Man Against Gods

Chapter 2 - Freedom And The Beginning

It's good to be finally free! Spending two years with that old man was very nerve grading, the man had zero understanding about one's body, and how to properly Cultivate it, the man was so blind that it took me sheer willpower not to bang my head into the wall each time he spoke to me

The worst part was the way he demands me to call him master... the Man had zero tact as an individual, the only thing he had more than me was his cultivation base!!!

"Thank God he is dead..." I sighed in satisfaction as I finished laying down another Formation, this one is for cleansing impurities,

People of this world severely underestimate the sheer use of Formation, any records I found on them is that they are used for defence of sects and that they are very hard to deploy, which are absolute bull! If you ask me, the only reason it's like that is because of people horde stuff and don't share, end of story!...

With another hand signs, the formation was activated and the thousand blood pill started to get purified, if my maths is right this pill will instantly take me into mid to late stages Spirit Profound, why so little? Well because I am focusing on vitality improvement, and Physical augmentation, not Cultivation

Thus few modifications along the way to this not so forbidden pill...

It took a few days for impurities to be cleansed and the pill was not so bloody anymore, in fact, it looked like pink sweets I used to eat back in the day...

After a quick look I swallowed it, and took lotus sitting position, the pill exploded in my gut with dense and pure Profound Energy, as it started to sink into my body, entering into profound Veins, and starting to augment my cultivation and my body physical condition.

It quickly started to increase my Profound Strength

Sixth of True Profound

Eight of True Profound

Tenth of True Profound

Third of Spirit Profound

A fifth of Spirit Profound

And stopping at peak of Fifth Spirit Profound, while I was happy with my Cultivation level the happiest I was, are the changes to my body, I was body is the considerate apex of Male now, with a six-pack, and my muscles were like made from steel fibber, And the explosive power they hold made my grin like a madman

As a male, my affinity lies with fire, and physical aspect of life, unless of course, one has some nonsense inheritance from Some bullshit divine beast, like that Phoenix Empire in the west side of the continent

Its absolute spit in the face for rest of cultivators, using some beast blood to inherit their power! Of course, it would completely different thing if one had to hunt for such a thing! But these people

according to the rumours bȧrėly even passed the trials, and now they rule more than half of the continent!

And what people do here? Well, they Ass kiss them of course!!! Look I have a little flame in my hands! Worship me!

"Pff bastards..." right enough ranting time to start trying in earnest!

I got up from my lotus position, and collected my stuff and destroyed remnants of my formation, I walked towards a location known as thousand beasts mountain, according to rumours there is few even sky profound beasts there, a perfect place to continue my training...

What can I say? This is one crazy world I live now, and it took me around a month of running at top speed to arrive at the mountainside, while I obviously took a lot of breaks, but running is one of best body exercises known, were you train most of the muscles at the same time, this exercise alone brought me close to breakthrough to next stage

The cultivation novels usually don't do justice to landmarks in their novels because just how big everything is, and beautiful, with multi-coloured stars in the sky, and the sheer size of the mountain In front of me, make me feel really, really small,

After my arrival at night time, I took a short break till morning...

With first sunshine I got up, after quick breakfast and morning rituals I left into the Mountainside, the mountain was massive, it can be considerate like a region of its own, probably size of Europe if my guess is right...

Gods, of is it heavens? Well, who cares... it's big, really big I can probably spend years checking its every corner...

One tree alone in this forest could provide enough firewood for one village for several years, and that is only one tree!

"I should probably stop doing this comparison thing otherwise I will need to be taken into a mental hospital, oh wait they don't have such things around here..." I said to myself as I walked into the Ancient Forest

Inside the forest I practised a technique I recently invented, based on Sonar from Earth I send ping of Profound energy in all direction, Building a mental map of this place in my head I know where to walk, the downside the ping can be sensed by other profound beasts... the goods side? I wanted that...

Moment later bunch of howls and roars can be heard throughout the forest, They all moving towards me

"Good! come to me you filth !" I chuckled as a Wolf size of Horse lunged at me from the side , behind him was his entire pack, My hand swiftly moved to my back, and pulled out my True Profound Sword, the Sky Sword, a regular sword from now my defunct Sect, its a Classic and simple Chinese sword.

The sword's handle was blue, with a yellow guard, the wolf was incoming and I used my first skill the First Sky: The Perishing Slash, the wolf was cut in half, and dropped on the ground with lots of blood around it...

" A puny True Profound beast? Don't you sense that I am a fuċkɨnġ Threat to you all? " I channelled my Profound energy like a beacon, Terrifying the rest of wolfs off...

"Stupid mutts! Why even the Beast act like young Masters... " I spit some saliva on the ground and walked to the corpse of Wolf, fishing out the Core of True Profound beast from the Wolf carcass, and walking away, deeper into the forest...

A few hours later I encountered A Spirit Profound beast, My smirk grew several levels, and I could feel the excitement bubbling in my guts

"Finally a Real Challenge! Show me what you can do !" The enormous Bear lunged at me with its massive sharp pawns, In its eyes, fury was visible after all I was trespassing in its territory

I Answered with my own attack, A simple counter which sends me skidding back, as the beast was much more physically powerful than me, I could feel my hand was shaking from the recoil, it only increased my excitement

"Good! You are strong! Let's see how you handle this! Second Sky! CRESCENT MOONLIGHT!" I swing the Sword downwards releasing a beam of energy shaped like Crescent accelerated into the bear beast who wasn't expecting that, but it was able to use its pawns to block it


"Come then let's settle this!" I ȧssumed Sky sword Stance, holding the sword like Katana

"Third Sky! Dance of STARDUST!" Silver Profound Energy Explosion followed after my dash, I accelerated with my movement Technique the Sky shaper, to the bear it looked like I was moving into directions slashing at him from the front, and back, the beast was able to move to the side thinking it can dodge with a little bit of damage, it was very wrong as next attack came from left and right at the same type, critically damaging its vital organs...

The beast howled in furry by now survival instincts kicked in, and beast pushed me aside with force and started to run away...

I looked at the bear with disappointment

"you filth! Come back and face me like a proper profound beast!" I called the bear who was running away like a mutt with tail between its leg

I sighed in disappointment and ȧssumed Sky Sword stance, then I took a deep breath, In my mind, this simple thrust was replayed millions of times

"Fourth Sky... Breaking Void..." then I thrust my sword forward, the sword intent cut even the sound itself, as the forest was so quiet as if the was no life in this place at all, at least 30 metres in front of me there was nothing left, no grass or vegetation to speak of off, and the Bear carcass at the end of it had a massive hole going through its body...

I walked over the body and fished the Spirit Profound core, and pulled out single fang from its mouth, thinking of making a necklace similar the one Gilgamesh had in Fate series

"Well, you have been a fuċkɨnġ disappointment..." I kicked it before leaving it, I sighed with disappointment and walked forward to whatever fate or destiny or whatever will take me...

But I didn't need to walk much as I encountered something 'interesting'

"Look, brothers! Someone is lost! " I lifted my head and looked at... filth I see in front of me, there is an only single word to describe what I see in front of me... and that is bandits...

No matter the reality or dimension, certain things will never change.

"My, oh my little brother are you lost?! The way you dressed you are from a sect are you? " a big man came to the front, his cultivation was messily Third of True Profound

"No worries, if you give everything you have we will show you the way to exit of this mountainside..." the ugly and smelly man said with a grin, his yellow teeth can be seen through his beard, he was so disgusting that my hands started to twitch, wanting to erase such disgusting being from the face of this continent

"Do you know the concept of shower?... no don't answer, I have absolutely no time to waist with primate-like you..." I closed my eyes and my cultivation exploded, showing off like a beacon

"WHY! You little brat, are you courting..... oh heaven...." the massive bandit finally noticed my cultivation, he dropped on his ȧss from the shock which slowly changed into the instinct to survive, he quickly started to crawl away...

"There is no escape, only light of my sword... Fifth Sky: Collapsing Heaven..." The golden light of Sword intent consumed the group of bandits, there was a primal scream of pain followed after, and then there was quiet...

I continued my casual walking, and passed what left of them, it was nothing but piles of bloody flesh left after my area of attack

My journey like this continued for next few weeks where encountered mostly Spirit, and very rarely Earth profound beasts, True Profound very quickly sends away packing or after killing one of them swiftly the rest would run away very quickly

Unlike Earth's predators, they don't need to mark their turf, their Cultivation alone can send anyone screaming murder and run away just by being close to one, so finding them in such massive lands were actually quite easy, I only find its quite funny how, people call it just as a rumour about this place indicating that Cultivators are nothing more but cowards, and an only small bunch of people have balls to actually venture forward, and be real warriors and cultivators...

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