Man Against Gods

Chapter 10 - Teaching Some Common Sense

~~~~~~Qianye Ying'er~~~~~~

Ying'er was in her own bed, face first in a pillow, her ears are incredibly red, she can't believe she did all that, it was like she did that on the swing of the moment and it was the perfect time as well!, while she used her beauty to make idiots do her bidding, never before she was in a moment where she needed actually to seduce, her talent in that area is incredibly shallow.

While she knows she could have learned such art easy, it would have been overkill, her beauty alone used to be enough...

But now, she can't believe he said 'no', she was throwing herself atman, she personally wants to kiss, and ride, and everything! Yet he said no because he probably sees through her action again...

"So what if we only met today! I can't believe someone said no to me! Even when I am his slave! " Ying'er looked at pillow as if it had the face of her cat killer, completely forgetting her enemy who killed her body, instead she started to develop a new obsession, slowly forgetting her original goal in life.

'Jian Feng... you shall be this goddess beloved, no one shall get in my way!'

her 'old' obsessed look appeared on her face for a few seconds...

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

By all Heavens and Gods, and what ta not's... that woman is one hell of a suċċubus! , but how did it developed to such a stage?

'I guess my unique existence, combined with my 'perception', a little bit of info on 'godhood' which is the stuff of common sense when you read few wuxia's! and then 'bam' she wants it all '

After sending Ying'er back to Pearl realm, I had to take a very cold shower, otherwise, I would have 'broken' that girl, at this moment the formation gives her body of Elemental Profound, and with most seals still on, her spiritual powers are mostly is still locked making her nothing more than a simple twenty-year-old looking girl with powerful 'six' sense.

If I am in blunt terms, ravaging her, would turn her into nymphomaniac...

Pushing such thought away I walked into cultivation room, with the intention of cultivating for rest of the night...

Pulling out few more Spirit Profound Pills, I swallow them whole, Getting a reaction from Dantian, as I started absorbing Profound Energy from pills, and from the Cultivation room, getting closer to the next stage of Earth Profound...

By Next morning I was closer to next realm of Earth Profound, while its harder to cultivate now, since gaps between realm grown bigger with each Great Realm, it doesn't prove point why people made such big things out of them... maybe its the person from earth speaking now, or maybe it's my arrogance, but these idiots should grow up if it's too slow, try finding a faster way then!.

Slowly I could feel 'someone's' fingers stroking my hand

"Morning to you to Ying'er..." I didn't looked at her instead I looked at frying eggs on the frying pan

"Is this how mortal realm people do?" instead of saying 'morning' or something similar she asks weird questions...

"do what?" I asked back, she 'Humph' at me

"We only had food recently, day before..." I wanted to roll eyes at her.

"Regular people eat 3 times a day, while I personally eat twice a day... well mostly... unless I got wrapped into something, and forget to eat..." I shrugged my shoulders...

"I see... interesting... Mortals really care about such small things... " Ying'er said with interest, She obviously has a god complex, and observing mortal struggles are not... out her character, I suppose...

"they do... now do you want some tea?" she looked at tea for a moment, then she smelled the aroma of said tea.

"Yes... I would like some..." I nodded and prepared a cup for her, she looked at the cup with interest since there was something written on it...

"Stay calm and keep on cultivating...???" Ying'er read it out loud, and looked at me with a question mark.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow in turn.

"Why these words are printed on the cup?" I shrugged my shoulders

"Because otherwise the cup will look bland..." I said as if it's obvious...she shook her head in disbelieve after hearing that.

"You are one very unique individual master " she walked towards kitchen table and took a seat, she put her elbows on the table, and then she used her palms to hold her chin, as she focused watching me work in the kitchen.

Few minutes later breakfast with tea was served, and Ying'er once again was staring at alien food, while obviously she knows what chicken eggs are, but the rest of stuff is unknown on the plate to her, I could deduct that from her wondering gaze on the plate.

"So you didn't tell me what is you need for your body to be reconstructed..." Her eyes widened for a second, there was a thin blush on her cheeks, she was embarrassed that she didn't tell that to me yesterday!

"Yes of course! I need a stalk of netherworld udumbara flower, three Profound beast cores at Tyrant Profound at least, and 35 Kilos of Purple Veined God crystals..." I raised my eyebrow hearing name of a flower of all things...

"What is special about this flower?" I asked her since, I am quite experienced in botanic in this world, and it intrigues me, unlike other reborn or reincarnated morons, who only chase power and skirts, well I look for those as well and extra!

"It's... an object of extreme Yin and Evil..." connecting dots instantly, I am someone who knows what Yin Stands for... its a cliché thing after all...

"I see why you need this flower, because of its connection to the female side of existence..." She quickly nodded

"That's why I like you, master, I don't need to explain much for you to understand... so can you do it?" she asked nervously

"Why not? It will be an interesting quest to do, besides Fighting Tyrant Profound beast?" My hands itched for a moment, I quickly pushed that aside, first things first you idiot! There is a wolf that needs to be killed and a few new techniques to be invented!

"I haven't seen someone so excited to fight Profound beast like that..." Ying'er said with a small smile.

"Then they are not cultivators Ying'er if one's body is not pushed to limit they never reach the apex, sitting behind close doors and absorbing energy won't going bring one to peak, the higher the cultivation the higher the requirements for a breakthrough, if ones wish to become 'True God' as you said, then the person should master all the laws at least, then there should be a technique which allows one to be unstoppable... there are many ways to become God Ying'er, one only needs to stop for second and look around and see the world around them..." when I finished my 'little' Speach Ying'er looked at me again with a glazed look...

Did I just... turned her on... or something close to it!?!

"Anyway we should finish with the food, then I have a few things to do..." I said to her, Ying'er snapped out and started to eat again, she was in deep thought after what I said to her...

The rest of Breakfast was a quiet affair, I went to Workshop, and started to work on my herb bath recipe, it was not hard, but there were at least dozen herbs missing, for the bath I want, now I definitely need to visit New Moon City...

Tipping down herb names first, then I checked over my stashed items, having 34 Spirit Profound Core, 7 Earth Profound cores, and 1 Sky Profound core.

Then, of course, few Bones of Hell-Fire Tiger like the skull, few ribcage bones, full outset of Great Forest Python skeleton, only few small bones are missing since I made throwing daggers out of them, and... I haven't used them yet...

Well there is some leather skin left but those I will be using at some point, once I will be building another home at some different location after all the world or the worlds are big places...

So...that's is my loot from my little excursion into this forest.

I lifted my eyes from my other notebook which I keep to keep track of my inventory, I looked at the side where I saw Ying'er exploring my workshop, the girl was like a child exploring toy shop...

Why you thing is she is acting as a child? Well, it appears she was very sheltered at her young age, and when she was powerful enough she didn't care about anything else but increasing cultivation and chasing Godhood, and now? She is catching up on what she lost from her childhood centuries later.

Seeing her like that I got up from my sofa and walked behind her "Having fun?" she nearly jumped again, guess sneaking around makes even 'Goddess' jumpy...

"Sweet heaven don't do that! " she 'humph' at me, again then looked at the tools stored on their racks, some of them are profound Items made from bones and beast cores.

"Yes I do, I never cared before how people make things in the world, I only need to ask two of my servant girls, and they would bring it for me, but now seeing the thing you made... I feel that you closer reaching True God than I ever was..." I raised my eyebrow at such comment.

"I never created anything before, while you did since you were just a child... I feel I missed half of the truth, I may have power but it was destructive at best..."

"I see. I guess you will learn the other half staying around with me then..." she smiled for a moment and, turned towards me, then leaned forward, my eyes widened, as she kissed me directly on lips.

Very next moment she released the kiss, and smiled " that's a promise then master"

My systems rebooted, and I shook my head, this girl is very poisonous, one way or other.

"You really are pushing the boundaries, my dear little Goddess..." Her smile turned into one she had yesterday, she leaned forward, her brėȧsts are now being squashed on my ċhėst.

"maybe I am, master, but I am only trying to be the best girl possible... do you know how many millions even billions of experts and even Realm Kings, Crown Princes, would want to have me in this kind of situation!? " She said as her coy smile changed to a frown.

"I never looked at them twice, they were nothing more than tools for me to use, yet now I throw myself at you, and what you do? You send me back into pearl! " she was obviously hurt, after what I did yesterday...

"Fine, fine I am sorry, but I am not immune to your beauty you know that don't you ? " she nodded happily, she was happy that I apologized to her.

"That's why come with me... " I guided her to the sofa, and pulled her into the ŀȧp, she quickly got comfortable, her shapely bum grind into my crouch for a second, she did that on purpose, I rolled my eyes, channelling Crimson Gold manuscript for second to 'balance' my body, not to get too excited.

"For now cuddling only Ying'er... " I said to the blond beauty, she sighed in defeat, by now trying to get me to f*ck her becoming a goal for her, I can see that her pride and arrogance had to go somewhere...

"Fine then master, what is 'cuddling' ?" I wanted to roll my eyes, Guess such thing is not heard in the Realm Of Gods...

"Like this..." I changed her position little bit, She was sitting between my legs, and wrapped his arms around her waist, my chin was on her shoulder

"This how mortal lovers spend time, cuddling is done when they spend leisure time together like this..." I said softly in her ear, the girl shuttered from my closeness.

I Sighed a little bit, there is a massive possibility that she doesn't even know what's Familiar love is...

"I like this... Can we stay like this for a little bit longer?" I nodded and fished out my other notebook from my personal storage ring, Ying'er eyes went to the book.

I skipped through pages and stopping on my newest project.

"What... are you working on here!?" her voice is shaky seeing a lot of unknown letters, a text which is written in English...

"My newest technique... a move or state depends on how you look at this, which will multiply one's strength, for now, I named it 'extreme awakening' it's in infancy states..." I said as I fished out my pen.

"Such thing... is impossible... Only the Heretic God had such a technique and it was in his Profound Veins !" Ying'er said with a shaky voice, and disbelieve.

"Ho... so it is possible! You just made my day Ying'er !" I pulled her lips in for a hot kiss the Girl eyes widened then started mȯȧning into my lips

Few moments later I separated from her lips, she was very reluctant, but then she just leaned at me and watched what I was doing.

I drew a simple form of the body, then started selecting right amount Profound runic sequences needed on one's body.

"So it will be Profound formation on ones body, just like there is on me?" Ying'er asked me as her fingers were stroking one of my hand.

"Not formations, while there are formations on your seal, there won't going to be any here, these runes will command Profound energy to act in a specific manner, this one here will strengthen organ integrity, this one here will absorb loose Profound energy and send back into Cultivator..." I pointed at specific Profound Rune and told her what it does.

"Incredible! I never knew there was such use of Profound Runes! This opens a completely new direction of Profound way!" Ying'er was impressed, seeing her reaction.

"I already did that, Once 'Extreme Awakening' is done The World and Heaven will shake Ying'er..." I said seriously, to my hug Pillow

"Oh I can't wait to see then..."

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