“What alias is good?”


Kim Seong-cheol sometimes has trouble.


He entered Django with a pseudonym for the storm front.


At first glance, it seems to be childish, but it is meaningful for Kim Sung-chul.


He believed that the name had power.


For example, the name Kim Seong-chul is probably the most widely known name in the world.


In itself, the name adds strength.


But what if you choose another name, such as Park Aram or Krill Regal?


It is nothing but a nameless school A who has never heard or seen.


“What about Eckhart?”


Bertelgia watched Kim Seong-cheol, who was worried about him, and carefully commented.


Kim Sungchul refused under one word.


Bertelgia’s color was briefly turned red.


Kim Sungchul has picked three candidates and carved them on the rock with his fingertips.


The three names were as follows.


Esper Kim, Cheol In Kim, and Fabre Kim.


Bertelgia booed.


“Something is strange. Besides, what’s the Fabre? It feels like you are playing alone! ”


“The scholar is far more famous than your father.”


“Stop talking about such a heartbreaking story. Anyway, I don’t like all three. ”


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes flashed.


“No, why are all names getting steamed? Can I remove some steam? Why do you use aliases in the first place? Is it not to hide the identity? ”


Bertelgia fluttered in vain and said something.


Kim Sungchul was silent.


Bertelgia’s words made sense.


“If you have no choice, use a wizard-like name. Anyway, is it a frontline of a storm, pretending to be a wizard at something? ”


“Accurately, alchemist and sorcerer.”


“Then, you should have a name with either“ s ”or“ t ”at the end! I don’t know why, but most famous wizards have names ending in ‘스’ or ‘트’. ”


Kim Sungchul, who listened to Bertelgia’s words, immediately added Kim to his name on the rock and erased Kim.


And three more names were written.


Six new names were engraved on the rock.


Esperth, Irons, Favours.


Espert, Iron Int, Favourt.


Kim Sungchul I touched the jaw and enjoyed the names in my mouth and confirmed my feelings.


Meanwhile, Bertelgia was furious.


“No, why do you keep sticking to those names? Three aren’t good! ”


“Whatever looks better than Eckhart?”


“Oh. You are good. Really. How about naming Chil-Houng at all? ”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


The names of the seven heroes are not well known, but their names bear strength from distant ancient times.


Kim Sungchul reminded me of Chil Young-woong’s name.


Deathport. Leader of Seven Heroes.


Dragoman. Early to the pole of the sword.


Daltanius. Challenger of infinite power.


Lioness. Wizard of tea.


Baek Young. Assassin without record.


Bethtiare. Wizard of Echoes.


Visibility. Soul Eater.


Which name do you choose?


Kim Sungchul After thinking for a while, I chose a name.


“I shall be white.”


“Baekyoung? Are you talking about a weird guy who’s written over all over you? ”


“Have you ever seen a white spirit?”


“Yes. But it’s all from a distance. I never heard anything to say. Like any other hero, he is a psychiatrist, and he has a strange habit of talking to him by letting go of a fine tongue. ”


“Yes. How did you see him? ”


We know that Bertelgia and Eckhart lived in the same era as the Seven Heroes.


However, living in the same age does not guarantee that a person should be seen.


Especially great men of the age of seven heroes.


Bertelgia responded promptly.


“Chil Young Hung was my father’s regular shop. I always ordered a bunch of things and bought them before I went to fight. ”


“Yes. That’s why Dad talked about himself as a hero. ”


“What bought Chil Hero?”


“Well. I don’t think it’s very young, but I think I bought some potions like Elixir and high-power pension bombs. A filthy ground wizard and an unhappy woman remember buying magic essences and black crystals. ”


“Can it be made by my own power now?”


“There are things that can be made and things that are not made.”


Kim Sungchul nodded when he heard the words.


Alchemy was having fun in itself, but was making effort to make meaningless pension items.


But Chil-Hoong’s favorite items can be hit with a sense of goal in terms of making.


‘If Bertelgia speaks, there will be many ways to help soften and increase the skills and knowledge of alchemy.’


The name was set and the meaning was set.


Kim Sungchul He descended from the desolate rock and stepped toward a far-away fortress.


The front line of Majeol is largely divided into four areas.


The first area is a flat wasteland on the west side.


It is the Iron Blood Knights who govern the most defensive areas of all territories.


They protect their territory with the power of powerful maneuvering fortresses and knights of high maneuverability and power.


The second area is a mountainous region where rugged mountains are surrounded by folding screens.


The jurisdiction over this area is the storm front.


The group, led by the dwarves, who claim to be children of the mountains, built impregnable fortresses on the elements of the mountains, making them dare to invade the demons.


The next area is the sea of ​​trees spreading under the mountains.


This area is governed by the Baran Aran Tribal Federation, an association of elven tribes.


Turning them into enemies is like turning the whole forest into enemies.


No demons have survived the hostile forests.


The last zone is the posterior zone, which lies behind the other three zones.


Strictly speaking, this area, which cannot be called the front line, has a reserve of miscellaneous support forces such as the dispatching fleet of human empires, mercenaries of merchant unions, and sword masters of ancient kingdoms. Martin Bregas is the manager of change and has command of all dispatch troops.


Kim Sungchul Oriented to the town of Trowin, located in the double rear zone.


The reason for going straight back to the storm front is simple.


The most crowded and prosperous in the rear zone, so all information from the front line of the Demon War flows here.


And, above all, recruiting mercenaries are also behind.


Trowin, the free city, was the most prosperous in the rear zone and best met the conditions Kim Sung-cheol wanted.


Kim Seong-chul arrived early under the walls of Trowin.


However, the boundaries of the city are more strict than usual.


Border troops, led by werewolves, constantly patrolled around the city, and griffon knights glide down the sky slowly looking down.


Kim Seong-cheol is possible to break through, but he did not want to reveal his presence here.


In a moderate way if possible.


Kim Sungchul, who decided that policy, once hid in the reed field to observe the situation.


At noon he heard some of the passing merchants, anagnes, and soldiers, and was able to infer some of the current state of the city.


There was only one reason why the boundaries of the city were strict.


Since the world’s enemies went to the world of demons, no one knows how or when they will appear on the world’s front line.


“Really. What kind of sin do you have that is so hated by people? ”


The worse Bertelgia spoke.


“I had a bit of an accident. They rob their vaults, steal their hammers, smash a strong star, and smash a prince.


“No, it sounds like a little bit when I hear it.”


When Bertelgia sat down, Kim Sungchul shook her head and spoke.


“That is not trivial. They hate me first because I am strong and secondly, they differ from me. The two are mixed together to create the same hatred and fear now. ”


Kim Sungchul I pulled out a suit from the Soul Warehouse.


An old navy blue coat and military pants that have been dyed again in black with water.


Kim Sungchul I took off the clothes I was wearing and put them in the warehouse and changed to new ones.


“U. No matter how I say it’s a book, I’m a lady, so I hope you don’t want to be undressed. ”


Bertelgia politely protested during the dressing.


Of course, her protest is not eaten by Kim Sung-chul.


“Can I close my eyes?”


Kim Sungchul I wore a checkered tick on my muscular body.


No matter how you think about it, ticking does not fit.


Prior to entering the Summoning Palace, when you steal the clothes of the summoners in the golden city, they picked it up to fit their body and seemed to be caught.


Kim Sungchul Ticked the check south and threw it to the ground without hesitation and pulled out a shirt with a similar pattern.


Even though I was worried about it, it was a dress that did not develop even one step in the traditional Nogada fashion.


“Is the summoners’ clothes not noticeable?”


Bertelgia circulated around Kim Sung-chul and evaluated his dress.


Kim Sungchul shook her head.


“There are many summoners who wear their world’s clothes on purpose.”


“I do not lose my identity when I am here. Of course, most of the guys who wore the clothes of that world took the path of returnees. ”


Bitter sight passed by Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


‘I wouldn’t have done this if I chose to return then.’


The past is the past.


Kim Sungchul hurriedly scattered the scene and stared at the boulevard.


“How do you get into that city anyway? I don’t think anyone will let me in. ”


“How many people do you visit in the day? At least thousands and as many as 10,000. It is not easy for a few gatekeepers to check many of them. ”


Standing on the side of Kim Sungchul Boulevard, he waited for a wagon to enter and to enter the city.


A wagon was coming from not far away.


A tacky old man and a wagon with two skinny old horses.


Kim Sungchul I watched the carriage and just sent it to the side.


“Why just send that? I think if I hide in a pile of straw, I can go safely? ”


Bertelgia said in his pocket.


Kim Sungchul shook her head.


“The more the wagon looks and the more uneven, the stronger the sword.”


Kim Sungchul waited for the next carriage.


Eight horses, a large stagecoach with Pegasus tied in pairs, were approaching from afar.


The drag horse is also Pegasus, and it looks like a high-end stagecoach that can fly because it has a floating stone instead of a wheel.


“Cloudy. Does that sound like someone with some money? ”


At the end of Bertelgia, Kim Sungchul nodded and blocked the road.


“Can you give me a ride? It’s bothersome to walk over there. ”


Kim Sungchul offered a piece of silver to Mabu.


Mabu laughed and shot Kim Sung-cheol with cold eyes.


“Do you think you can ride this carriage with a piece of silver? Go away! ”


He lifted the whip and tried to move the wagon.


At that time, Kim Sung-chul again offered something to him.


This time the eyes of the horseman changed.


The flashing gold coins were before his eyes.


“Because I don’t know the world well, is this enough?”


Kim Sung-chul said, holding out a gold coin.


The coachman looked at Kim Sung-chul.


Coloring is a typical summoner.


It’s a shabby partner, but he looks young from mid to late twenties.


Mabu has recently recalled the fact that among the summoners, there are those who are inmates, who live as soon as they come to this world.


‘This guy is one of them. It’s me, stop making money. ‘


Finally, he accepted gold coins and looked carefully at the surface.


The phrase “Central Foundry of the Human Empire” was inscribed exactly where it should be.


There’s one thing that comes down recently from the top.


Those who carry unmanned gold coins must report to the upper part.


Maburo, an employee of a transportation company belonging to the Merchant Association, can’t miss it.


Gold coins were confirmed to be no problem.


There was no reason not to burn Kim Seong-chul.


“Open the second back door and ride. Do not disturb other guests. ”


Kim Sungchul entered the room after the pastor.


As she opened the door, Bertelgia shouted in a small voice.


“You’ve done so much?”


Kim Sungchul Neither positive nor negative.


The room was surprisingly empty.


A passenger is a middle-aged lady who wears a fan made of a rare bird’s tail feathers, a gentleman-like man who reads books wearing one-eyed glasses, and a stubborn dwarf man whose legs do not reach the floor of the carriage.


There were only three.


They glanced at Kim Sung-chul’s carriage and said nothing.


However, Kim Sungchul was able to find a strong disgust in their faces, especially in the faces of women.


The carriage moved forward lightly.


Out of the car window The rural area of ​​the rear area, passing through the blue area, passed by and the wagon reached the gate.


At the gate, five gatekeepers were inspecting the wagons.


Kim Sungchul was able to see the inspection landscape through the window because the angle of the wagon was slightly sideways.


Now being inspected was a shabby wheelbarrow on which the old horseman who passed by was on board.


Four guards were divided and stood beside the luggage compartment and aimed at the trident.


Bertelgia in her arms wriggled in her pockets to see her.


Soon after, the gate chief shouted in a cheerful voice.


“Special Checkup!”


The three guards of the four guards standing beside each of the carts horribly began to pick up a pile of bushes with terrible momentum.


If there were people inside, it was a terrible checkpoint that would not only end with a skewer, but also a minced meatball.


Kim Sungchul quietly whispered Bertelgia in her arms.


Bertelgia shook lightly.


Soon came the turn of the inspection of the carriage of Kim Sung-chul.


Unlike before, the gatekeepers and guards were changed.


He dared not talk to dare to open the wagon’s doors.


When the horseman said something, the gatekeeper nodded and shook his hand.


Your impression was wrong, but she did nothing.


Rather than trying to report unpleasant humans, he chose to endure a little more.


Kim Sungchul was able to safely enter the town of Trowin.


It was an economic conviction that spent a bit of gold coins and some time.


Kim Sungchul, who went into the city, walked to the back alley and found an information store.


He was informed by the Information Awards that he was informed of the situation in the battlefield of hydrogen literacy.


The intelligence team dedicated to the battlefield was a soldier who lost one leg and one eye.


Kim Sungchul asked him a few pieces of silver.


“Deckerd is looking for a mercenary wizard.”


A former soldier with one eye looked up at Kim Seong-cheol with one eye left.


Kim Seong-cheol nodded and the man sighed.


“Well, if you’re talking about the Mercenary Wizard Deckard on the Stormfront, well. Are you dead by now? Probably. ”


“What does that mean?”


“He sinned and fell into punishment.”


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