Man Against Gods

Chapter 9 - 'Goddess' In A House

We reappeared in my kitchen, the golden girl looked around, there was no emotion on her face right now.

"You want me to eat with you? " she asked the same thing second time now.

"Yes... made some alteration to my house formation, you can exist in physical form here, what I mean is, I am allowing for you to roam in my house for now..." she had the look of genuine surprise

"I have never seen such... intricate use of formation before..." I was not surprised that even people in DIVINE realms are looking down on this art...

" I am not surprised, take a seat..." I motioned her to sit opposite to my seat, her movement was very graceful, as she almost floated to her seat, she took the seat and looked at an alien dish, with interest.

"What is this dish?" she picked up her cutlery

"An Earth Profound 'Steak', with Potato 'fries'... as well as several types of salads..." she nodded but there was obvious interest as I said several 'alien' words as well...

She cut a piece of steak, her hand movement was quite elegant, no surprise, as she comes what can be considerate cultivation royalty, she took a bite of steak and her eyes widened, she then quickly ate the whole slice and released a very satisfying sight

"This good, very good, who cooked this? I want to praise the chef personally!" she said with genuine praise.

"Thanks for compliment then..." I said with a smirk, she quickly connected the dots.

"You can cook like this? I would have never guessed it..." it was a shock for her probably, but then again I am practising several arts when I am tired of cultivating.

" Maybe not, but when I am bored of cultivation I either, go on the hunt, build or craft things, like this house, or that dress, or the things inside the pearl realm, they were made just for you you know?" I narrowed my eyes at her, she quickly realised its seems from her quick-expression changes.

"You have my thanks benefactor! May I know your name?" She quickly thanked me, and then of course changed the theme of conversation...

"It's Jian Feng, and may I know your name or should I call you Golden Girl?" She frowned in annoyance when I called by her new nickname.

"No, it's fine I shall tell you my name, Jian Feng..." She sighed for a second.

"Its Qianye Ying'er, I am the daughter of current Brahma Heaven God Emperor and his Heir..." She tried to sound impressive but without power, it sounds very... well like hot air...

"God Emperor you say? So does he has power over life and death? Can he bring back dead people? Or create a world?" to my questions Ying'er shook her head.

"that is the power of True God or even Creation God..." she said with genuine obsession there.

"So why he calls himself God-Emperor? It's a genuine disrespect to these real gods then... " Ying'er didn't know how to answer as she was quiet, for a moment.

"The 'True Gods' are gone for millions of years Jian Feng, and my Royal Father and many other God-Emperors are closest beings to them!" She said with pride in her voice, she obviously respects her father much.

" Well, it doesn't matter now since you are stuck here..." My words were like hot knives to her as Ying'er bit her lower lip for a moment.

"May I ask something?" I nodded At her question, as I continued eating as well... from an outsiders perspective it would probably be funny two people talking about gods and what-not while eating stakes and French fries...

"What would it take for you to remove these shackles ?" she asked while pointing at her wrists.

"I don't wish to die Ying'er, And I know you, what you will do if you get even a fraction of your power back..." she looked at her food for a moment, she had the look of embarrassment, since I was right again, she would probably choke me to death like Darth Vader did to that officer over the massive distance between them.

"I will die if you will die, Jian Feng, my life is connected to Pearl..." I was genuinely surprised there for a second, I thought she was only a resident who doesn't want to pay her rent, so... she is mine now?.

"I see, and what are you planning to do?" She stayed quiet for a moment and looked at me.

"I want my body back, and I am willing to teach you arts from my Devine realm! " for fraction of second I was interested, But Gods always have a catch, even if it a person who inherited some portion of god's power, no doubt she wields some of these Brahma Gods arts, which she needs its original blood to use them, and blood has so many uses, I could be bound to her father or could be controlled and so forth, No power comes without a price especially powers from gods themselves.

"A question about your Brahma Realm...." She motioned to me to ask as she continued eating.

"Are the powers you wield are like the Legacies of some Divine beings or Beasts, Like the one outside my house, the Phoenix? " I motioned behind me back towards ruins of Phoenix trials

"Wait... did you just said Phoenix !?!, there is Phoenix trials here on this mortal Realm?!" Ying'er was genuine shocked.

"Yes, Ying'er there is the whole Empire of people wielding flames of that chicken head in this Continent, meaning at least two trial grounds..." I said with a bored and unimpressed voice.

"Then why you didn't try to take the trials? if there is a genuine chance of getting the blood of Divine beast?" Ying'er said with disbelief at my non-action on this.

I lifted my hand and snapped my fingers, and the echo of Tiger got her jumpy little bit, as she saw crimson flames dance around my hand, then I use sword intent to make rosebuds, eventually, I used both powers to make Golden Crimson Rose, and on top of that, I used formations to make it frozen in time, forever burning.

"Because Ying'er I don't need help from some dead beasts to reach the top, I shall do it on my own terms, with my own power, no dead God legacy shall interfere with the psyche or my mind"

She touched the Rose, with very heavy fascination, there was a certain gleam in her eyes.

"What kind of flames did this? And was that Sword Intent? How one interesting individual Jian Feng..." She said that after finishing her inspection of the Rose.

"A Sky Profound Beast called Hell Fire Tiger..." She nodded, but then she realised something

"What realm are you then? A Throne?" I chuckled hearing that

"Nop, First stage of Earth Profound..." this time she was really got blown away, as she leaned back at the chair.

"Then how did you... got these Flames?" she hardly believing how I got flames from Sky Profound beast.

"I am a hunter Ying'er, it should be obvious no? I hunted it down " I said as if its how it naturally is.

"A Sky Profound beast have developed minds, the older the beast the smarter it is..." Ying'er said as if reciting from a book.

"You forgot to add that they become arrogant which is a weakness I exploited twice..." I summoned, Sky Profound core, from Grand Forest Python

"From Grand Forest Python, my first Hunt, I left a tasty treat in its territory, The beast obviously ate it in a single bite, and 20 seconds later, it was my first proper prey, I used one of my most powerful sword technique right into its unguarded eye, it didn't matter to me that at that point there were two Grand realm differences between us" I stored the Core back into my personal storage ring.

By that point, I looked back at Ying'er who had flushed cheeks, for some reason.

"Are you okay?" She quickly nodded

"Yes, I am fine! Jian Feng I would like to offer a deal!" I raised an eyebrow at her

"Sure, tell me " I motioned her to continue

"Since I am... well at your complete mercy... and you haven't done anything to me, what are your intentions towards me?" I shrugged my shoulders hearing that, to be perfectly honest she makes nice... Housewife? No, A travelling companion for the extra company? Maybe...

"Haven't though fully yet... since you are stuck in my pearl that makes you a travelling companion..." I shrugged my shoulder again.

"Why don't we upgrade that to a higher realm?" She got up and walked over to my side

"By now I know you will reach the Realm of Gods, its only matter of time..." Her finger brushed on my nȧkėd arm muscles, the girl was clearly in love with those...

"And you are not really affected by my beauty..." she continued her monologue, she then gathered her courage, then next second quieted down, as she was having an internal battle for a moment, then she spoke again.

"I would like to offer ...myself in exchange, I want my body back..." I blinked several times.

"You sure? , just like that? You do realise that I am going to die, the moment you are in your full power?!?" She 'humph' at me this time.

"In that case don't you have a formation in case I do that? " She said with hurt voice.

"I can put a curse on your moment you betray me... it a very nice punishment, leaving you at peak of Elemental Profound Forever," I said with glee, Ying'er eyes widened at pure horror.

"You c-can do that!?!" I nodded with a smirk, she then sighed.

"I agree then, do whatever you want with me, In return, I want my Body back..." she said seriously, there was no hesitation in her voice.

"Fine then..." I did few hand signs, Profound energy started to gather around her, her eyes widened, as I unlocked a very small portion of her powers, another thing I did is improve her existence even further, while not a truly alive body, but at this point, the closest thing to a living entity can possibly be.

"Incredible... I have never seen anyone have such mastery over formations, is there nothing you can't do with them? " There was an incredible fascination in her expression as she touched her own face with her hand, she obviously excited to have much greater senses back, touch included.

"Ying'er what I told you before? Remember? Never I mean never think that there is impossible if you do then means you are limiting yourself... " she quickly nodded realising something.

"Heavens... I think I will get addicted to such food..." she didn't stop and continued to eating, even if she stuffing herself there is still grace in her doing that.

"By all means, since you literally sold yourself, You will be eating like that for rest of your existence," I said with a shrug.

'Now only to invent coke, it would be perfect'

"Something to look forward too then..." she said between bites

After finishing with food I invited her to take a seat in the living room, which is connected to the kitchen, all in all, it's one singular big room, instead of the wall separating them there was a 'bar' and it's seating, it was the trend back in my old world I decided to have one such setting here as well.

She was looking with interest at small things, their obvious difference in culture between mine's and hers, while her realm is named after Hindu God, she is obviously Have been raised in Chinese like culture.

"Everything here is made by you... correct?" I nodded while taking a seat on one of the black and green sofas, while the room is still somewhat bland, it already has proper lighting done with help of formations.

"I asking it because, your personality and uniqueness, is radiating from here, everything here is just, feels like..." she doesn't know how to say it.

"Home..." I said instead, she nodded.

"Unlike my Royal Father's palace, while big, and pretty, but it's lacking in feeling, before my loss of the body... I didn't care about such things, it was... beneath me, I only wished to Reach Realm of Divine Extinction, the next stage after Divine Master..." I shook my head hearing that it was a cliché moment, not that I can say anything to her, she was obsessed with power at that point, probably still is.

"I see, a can give you a hint, as a cultivator to fellow one, The first 9 stages are considerate mortal one's correct?" at first there was obvious wish to roll eyes on her face, but she nodded at my question.

"Then there is the other... how many realms? " she walked over to my sofa and took a seat next to me, her legs were touching mine.

"There are 7 realms after Sovereign Profound, first one is called...Divine Origin, where one's life span jumps to around 10 thousand years, mortals calls them Profound Gods, simply because the gap between Divine Origin and Sovereign is like Elemental Profound to Sovereign Profound, a very large leap in power..." Ying'er got closer, her waist now touches mine.

"Next one is Divine Soul, in this realm one soul, and willpower increases exponentially understanding laws, and Profound arts become much easier... I really would like to see you in this realm..." Ying'er licked her lips, as her leg started to go on top of mine...

This girl really is one...

"Next is the realm of Divine Tribulation..." I chuckled hearing that.

"Let me guess... in this realm a lot of people die, and only truly 'talented' survive? And there is a massive storm where thunder constantly hits... and there is let me guess... 9 strikes in total?" Ying'er eyes widened in disbelieve.

"You really are one... " she shook her head and got on my ŀȧp, she was obviously facing me, there was a coy smile on her face.

"Should I call you 'master' ?" Her finger started stroking my ċhėst.

"You really are something else Ying'er..." her smile didn't vanish instead she leaned forward.

"Maybe... I realised something... There is no point for me being high and mighty, after all, you hold my life at your fingertips, and my return to the world of the living depends on your good graces as well, and even then I will still be under your good graces, So I decided why not be your loving servant, mistress, Sex slave..." she said last words in a whisper, she leaned even closer, her face, her beautiful lips, were so close

"So tell me Master, is your Brahma Goddess is a good girl? " She purred, leaning closer...

Damn this girl...

With though I send her back into a pearl.

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