It is common to put sinned soldiers or soldiers on dangerous missions and pay for them.


However, unlike the other battlefields, the front line of the Devil’s Front is serious in matters, and the opponents are also alien beings.


The ratio of enemy runners is also much higher than other battlefields, and therefore requires a strict military rate.


The penalty unit is one of the systems for maintaining the front line of the world.


For soldiers at the front line, punishment assignments are treated like death sentences.


The mortality rate is 90%.


However, the figure of 90% is only a statistical figure, and most punishment units are wiped out.


Kim Seong-chul, probably one of the longest men on the front line of the Devil, cannot know this system.


“What is the penalty?”


He answered Bertelgia’s question in a word.


“Fish on Cutting Board.”


Kim Sungchul On that way, he volunteered as a mercenary in a mother camp.


Defeated soldiers at the forefront, always lacking soldiers, or identification.


Anyway, most of the mercenaries who fight on the front lines of the Devil’s Front are mostly criminals or debtors who have fled their debts.


It’s hard to identify enough soldiers to fight on the front line.


“What will you do with your class?”


A grim scar with a ugly scar that appears to be a devil’s fingernail on his face threw a question in a harsh voice.


“The wizard should be one or two servants. What’s your dimension? What is your influence? Or is combat special? ”


Kim Sungchul and said one more.


“Where do you use it? Omit that. If you don’t want to make potions at the factory. ”


After the class was established, the recruiter asked about the desired front.


Of course, the battlefield that this recruiter recommends is the most dangerous place.


“What about the front lines of the Baran Aran Tribal Federation? It will be a good chance to get acquainted with the pretty elves. ”


“I’m sorry but I didn’t stand up.”


“Oh. That’s a terrible thing. ”


“I want to go to the storm front.”


“It’s a storm front. If a man doesn’t stop anyway, it’d be better for the dwarves to shout. ”


The day was scheduled for sunshine.


Kim Sungchul was a mercenary wizard and was sent to the storm front.


His place was a small fortress called the Black Hill, which was fine.


Because Kim Sungchul had been in an accident since the first day of his appointment.


“Baekyoung! You are immediately transferred to punishment for assault, protest, and vandalism! ”


Immediately after the ruling fell, a cloth that was not yet dry with the number 34 on the chest of Kim’s old coat was forcibly attached.


The soldier who was sewing at Kim Seong-cheol’s question said bluntly.


“What is it? Prisoner’s number. ”


Kim Sungchul was quickly sent to the forefront penalty unit.


The means of transportation was also Griffon.


The Griffon Knight, who carried Kim Sung-chul behind him, laughed as soon as he put Kim Sung-cheol down.


“Here is your grave. newcomer. It’s the perfect place for accidents and hitters to die as soon as you come! ”


“Maybe it’s coming after full time, but let’s see where you live!”


The Griffon Patrol raised a gust of wind and flew to the far north.


Kim Sungchul looked around.


There were several tents in the basin of the highlands that appeared to be punishment units.


Kim Sungchul The number of tents and the number of tents was combined to estimate the current number of penalties.


‘About 300 people left.’


But the actual number is about 100 people.


In recent major battles, more than half of the troops were swept away.


The captain of the punishment unit was a middle-aged man named Gangas Aaron who had a wild and sleek appearance like a leopard.


On the surface, it looks like a strand, but it is.


He is a Swordmaster from the Ancient Kingdom, and is known as a warrior with over 300 members of the Himin Minche.


But his punishment among the punishers was the stone head.


Pure stone head with nothing to add to it.


“Nice to meet you. No. 34. To come to the punishment. ”


He murmured, scrubbing his eyes on the documents that Kim had brought.


“Let’s see. It’s superior assault and protest. Vandalism is a bonus, huh? Let me tell you one thing. ”


The stone head smiled and plucked some of his sword.


The blade with the unusual light of purple color was revealed.


“In front of me the port name is the dendang.”


After the report, a chunky dwarf approached Kim Sung-chul.


“Is the report finished? No. 34? ”


It wasn’t even an exhibition, but the dwarf’s chest, covered in heavy armor, had a fabric with the number 0 on it.


“Who are you?”


“I am the highest in punishment. Fel Fist Akkad. ”


Akkad proudly showed his fist to Kim Sung Chul.


The steel armor that covered the fingers was flashing a plated piece called Hell Fist.


“But call me zero here. That is the tradition of this penalty unit! ”


“There are no sergeants or officers here or there. I actually had an officer and a sergeant, but I lost everything in the last fight. ”


“Decker is looking for a mercenary wizard.”


“Deckerd? Oh, are you talking about 22? ”


Akkad’s face is slightly distorted.


“Are you dead?”


Kim Seong-cheol immediately asked.


Akkad then shook his head.


Instead of Kim Sung-chul, Bertelgia shook his body in his pocket and expressed joy.


“But that friend. I will die soon. ”


“Are you fatally injured?”


Akkad once again shook his head.


“No. He volunteers only for dangerous missions. Like someone who came here to die. ”


“I’d like to meet him once. Where can I meet him? ”


Akkad pointed to a tent.


It was a small tent set beside a rock that protruded like a window.


Kim Sungchul Honored Akkad and headed for the tent with decker.


As I approached the tent, I heard the sound of rough breath and the scabbard.


Two men were in a dalian.


One had a sword and the other had a cane, and the battle was fierce enough to remind him of the battle.


The victory was a man with a sword.


The man holding the cane dropped the cane and sat down and exhaled a rough breath.


“Isn’t it enough? Deckerd? ”


The man with the sword said.


Kim Seong-cheol’s gaze turned to a man called Decker.


Though he passed the middle age, his face remained young.


It was closer to Sarasa than Altusius.


He asked for Dalian again, though he was so tired that he couldn’t take care of my body.


The man with the sword refused to speak.


“It’s a specification to relax before you fight. I don’t know when it’s going to be on duty, but let’s do this. ”


After Dalian, the bystanders withdrew.


Kim Sungchul waited for the onlookers to step down and approached the remaining deckard.


“Are you decker?”


Deckerd looked up at Kim Sung Chul while still breathing out.


“Who are you? Is that your first face? ”


Kim Sungchul handed over what he received from Althuss.


A surprise came to Deckerd’s face.


“How do you do this?”


“Professor Altusius sent you to me. Go see you if you want to greatly improve the power of the wizard for a short time. ”


“Oh, have you volunteered for the punishment here?”


“It is not a situation to cover means and methods.”


“Can I see your stats for a while?”


Deckerd nodded Kim Sungchul.


Decker pulled out a scroll and then tore it and looked at Kim’s stats.


Soon a laugh came out of Deckerd’s mouth.


“Gando is a great man. You may say this in your presence, but you’re barely at the front line of the world with that ability? To tell you the reality, I’m only trying to grab someone’s ankle instead of improving my abilities. ”


Decad shot Kim Seong-chul in a tense manner.


“But you can’t go back here anymore?”


Kim Sungchul has been ordered to perform five missions as a punishment member.


Prior to this, they could not leave the penalty unit and would be considered desertion.


Kim Sungchul was telling the truth.


Deckerd was a good attitude.


He opened his mouth again, wearing the shirt he hung under the tent.


“I came here to push myself to the limit. It was to drive rapid growth in overcoming difficult crisis. As the man now called the enemy of the world. ”


Deckerd will never know in a dream.


The fact that he is the enemy of the world he is talking about is right in front of him.


Decker continued.


“I’m not proud, but I’m a very powerful wizard and a body of warriors. Thanks to you, my body can be healthy even if a catastrophic crisis comes on the mission. But are you? It’s probably hard to survive. ”


Kim Sung-chul replied with a calm voice.


“If I survive, then will you give me the knowledge you know?”


Deckerd looked back at Kim’s face and said dazed.


“Tomorrow our stone head is planning another stupid operation. Survive there once. Then I will tell you one quest you can do. ”


As Decker said, the stone head convened all corps.


80 punishers were gathered, except for the injured.


The stone head stood in front of the podium and said in a needlessly hoarding voice.


“As you know, last month the Devil Skirmishers captured a guard post on our storm front. The post itself is not great, but what matters is the location of the post. The command ordered the recapture of the post at any cost. ”


And Stone Head told his operation.


“The number of our troops currently remaining is 83. Twenty men from the north, twenty from the east, twenty from the west, and the other twenty and I from the south. ”


Surprisingly that was all of his operation.


Stone Head did not mention how each organized unit would move and how to cooperate.


He had only siege in mind.


“If you attack from all directions, the demons will not endure!”


It was a ridiculous operation, but no one sat.


The head of a stone is scary, but he knows that he is a man of speech.


Stone Head soon divided the entire unit into four and appointed the veteran as the head of each group.


Each unit, organized in twenty units, was given a magical scroll of signals, and soon the death march began.


Kim Sungchul entered the unit named the third generation.


The operation was surprisingly smooth.


The punishment unit arrived at the guard post without much resistance and established a siege in front of the guards.


“Let’s go! Sinful brethren! ”


The stone head withdrew the sword.


A bluish brilliance tinged with a purple sword.


Sword Master’s unique sword aura.


He stood at the forefront and led the attack.


“Follow me! Atonement together! ”


The demons who guarded the posts were mostly weak men and few in number.


As the stone heads climbed up the watchtower on the walls of the guard posts, the demons were killed by the sword of their heads.


The post was simply occupied.


Yet, soldiers from the east and north had begun to attack.


The veterans felt an ominous foreboding.


In the post called the campsite, the kernels were dripped and only the bait remained.


If the demons had intended to guard the post, at least one of the devils of either Baloch or Baal would have been placed, most of which were fallen goblins and imps.


The soldiers felt an ominous deja vu.


What’s going on is going back to what was going on, similar to the terrible battle that last time, more than half of the troops died.


During the veterans, veteran Akkad spoke to Stone Head.


“Captain. The demons seem to have made the posts so easy. Smells like a trap. Once you retreat, it’s better to watch the enemy move. ”


If a horse seems to work, it is not a stone head.


He rather rebuked Akkad with a bit of trouble.


“What are you talking about? No. 0! Can you say that you are a soldier of a punishment unit? ”


“But I don’t feel good. Didn’t you lose half of your troops in the same battle in the last battle? ”


Mention of fatal mistakes in the average person would kill the force, but not the stone head.


He said proudly with no face ashamed.


“Even if this is the devil’s trap, we must shoot our place!”


He went a step further and summoned all the soldiers and gave a speech in his own voice.


“Our mission is to secure a post until the main body arrives. The first step was safely passed. All that’s left is to shoot this post until the end of life. Let’s go! My brethren. ”


Deckerd murmured with cynicism.


“That brother has no memory.”


Kim Seong-cheol was also agree.


Soon, the ominous feeling came to reality.


Five soldiers deserted.


One of them was caught by a stone head and hanged by example.


But that was just the beginning.


As the sun went down, demons reacted everywhere.


Skirmishers have continued to deliver ominous news.


“Identified objects that are supposed to be hellish! Approaching from the north! ”


“Hundreds of imps are coming from the west on ridges!”


“Check out the first episode! Baal is also more than two aircraft. ”


When darkness settled, nearly 80 punishers were surrounded by more than a thousand demons and beasts.


“Did I not speak? It is not an easy thing to survive here. ”


Deckerd approached Kim Seong-cheol and talked in the silence of the storm.


He rolled out a scroll to Kim.


It was a long distance teleport scroll.


“Torn off this scroll will teleport you to the Orange Peaks, home of the Storm Front.”


“Why do you give it to me?”


Kim Sungchul asked a blunt question.


Decad said, scratching his head.


“There was an alchemist in your class. If you find yourself in an unfavorable situation, tear up the scrolls and get down to the storm front. The alchemist can receive the sins of forced labor in the potion factory instead of serving the punishment. I should work to die for about two years, but wouldn’t it be better than dying here? ”


Deckerd seemed to care about Kim Sung-chul.


But his worry is lean.


Kim Sungchul returned the scroll to Deckerd and quenched the question in a calm voice.


“The previous promise. Is it still valid? ”


Deckerd only laughed bitterly.


Decad sighed and left.


Shortly after he left, the drum was heard from afar.


The drums of the demons.


In time, the sound of creepy horns sharpened the air of the night sky.


The demons’ armies began to attack.


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