A huge scorpion-shaped war machine made of steel settled on a ridge with a green fire from its tail.


Hell Siege, often seen in the great offensive of demons.


The laughter of the demons rang out over the barren sky and at the same time fired a hellish siege.


A devil’s magic cannon, installed in the scorpion’s agar, spits green fireballs.


The fireball dropped parabola over the night sky and struck the wall of the post.


The whole post was shaken, and an unquenched green light burned fiercely around the impact point, and small demons made of fire jumped out like ants.


An inferior demon who is called the ember of embers.


All you can do is wander around and ignite a person, but on a chaotic battlefield, this little devil can be a threat.


Steel gas Aaron’s steel boots, called the stone heads, trampled and destroyed an ember of fire.


“Tread out all those little things! If you don’t want to burn out later! ”


The soldiers hurriedly removed the embers under the command of the river gas.


However, as Hell Siege fired again, dozens of other embers whipped inside the posts, and from the outside, a squad of imps and beasts approached the sound of the drums.


“Human! Kill! ”


Five meters of monsters appeared in the dark.


Fallen trolls.


The beasts, who were blinded to the flesh and skulls and had a steel patch secured to them, and strengthened their bodies by demons’ evil magic, often lead the battle in large-scale offensive.


“Wizard and archer forward! Focus on that big monster! ”


A male elven soldier with a bow pulled a silver shiny arrow from a quiver and drew a protest on the bow.


If you’re a normal troll, you’re going to be eye-catching, but you don’t see any weaknesses in trolls with steel patches.


Elf soldiers aimed at the burnt imp on a kiln securely fixed behind the fallen troll neck.


The Imp was a kind of driver who digs into the troll’s skin and touches the stakes that reach the neckbone and controls the troll on his own terms.


An arrow of elves flew through the wind and pierced the neck of the imp.


“Kieeh !!!”


The arrow pierced the neck of the imp orthodoxly.


The Imp fell sideways to the left with its stake, so naturally the fallen trolls turned left along the Imp.


The trolls turned to the left and turned to the other trolls that followed.


“Get it! Get it! ”


Other Imps urgently attempted to remove the Dead Imp and grab the controls, but then again the Elven’s arrow penetrated the Imp’s body and the blind Troll hit another Troll.


“Speaking !!!!”


The troll, whose stress had reached its extreme with chronic abuse, shook his fist like crazy as soon as he bumped into something.


Wield his fist without losing another troll.


As the two giant trolls fought blood and flesh in the middle of their lead, the enemy’s lead fell into great turmoil.


Immediately, dozens of Imps advancing from trolls ‘feet were stepped on by trolls’ footsteps, and subsequent troops were stopped.


Deckard praised the elven man and went out in front of the post with a cane.


Two sturdy men held up their shields to protect Decad.


Soon Deckerd’s eyes were colored with bright light.


“Feel the power of heaven!”


A complex circle of magic rose from his staff.


Kim Sungchul I couldn’t know 100% of the meaning of the magic circle, but he could glimpse what he was trying to use.


‘Are you writing a meteor?’


Soon a dark cloud in the northern sky was lifted and something fell from the sky.


“Me .. Meteoda !!!”


The demons screamed to heaven, but there was no way for them to be saved.


A blue comet with long tails fell on their heads, which were followed by troops, followed by fighting trolleys.


A tremendous explosion occurred on the enemy’s lines, sweeping everything around.


When the dust was lifted, the bodies of countless demons lay down in a concentric circle.


It was the power of Meteor, the reason for the existence of astronomy.


Rivergas Aaron stroked his grenades while watching them with warm eyes.


“Also 22. It is the ace of our punishment! ”


But the demons offensive are just beginning.


Senior demons, such as Balok and Baal, who are holding their ominous presence beyond Hell, were watching the battle without moving.


The senior demons only had a few consumables dead.


“Continue sending bugs.”


It is the devil’s main tactic to send the lower devils to exhaust the enemy’s battle line and then blow heavy blows as powerful upper devils.


There are still many consumables and long nights.


Hundreds of low-ranking demons are marching in the middle of the mound, hidden beyond the ridge.


The soldiers of the punishment troops defeated the oncoming adversaries, but as time passed they began to lose their sharpness and wear out.


“There is no end!”


There was a load on the wires.


The young elves, who were holding the trolls’ ankles with sharp bow skills, were now fighting with swords, and wizards were running out of exhaustion just before exhaustion.


Deckerd breathed out his breath and squeezed the water in the leather pocket.


If it was the essence of magic, he thought he could fit more of Meteo into the enemy’s head.


“When are the reinforcements coming? Now we’re shooting the forward post with our lives! ”


On the other hand, Gangas Aaron was roaring toward the blue circle of magic that was held in the hands of a wizard wearing a blue cap.


Kim Sungchul knew what the magic circle was.


It is also the main skill of the wizards of sensitization as a convenient magic that can send and receive voices to the far-away partner like a wireless telephone.


Beyond the magic circle, it was heard in a voice without confidence.


“We’re sorry, but we haven’t received any advance notice of your attack plan. If you have told us your plans ahead of time, send a reinforcement quickly… . ”


‘No! That’s how you told me to occupy the post! ”


The river Gas Aaron screamed as if the guard station was about to leave.


The loudness of the sound was enough to reduce the sense that the noise on the battlefield was gone.


“Dogs like dogs are real. What do you do when you tell them to occupy the post? Advance Planning Notice? It’s boring and sleepy. You bastards! All my men are here to die! What are you going to do? Who will be responsible? ”


Been pressed by the force of the river gas, I heard only the sound of swallowing saliva beyond the magic circle.


The strong gas Aaron closed his eyes and bite it.


“Okay. I’ve captured the post as I told you. But you didn’t send the reinforcements you promised, so you lost the post and lost your load. Do you admit it? ”


“No. River gas. I don’t think so. At the exact time, even if you had already told us in advance…


“Can’t you shut up?”


“…. I will call you now. ”


The voice beyond the magic circle seemed to be patient.


At that time, the gas giant Aaron was also prone.


“Okay. I’ll pick this one later. Is the situation urgent now? Above. ”


The river knocked on the wizard’s shoulder wearing a blue hat.


A sound was heard from the circle but the river gas shook its arm and the wizard destroyed the circle.


“Oh my god. It’s always like this! This is how we take away our strongholds! ”


The river gas spit on the floor and turned to the battlefield again.


The situation was suffering from deterioration.


The trolls handled them all, but the imps rippled through the holes left by the Hell Siege, and soldiers of the lower demons were climbing on the walls of the watchtower.


The soldiers were still less damage, but over time the answer was obvious.


Akkad said urgently.


“Captain. You must retreat! ”


To be precise, it is not a retreat.


The final attack to open the retreat must be carried out.


The river gas nodded.


“Good! This gives up the post. I will open the way, and all follow me! ”


Rivergas stood in front of him with a purple sword.


Timing is shortly after the enemy’s onslaught.


Imps and Demon soldiers climbed up the watchtower on the ladder.


Eighty soldiers with all their might stopped the attack.


Kim Seong-chul was also at the center.


Two Imps aimed at Kim Sung-cheol with a sharp iron skewer.


Kim Sungchul cast Glare and burned two Imps.


Next were the demons.


The horned and purplish low-ranking demons played a pivotal role in the Devil’s army because of their weak magic, but their high intelligence and strength and stamina.


Asmodian soldiers wielded huge scythes over tens of kilograms toward Kim.


Kim Sungchul With minimal movement, he avoided a sickle and inserted a ray of light into the demons’ wide open agar.


Glare’s flash penetrated the demon’s ceiling and burned the brainwater beyond it.


Although not able to pierce the Devil’s Helmet, the Devil’s red eyes turned white and the Devil soldiers fell under Kim’s feet.


Decad came over and covered Kim Seong-chul.


Then another demon soldier was struck.


This time it was an assault in the sky.


Joins with wings and the head of a bird descended and shouted.


The iron clad hand held a long spear was aiming at the crown of Kim Sung-cheol.


Deckerd attempted to cast spells by stretching his wand, but he was already out of magic.


Glare was not cast.


Deckerd had no choice but to watch as Joiner attacked Kim Seong-chul with his astounding eyes.


Kim Sungchul I was just looking forward to see if the sign was coming.


However, the window of In-yeong’s window tried to pierce Kim Seong-chul’s crown, and Kim Seong-chul’s new type moved back smoothly as water flows.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes shone like a mirage in the eyes of Joiner.


There was no feeling at the point where the window touched, and the prey was standing over there.


A spear speared down ignited the base of an abyssed watchtower, and the sergeant holding the spear dropped steadily on the floor with acceleration.


Joiner tried to fly again with big wings, but Kim Sung-chul’s glare blew up his wings.


Joiner who lost wings rolled up the floor.


Kim Sungchul picked up the mace rolling on the floor and made the final blow to the sign.


Joinman’s head was shattered with his beak.


Deckard watched Kim Seong-cheol with unbelief.


“You, novice, aren’t you? What’s wrong with you? ”


As the voice turned around, Kim’s voice shouted like a storm.


“Now! Soldiers! I will open the retreat. Follow me all! ”


The river gas wielded a purple sword and jumped under the watchtower.


Asmodian soldiers try to face up with long spears, but the sword of the river gas flashes and falls like autumn leaves.


River gas opened its way, kicking rushing horses and imps.


“I don’t think we have time to talk. From now on, it is really dangerous. Take good care of your body. ”


It is now the turn of the soldiers.


The soldiers jumped from the watchtower along the back of the river gas and followed the path he opened.


A few unlucky soldiers were caught in a spear built by the demon soldiers, and the left injured soldiers faced a terrible fate by rushed Imps and horses.


The survivors desperately followed the back of the river gas which flashed the purple sword, blocking the demons from all directions and cutting the demons.


Deckerd was fighting with swords and shields instead of sticks.


A demon soldier fell down bleeding green blood.


Akkad wielded the ax like a windmill on the right, and the imps were slaughtered, and on the left, Elf’s bottle Fagan cut off the horse’s neck with his dancing.


Decker gazed back.


The dark haired man on the shabby coat of number 34 was silently following.


Without any fear or embarrassment.


And naturally.


‘Alternatively that guy. What are you doing? ‘


Ordinary freshman is never.


That room and the ability to lose the body was never raised overnight.


“Let’s go! I can see the end! Let’s all be strong! ”


At the front, Aaron was screaming in a loud voice.


The devil’s creepy laughter and shouts came from behind.


The post had again fallen into the hands of the devil, and the far-moon-colored giant Barock and Baal were arrogantly flapping their wings and sitting on the post.


The dead people’s necks were stuck on skewers, and their bodies became food for dogs and imps.


Of the 80 punishers, only twenty-five survived.


“Hah. Sigh…


Deckerd, one of the survivors, was breathing out of his breath.


It was a crazy breakout that did not know how to survive.


After a short breath, he found a man who was following them.


The man. 34 was just before Deckerd.


“You survived the battlefield as promised. Now it is your turn to keep your promise. ”


It’s a casual look that doesn’t get alive or breathe.


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