the steps of God?”


49 stared at Kim Sungchul’s water and waved his head in no time.


“It is the operating principle of the Bertelgia type that you do not intervene in the world, except your father’s command, but it is meaningless now that your father died.”


The door of dimension was opened.


Looking back at Kim Sungchul at the door of dimension.


The destroyed Silpid, the dead bodies of the dead, and the traces of tragedy were everywhere.


Kim Sungchul said to himself, pleading with herself.


“…. I will not repeat any more. ”


I walked in front of Kim Sungchul’s door with my arm-garage on my shoulder.


To the place where everything began.


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