Man Against Gods

Chapter 1 - Prologue (*)

(Updated as of 30/6/20)

(Most of the chapter is MC early life and it's mostly Summary)

Surely reborn is a great thing, is it? Having that thought that this time it will be different! That you will do certain things differently! Like you wouldn't be shy as much as before! Or you will finally say those words to your dream girl!

Yet for me, it was a different kind of second chance...

First of all, I was not on Earth any more...

How do I know? Well, the moon is too big, and the sky itself has multi-coloured Stars! , yes multi-coloured! and another thing is that people here are all Chinese looking, and building style is that of Ancient China, so when you put those things together and put that extra unique energy everyone is talking about...

You will find out that...

That I am in Cultivation world... should I be excited? Probably? After all, this world has badass Kung Fu moves, probably incredible beautiful women, Icy Queens, and some scheming ones as well... with a bunch of Young 'Always Boner' young master's running around...

So, yes I am excited and terrified...

Excited because there is a chance I can become something more, and terrified that I am born into a Farming household, where my parents know jack shit about cultivation, basics among basic, at least they showed me how to enter into the 'profound way'.

A Very simple procedure, basically people born into this world have something called 'Profound veins', an extra set of veins which exist inside one's body, what I have to do is pull my 'Vital Energy' into these veins, once such thing is done, I will enter into the first Stage of Elementary Profound...

This realm has 10 stages, and once I am stage 10 elementary profound I will be able to break through to Nascent Profound which is considered the first step towards 'Profound way'...

A very cliché if I say so, but unlike my parents and brothers and sister of this world I did something else, alongside simply just sitting in Lotus position and pulling my vital energy into my Profound Veins...

As they mentioned, what is 'Vital Energy'? Well In layman terms its Stamina in 'physical form' or 'Liquid form' I am not a scientist or medic, but that's the only thing I can think off, such thing never existed in my world, But I know one thing to improve one's stamina, and that is Physical training, there is no gym here, but as ex-employee of Gym and SPA, and having friends with P.T and therapists I learned few things how to train and upkeep one's body...

So at the tender age of 8, I started training... and it was time when I learned that I was blessed, like any other Main character of Wuxia or is this world Xianxia? Gods who cares... I got cheats! In terms of very 'crude' system or power depends on view really...

What it does is very simple yet considerate OP as well thing, what I need to do for it to work, is a herb or wood, or metal, then I can access its structure learn its secrets, abilities, or powers, and then I can pull it out, and add it into a thing of my choice, a very broken and powerful ability... what I do not know yet is, is it only for items or can I do it with cultivation related things like techniques ?, since I am reborn into one such world...

But, Of course, I didn't have a chance to test much with it apart of working in Herb field where I was creating a Vitality herb, that's right! I haven't yet broken through to Elementary Profound as I was building up my vitality with exercises, something similar to special diet as well, Funny enough in this world concept of Physical exercise is unheard off...

And so by the time I was 10, I started cultivating, with no modern-day activities or entertainment it was quite easy to fall into such routine, I even started to enjoy meditation and exercises, the concept of this Profound energy intrigued me, is it similar to KI from Dragon Ball? Or is it leaning towards magic?

And so less then Two months Later I had a breakthrough, the feeling was incredible, someone like me from modern who never imagined such power instead relied on technology to do things, was an eye-opener, I can understand how this much power can easily get into one's head, especially into spoiled teenagers heads!

After this breakthrough, I continued to cultivate, and train my body, with my system which I can considerate a mix of gaming like alchemy and crafting I was able to understand more about my Profound Veins, as for next levels of cultivation I will need to absorb Profound energy from Air into my Veins, the thing I found that there are around 54 entrances...

How I found this? Well it's not too hard Since I spend a lot of time meditating and trying to understand Profound energy, one can stumble upon where the entrance is to one body, from there one I worked to understand this concept, how do I open them?, more importantly, how do I control it?

So I started with Herbs I knew around my village, many of them have simple ones, and in the way a short reaction to one Profound energy, from paralysis to accelerating one's healing process, very basic and according to villages healer very common herbs

No people of cultivators would care about such cheap stuff... but for me who can extract that effect and continuously combine to point where it can evolve into greater effect is a gold mine

What I did is simple I made a few very basic pills with each herb, from healing to poison, and everything between, and then I started my hunt for herbs...

By the time of my 12 birthday I finally did it!, no only I achieved Nascent Profound but, I unlocked all of my 54 entrances! The speed of Profound Energy channelling increased several-fold, and my speed of cultivation was increased to the stupendous amount, I knew what I did was incredible, and I will get a lot of attention, so next thing I focused on was creating A profound Art to manipulate Profound Entrances and conceal cultivation if needed

And thanks God's or is it Heavens now? That I did!, as only a few months later did our Village had a visitors from local overlords the Sky Sword Sect, as the name indicates these 'Cultivators' are sword users and they use mostly Sword arts, the man leading this 'inspection' was a man in Spirit Profound Realm, and his minions were in True Profound, a realm after the one I am...

After their arrival villagers started the usual ȧss-kissing, which led to my exposure, the villagers were far too happy to give me to this Sect for extra resources from them, it was the day I experience this worlds ugliness for the first time, they didn't ask me, neither they cared what I think, and my 'parents'? Well, they even added my sister to mix, fewer mouths to feed...

They didn't even care how dodgy this Sect's reputation is, even we here in this God's forgotten village, know how they treat people who are not of the ruling family...

For someone who was born into a free world, and someone who always had independence from the moment I finished high school, It rubbed me the wrong way...

I already started plotting these people demise, this Sect, and this double-faced Village, They will know not to mess with my independence...

The journey, to this Sect, was short, the compound was just like I expected was a city on its own with hundreds of pavilions, and Hundred thousands if not millions of people living in this place, it's like nothing I have seen before, yes I did live in one of biggest cities in the world before rebirth, but this? It's only a Sect which is considerate average at best... with their Elders being in Earth Profound, and their Master an Early Sky Profound Expert, which basically a realm where one can fly... with their own power, which is incredible motivation actually to reach for me.

Once I arrived there, I was taken to 'proper' Earth Profound expert who inspected me, he was very impressed and instantly took me under his wing, the man instantly said that I have potential to be Elder, as the sect is actually family-based, so I will need to marry into the family and get name Jian added to my one, by the way, my name in this world is simply Feng, that's right simply Feng... to have a surname or house name people have to be quite rich in the first place...

Not that I am planning to stay in this place for long, my master already had that weird Idea that I am already loyal to this Sect... that is the most humorous thing I have ever heard...he took me from my home, and force me to work for them, even look down, on me genius or not... since I am outsider, they even consider me like some livestock...

For next two years, I abused the resources my master gave me, I even learned that he bragged to rest of Elders how he got a 'gem' from some peasant farm for his daughter, and how my sister is nothing like me, and how she is totally useless who will only reach True Profound in her whole life...

That obviously rubbed me the wrong way, with all that nonsense going on she vanished from my life.

The worst part, she WAS already a nothing more than a servant to one of the elders young Master, which is considerate high honour, that comment alone, have put a death marks on this filth, as this master is notorious how he treats his servants...

It didn't take long for me to put things together, and learn her fate, that's why I hate this sect and what hold the main family has... even if I am genius I can't do jack sh1t!

So instead I focused on my main objective, at age 14 my cultivation has reached fifth of True Profound, why so low you ask? Why the reason is easy, I am not showing off to these filths, instead and I am studying, gathering resources, creating a completely new branch of Profound Arts, which is included a proper cultivation method! Why? Because these morons don't have one! According to the Elder responsible for Profound Arts Library is that no one has such a thing! Because all you need is to absorb energy from the air, that was the man's explanation! which was utterly absurd, that's why I spend a lot of time thanks to my 'system' creating a new cultivation method.

And that's right! I figured out my 'system' main point which word similarly like that Novel heavenly library something... only much more bastard version of it, taking bits, and pieces from art and putting together and creating a perfect one from all bits and pieces, something like some sort pillaging and reusing system...

After all the preparation, I was finally ready for my grand plan, what I am about to do would probably earn a good amount of shoulder patting from someone like Darth Sidious, as I about to poison whole Sects top brass, and then to Perform a Profound Formation deployment in inner sect Grounds, which I was setting up for past months, and half, these bastards are so high on their Profound energy that they don't even realise that it's so easy to seal it or even take it away...

People in this world are very, I mean very narrow-minded, everything in this society operates on Profound energy and its given power, and I will exploit that...

The funny thing with this poison is that it has nothing to do with Profound Energy, something which probably never existed in this world before, this poison targets motor control, and neurons in people bodies, turning them into prisoners in their own bodies, once that is done the formation will activate, and they will die...and their profound energies will converge in one point where I will create a very powerful pill for my cultivation...

Then the time came I observed the proud and arrogant bunch of men older in their hundred years bragging about their students, talking shit about their rival sect, until...

One by one they all dropped like flies, it didn't matter if it was Earth Profound or Sky Profound, in end they were still Humans, and humans still have to rely on their brains, the best thing is that I have figured out is, that which part of the brain is responsible for controlling one's Profound energy, and the answer was quite easy, its the part of the brain were senses are understood and commanded from, All I have to do is prepare Poison which concentrates on that part of the body, once it's done I focused making it invisible to Profound energy in one's body, after all its not attacking the energy it's attacking its neurons and motor control...

I could stop myself from not laughing after seeing people which I genuine have harboured hatred at fall like flies...

"HAHAHAHA" I walked over to place where my master was lying down, I kicked him into the side, so that he could lay on his back, I made myself stand in his field of vision

I could see that he can still see me, I made sure that this poison doesn't take off one's vision or hearing, its a perfect Cultivator slayer poison

"Do you know why I did this to you? Jian Chen? ..." I asked the old man who's eyes widened from disbelieve at seeing me, his prized Disciple responsible for this...

"No you don't... because you are one pathetic man so focused on your Pride, which turned into arrogance, I hated that you took away my choices, I never was interested in this puny little sect, That's why I used your own sect resources to prepare this little experiment which top branch of Sky Sword Sect shall participate... " I showed him one feral smirk " And guess what? You have no choice in this matter...after all, I am giving same amount choices you gave to my family..." I laughed and walked away, I knew everyone heard me, after all, I made sure of this...

Once outside formation radius I did few hand signs, and send a pulse of Profound energy into a formation which activated and combusted every single cultivator into a mist of Blood which was sent instantly into middle of formation which started to form into one very bloody pill, also known as thousand blood pill, a forbidden pill, which gives a very unstable instant increase in cultivation.

Since I knew guards should be arriving soon...

That day I left the Sky Sword sect, with riches of this whole sect, with no elders or Sect Master it will disappear from the map in few weeks maybe months, but I finally got my revenge for myself, and my dear sister as her 'Young Master' is nothing more than a part of this pill...

Thus now my real adventure begins...

Funnily enough, I decided to take Jian as my family named...

After all, if We follow Cultivation rules I am more then worthy such surname...

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