Man Against Gods

Chapter 103 - A Smooth Take Over

"Don't make me repeat myself, mortal." Ni Xuan said with some distaste in his mouth.

This wimp reminds him of Mo E, the self-righteous moron, who saw the world with a single colour.

Why this wimp reminded him of that fool, he has no idea, but then again it's maybe has something to do with the legacy this wimp has.

The Moon True Gods were Mo E 'yesmen' similarly the Star Gods and Brahma's, that's were the rivalry between Star Gods and Moon Gods started which of them are greater 'Yesmen' while Brahma's decided it's better to be a dutiful followers.

With the end of the True God Era, those rivalries survived in the form of the legacies, which were past down to the humans who inherited them, while the people who found Brahma legacies they inherited the drive of their ancestors, that's why Brahma Monarch Goddess had such insane drive to achieve godhood.

But in the end it didn't matter to Heretic God, Mo E is dead, he was first to die, pity that he has no chance to laugh in his face for dying first, even when he had the strongest weapon in Primal Chaos.

Ni Xuan looked at the Moon True God legacy inheritor, who was sweating like crazy.

"May...we discuss terms of my Realm surrender?" Yue Wuya said after a minute of silence.

"Very well, Mortal, My Emperor will soon arrive...and he will tell you the fate of your Star Realm." after saying that the Heretic God motioned for the soldiers to descent and start the occupation.


Not long after that Jian Feng, Xia Qingyue and Qianye Ying'er walked through Transition gates right in front of Moon God Realm main Palace.

The security personnel by this point already changed and Jian Feng soldiers already guarding key areas of the Palace.

They walked through the main gates right into the throne room of this Royal Realm.

Jian Feng at first was impressed by the beauty of this Star Realm, but soon enough he realised that they taking the whole concept of 'Moon' far too much.

Whenever he went to it was either build from Moonstones, or it has an image of the moon...

Even their surname has Moon in it...

' soon as we get over this I can return back to conquering the Primal Chaos, AND then I can lock myself up in the workshop and return to my tinkering...' Jian Feng though with a sign, as he looked at the another painting related to the moon.

"You, go and tell for Yue Wuya and Yue Wugou to come here at once." Jian Feng ordered the soldier who quickly nodded and rushed to notify the said people.

Once the soldier was gone, Jian Feng looked at Xia Qingyue, he can see that her Primordial energy was all over the place, she was nervous.

"You alright dear?" He asked her, his and stroked her back.

"I am... I am just nervous, I haven't seen my mother in over more than fifteen years," she said with a nervous sigh.

"Hmm, no worries, you can do whatever you want with this Star Realm." He said to her with a shrug.

Xia Qingyue just chuckled at him for a second, she never thought that her choice she made back in the Blue Wind tournament will lead to this...

She has a Royal Star Realm in her hands, whatever she decided will go, not only that but a True God will do that for her...

If it was her from a few years from now, she would call her delusional if anyone say that she would have so much power before even turned twenty.

As Xia Qingyue was thinking Jian Feng walked to the Moon God Divine Emperor throne and got himself comfortable in it.

Qianye Ying'er saw that and she smiled for a second, she got an idea, and then walked there herself... and got comfortable in his ŀȧp.

Moments later Yue Wuya and woman which had extremely similar looks to Xia Qingyue walked through the doors.

They instantly noticed man dresses in white and Golden clothes sitting on the throne, in his ŀȧp was a very familiar person to Yue Wuya.

He never...ever... made a connection to this man-hater to be connected some way to 'The Emperor' who is sending waves after waves of changes to Primal Chaos.

"Brahma Monarch Goddess?" He softly asked, the Moon God Divine Emperor was more than a little confused.

"Ah, yes Yue Wuya... it's not me who is in charge you know? I only tagged along to see the 'fireworks', I want to see what will happen to a fellow Royal Realm." She said with an amused smile, her golden eyes sparkled with interest.

Hearing that Yue Wuya looked at the man who is sitting on his throne.

The aura he was feeling from him doesn't make any sense to Yue Wuya, he can feel Profound Beasts aura, higher laws like space and time, elements which even higher than the one he sensed from Heretic God, and most importantly, the Sword Intent, which makes the current Sword Sovereign look like newborn baby compared to this 'Emperor'...yet he is only a Divine Sovereign realm...

He can't wrap his head around this...

"You must be Moon God Divine Emperor, we meet face to face at last, if it was my decision I would already put you to the sword, for what you did to one of my fiancee's, but alas I allowed her to decide what will happen to your Star Realm." Jian Feng motioned towards Ravenhead standing not far from Yue Wuya.

The woman probably never expected that her daughter which she left in a mortal realm would appear in front of her like this, not only that the power she was feeling from her was that of Divine Spirit and close to Divine King... but the sheer cold energy she can fell from her daughter was something she never felt before.

" haven't aged one bit after leaving us..." Xia Qingyue started to talk first.

Yue Wuya eyes widened after hearing how this girl addressed his Fiancee, his mind worked very quickly, he already understood what The Emperor meant about Yue Wuya doing something to this girl.

'This is not good!'

" did you leave that Mortal Realm?" Yue Wugou asked her daughter curiously, she slowly started to walk towards her.

"Left? we didn't leave it, mother... Blue Pole Star is the capital of my beloved's empire now, the pure Primordial energy there is far denser than any other Star Realm in Primal Chaos... but we didn't come here for small talk... mother... I want to know why you left me, Yuanba and father!!!" Xia Qingyue spoke with an icy voice, the temperature in the Throne Room dropped by several degrees.

Yue Wugou was taken aback by her daughter's look, the little girl she remembered is nowhere to be seen.

"I-I had to Cultivation has returned and enemies who attacked me will come back to finish what they have started." Yue Wugou explained her reasons, but then the blond who was lazily sitting on Jian Feng ŀȧp spoke.

"No I wouldn' that point I didn't care about fact it was the least on my mind." Qianye Ying'er explained lazily.

"I-It...was you?" She asked with disbelieve.

" was me...and didn't your...beloved...explained who attacked you? he knew it for years..." Yue Wugou that moment looked at Yue Wuya with even greater disbelieve.

"Oh...I see...he picked Moon God Realm instead of you..." Qianye Ying'er chuckled in an amused manner.

"So much for 'pure' love..." Ying'er mocked Moon God Divine Emperor.

"Is it true?" Yue Wugou asked him.

But Yue Wuya didn't answer her, Jian Feng sighed at that.

"You should answer that question, your Star Realm fate depends on it, I have absolutely no attachment to this place, the only reason we having this 'conversation' is because its important to Xia Qingyue." Jian Feng words made Yue Wuya realise that it's not even related to Moon God Realm, no it's actually related to The Emperor's fiancee, he doesn't even care about his Moon God Realm...

"Yes...I knew who attacked you, either it was Star God Realm or Brahma Monarch Realm, either of those, My Moon God Realm is no position to wage war with any of them for sake of single woman." Yue Wugou took a deep breath after hearing that, her heart was in pieces, but she can understand his reasons.

"Well you heard that...what will you do in that kind of situation dear?" Ying'er asked Jian Feng.

"Hmm, I would send my ȧssassins, kill them all, then blow up their Star Realms..." Jian Feng answered the very next second after Qianye Ying'er asked him, he blinked for second realising what he just said.

"It seems by having the blood of two dragons makes me quite possessive..." He chuckled for a second.

Neither Yue Wuya or Yue Wugou though it was funny...

In fact they were terrified...

Only Xia Qingyue continued to stare at her mother, ignoring what Jian Feng just said.

"I see... then what will you choose, this..." he motioned towards Yue Wuya with distaste" who has 371 concubines and nearly one hundred children, or my father who never cheated on you and you have two children with...oh and don't comment on 'cultivation' or his 'status' mother! because he holds a higher status than Yue Wuya will ever will... my father trade organisation already spans through several Star Realm, and it will through whole Primal Chaos eventually..." Xia Qingyue said with small snare as she looked at Yue Wuya.

"While his..." Xia Qingyue pointed at Yue Wuya." Star Realm will be at my mercy for as long as I wish..." After Xia Qingyue finished saying she waited for Yue Wugou decision.

The ravenhead didn't comment much on her mother choices as it will be hypocritical of her doing so, she herself sold her own body and soul to her man for power and a chance to see her mother, which she already did, so it's not her place to speak what Yue Wugou did, she quite easily picked Moon God Divine Emperor over some mortal...

Not that Xia Qingyue's father is some simply mortal anymore, being related to Jian Feng brings a lot of bonuses...

"I don't have much of choice do I Qingyue..." Yue Wugou said with a sigh.

"No you don't... mother...I promised to father to bring you back... and I have several means to do so..." The Ravenhead said with an icy voice which sends goosebumps down Yue Wugou spine, she doesn't want to know what her daughter can do, being related to the man who controls Devils and True Gods she probably has an ȧssortment of different methods to make her point.

Yue Wugou sighed and looked at Yue Wuya who was in a tight spot, his whole Star Realm and his clan are being held in hands by a single woman...

"I will go with you Qingyue..." Yue Wugou slowly nodded at her daughter, her daughter in extension her fiancee, they hold the most power in the whole Primal Chaos, she doesn't even want to know what would happen if she would choose Yue Wuya, that decision never really came to her mind after learning that he would choose Moon God Realm over her, something she understands but same time it hurt her...

Xia Qingyue slightly nodded at her mother, there was a slight smile on her face.

Her dream of reuniting her parents is about to be fulfilled.

"Dear, before you go bring her to Shen Xi, I can feel that her wounds were not treated properly, it seems that Moon God Realm doesn't live up to its name of being Royal Realm." Jian Feng 'poked' at Yue Wuya with his words, Xia Qingyue nodded at him, and with her hand she opened transition gates to Blue Pole Star.

"Let's go, mother, first we going to see Shen Xi and then I will bring you to father." Xia Qingyue motioned for her mother to follow her through space rift.

Moments later both of them were gone, and...just like that Xia Qingyue forgot about Moon God Realm...

"Um... Darling... did...she..." Ying'er was a little bit taken back how Qingyue just took her mother and just left, didn't she suppose to make a decision what will happen to Moon God Star Realm?!?

"Well, it seems I will have to do it for her..." Jian Feng said with a sigh, he moved blonde from his ŀȧp and got on his feet, then he walked towards Yue Wuya.

"Listen well, Realm King of Moon God Realm, I have no interest in managing this Star Realm, so it will fell to you to continue doing so, unless my fiancee says otherwise." Yue Wuya quickly nodded, he understood.

"Good..." Jian Feng nodded as well, then he remembered something and looked at his Blond hug pillow.

"Doesn't the redhead maid of yours has a bone to pick with him?" Jian Feng then remembered something about Star Gods and Moon Gods being at each other throats.

"She does, do you wish to help her?" The Blond asked curiously.

"She is your maid, in extension, she is my as well, and I take care of my subordinates." While Jian Feng explained simple things to Qianye Ying'er, the Moon God Divine Emperor was in a pickle, he only knows few redheads in his very long life, and only remaining redhead he knows is...

'Heavenly Slaughter Star God! but she suppose to be missing!!! how did...' It doesn't take a genius to make a connection with the blond in front of him.

'Of course! It's well known that Crown Princess of Star God Realm hates Brahma Monarch Goddess to the bone... and with her Heavenly Slaughter legacy disappearing is not difficult...' While Yue Wuya was overthinking, Jian Feng made a decision.

"Well, it seems I will be making your brother the next Realm King..." Yue Wuya eyes widened as he realised what this meant.

Before he can do anything, the world around him just stopped and Jian Feng was already in front of him!

'Time Laws!!!'

And then Jian Feng punch went into Yue Wuya gut faster then Yue Wuya can track.

Moments later the Moon God Divine Emperor dropped on his knees like a sack of potatoes.

Darkness claimed his consciousness as the last thing he thought was the power Jian Feng wielded...

Never before he seen Time Laws being used like that.

"This is kind of scary darling... you just knocked out a God-Emperor just like that! with one punch!" Even the Blonde was shocked seeing that, But Jian Feng only snorted at her.

"It was not one punch but several, I accelerated the time flow around me, while I shrunk around the rest of you."

" Impressive..." She said with slight awe.

'Time Laws are truly scary in the right hands...' She thought for a second, but then she snorted, Eternal Heaven Realm had the pearl for generations, yet they only scrape the surface of the power they could have wielded...

'Pity...their loss, our gain...' She thought with a slight smile.

"Take him to the dungeons and let the redhead know that her master has a gift for her..." Jian Feng said with a casual wave of his hand.

"Oh, and inform that Yue Wuya brother that he is the Next Moon God Realm King." He added.

"Very well my Emperor!" One of the guards responded to him.


Xing Tong was quite flabbergasted when she heard what THE Blond, the most hated person in whole wide Primal Chaos just said to her!

"Let me hear this again...I think my ears are playing tricks on me!" The redhead maid just said.

"Come now, you are not even twenty yet, and your ears already that bad?" The blonde just mocked her.

Xing Tong wanted to grow for second but then she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Listen, little girl, My beloved, and your great Master, has decided that Yue Wuya fade is in your hands, why?" Qianye Ying'er shrugged for a second.

"I don't know, but he wants to get rid of him, and why not get something from Yue Wuya death?" Ying'er explained to the Redhead Maid.

"I-I see, then why don't we get this over with then?" Xing Tong said with bloodlust rolling over from her.

"Very well, the quicker he dies the quicker the Purple Tower Moon God Legacy returns to the Pearl." The Blond said with little to no care.


Xing Tong followed the Blond to the dungeons in the main army base, the same ones which housed the True Devil Moon Slaughter not long ago.

The place was build to keep even True God in check, there is no doubt that a mere Peak Divine Master can't escape from this place.

After walking few stairs and corridors, Xing Tong was looking at chained Yue Wuya.

Her heart was beating with excitement at seeing the man which forced her mother to commit suicide In chains!!!

"How mighty has fallen! the great Moon God Divine Emperor is behind bars like this!!!" Xing Tong started the conversation with her trademark 'Princess' haughty voice.

Yue Wuya just snorted at her from behind the bars.

"And look at you...the Crown Princess of Star God Realm is nothing more than a servant of a woman who killed your Brother." The Moon God Realm Divine Emperor 'jabbed' back at her.

But the Redhead released a bloody aura around her.

"Oh, This Princess will enjoy killing you slowly..." Xing Tong said with the bloodthirsty look.

"Right, you go on and do your thing, don't forget you still have your duties, little girl..." Qianye Ying'er casually reminded to the Redhead were she was...

The Maid nearly missed her step, but quickly got back together.

"Of course! This Princess remembers!!!" She said with red cheeks.

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