Man Against Gods

Chapter 4 - Hell Fire Tiger Flame

After checking the pill, I Sit down in lotus position, and prepared mentally for the next stage in my plan, taking a deep breath, I swallowed the 'Legacy' pill

It naturally went to my stomach, and slowly melted...

Then it exploded into searing heat, I felt like magma was there instead of half of finger size pill

Slowly it started to spread through my body, then it entered into Dantian and started spreading through my Profound veins, the feeling was as if its this energy putting my body on fire from inside out

The positive was that my cultivation was slowly increasing

Seven of Spirit Profound

Nine of Spirit Profound

Stopping at peak of Nine of Spirit Profound...

The searing heat and the feeling of burning started to lessen with each passing moment, and it eventually ended by the time the sun was already down and the multi-coloured stars were up there in the sky alongside the oversized moon

Instead of jumping in happiness or something similar, I passed out and fallen asleep in a sitting position, with a massive smile on my face...

Next morning, the first thing I did was to take a quick shower in the river not far from Tiger Cave, thanks to their intelligence of the beasts like the Tiger I killed, their caves, or bases are in strategically smart locations, with Rivers like this being quite close...

I quickly washed up and returned to the cave, where I started to check my own body, I was quite shocked that my Profound Veins took the aspect of red colouring in them, and I could feel the profound energy answers me more easily, and I don't even need to coat them with Sword intent to manipulate more easily

"Does this... allow me to manipulate Profound energy to this extent, like in those animes with magic or whatever power source they have?" I started to chuckle which turned into an all-out laugh

I already knew from regular Cultivation novels I read, as well as living for two years in Sky Sword Sect, that casual Profound energy Manipulation is unheard of!!! And now it's at my fingertips!

Next, I extend my palm and send Profound energy into my palm, starting moulding into the form of Ball, it slowly started to form and grown into the size of Basketball, then I threw it into a boulder in distance, it exploded upon contact, scarring the boulder with scorch marks

"Hmm... the power is lacking, but against the filth, and Profound Beasts? " A worthy goal to explore, but first time to build that forge...

I Walked toward the cave, with Power over fire now, time building the forge will be shaved down considerably

Inside the cave a found a perfect corner where forge will be, next I started looking for boulders which will first part of my forge, it was not a hard job as it was a cave full of rock...

With quick cleaning done the cave transformed into a more presentable state, with few kinks it can actually be liveable! Who needs a mansion or palace? When you have a cave with forge inside of it?!

Once all loose rock and boulder are moved to the side where forge will be, I started carving rocks with a knife, then the rock took shape I wanted I inscribed with a set of Chinese letters, then I channelled Profound energy into it, augmenting it, I continued this for next few days

When Forge was done I focused on actually making it work, with fire manipulation it became quite easy, my first job was actually Forging set of new weapons, Its a good thing I have a lot of bones of certain Profound beasts...

I pulled out Hell Fire Tiger spine bones, and started moulding it into my image, a set of two longswords, next what I did was pull out some steel Ingots I ransacked from my old sect vaults

Melting them with Hell Fire flames, as well as bathing in Profound energy making it stronger than any regular steel, next I prepared Earth Profound beast cores, unlike how regular blacksmiths do I purified the cores,

Next was ornamentation of the sword, followed by inscriptions on swords blade, and thus a Peak Earth Profound Blade was born

Tiger Bone Sky Sword...

Once I was done with this weapon I slowly fell into a trance of Blacksmithing, next was Brother weapon for Tiger Bone Sky Sword

The Tiger Bone Cloud Sword, ornament with clouds on its blade, it was nearly identical to the Sky Sword, the difference being the Cloud ornaments and Different guard, instead of bony wings its has tiger fangs

When I finished the set of the sword I switched to making Set of Poisonous Throwing Daggers, which I will keep around my waist belt

The Daggers were done from Great Forest Python bones, while they are not Sky Profound weapons they can be considerate ones because of materials they are created... but there is no beast core in them... so they can't even be classified as a profound weapon in the first place... very confusing truly...

Once matter with weapons is done, I focused on something very interesting personally, which what I will do from Hell-Fire Tiger Fur, a set of sleeveless robes with hood, and from its legs bones and pawn I will make a set of clawed gauntlets

But first, a proper workshop has to build, so went outside the cave and found some wood, good thing I am in the ancient forest...

A half-hour later I was back with some wood which I will use for to build few tables and mannequin, as well as few chairs, as well few tools needed to work with the Tiger fur

After prep work is done I started working on fur, It's quite a different type of job, there were much more failures then working with beast bones and steel, after all, you only needed to melt the failure and try again

So these failures only drew me to try again and again, in end I decided to work on lesser beats fur for practises, before I knew it several months passed, while I didn't spend most of my time on leatherwork, I did spend my spare time creating new martial arts, called Burning Tiger style focusing on close-range melee attack coating in the fire, while not fully ready yet only 5 out 7 techniques are ready for actual combat

Now only after these tries, I was confident to actually make my clothes, not only these clothes will keep me warm in cold areas, but they will work perfectly even in deserts like areas, where they will stabilize the body temperature, the best part of them is they will amplify my Burning Tiger Style flames even further...

Once the main parts are done I ornamented the borders, and corners of the robes with golden aspect, while on robes back there is engraved golden-red tiger with a sword in its pawn

Next was pants and, battle shoes, while the pants are very easy I spend a little bit of time deciding to make them baggy or slicker, but in end, I decided for a middle ground, while for shoes, I decided to make gauntlets same time as well

For Shoes, and gauntlets I needed to reignite the Forge, I needed to mould tiger bones, for protectors, I decided to take one extra step, and prepared four Earth Profound cores as well, with this these shoes and gauntlets officially will be Earth Profound weapons or armours

Once the prep work is done for protectors, I then focused to make the interiors of the shoe comfortable as possible as I will be wearing them a lot in foreseeable, with that Idea in mind I realised that having only one set of robes isn't going to cut it...

So after finishing shoes, and gauntlets, I spend another week creating several changes of clothing from Hell-Fire Tiger Fur, and its bones, by now the only thing I have left of the tiger is some bones and Flesh...

When I finished with all ideas I had, I was finally able to move out with the intention to Reach Earth Profound

After sealing the area I rushed out with sky shaper movement technique, looking for the first victim...

Tens of Kilometres later, I landed on a branch and looked down I saw ... more bandits

Jumping in middle of their camp, my abrupt landing shocked the group sitting around a campfire, there was quite a few of them

"Sweet heavens! Who are you Little Brother?" the tough-looking bandit said to me, trying to intimidate me, to bad he is not a good actor...

"Names Jian Feng, Adventurer, Warrior, Cultivator and Slayer of filth such as yourself..." I said as my hand slowly went to my back as I slowly pulled out Tiger Bone Sky Sword, and pointed the tip at 'tough' looking bandit

The bandit laughed hearing that, he flexed his muscles and unleashed his cultivation which was in late Spirit Profound, moments later more bandits around the same realm appeared and surrounded me

"Little brother you maybe realm higher than me, but there are over 100 spirit profound brothers in this camp, even more of True Profound ones..." He said with a victorious smirk

"So I suggest you give up, give us all your valuables, and maybe then we will allow you to leave..." He said that as the rest of bandits started chuckling to his words

"I already heard that before, you know what happened to that person? " I asked with a raised eyebrow

"I don't care, little brother, you are surrounded and drop your sword..." The 'tough' bandit said annoyingly

"He turned into meat paste..." I ȧssumed my Sky Sword Stance, the rest of bandits realised there will be a fight, after all, the 'Tough' bandit tsk' ed with his tongue, and pulled out his axe

"Fifth Sky... Collapsing Heavens..." Golden light exploded from me as centre consuming everything in its path, the bandits ȧssumed defensive stances, but they underestimated the technique, as its started cutting into them from all directions they started screaming, the sheer pain forced them to drop on the ground, to them the heaven already collapsed

While the boss of the group jumped out of the area of effect last moment, he stared with utter shock that over 20 of his men turned into what I said before 'meat paste' or 'minced flesh' it depends on one perspective...

"You... little brother from which sect are you from!?" the man looked with actual fear at me

"None... There is no Sect who can impress me enough to actually join one..." I shake my head in disappointment thinking about this subject

"Impossible ! this kind of Sword Profound Arts is at least at a level from Heavenly Sword Villa !" the bandit said with shaking hands

"hmm to be perfectly honest I don't care that you think..." I said casually as the golden sword particles slowly started to change into silver ones, the 'tough' bandit took a few steps back he realised that he is my target now

"Little brother! I am sure there is something you want right? Me and my brother here we could get it if you want! Listen I know the village where you can even get Phoenix Bloodline! " the man nervously said, there is sweat rolling down on his face

I raised my eyebrow at that info " you want me? To get Phoenix bloodline? Are you stupid? I am a warrior I conquer my opponents! And then take their things as I was victorious! But you want me to get some bloodline for passing some simple puzzles !? Are you taking me for a weakling? Like yourself?" I furiously ȧssumed Sky sword stance again

"Time to die filth! THIRD SKY! DANCE OF STARDUST!" I vanished from my spot, the bandit leader started to run away, but the furthest he ran away was a few metres before he was chopped into bits

Heavens! Boss Wu is dead!" one of the lackeys said with fear written all over his face

"We have to run! We can't defeat that monster! Every man for himself!" another one, a little bit more cowardly looking one said, as he started to run into the 'Hills'

I shook my head "Pathetic... is this a recurring theme in this forest or is it going to be the world in general?" I sighed while sheathing my sword

Next, I ȧssumed the Blazing Tiger stance " time for a test run!" A ghost-like tiger growl resonated and spread out throughout Bandit Camp, all the bandits stopped running and looked back at me

" By Heavens is he actually from Heavens Burning Sect?" My eyebrow twitched hearing that

"That's it... you worms... Pick a God and pray...because you going need it after I did with you! filthy bastards!" I roared, and Hell Flames answered to my call

With Echo of Tiger roar, I dashed into the first Bag of Filth "No remorse! Fifth Fire! Bringer of Hell!" My first heavy coated in flames rammed into the face of some bandit who screamed in pain and flew into massive tree truck, then it was quiet, he was dead as dead can be

"Hmm not bad instant dead to a Seven Stage of Spirit Profound bandit " I checked out my gauntlet covered hand

"But still that no name was no fighter, just some looter lucky enough to reach such realm, I need proper fight... Don't they have tournaments going around? " I thought for a moment before Focusing back at now really terrified bandits some of them even stopped running because its pointless after seeing my speed...

"Time for you guys to go to hell..." I vanished with Tiger roar, what next happened was a Tiger hunting sheep...

Once everyone was dead, I started to check the remnants of the Bandit Camp, first was the tent of Boss leader, probably that 'tough' looking guy...

I entered his tent and saw something... I didn't want to see...

A small girl in a cage...

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