24. Those Who Swallowed Nahak (1)


Mimi Azrael’s seemingly mid-twenties.


Beyond the flipped hood, he had cold blue eyes.


“I’ll ask you again. Who are you? ”


She pulled out the cane.


Kim Sungchul Pointed the finger at the number tag made of cloth attached to his coat.


Mimi Azrael did not know what that meant.


“No. 34. Yes. How did you get here? ”


Mimi Azrael stared at Bertelgia flying behind Kim Sung-chul.


“Mimi! Books are flying! It’s amazing! ”


“That’s called a workhorse. Don’t tease your mouth if you are ignorant! ”


Homunculus fluttered beneath her skirt.


As she lifted her cane, the Homunculus bowed her head and shut her in unison.


Once again, the silence flowed into the dungeon, Mimi Azrael sent Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes for the answer.


Kim Sungchul An undisturbed pupil stared at Mimi in a calm voice.


“…. We are investigating what is in this dungeon. ”


Mimi Azrael was cynical.


“He is great. I don’t know where you’re from, but you’d better get out of here in a week. ”


“It’s a continent. Willie Gilford comes this way. ”


There is nothing different about him.


Kim Sungchul was silent.


Mimi Azrael stared at the holes beyond Kim Sung Chul.


“What is this? Have you ever done it? ”


Kim Sungchul Neither positive nor negative.


“Living book type ministry. Looks like a wizard. ”


Already she looked at Kim’s stats in a transparent fog.


It was nothing great.


So she appeared alone before Kim Seong-chul.


“What does it have to do with you whether I am a wizard or not?”


Kim Sung-chul opened his mouth.


Mimi Azrael stared at Kim Sung Chul with frosty eyes and turned his back after the baptism.


“Uji, Chief of Research. Cover the tabernacle. ”


Mimi and the five homunculus were wrapped in transparent mist and disappeared before Kim’s eyes.


“I would warn you, but you should leave here as soon as possible. There’s also a Sword Master who’s a Razor Fur. And a week later… . ”


She threw a threatening horse and she disappeared into darkness.


However, Kim Seong-chul has a spirit of truth that is enlightened.


Mimi Azrael and the five Homunculus, hidden in a transparent mist, came into the eyes of Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul hid the traces and quietly stepped on Mimi Azrael’s back.


She walked silently like a cat and reached a point.


It was an empty lot surrounded by impending defenses everywhere.


There were about fifteen soldiers and investigators holding their breath.


There were quite a few wounded soldiers.


One of the soldiers was punching into the air, muttering an unrecognizable horse that had been fatally wounded.


He even abandoned the caring wizard, who was left in a cold vacant corner and slowly died.


It was then that Mimi Azrael took off the transparent tabernacle.


“One of us is dead!”


“We’ve been harassing us, but it’s good!”


Sleeping homunculus began to re-install.


“Mimi told you to throw away the ruins and retreat. Why aren’t these stupid humans listening to you?”


“You are so stupid!”


“Thanks to that, the day came so soon that we could be real fairies!”


An unpleasant loud voice resonated with empty heating in a vacant lot.


A man shouted.


It is Michael Gilford, son of Willie Gilford.


The young man, dressed in a beautiful armor that clings to his body in a stately mood, shouted to her with an angry face as soon as Mimi Azrael appeared.


“How many times have you told me to shut up that damn Homunculus snout? Huh? What do you do when the monsters reappear? This damn witch. ”


“…. Do you think your voice is louder? ”


There was no change in Mimi Azrael’s face in front of the violent Michael.


Michael Gilford stared at the eyes for a while with a glance that would eat Mimi, chewing his lips and swung his sword.


“So, I’m not bringing a witch! Unholy witchcraft or trash are to be cut with their visible sword! ”


“If you cut me, you should know that this exploration is over. I know only the way. ”


Michael Gilford’s face was further distorted.


Then a man restrained him.


An elderly man with a huge cut on his face was wearing a butler’s costume that did not match his stern face.


“Bream. There is nothing to be angry about here. ”


“Um… Aether inspiration. ”


Surprisingly, the man disappeared as if he had washed Michael Gilford’s anger.


He showed a change of emotion so fast that his opponent could not adapt, and he soon smiled and asked Mimi Azrael for an apology.


“I’m sorry. Exploration captain. The situation was so frustrating that I couldn’t control my anger. Not adulthood. ”


Mimi Azrael responded to his apology and showed no response.


Instead, he reported his reconnaissance results with a hard gaze and voice that looked like objects.


“…. I’ll just report on the reconnaissance results. ”


Michael Gilford sat on the rock and nodded.


“There was a human man who looked like a wizard where something broke down.”


“Human man? Affiliation? ”


Michael hurriedly asked a question.


“I didn’t know my belongings. He called himself 34. I was dressing up a poor summoner like a girl, and I had a living book as a ministry horse. ”


“Living Book. That precious thing. What is his strength? Is it an intermediate wizard level? ”


“I saw my stats but it wasn’t too big. But you can’t rule out the possibility that he’s hiding his stats. Maybe it’s a devil in disguise as a human being. ”


“The devils do not come here. I can’t come. It’s a place where their poles are steeped. ”


Michael grinned.


“And I looked at his party once and didn’t find it.”


The report was there.


Michael Gilford began to meddle with his deacons and men after begging Mimi Azrael to move away.


“Another explorer. Where did it come from? ”


“There is nothing new about the Underworld. Consider the number of all cases. The human empire is most likely, but the ethereal kingdom is also considered. Elves are more thirsty for magic than anyone else. ”


“If only one could find it, there could be a world-class monster out there.”


Kim Sungchul Hiding in the dark quietly listened to their conversation.


Two things were known.


One is that the expedition is looking for something in the ruins.


The other is that information about the underground kingdom is openly known.


‘The existence of the underground kingdom is not something that Dekard found on its own.’


Rather, Deckerd’s information remained at an early level.


He didn’t even find the entrance to the Underworld.


On the other hand, the expedition seemed to know more.


They knew what was in the dungeon and what was the danger.


Kim Sungchul I seemed to know why Willie Gilford hesitated to enter here.


He knew beforehand that the depths of the abyss would be here.


There is no other explanation than that.


Kim Sungchul left and walked back into the darkness of the dungeon.


He entered his own way bisecting the dungeon from the entrance.


“The Homunculus. It seems to have been artificially reinforced. ”


Bertelgia opened his mouth when humanity reached a rare place.


Kim Seong-cheol felt that the Homunculus was different from the ordinary Homunculus, but he did not care.


Homunculus is Homunculus by his standard anyway.


“But she is amazing.”


Bertelgia opened his mouth again.


“The homunculus would have had a terrible joke on their bodies, but they would follow him so far.”


“Play with your body?”


“The Homunculus. Was wearing armor covering your body? It’s not just to protect Homunculus. Perhaps the real purpose is to make them unable to see their own faces. ”


In the days of Kim Sung-cheol, but in the days of Bertelgia, fortified Homunculus seems to be quite popular.


The number of people is reduced, the magical power is necessary and inevitably human-like intelligence and mass production of the homunculus has been modified and used as a battle or an aid.


The problem is that the enhancement procedure is terrible enough to distort the appearance of Homunculus.


“There was something like that.”


Kim Sungchul I have dealt with so many wizards so far, but I have never seen anyone carrying a fortified Homunculus.


“Maybe banned. That’s a terrible way to get into this week’s list. ”


Kim Sungchul, who was silently listening to Bertelgia’s words, found a red light shining beyond the darkness.


There was a body of a bunch of people.


The red light came from the magic wand of one of them.


Kim Sungchul looked at the bodies.


‘One year? Or 2 years? The condition is good compared to the bodies of the joins. ‘


The corpses were mummified as they were dead, maintaining some form of life.


The cause of death was suicide.


Some corpses are poisoned with blue and others are dead with their swords.


Kim Sungchul An old journal was found on the corpse of the most noble male wizard.


Most of the journals were damaged by the fluid from the corpse and became unreadable, but the last page remained intact.


Kim Sungchul I read the last page with my eyes, smelling the disgusting body.


Everything is smooth.


It is already expected that the day of the triumph of the Emperor will be triumphed.


Wesley and Zara, who had been in the snow before, asked me to stand by.


The summoner’s bold idea of ​​raising a ceremony in the real room of King Nahaq sometimes embarrasses me.


Growing up was gone. Wesley broke away to find her.


It is no big deal, just a wish to the Order.


42325 54423 99832 31125 34238


88823 42321 11232 44235 19321


88768 11132 08323 13578 69180


The journal was there.


Bertelgia, who read the journal together just behind Kim Seong-cheol, asks, whispering.


“What is the last number?”


Kim Sungchul That said, I took a faded booklet out of the Soul Warehouse.


This is a book printed in the rotary press of the real world.


Numerous numbers and explanations were written in the old book.


A random number for random broadcasting and its decryption text.


Kim Sungchul received it directly from William Quinton Marlborough, the emperor of the human empire.


Not yet.


Kim Sungchul unfolded the book and found the corresponding random number and combined the explanations described therein to decipher the numbers in the journal.


The readings were as follows.


[Lower 3rd floor, huge co-existence, many blind eyes, attacked, desperate, family regards, please. ]


“What does it say?”


Bertelgia squeezed Kim Sung-chul’s shoulder.


Kim Sungchul covered the bookshelf and put it in the Soul Warehouse.


“There’s something in this basement. It looks like there are living beings without eyes. ”


Join’s bodies were only a prelude.


Beyond that there will be something strange and terrible.


Kim Sungchul continued his dungeon search with his journal down.


Soon he found a staircase going down to the second basement, and Bertelgia wrote Kim Sung-chul’s route on his page.


Kim Sungchul descended along a spiral dark staircase.


The bones of the joins were scattered around the stairs.


At the end of the staircase was a tightly closed obsidian door.


The eye of truth responded to a spell at the door.


‘This is dangerous.’


If you touch the earliest ruin enchantment is enough to destroy the entire dungeon.


The problem cannot be solved with a hammer.


Kim Sungchul approached the door.


Then, a luminous character soon came to his eyes.


[This is where only Nahaq, a sacred and great join, can enter. ]


[Present the Nahak’s Mark. ]


“What shall I do? I don’t think I’ll let you in anymore? ”


Bertelgia circulated around Kim Seong-chul and said in a worried voice.


Kim Sungchul looked around the door.


At the door stood a small altar with a small groove.


Kim Sungchul I found a broken obsidian piece under the altar.


Part of the piece, still enchanted with magical powers, looked like a hole in the altar.


Kim Sungchul faced the groove for the test.


Then the magical force immediately wrapped the pieces, and soon fell.


[Present the proper mark. ]


The eyes of the statue in the shape of a join beside the door glowed red.


Kim Sungchul Once backed.


“What should I do now?”


He walked forward, ignoring Bertelgia’s words as he followed, stopping at one point.


‘It’s good here.’


A plain rock with no magic reaction.


Kim Sungchul took out the arm garaz and hit the bottom.


Every time a hammer hits a ground, a thick rock was shattered and shaved off.


Hundreds of corpses joined in front of Kim Sung-chul while the entire dungeon was shaking.


Kim Sungchul resumed his work after the unilateral massacre.


Soon there was a big hole where he was knocking.


Kim Sungchul jumped into the hole.


Behind Kim Seong-chul was the back of the obsidian door that never opened.


“Bertelgia. From here, draw a map of the second floor. ”


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