Kim Sungchul found familiar faces gathered around a shabby warehouse hidden behind a tent.


Alumni professor Basil Philus and his disciples.


By now, people who had to sleep or smoke hemp at this time had gathered in the vacant lot with a lost face.


Kim Sungchul approached them.


“What happened?”


No one answered.


Everyone just breathe out with their heads down.


Kim Sungchul I approached Basil Philus, who seemed to be talking, and asked again.


“What happened?”


The man, who was always sleeping naked at this time, was wearing the right outfit today.


He looked up Kim Seong-cheol with a disappointed face, and said sadly.


“The department was notified of the closure.”


This was the herbaceous paper.


The pension school has since been transformed into an Erfurt dump where only inferior students, who were driven from other schools, gathered.


The level of students and the level of faculty itself.


That part was well known to Kim Seong-chul.


However, when the situation in Erfurt became difficult, there was a movement to abolish unnecessary schools.


After the death of the prestigious Basil Philus predecessor, the pension school fell sharply and in recent years failed to do a good job.


Eventually, the pension school was thrown out of tents and was waiting for a day of retirement.


It was when Kim Seong-chul entered the pension school.


“Professor. It’s not abolished yet. ”


The dark circled dark girl stared at the professor and said in a gloomy voice.


“That’s not true. It’s not confirmed yet. But that’s only a week! ”


Basil Philus bowed his head with his head open.


“What happens if the abolition is confirmed?”


“Once I’m sure I’m kicked out, my students are in the same fate as me unless I seek another advisor.”


“We are cast out. Only the kids who have been rejected more than once have gathered here. ”


A girl in a dark circle talked bluntly, and Basil Philus clasped her head and responded.


“Unless a miracle happens”


The words came to mind in the eyes of Kim Sung-chul.


“Hey, is there a way?”


If you don’t know anything else, you can solve your money.


But the solution that came out of the mouth of Basil Philus was unexpected.


“The emergency operations committee said… We will suspend retirement if we produce satisfactory achievements in our pension school. ”


“A satisfactory achievement?”


It doesn’t look easy.


Soon Basil Philus spoke.


“Yes. They require softness of pension items of level 5 or higher. By the way… I am ashamed of none of us to make such a thing. ”


Kim Seong-cheol’s pocket was very strong.


Bertelgia trembled violently as if a cell phone came in vibration.


There is something to say.


When Kim Seong-cheol asked for excuse and went to a quiet place, Berttelgia popped out of his pocket as if he had waited.


“What? Can’t make level 5 items? Hey, there’s all that stuff! ”


Bertelgia was angry.


A pension item that can be softened through a pension kiln has a unique level different from other items.


The level is divided into nine grades from 1 to 9, with 1 being the lowest grade and 9 the highest.


However, the highest level of alchemy that humans can generate is known as level 7, and even now there is no alchemist who can create it.


Therefore, the pension item of the 5th level is likely to belong to the middle level, but the actual phase is very high.


The Emergency Operations Committee did not order the pension schools to create pension items of level 5 or higher.


“Huh. I’ll say it. The pension school professor in a place where the bright color is the prestigious world is not able to generate the 5th level pension item. This is language. ”


Bertelgia was angry for some reason.


Kim Sungchul I was staring at such Bertelgia with an interesting eye.


“So what room do you have?”


“Of course. I’m a treasure trove of pension knowledge. It’s about level 5 items, of course! ”


Bertelgia showed the recipe for various pension items to Kim Seong-chul by opening the page as if to prove that.


But one can not understand as one.


Kim Sungchul, accustomed to the spell book, recognized that the cause was his intuition.


“Unfortunately I can’t understand your page.”


“Oh, how much is your intuition now? Did you flip a little over 100? ”


Kim Sungchul nodded.


“Well .. Now it’s hard for you to understand. Then I’ll show you the recipe myself. It should not be done as a guide to the visionary’s vision! ”


“Oh. There was a creationist. ”


Eckhart’s quests have been completely forgotten.


“What is it? surely… Did you forget? Are you on the path of creation? ”


Bertelgia struck a bookshelf as he was shocked and crashed and climbed just before hitting the ground.


“Would you like to come back?”


“Really … I can’t say it! Well, it doesn’t matter! Whether you walk in the path of creation or not, it is not a matter of imposition that I am a guide. ”


Bertelgia seemed to be a bit insulted, but he did what he had to do.


“Anyway, I’ll call you the name of a level 5 item that I know and can make. Choose something that looks gross. ”

 Bertelgia listed the names of pension items.


Twilight candle holders, rainbow ingots, floating stone crystals, alchemy bombs (black), erfir agent.


A total of five pension items.


Kim Seong-cheol of the world is the only item you have not heard except the floating stone.


“What is the easiest of these?”


“Well. To be honest, it’s all hard. You have to be prepared for dozens of failures. The criteria for selecting them are the ones that make it easy to get the ingredients. ”


As Bertelgia said, the ductility of level 5 pension items was not easy.


The difficulty of collecting materials was overcome by the power of money, but each item required a unique skill of the alchemist difficult to express numerically.


For example, the twilight candlestick demanded the alchemist the skill of a craft because of the characteristics of the item, the rainbow ingot required the understanding of heat, and the pension bomb (black) demanded the careful hand movement and mastery of the use of balance.


The rest was similar.


Each required skill is required.


“What are you going to make?”


Kim Sungchul took a long time to answer Bertelgia’s question and chose a pension bomb (black).


I think it’s best to hit and smash to appeal to the upper class.


“Okay. Then let’s go tell these nerds! Even if we make it, the idiot must step in to apply for judging! ”


Kim Sungchul followed the words of Bertelgia.


Basil Philus was still crying with disciples of destiny to be driven out of distress.


Kim Sungchul stood before him and talked his plans in a calm voice.


“I am going to create a level 5 pension item from now on. The deadline is a week from now. Please apply to the Emergency Management Committee. ”


“Yes? Are you going to make a level 5 pension item?


The drooping Basil Philus jumped up.


“Yes. I’ll try it once. ”


“You have been in the pension school for less than a month. Have you ever made level 3 or level 2 items? At least I don’t remember teaching. ”


“One of my acquaintances is a skilled alchemist. I receive a personal lesson from him. ”


Basil Philus was unsatisfactory at all times, but eventually nodded.


“Okay. Apply here. But keep that in mind. The judges coming out of the emergency committee are the Deans of the Flame and Freezing Schools. It would be hard to be safe if they played a joke against them. ”


Basil Pilus made it clear that the petition would be Kim Seong-cheol, but he would do it.


The responsibility is to say no.


Kim Sungchul nodded.


“I don’t care.”


Kim Sungchul along with Bertelgia headed for the alchemy shop in downtown Golden City.


Kim Sungchul In addition to the Alchemy Bomb (Black), the materials needed to soften the remaining four items were wiped out.


The pavement was prepared in case the pension bomb didn’t work as expected.


Of course, I had to spend a huge amount, but Kim Sung-chul’s balance was still strong.


He went to each alchemy store, wiped out the items that would be ingredients, and returned to school.


Pension school students who were killed by the warehouse had been drinking bottles since daylight.


A nasty hemp smell has been smelled in the warehouse.


Basil Philus, who was to guide them, was clapping and smiling among the students.


Kim Sungchul I didn’t want to, but I was able to overhear some of their conversations, all of which were mostly sexual jokes.


Kim Sungchul settled in a pension kiln farthest from them.


He took out the stacked tables, laid tablecloths on them, and put alchemy materials purchased in the city and equipment needed for production.


“Then shall we start?”


Bertelgia in his pocket said in a confident voice.


“Yes, what should I do first?”


“Once you have to trim the spore seeds of the firecrackers.”


Kim Sungchul Picked up the thick, hair-covered seeds on the table.


The size of the peach seed, the texture is rough.


Kim Sungchul Smelled the seeds.


There was a plant-specific grassy smell, but it was concealed in the gunpowder.


– Spore Seeds of Firecrackers –


Effect: Explosion on impact or fire.


Remarks: Seeds of firecrackers in the eastern prairie. When the seeds ripen, the fire becomes stronger and explodes by itself, sending the spores away.


He needs 20 silver coins per seed.


For Kim Sung-cheol, it’s only chewing gum, but it’s about the equivalent of a monthly salary for Erfurt.


“Once you have carefully grasped the husks of the seeds, you have to carefully cut them with the outer conjugation and extract the essence of the explosion contained in them.”


Kim Sungchul immediately got into work.


“Be careful. It can explode. It’s dangerous enough that your fingers can fly away if you’re unlucky. ”


Bertelgia warned him to be careful, but the master of cooking, Kim Seong-chul, did not have a rough cut.


Despite being the first crop to be treated, he gently cut out the seeds and extracted the coarse solid powder with red color hidden in it.


‘You’re good. This person. ‘


Bertelgia was a little touched.


I felt it before, but Kim’s work with materials was not common.


A well-educated alchemist is hard to deal with, trimming the firecracker’s spore seeds.


“What can I do next?”


“Let’s mashed it in the trigger. But now it’s better not to mash it after it contains the essence of five seeds. ”


Kim Sungchul went on to the next work.


He trimmed the seeds with a very quick hand and soon contained the essence of five seeds in the essence.


“Can I crush it now?”


“No! If you just crush me. You have to make a neutralizer before you crush it. ”


“Neutralization. Is that what you make from the grass of the blind? ”


Bertelgia shook his body strongly in Kim’s pocket.


Kim Sungchul immediately reached the pool of the blind.


Bertelgia was closely watching Kim Sung-chul’s fingertips.


‘When I added ingredients before, I must teach you to trim, but where should I do it?’


Kim Sungchul The pension kiln set fire and put distilled water.


General procedure up to that point.


The important thing is the following.


Kim Sungchul I picked up the grass of the blind and picked it up. I started to remove the roots and dried ends one by one.


‘헉! You do it right. This person! ’


Bertelgia was more than expected.


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