Dark areas exist in the back alleys of the brilliant golden city, as there are shadows when there is light.


A back alley called Slave Street is there.


When Kim Sung-chul entered the slave street, a group of slave traders were auctioning slaves in a messy square.


Kim Sungchul passed the auction house and stared at the slave’s face.


Head familiar with black hair.


They were summoned to the world in this large summon.


Losing reason, their eyes were staring at those who would be their new masters.


Kim Sungchul passed the auction house with careless eyes.


As you passed by the auction house, a thrilling street filled with dallets, drunkards, and prostitutes unfolded.


Kim Sungchul I found a shop and stood in front of it.


It was a gorgeous inn with the name of the palace of pleasure.


Christian Ashwood was having a great time surrounded by a number of beauties in the luxurious room of the palace of pleasure.


“Oh my god. Who is this? It’s not a warrior! ”


Drunk Christian greeted Kim Seong-cheol with a smile.


“Good for you. Sit down here. There are also sweethearts at that time! ”


Then he yelled at the women in a furious angry voice.


“What are you doing? Without attending a warrior? ”


“Export all.”


Kim Sungchul Speaked in a short but powerful tone.


Not surprisingly, Cristian, who was very fast, noticed that Kim Sung-cheol’s planting was bad after only one word.


He hurriedly sent the women out, then faltered with his right hand and stuttered with a different attitude.


“He… . As for the book of Professor Altusius… I’m learning from an acquaintance. I’m investigating so hard, and the results will be coming soon. ”


Kim Sungchul I picked up a glass of wine on the table and smelled it.


“Don’t you like alcohol?”


“I can’t even tell how many saliva are mixed. I think it’s a shop that sells leftover liquor, so don’t eat alcohol at this store unless it’s bad. ”


“I’ll keep it in mind!”


“And I came to hear something else.”


What Kim Sung Cheol wanted to know was detailed information about Leonard Sangtum.


Leonard Sangtum was a secondary task when he first asked Christians for information, but now it has emerged as a major task.


A depressed Christian opened her eyes with a sparkle of confidence on the subject.


“Oh, Leonard Sangtum. I’ve collected enough information about that bastard. ”


Christian clarified from the conclusion.


“He is suspected of being a follower of disasters.”


“A follower of the disaster?”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


“Yes. Behind him is Professor Flamingus Professor Fregius. Fregius is already openly identified as a follower of disaster. ”


“I want to hear more.”


It’s been a long time since I had an enemy in Erfurt.


Now it is time to know some of the circumstances of the school.


Christian explained the current situation of Erfurt based on the information he knew and collected.


He said that Erfurt’s decline began in earnest three years ago after the death of Principal vs. Magnus.


When the principal of the school disappeared, the most powerful flame school dean, Pragius, and the freeze school dean, Robert Danton, fought fiercely for the principal.


If either party overwhelmed the other, it would have led to a small happening, but the flame and freeze schools were equally long.


As time went deeper between the two conflicting schools, time passed without a break and the prestigious Erfurt lost its function and collapsed thoroughly.


It was then that rumors spread around the school that the followers of the disaster were infested.


There were also rumors that the killing of the former principal, Grand Magnus, was a follower of disaster.


No one figured out who killed the former principal.


“…. Leonard Sangtum is the practitioner of the Fregius. Originally under Altugius, he began serving Sergius after being dismissed for his unfortunate events. It is obvious that Fregius is the heresy inhabitant of the school and that Leonard Sangtum is a follower of the disaster. ”


Roughly seems to know.


What is the atmosphere of Erfurt?


I felt sick and disgusted.


“Oh and one more interesting piece of information.”


Christian said, seeing Kim Sung-chul.


“Although it is not clear, the astronomical professor Altusius owes a tremendous debt to Professor Fregius.”


“Yes. The purpose is unknown, but the rumor is that it borrowed an astronomical amount. So Altusius is stuck with Professor Fregius. Well, rumors only. ”


Information I wanted to know was found.


Kim Sungchul arose.


The gold coins that Kim Seong-chul gave before were piled up on the table.


Kim Sungchul picked one of them and looked with eyes.


Gold coins without a publisher.


Kim Sungchul left the room looking at the coin with an uninteresting eye.


“You warrior over there. Is there anything else I want to order? ”


“Identify those who are suspected followers of the plague on Airfurt.”


“The followers of the disaster. It is a difficult order. But this is Christian. I will do my best for the warrior. ”


Kim Sungchul presented a gem as a reward.


Christian rejoiced greatly and received the flounder with both hands.


“If something happens, send a heavenly squirrel.”


A decadent red light cluttered my eyes as I left the room.


But what really disturbs him is not the flashing lights but the situation before them.


There is no easy way to obtain the vision of the Celestial Party.


In order to solve the tangled problem, it is urgent to solve the disaster followers that exist in school.


Leonard Sangtum and its factions in particular.


However, touching it prematurely can lead to bad results.


The followers of the plagues are cunning like snakes with multiple heads.


You have to hit all your heads at once.


Otherwise you will be bitten by the surviving head of the other head.


‘These are known as followers of disaster right now, Fregius and Leonard Sangtum, but if you dig a little more, there will be hidden ones. The real leading the heresy of the school. ‘


Kim Sungchul Slaughter of followers of the disaster.


He knows the enemy’s tricks better than anyone.


The first rule in dealing with followers of disaster is to doubt all.


Perhaps Altusius is a follower of disasters.


If that happens, Kim Sungchul decided not to choose the means and methods.


At the same time, in the coffin of the torture, several wizards gathered to perform the ritual.


The center of the circle was Sarasa Zero.


Instead of the thick robe that surrounds her body, she wore only one piece of heavenly thin underwear.


Altius Zero stared at his granddaughter with anxious eyes.


Sarasa was closing her eyes, feeling the grandfather’s gaze, he opened his eyes slightly and winked.


However, as the magic infused into her became stronger, she quickly frowned and shone her eyes.


Deep wrinkles were engraved on Altusius’s forehead.


The man standing by his side said in a gentle voice.


“You don’t have to worry. The pain will be brief, but the granddaughter’s loveliness will be preserved forever. ”


His robes were painted vivid skull pattern.


They know how to prevent the dead from corruption, and they sell their knowledge in exchange for expensive money or gifts.


The appearance of Sarasa Zero was maintained by their magic.


“Well, it looks like you’re running low on money?”


The necromancer noticed that the amount of money was not enough to feel the weight of a purse like a ghost.


Althuss felt cold sweat running down his back.


“Let’s see, I’m short of three gold coins. May I ask why? “


“That’s it. The shortage will be later. ”


The necromancer’s reaction was cold.


He stared at Althus as he looked at the dead, speaking in a clerical tone.


“I remember this happening last time. At that time, I believed in your fame and passed it once, but if the same thing is repeated, I think it’s better to recognize other necromancers. ”


However, other necromancers will not help Althus.


Because the necromancers are the real ones of the Rogothen School of Magic, the foremost in the Golden City.


If you are wrong with the author, it’s no different from having a chuck with Rogotete An, the necromancers across the golden city.


“I will try to get the lack as soon as possible.”


Althuss bowed his face to the necromancers of other schools.


The psychiatrist nodded, looking reluctantly at Althusius’s eyes.


“Only once this time. It is difficult for us too. ”


The ceremony proceeded normally.


Sarasa’s preservation magic has regained its original vitality, and her figure will remain original for a short time.


But this is also the last time.


Altusius needed money.


However, there is only one way for Althuss to make a fortune in a short time.


He visited a man who never wanted to meet again.


He was wearing a mask of a crow’s head on a white robe without any dust.


The man, staring out of the window with the sun shining behind him, turned around and felt a mild voice from Altugius.


“Finally determined to save school?”


The identity of the man was the heresy inspector Magnus Maxima.


The man, sent to investigate heresy’s energy at Erfurt School of Magic, was known as a man of any means and method to eradicate heresy.


“Are you going to the pension school?”


Bertelgia hung in her arms.


Kim Sungchul nodded.


“I plan to spend time in the pension school for the time being.”


Leonard Santham will be paralyzing as before when he goes to the Astronomy.


If you’re fighting, you won’t avoid it, but you don’t have to set up a conflict.


The move is not too late after Christians bring information about the followers of the disaster.


“A great choice!”


Bertelgia spoke in a pleasant voice, waving in his pocket.


“When I saw yesterday, my magic was so weak that I lost my magic. I thought I needed to stay in the pension school for a long time to learn magic.”


“Not so much.”


On the edge of 130 horsepower, Kim Sungchul raised the lack of horsepower through soft nogada.


However, because the stats exceeded 100, the growth rate was slow.


The lack of efficiency was far from what Kim would like to do.


“Softness is too slow compared to going hand in hand.”


“That’s only one thing you don’t know.”


Bertelgia immediately refuted.


“Every pension item has its own level? If you make a low level pension item growth is slow, but if you make a high level item can grow fast! ”


“Yeah! But materials are hard to get… The disadvantage is that the ingredients are expensive! ”


It’s a problem for Kim Sung-cheol to get the material, but the expensive material doesn’t matter.


Kim Sungchul When I arrived at the pension school, I decided to try and combine the high-level pension item that Bertelgia mentioned.


Kim Sungchul, however, saw an unexpected sight when he went to the tent where the pensionists were.


The pension school’s tent is gone.


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