Man Against Gods

Chapter 104 - Cheating Godhood

"Citizens of Primal Chaos! my name is Jian Feng, you might know me as 'The Emperor'!"

Jian Feng hologram appeared above every single Star Realm in whole Primal Chaos, he was dressed in white golden Imperial robes.

"This moment I have taken over the Moon God Realm in Eastern Divine Region, why I am telling you all this, is very simple, as I command Heretic God, True Devil Moon Slaughter and Primordial Azure Dragon, All I ask is surrender your Star Realms to me and no one will feel the wrath of my armies... if you don't... then... I will take them myself... I have millions of Devil's who wish to experience war." Jian Feng smiled for a second before his Hologram vanished.

He just dropped a bombshell on whole Primal Chaos, as countless Realm King's started to panicking or having mental breakdowns.

Others simply boarded their Profound Arks and left towards Moon God Realm, their lives are more important than their reputation or pride, others simply send out their spies to figure out if it's true.

Those one's were the Realm Kings from Southern Divine Regions, they have not experienced any conflict, so, its quite difficult to believe that True Gods, and True Devils are back, even if they sense shockwaves of large powers...

As they say ignorance is a bliss, they would rather not believe it, then accept it.


As Jian Feng finished his broadcast he turned towards his three most powerful minions.

"Ni Xuan I leave the occupation to your capable hands, while you Cang Long shall great the guest." Both of them nodded.

"While you Moon Slaughter stand by for further orders, there will be Star Realms who simply ignore my broadcast, it will be your job to make them not to ignore me again." Hearing that Moon Slaughter smirked for second.

Oh he wants them to ignore that command!

After seeing that bloodthirsty smile, Jian Feng simply shook his head and started walking towards where his Blood Hug Pillow was standing.

"How many do you think will ignore this broadcast." He asked her.

"Some of Southern Star Realms definitely, Most if not all Eastern Star Realms will join you." She said after thinking for a moment.

"And Western side?" He asked her as he was in front of her, she used this moment to get close to him.

"After learning that Dragon God Realm is under Primordial Azure Dragon again, and that he is under you, then they will fall in alongside most of Eastern Divine Realm." She said with a bright smile.

They nearly rule whole Primal Chaos! she is so excited!

"I see...I am returning to Blue Pole Star, need to finishing Cultivating." she raised her delicate eyebrow hearing that, the way he worded it sounded weird to her.

"Finishing Cultivating?" She asked curiously.

" dear I won't be seeing you for the next seven days for you and it will be seven years for me, so, don't do something crazy in the meantime." Qianye Ying'er pouted at him when she heard it, he sounded as if she does that all the time!

"When it ever happened!?" She asked for clarification.

"Last time you took over your Birth Star Realm before original planned day... in fact I wanted to take over whole Eastern Divine Region and portion of other Royal Realms in that Conference they were planning." He rolled his eyes at her, the blond huffed at him.

"It's years away! I don't have patients to wait for that!" She said with an annoyed look.

"Yes, Yes I know... that why I say don't do anything crazy just because True Gods will be listening to you." She had a thoughtful look for second, which doesn't bode well for normal 'people'.

The reason they listen to her is obviously the fact that she is recognised as his Fiance, and since none of his wife's are here, her words are basically law in here.

After exchanging a few more words, Jian Feng opened transition gates and left towards Blue Pole Star, leaving the Blonde who was thinking how to spend the next seven days.

She can obviously make her redhead maid do something disgusting, but after killing Yue Wuya the girl rarely was disheartened by anything...

'Maybe send Moon Gods after some empty chase? or a tournament? Oh...yes there should be empty slot after death of Yue Wuya, his brother will inherit the Purple Tower legacy but his brothers original one should return to the pearl...' The blond started to plot.

While Heretic God and Azure Dragon not far away we're looking at the blond with complicated looks.

"She definitely is not Li Sou reincarnation." Ni Xuan said to Cang Long, the Azure haired man simply laughed at him.

"You still talking about that?" The Dragon God said with a smirk, Ni Xuan simply sighed at him.

"It's difficult when you see her carbon copy around all the time." He explained to him, the Azure Dragon simply shook his head.

"Anyway, that reminds me, you left your legacy as well did you?" The Dragon God asked.

"Hmm, I did, my full Profound Veins and the Law seeds." He said quite proudly, he learned from the Divine Masters that his legacy is considered the most 'complete' compared to any other True or Creation God.

In fact bȧrėly any Creation God left anything, the Lunatic Mo E left nothing but piece of Ancestral God tome, Li Sou left her Healing Arts...

It makes him feel quite good about himself, in fact he has returned back to life, so it's even better...

"So if you left your Veins what about the one you have now?" Azure dragon was interested, how does this even work.

"Right now I have my original veins," he said simply to him.

"W-Wait...that means there is two pair of Heretic God Veins in Primal Chaos!?" Azure Dragon was baffled when he saw Ni Xuan simply nod at him.

"I was 'rebuild' from strand of my soul, same as you, as the master said, It would be difficult if not impossible to bring me back to life if there was my body left behind...but if there is a piece of soul, then all my master needed is to create blank body which will react to entering soul." Azure Dragon mouth opened and then closed when he heard that.

"Does that means...we can't literally die now?" The Dragon God was more worried about his daughter then listening perks of his new body.

"No we can't, even if our bodies are destroyed we can possess any spare blank body in Blue Pole Star, and since our souls are fully recovered we will come back at full strength, and even then IF somehow magically our souls get destroyed, we will as master say 'respawn' in matter of few days..." Heretic God explained to Cang Long.

"T-This is overkill..." Dragon God said with dry mouth.

"Ha! indeed if only my master was around in Ancient Era... Even that lunatic would bend his knee to him!" Ni Xuan said with a smile, while Cang Long doesn't even need to know who Ni Xuan is talking about, Heretic God has a lot of bad blood with Creation God Mo E.

"Both of you sound like old men! Anyway! let's go! we need a tournament to prepare!" both Gods sighed when they heard blonde command them.

"Why did master had leave? now we have to listen to this little girl's whims!?" The Dragon God complained to his friend.

"I heard that!" The Blond huffed at them.

"And where is Moon Slaughter?" Azure Dragon asked.

"He ditched us the moment he received his orders." Heretic God answered.

"It seems his Devil side helped him this time." The Dragon God profoundly said to him.

Heretic God simply snorted, he knows quite well that Moon Slaughter is just itching to kill some unlucky delusional idiots who can't see Mount Tai in front of them.


As Blonde Goddess is plotting how to spend her week, Jian Feng was back in Blue Pole Star, he decided its time to make his lazy Goddesses regain their Godhoods, as neither both Phoenixes and the Crow are really trying to cultivate.

He doesn't know if its a bird thing or it's just how they are, it's simply amusing when they say that they spend millions of years developing their techniques, but in truth it's mostly the one-tenth being the truth, as the rest of time they just lazing around.

When you have a life span which spans all the way to billions of years, one tends to develop a lazy personality...

Or at least lazy to 'normal' human.

Jian Feng flew towards his mansion first where he found Bing'er eating Ice cream in Living Room.

"Hmm? Master you back?" She looked at him with a questioning look, isn't he suppose to be in Moon God Realm now?

"Yes, now let's go..." He picked her up like a baggage and flew towards Pheonix Village in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

"Where we going?" She asked curiously.

"Cultivate obviously, only you three need to regain your cultivation base." He said to her, it sounded like accusations of being lazy, but Bing'er simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay..." Jian Feng wanted to facepalm, but he controlled himself.

Once they were in Phoenix Village, they picked up the Phoenix Lady, and then flew to Illusory Demon Realm where they found another lazy Bird girl.

Over there he readjusted some setting, and expanded a section of Rooms to accommodate a group instead of a person.

As they were about to enter Shen Xi appeared with ruffled hair.

She was rushing.

"W-Wait! I am coming with you!" Jian Feng raised his eyebrows for a second, and then shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, why not." He motioned her to follow him inside, she quickly nodded.

The Dragon Princess has two reasons to join him, one being that her cultivation was that of Divine Extinction, she needs to recultivate back to True God, and the second one is that she is the newest addition to his harem, and she is way behind compared to others girls, something she doesn't like, being Dragon God's daughter, her pride doesn't allow her to be seen as just another girl...

So, why not go behind close door cultivation with him for the next seven years?


While Jian Feng is finishing his cultivation, the Primal Chaos has submerged itself into total Chaos, as Star Realm from highest to lowest ranks are panicking about the reveal of True Gods among them! True Devils was something the Southern Divine Regions didn't truly care as they are in South and Devils operate in North doesn't truly touch them, but the reveal of True Gods? well... they started panicking.

But the most affected at this point is Star God Realm in Eastern Divine Region.

Xing Juekong the Star God Emperor was more than a little bit anxious, just moments ago he got notified that Brahma Monarch Realm is literally part of This New Empire from the very beginning when Brahma Monarch Goddess took over as the Realm King...

'Meaning that next Brahma Heaven Emperor is actually the same Emperor!' The Star God Emperor was realised that Royal Realms got picked up one by one, leaving only his Royal Realm alone.

After few hours just staring at one thing, he sighed in defeat, he realised that he lost before even going to a fight.

He has no means to fight True Gods, and surely he has no means to fight one of Strongest Creation God's.

"Tumi, prepare my personal profound Ark, and call the Star Gods, we going to Moon God Realm." Star God Emperor voice was just below a whisper, but it was more than enough for the Heavenly Origin Star God to pick it up.

"It will be done."

When Tumi left the Star God Chief sunk into his Throne.

He never through that this can turn out like this...

Him accepting someone else as Emperor? Such though would be preposterous!

Yet he going to do it...For Star God Realm sake, he doesn't want to end up as Yue Wuya... the Moon God Emperor was found in a ditch in the Moon God it happened he has no idea, but sheer thought that a God-Emperor was found in such state send chills to Star God-Emperor.

So, if he wants for Star God Realm to survive the upcoming changes he has to do whatever it takes for it to survive and not become some golden girl's plaything like Moon God Realm did...


While Realm Kings have their internal battles, Jian Feng with four girls entered into time dilation room.

The four ex-True God's more than a little bit impressed with the changes Jian Feng did, before this both Phoenixes and Crow cultivated in single room with time dilation powers, but this time this place was like a house, with multiple rooms, even kitchen and bathrooms...

"This is Impressive! your understanding of time is even better than Creation God Xi Ke!" Shen Xi said with wide eyes as she felt the time laws in use, She doesn't understand much about them, but she can compare, after experiencing both of them.

"Don't know much about that Creation God Shen Xi, but thanks anyway..." Jian Feng said to her, as he motioned them to follow him.

He showed them around, there are multiple cultivation room, even a room were laws are extremely pure.

Thanks to elemental seeds he collected, the fire, water, lightning which was hoarded by the crow before he took it, the darkness seed which was left in the hole of Azure Cloud continent, and finally the newest addition the wind seed which was found in Northern Divine Regions by Moon Slaughter.

Combined with Treasures he has, the Eternal Heaven Peal which allows one to train in time laws, the Sword which allows one to train in purest of sword intent, and the seal which allows to train in light (life) and even darkness (death).

He only needs to find the Earth Seed and the piercer, then he will have a full collection of laws.

"T-This is amazing!" Shen Xi looked at white room, it absolutely blank room, but she was looking at the panel on the wall.

She was feeling like she was in a market and picking fruits to buy! but instead of fruits it's actually laws!

Since when training laws became something like shopping in a market.

Her hand touched the light laws, and formation on the ground came to life, she felt the room is flooded by light element.

"A-Amazing... it's like I am next to Master Li Suo once again..." Shen Xi eyes for a second turned misty, but she quickly brushed it aside, and instead focused on furthering her understanding over Light Element.

For the next few months she trained herself in light element and from time to time would cultivate to regain her previous Cultivation of True God.

But to her surprise she felt a large amount of energy explode in room next door, she felt the temperature drop to freezing levels.

She instantly realised who it was she can feel the resemblance...

"Bing'er...already regained her power!?" Shen Xi quickly left her room and saw, Bing'er leave her's room smugly.

"H-How!? Your cultivation was that of Divine Master before!?!" Shen Xi looked gobsmacked at her friend.

"Oh, Shen Xi you had a breakthrough in Divine Extinction Ream, not bad." Bing'er completely ignored her question.

But then Crow left her own she had annoyed look.

"To answer your question Dragon girl is that Icebird over there used Master's multiplier Formation, it's the same one which was tested on that lunatic True Devil!" Crow said with a huff.

"Don't tell you sold yourself to be master's toy in this training session?" Crow said with a frown, she was in a sense fishing out for information how she got her hands on such dangerous formation, the first thing is obvious one is that Icebird seduced Jian Feng to allow to use such dangerous formation, which has a chance of making a person go boom with excess amount of Primordial energy...

But when Crow saw Bing'er lack of expression or any other indication that she was not denying or agreeing.

"I-I was just joking! B-but you actually decided to bed him alone!?" Crow was shell shocked that Bing'er would actually do that!

They need several women at least to that!

"You fire brain obviously can't think outside the box, but I did that and persuaded him to give me a chance to test it." Bing'er said that in her indifferent and cold voice, now that she is back at True God Realm it has quite an effect on people at the receiving end.

But Crow obviously huffed at her 'rival' but the one who was more effected was the fire Phoenix who silently observed the Ice Phoenix.

She never expected that Ice Phoenix will use such underhanded tactics, she obviously changed when she met Jian Feng.

"Now that Bing'er has reached True God, one of you have to reach as well, otherwise the Ice element will slower your girl's recovery." Jian Feng said to the Crown and the Fire Phoenix.

"I go first then!" Crow said that after she started to walk towards the room where Energy Multiplier formation is.

She can't allow that Icebird to be ċȯċky for long!

"Go then...I will keep company for our master so that he won't get bored." Bing'er said with a small smirk, which Crow found it annoying, now that she got her cultivation back she can be lazy once again!

When Crown entered into the room, Phoenix Lady went back into her room, while Bing'er actually pulled Jian Feng into bedroom she had a seductive smirk on her face.

"Master~~~lets see how good you are against a True God!" Bing'er said with slightly purring voice, her cold indifferent expression disappeared, now she looked like an eager teenager who wants to impress her 'boyfriend'.

Leaving somewhat baffled Shen Xi alone in the corridor, the Dragon Princess was shocked how her old friend looked, she never saw such look on the Ice Phoenix face, doesn't she cultivate water Element? how does it not affect her?

"Xi'er! you must join us!" Shen Xi nearly face-planted when she heard that!

"W-What are you talking about!?" Her stoic face exploded in red colour.

"Why not? you need to start learning, you are my junior after all..." The Ice Phoenix quickly appeared behind The Ravenhead and pushed her into the bedroom were somewhat confused Jian Feng was waiting, now that Bing'er reached True God realm she is insanely fast, one moment she was with him, next one she was pushing Dragon Princess into bedroom...

"Master, Shen Xi came here to learn how to be a proper wife to you." Bing'er said chirpily as she pushed the ravenhead on the bed, she then started to undress the Dragon Princess, well more like shred her clothing...

"Really now, I thought Dragon Princess is too proud for that." Jian Feng said to her as he finally had a chance to see the body of the Beautiful Ravenhead.

"Well, then we just have to fix that don't we master?" Bing'er said that happily.


Few Years have passed since Jian Feng and his group of Goddesses have entered close doors cultivation.

At this moments all of the Goddesses have regained their old power, and as Jian Feng has planned their natural power started to reinforce the Primordial Energy in the air, by his estimation the density has multiplied several hundred if not thousand times.

By this point what left for him to do is just cruise along and just cultivate in a relaxed fashion.

Third Of Divine Master

Fourth Of Divine Master

Fifth Of Divine Master

After that he noticed that the gap between realms is getting even bigger, so he just snapped his fingers and formation appeared underneath him, the multiplier formation is very useful and very dangerous at the same time, it uses the concept of a 'wheel'.

Basically the energy spins like a wheel, the faster it spins the more energy it emits.

And so...

Sixth Of Divine Master

Seventh Of Divine Master

Eight Of Divine Master

Nine Of Divine Master

Tenth Of Divine Master

Jian Feng Then sensed the gap between Peak Divine Master and Divine Extinction Realm.

'Even in this room without Formation help, it would take around a year of pure and boring cultivation.' Jian Feng was somewhat impressed by the size of the gap in the realm.

But it was short-lived as he activated the formation and the gap started to shrink...

And so a few weeks later instead of year Jian Feng was the first human to break out of the shackles which are Divine Realm's and was about to step in what is known as Godhood.

The first thing he felt was that he can sense laws much, much better, before it was like he had to walk through a mist, now that mist is vanishing and he can 'see' better.

More importantly...

The Law of Nothingness is accessible much better now...

So, a feral smirk appeared on Jian Feng face as he started to utilise Laws Of Nothingness... there is a reason... just why this law is considered the most powerful and terrifying...

The four Goddesses waited outside Jian Feng Cultivation Room, they wanted to congratulate him of reaching the Realm Of Divine Extinction, but they were utterly baffled when they sensed him grown stronger and stronger and stronger every second!

"H-How is his cultivation speed actually increasing instead of slowing down!!!???" Shen Xi just sensed him breaking through into True God just few minutes after breaking through into Divine Extinction!!!

"H-He is... actually using Laws Of Nothingness to create more Primordial Energy!!!" Bing'er said after remembering Jian Feng utilise this law against that little red-haired maid!

"M-Monster..." Shen Xi said with a pale face, that was the only title she can thing off... he simply can get... stronger!

Soon enough Shen Xi found it hard to stand as Jian Feng just surpassed her Royal Father and his power just continued to grow, reaching Realms Of Creation Gods... and just continued to grown...

"How can this place even support this much energy and not get destroyed!" The Dragon Princess asked with disbelieve as the amount of energy Jian Feng is producing should already blown the room he was to kingdom come!

"It's not... once the room reached certain pressure hold it activates dedicated space formations and the excess energy just gets sends away... somewhere..." Bing'er said after remembering what Jian Feng said to her about the building, it was hard to believe that some simple building can actually hold True Gods like that.

Not long after that ladies could no longer comprehend Jian Feng power, that moment Shen Xi actually thought that he broke through the shackles of Creation God and stepped into Ancestral God Realm, but then...

His power was once again sensible at realm Of True Gods...

The Dragon Princess can no longer understand what's going on in this place anymore...


Seven days have passed and the Realm Kings were more or less gathered in Moon God Realm, they were all under the watchful eye of the Dragon God himself, they all were squirming when his draconic eyes would fall on them.

They never expected to be 'greeted' by the strongest True God like that, it was a surreal experience that The Emperor is using Dragon God himself like that, like some watchdog.

But in the end it did its job, they were terrified and ready to drop on their knees and swear fealty to The Emperor.

As they were waiting, several extremely large power signatures just appeared inside the Royal Palace, Primordial Azure Dragon laughed for a second.

"Haha! My master has reached True God! and it seems even my Daughter has he old cultivation back as well!" The azure haired man boastfully laughed in joy, the Dragon didn't truly noticed that Jian Feng power was... unnatural in a sense...

While the gathered Realm Kings just looked at each other with more fear and resignation.

"More True Gods...heavens..." One of Divine Sovereigns spoke, he is a Realm King of Medium Rank Star Realm, it took him thousands of years to reach this point, and now there are True Gods running around? Shouldn't it suppose to be impossible to reach such a realm? Why now they popping left and right?

Moments later Azure Dragon was notified, to allow Realm Kings to enter the Throne room.

"Well then Mortals! you allowed to enter! My master is ready to accept your oaths of fealty." Shen Cang Long motioned towards palace doors which opened moments later.

Even with the massive size of Moon God Royal Palace Throne room, it was not enough to house all the Realm Kings and their heirs.

So, the one's with the cultivation of Divine King decided to stay outside, since they believe that The Emperor will start with Royal Realms which were close to ten who arrived, it was quite surreal for them to stand in the same room as God-Emperor of Star God Realm, or the God Emperor's of Western Divine Region, which were here and accounted for.

Their eyes have fallen to the other side of the Room where the Throne was, they finally saw the Emperor in flesh, the aura he was emitting was no less than the Azure Dragons or even higher, as they saw higher elements surround him, of course, he was not the only one in the rooms as there were several ladies with him as well, three of them were which they believe in True God realm as well.

The Leaders of Flame God Ream were gobsmacked because they can somewhat recognise two of the ladies, the auras these women were emitting was something they would never forget!

'P-Phoenix!? b-but! how!?' Phoenix Sect master one of representative of Flame God Star Realm was utterly flabbergasted, His God is actually alive!?!?.

While Golden Crown Sect Master Hou Rulie was looking at the teenager girl with golden burning hair next to Phoenix with his own shocked expression, he knows it's literally in his blood! that this girl is Golden Crow!!!

"Master most of the Realm Kings are here and accounted for, some didn't arrived as we were expecting." Azure Dragon said to Jian Feng who was sitting comfortably in Moon God Throne.

"We will deal with them once we have a proper list, Moon Slaughter will have a field day after that." Jian Feng said with a casual wave of his hand.

Some of the Cultivators in the Throne room just shuttered realising that they were extremely close to losing their lives and their homeworlds to some True Devil lunatic which some people already call him the Hound of the Emperor, as the True Devil constantly speaks how great his master is, if anyone hears him talk then he will at least mention his master and The Emperor few times...

"Understood My Emperor! how we should proceed?" The Azure haired man asked Jian Feng.

"Alphabet, Cang Long, I don't discriminate Star Realms." Jian Feng snapped his fingers and a list appeared and then floated to Azure Dragon's hands.

The Realm Kings realised that the Strongest True God is about to become a simple announcer...

"Very well, then..." Dragon God checked the papers in his hands.

"First one is... Azure Haze Star Realm!" Dragon God Spoke loudly enough, probably portion of Solar system heard him, not that he was shouting, he was simply speaking...

While the Realm Kings were baffled who is this Star Realm? those were the High-Rank Realm they never heard this realm!

"it's a Low-Rank Ream." one of Medium Rank Realm Kings said to the confused Divine Masters.

That moment Xing Juekong realised that he won't be leaving any time soon, his Star Realm starts with 'S' after all...

'Why me...' He sighed with despair as he had to listen to some lowly Star Realm King declare their oaths in a dramatic manner.

And so few hours passed and the Realms of the letter 'D' started.

"Divine Martial Star Realm!" Dragon God announced.

Moments later a man in Divine Master realm walked in front of a crowd and was about to drop on his knees but Jian Feng lifted his hand and unleashed a red stream of lightning which smashed into the Realm King, he got started to get electrocuted!

"Ahhhh!!!!" The Man at Divine Master started to get cooked but not outright killed.

Few seconds later Jian Feng red light stopped.

"Wu Sanzun, I know your little dirty secret, if you think you can use a puppet sect to do your dirty work in collecting Wood Spirit Orbs and not get found out then you are sorely mistaken..." Jian Feng said with icy voice from his throne, now he knows how it feels like to use lightning same way Darth Sidious did, it feels refreshing...after listening to hours of ȧss-kissing he started to get frustrated.

While the Realm Kings who observed this... they were terrified as they just witnessed Lightning of Divine Tribulation coming out from the hands of a person!

"Our Majesty! I beg forgiveness! M-My judgement got clouded by greed!" The Realm King tried to get on his knees but it was to difficult as Lightning was still in his body and his muscles don't listen to him even after using his Divine Energy!

While the God-Emperors and Realm Kings were treated to sight they never imagined seeing... a Divine Master crawling on floor.

"Are you? I wonder how are you going to bring those Wood Spirits back to life? hmm? If it wasn't for my timely intervention Primal Chaos would be having one species less, not only that but Wood Spirits are Creation God Li Suo first creation..." After saying that Jian Feng eyes brightened for a moment.

"Oh... I know! I will make your Star Realm solely under Wood Spirit race control... they do need more servants..." Jian Feng just chuckled when he saw the face reaction of Wu Sanzun...

He might going to enjoy deciding fates of billions...

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