Man Against Gods

Chapter 3 - Sky Profound beasts

For next few days, I spend gathering intel on my hunting target, a Sky Profound beasts are massive and powerful beings with human-like intellect, but like any cultivators, they suffer a common 'disease' alongside the rest of cultivators which is arrogance and Pride, and if its a draconic kind of beast that is even more obvious then...

My first Target is a Grand Forest Python a massive a least 50 metres long snake, which actually developed poison on its own if people know their stuff, a python is a conscripting snake which use their muscles to choke their targets to death, but this one has transcended that, and now its wield poison in its fangs... double dangerous beast

So now I am going to do this? I am a hunter in this situation, and I won't be playing according to rules... Food poison then it is... Poisoning a poisonous Snake? That's an amusing thought,

First things first, setting a profound formation, then hunting a profound beast for as bait, and then use some of my stashed poisons I have in my personal storage ring, the 'cultivator killers' will be very effective against such beast full of muscles, obviously, some editing will be necessary as the beast is around 50 metres long...

"Well, then let's begin..." I smirked and entered the snake's territory, first the concealing formation which will block snakes smell, since beast like that can sense earth vibrations as well, I use my movement technique the Sky shaper to move in snakes territory which is quite big, at least the size of the province from an Earth country, meaning a quiet large area

With swift movement I slapped Formation runes in its corners where I want it, then I activated it, concealing anything that is happening inside of it, its a very weak formation but it will do its job for this little hunt

Once that is done I left it and dashed outside the territory of the snake, starting the hunt for the bait, to be perfectly honest any beast will do, and even if the Snake is smart it still has spent most of it life in the forest, how it will know that someone wants to sneak attack one of the Kings of the forest...

With that thought in mind, I dashed towards last known location where I encountered the True profound Wolf's those pesky mutts are everywhere in this forest...

It didn't take long for me to capture one... well capturing would be a strong word, more like died from fright, little bit intimidation several empowered punches and the poor beast heart couldn't take anymore, once the beast is dead I brought it back to the area where I will be setting the bait

A few modifications to the carcass, some extra nice smelling spices to ha attract the snake, as well as a lot of very potent poison inside the body, enough to actually knock out the whole sect, I don't really think the beast can resist that

With all preparations done I left the formation and turned it off, then a with a single wave of my hand I send the nice smelling wind towards the Nest of the snake...

Once that is done I jumped on top of a massive tree branch and concealed myself

Moments later...

"Who has left such incredible smelling offering to this King?" the massive Python noticed the really, really nice smelling food on the ground

A Really Massive snake with black and Green markings approached the wolf carcass, it smelled it first, then licked its lips with its forked tongue, and then easily swallowed the whole carcass easily

"Now this King is really...." then the beast lost its function to move, and dropped like a doll whose strings got cut off, the drop was big enough to produce some dust clouds

I smirked seeing that, It was impressive that it actually could say five words before it lost its motor function... most impressive...

I Jumped down from tree branch and landed on snakes head, then I pulled my sword, and ȧssumed Sky Sword Stance, my blade points right at the shocked eye of the snake

"Fourth Sky... Breaking Void..."


Highly condense sword attack rammed into snake eye at almost point black range, destroying it and digging deeper into the skull of the beast and turning its brain into mush soup...

"One down, two to go..." I said to myself as I sheathed my sword, then I looked at the massive carcass of Grand Forest Python

"Now what to do with you? , a set of poisoned throwing daggers? , and maybe some fancy leather shoes? , I should probably save up the leather for some sofa I will have in future ..." I jumped down from the head at looked at my handiwork

"Well, at least I will have some busy upcoming months..." I started deploying concealing formation in my future working place...

The next two months were quite... how should I put it? , my resolve testing? Yes, that right words, never before I rendered such massive, and long beast for parts before, it was patience and Precision training, put to its max, the snake scales were very strong, it's a good thing I didn't go to have a direct confrontation otherwise I will be snake meal by now...

About the snake poison while not most terrifying I ever saw, that one belong to me for now, its quite corrosive, and if I cut someone with it the dude or chick will have to kiss goodbye to the limb I cut as it gives spreading necrosis to the wound, meaning quite fast death at worst, and at best only lost a limb if the wound is on a limb... if its on main body, well ... someone will have very... very ugly death...

The best thing In those two months I finally broke to the next level, so now, I am Six of Spirit Profound

It's all thanks to Storage rings I looted from my old sect that I was able to put every single piece of the snake for keeps into the rings I chuckled to myself, the amount of Profound coins I can get is quite staggering, but of course, I don't really need that much money since I am quite stacked already...

"Now for I need a forge... since I don't want really leave this place I should probably make one myself, in here..." I continued my exploration after two months of spending one place...

The first thing I then I was back 'on-road' I looked for a good fight, it was not hard to find, 'willing participants' as the snake's oppressing aura was gone, and the weaker Profound beasts started entering its old territory

My first victim was a Late Spirit Profound Tiger, what attracted my attention was its ability to breath fire, there were some of these flames on its tail as well, this encounter gave certain enlightenment to me, as my gears starter to spin in my head

A massive smirk started to form on my face as I ȧssumed my Sky Sword stance

The tiger didn't waiter for anyone as it wanted to eat me as soon possible, the three-metre sized Tiger with burning tail ȧssumed its own 'all or nothing attack' stance, or its feral mind the beast thought that there is no way I can defend against such lunge, after all, he is bigger than me...

"Sorry to keep to you waiting ... First Sky... The Sky Perishing Slash..." The tiger lunged at me with flames in its mouth, while My Perishing Slash, augmented the sword slash multiple times, if my math is right it could technically kill late Earth Profound cultivator with single strike...

The tiger lung ended with the beast being split in half and its blood exploded from the remaining half's, I moved aside for a moment as I don't want any blood on me, I waited for it to settle down, then I walked to toward the carcass to fish out its core, it was red like crystalized fire in a ball size of a fist, it was ... beautiful and proved some of my theory... what I want to do next...

After obtaining the core I walked forward towards what I thing Is North? Heavens, or Gods, or whatever, knows if this world even follows that logic...

The more I walked towards that Direction the more I encountered Fire using beasts, which only made me giddier of prospect what I want to do next...

A few days later, I finally found it, my next target, and according to Records from my old Sect its quite Old Hell Fire Tiger, a 15 metre tall Fire breathing Feline, Its Fur is red almost like Blood, while the tiger stripes are pitch Black, the most stunning thing about this beast is that it has similar mane Like Lion only it's on Fire, this flame travels alongside its spine and ends at the tails tip

"Beautiful... those flames shall be mine..." I said with absolute certainty

I waited in the distance as I saw the beast bringing its own hunted to pray next to its cave and started Eating... I smirked seeing a perfect opportunity to sneak in some Poison I prepared

Moments later I ȧssumed throwing form, then I threw the purple pill right into Tigers face, the beast quickly reacted to that and looked where the object came from, as the pill looked completely 'harmless', the beast ignored it completely, it exploded into the purple mist, and my smirk only increased then I saw the beast actually breathe it in...

"Who Dares to disrupt this Royal One's meal!" the Tiger roared, send most of the vegetation flying, and the ones who survived turned on fire really quick

"Such power! So this is the power of Sky Profound! Most impressive..." I came out from burning bushes, the Tiger noticed me and started to prowl

"Human! How dare...." and the... end, the massive cat collapsed

The tiger dropped like a sack of potatoes on ground, the only thing I heard was the deep breathing from the beast... I casually walked right next to the beast face, its furious eyes are staring at me I can sense the killing intent radiating from it

"Do you know why Humans are dominant species in this world or any other world?" there was no answer to my question, obviously...

"The answer is that we always, I mean always find our way how to overcome greater odds, and adapt..., and that's what I did, Kitty cat, there is no way I can beat you in strait out combat..." I pulled out my Sword and ȧssumed my Sky Sword Stance

"That's why I poisoned you... Fourth Sky... Breaking Void " I Thrust my sword into Tiger eyeball, killing the massive cat instantly, there was no painful howls nothing the beast was dead...

I was sad, and the exciting same time, what a complicated feeling...

"Well don't worry your Flames shall live within me..." I walked back and started to deploy concealment formation in the area, another busy month coming up

Rendering the tiger is much easier than the snake as its only 15 metres compared with the snake which was over 50 metres long, What I did next before the beast rendering was to explore the cat's cave, which had some fire grass by the way..., the best thing about this cave was after my inspection that I can use this cave to build a makeshift forge...

But first the rendering...

One Week Later...

I Stared at the Profound beast core, it was bigger than my fist, and it was crimson with unnatural heat, my bet is that this tiger somehow developed ability to use Fire, of course, the way the Beast used was crude, at least to me, I can use it much better, That's why I preparing to make pill from this Core, combined with Tiger blood, and Little bit editing with my power, and purifying with formation I will have a Legacy only I can have, something none of these spoiled idiots could ever hope to wield...

I Prepared small formation where rendering was done since the place is soaked with Cats blood its perfect to absorb every single drop of its blood into the profound core, before I started I left all the galloons of tiger blood inside of the formation, then I used the activation hand signs, the blood started to race into the beast core, the Profound beast core started drinking it, this phase could only be done with my tempering done with the core, it took around few hours and the Profound beast core now was looking pitch black like a piece of obsidian...

Next was purification, which took quite a bit of time, less than the Thousand blood pill, but still quite a bit...

And now the core looked like a stone from Mars, it was pure red and quite scalding hot, with the main piece in place I started the pill making, which took me to make rest of day, with my power the was no failures, I could not fail in this phase because I only have one shot in this..

And thus the pill, named 'Hell Fire Tiger Legacy' was done!

I looked at the Sky with my smirk

I shall teach these peasants, how real Cultivator should be like!

Even if I need to go against the Heavens and Gods Themselves!

They all shall know my name, the one who beat them all !!!

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