Man Against Gods

Chapter 102 - Transitioning To Offence

When Jian Feng noticed the Golden Heavy Sword float to him, he instantly noticed the connection to the Wheel Of Myriad Tribulations, the difference is that the Sword is completely opposite to the Wheel, not sinister like or dangerous...

But then again the sword IS dangerous, it just deceiving in its own way.

The Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword handle landed in Jian Feng hand he felt the energy of sorts washing him over, for a moment there was nothing.

This inaction caused Jian Feng to be confused, the rest of the group looked confused just like he was, the one who was the least shocked was Shen Xi.

For her, it was nothing new, as even the Creation God Mo E couldn't get recognition from the number one Treasure, how can Human who is at Divine Sovereign get its blessing...

Then her train of thoughts got blasted through the window when the sword glowed in golden light, and Jian Feng got another tattoo on his dominant hand.

He had a look of deep thought as he swings the golden sword couple times.

His swings were fast, fast enough to cause ripples in the air, for the rest of them it looked like the Legendary sword weighed nothing.

In truth it was, the moment the connection was established, the sword started to defy the common sense, for its master the Ancestor Of All Swords weighed nothing, and he didn't lose any of its lifespan for wielding it.

Then Jian Feng channelled some Sword Intent into the Blade, the gold on the blade started to glow, the Sword intent in the blade intensified several folds.

Jian Feng eyes widened as he realised that the sword actually multiplied the amount of Sword Intent there is stored in the blade.

While The Blue Pole Star Realm King was experimenting with the Ancestral Sword the rest of people felt massive dread looming over them, it's as if they are taken to the execution block, and they were looking at a sharp guillotine waiting for them.

Even the Two True Gods were no different, being exposed to this pressure made even them afraid of this weapon, Godhood or not, this sword doesn't care, it will erase all opposition against it.

"Interesting...I shall experiment with the Sword later, for now, Shen Cang Long go to Dragon God Clan and ȧssume leadership, and you Moon Slaughter return to Soul Stealing Realm and mobilise the troops." Both of them nodded and left to do their missions, Shen Xi seeing that she was at a loss what to do, since she is still bound to the weapon.

Seeing the distressed Ravenhead, Jian Feng realised what's going on, he looked at the Ancestral sword in more detail.

It didn't take long for him to notice the Seal on the weapon.

He lifted his hand and a formation circle appeared on it, he touched the seal with it and started to learn secrets of this seal, his mouth twitched for a second, he learned a simple fact that this seal can be broken naturally if Shen Xi cultivates long enough.

Which she has been doing for past millions of years, she is quite close to breaking the seal.

While the seal does its job, it's quite primitive and unoriginal to Jian Feng eyes.

In Layman's terms, it's like a room with a door, the door itself being a simple heavy door with enough effort it will be possible to move it and eventually opening...

And that's what Shen Xi did it over the time, she is close of fully opening it.

After scanning it, and figuring out how the seal works, Jian Feng effortlessly released the seal and let Shen Xi free.

The Dragon Princess in question felt the connection with the sword vanishing just like that...

She felt...


"You should go and join your father in his mission." He said that to her, without even looking at her, his eyes were on the new toy he just acquired.

Shen Xi slowly nodded at him, and then flew away after her father, she needed to get away from him, as she was having extremely weird emotions going through her head.

When was the last time a male bȧrėly looked at her like this?

While she was a hermit for a long time, she remembered her times studying under Li Suo, countless men ŀusted after her, even when she met the first individual after her sealing, it was Long Bai who quickly declared her his 'Dragon Queen'.

Even if she didn't care about her looks, such blatant disregard of her made her feel weird...


When Shen Xi left Jian Feng looked back at the Well of Transmigration.

He lifted his hand and several more Formation circles appeared, he sends them into the walls of the well.

Jian Feng is planning to abuse the power of this well to very limit, as the possibility of endless 'respawns' is something he is not letting get wasted.

Same for his minions as well, He is creating a 'Tag', a mark on one's soul, upon death if someone has this 'Tag' he will remember his or her's last life, with perk being that this individual will be able to cultivate back to their former strength in record time.

After all his followers deserve to have such perks for following him...

After finishing his work with the Well of Transmigration, Jian Feng opened Transition Gates back to Blue Pole Star, he needs a little bit of practice with his new weapon.

~~~~~~Blue Pole Star~~~~~~

After returning back to his Homeworld Jian Feng went straight to Training Grounds where he practised his Swordsmanship with the Ancestor Of All Swords.

While his Sword style the Sky Sword Is meant for One-handed sword, he was still able to use it simply because it felt that the sword weights nothing to him.

Allowing him to execute all the techniques easily.

What else amazed him was just how natural it felt to wield the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword.

No weapons before he wielded can come even close to this feeling, it's as if the weapon is part of him.

'I guess I won't need to worry about having a proper weapon ever again'. even if his blacksmith skills can be considered one of the best in Primal Chaos at this point, thanks to what kind of flames and resources he uses to blacksmith... even then the Heaven Punishing Ancestral sword still is leagues above.

Not long after Jian Fang started to practise, he naturally started to generate Sword Intent, because of the weapon he is using it started to multiply the Sword Intent, soon enough everyone in the vicinity started to feel shivers going down their spines, it felt like the cold steel touching their necks.

Moments later few of Jian Feng girls came to see why he is emitting so much Sword Intent, he is usually more reserved and doesn't allow for many to look at his techniques, unless he is teaching them, but now he is emitting his Sword Intent like a beacon...

"Hmm, this is outside his character isn't it Feixue?." Mu Bingyun asked the girl who is Jian Feng, ȧssistant.

"It is... Master Feng rarely allows outsiders to watch him practise..." She answered to the younger sister of Snow Song Realm King.

Mu Bingyun alongside her disciple were cultivating on this Star Realm more often than on their own Home Star Realm, for few reasons.

One of them being the density of Primordial Energy, while Snow Song has now denser than before, thanks to Jian Feng formations, Blue Pole Star still has much denser and heavier energy because of resident Gods and much more complex formations...

And The second reason being The Ice Phoenix herself lives here, when she is not cultivating or being spoiled by Jian Feng she sometimes gives pointers to Mu Bingyun or her disciple Mu Xiaolan.

"I see... but I think is related to that Sword he is using for training." Mu Bingyun pointed the golden sword Jian Feng had hand in his hand.

Mu Feixue looked at the weapon curiously, but then the white-haired girl next to them realised what it was.

"H-He actually found it!" The Ice Phoenix indifferent face expression shattered when she realised what Jian Feng is holding in his hands.

"What do you mean Ancestor?" Mu Feixue asked curiously.

"That is The Number one Heavenly Treasure!" Bing'er said with slight awe, she was incapable of hiding at this moment, after witnessing the casual use of the Legendary Sword in Jian Feng hands.

"The Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword?" Mu Feixue asked for confirmation.

Bing'er simply nodded, without even looking at the Icy girl.

It has been countless years since she saw the weapon which caused the collapse of the last Era.

"If he is using it so casually does it means he has the blessing of the Sword?" Mu Bingyun asked The Ice Phoenix who is more knowledgeable in this regard.

"It appears so...this is unprecedented...with The Sword, even True God will think twice about provoking our Master." Bing'er said to them.

If True Gods thing twice... what about Divine Masters which rule the Star Realms?


"Right, so let me explain what happened in Dragon God Realm..." Jian Feng started to explain what happened in the biggest Star Realm Of Primal Chaos...

Jian Feng quickly and most importantly quite casually explained what he did.

"So, let me get this straight... you just privatised Well of Transmigration... in other words... reincarnation now belongs to you?" Chu Yuechan said with a flabbergasted expression her mouth was slightly opened.

She, just like the rest of his girls are used to his sort of madness... but 'privatising' reincarnation...

So far it took the cake.

"Yes... when you put it like that... It's official... I have privatised Reincarnation..." Jian Feng said in slight ċȯċky voice remembering the similar scene in Iron Man 2, only instead of Reincarnation, Tony Stark 'Privatised' World Peace.

The rest of his girls were not that shocked, Ying'er simply licked her lips, she already was planning how to celebrate this new revelation.

But before that, Jian Feng 'tagged' his girls with the imprint, as the ultimate safely belt was in place and Jian Feng can now relax.

Or he thought he could as Ying'er ended up on his ŀȧp with a coy smile on her face.

' rest when you have her around...'

~~~~~~Few Days Later~~~~~~

After Shen Cang Long took over the Dragon God Clan he returned to Blue Pole Star with his daughter Shen Xi.

The Princess Of Dragon God Clan quickly was introduced to Jian Feng harem, who looked at the girl with interest.

Especially the Blonde Goddess who looked at Shen Xi with curiosity.

She remembered how the common rabble compared her to this Woman.

Their beauty is at the same level...

It somewhat amused her, as Shen Xi has that Holy aura around her, a Daughter of a ŀustful Primordial Azure Dragon being Holy Maiden...

That thought alone made the Brahma Monarch Goddess amused.

Ying'er knows quite well why Shen Xi is 'Holy' at this moment, just like herself she is waiting for the 'right' person and once she found it...

Well, then all those years of pent up frustration gets realised, and In Shen Xi case...she has quite a bit, being of Dragon species doesn't help either.

"You must be the 'Dragon Queen', Shen Xi" Ying'er spoke first, attracting her attention.

Shen Xi furrowed her eyebrows at the woman, she can feel what kind of person is this Blonde woman.

Even if this blonde is 'chained' Shen Xi can still feel just how dangerous and in a sense evil this woman is, someone she wouldn't want to have enemies with.

"Yes I am, You must be Brahma Monarch Goddess... quite famous if my guess is right..." Shen Xi was only out for a few days from the Samsara Lands and yet she already heard about this blonde woman.

She heard it from a few Cultivators who were complaining how their dream woman was engaged to someone.

It was hard not to listen to their complaints.

"Hmm, maybe I am... never cared about such things, fame came naturally to me, I only used to my advantage, you, on the other hand, were famous as me, and yet not even once people saw your face." Ying'er approached the Ravenhead lady, she noticed that Shen Xi inherited her father's eyes, she was beautiful, not that Ying'er will ever say that to her face.

"I see, I never knew that Long Bai has such loud mouth..." Shen Xi commented on her 'fame'.

"I don't know the full story about it, but he only mentioned several times, and it was enough to make you rise in fame." The Dragon Princess only shook her head hearing that...

"But let's drop this boring conversation about fame, let's focus on you..."Ying'er played with the tip of her blond hair for a second, Shen Xi only sighed, she realised where this was going.

"There is not much to talk about, my Royal Father already talked to me what kind of future awaits me..." Ying'er trains of thoughts stopped when she heard that.

"My Royal Father said it will be the greatest honour for him if his master takes my hand in marriage, not only that but he will earn upper hand in his 'competition' with Ni Xuan in a race which of them is greater servant to Jian Feng." Shen Xi explained with a sigh.

Brahma Monarch Goddes could only blink several times at this, she was quite flabbergasted at this.

It's nothing new when Emperors sell their children for alliances, better standings and so forth.

It already happened to Jian Feng several times, his first wife Cang Yue's Father enjoyed the benefits of being related to him.

But Shen Xi situation is something else completely...

'Azure Dragon wants to be greater servant then Heretic God so he is offering his daughter... that is the greatest fanatical level I saw so far...' Ying'er thought with a slightly amused smile.

"I that case let me introduce you to his Harem and how things work around here." The Ravenhead only sighed and followed the Blond around.

~~~~~~ Moon God Realm~~~~~~

One of Four Royal Realm of Eastern Divine Region, alongside Star God Realm and Brahma Monarch Realm, the Gods of this Star Realm in Ancient times served under Mo E as his valiant soldiers.

When The war against Devils started the True Gods of Moon God Realm left significant legacies behind.

One of them is a core Artefact which allowed cultivators quickly advance to Late, and Peak Divine Master Realm, this Artefact is called...

Imperial Moon Glazed Pearl.

This pearl holds twelve legacies of Moon Gods, and is a core piece of The Moon God Realm which allowed them to reach Royal Realm status in Primal Chaos.

Not that this Realm status or Its Legacies will help in upcoming calamity...


Deep in one of the countless forest of this massive Star Realm, a stone started to glow, on its surface, a runic letter appeared.

It send a Profound energy pulse, which turned into a shockwave, spreading through the whole Star Realm eventually.

This phenomenon was felt by every single individual which had any profound energy sensitivity.

As moments later hight in air, runic letters for 'Seal' started to appear, one by one, these letters eventually surrounded the whole of Moon God Star Realm.

"Brother, what's going on?" Yue Wuji asked his older brother the Moon God Divine Emperor.

"I don't know Wuji, but it's something...major, be on your guard and call forth all Envoys and Moon Gods." Yue Wuya ordered his Younger Brother who quickly nodded.

But before he can leave Space ripped itself apart and Thousands if not Millions of People started to pour through the space rifts, high in the air above the Moon God City

Among them were Devils mixed with Humans, this baffled the Cultivators of Moon God Realm.

Not long after that, several insanely powerful Energy sources passed through the rifts as well.

One of these energy sources was so strong that it felt like the other one's were like dwarfs Planets compared to Stars themselves.

Yue Wuya could only gulp nerviously as he connected the dots.

He felt this Power before, just a few days ago, it was so powerful that they could not make heads or tails where this power was coming from.

But now they know that this power was that or Creation God!

As they already know what kind of power belongs to True God, and this one is even higher than True God!

It only took a few moments but a massive amount of people passed through these Space rifts and at least Two True Gods accompanied by a Creation God lead the front.

Yue Wuya alongside his Eleven Moon Gods and Moon envoys went to meet them.

The Moon God Divine Emperor noticed that One of these True Gods was a True Devil, the very same devil which destroyed the Eternal Heaven Star Realm...

He started to understand what truly was going on.

These Devil attacks suddenly stopping and then Primordial Azure Dragon coming back to life, these events are all connected.

"Esteemed Seniors, may I know why you all have arrived here?" Yue Wuya started the conversation.

The one leading the front was a man with red eyes and short black hair.

"My name is Ni Xuan, and you may know me as Heretic God, I have been ordered by my Emperor to take over this Star Realm." Ni Xuan said with almost bored voice, he can sense that this 'Moon God Devine Emperor' is a wimp, which means that he won't be able to flex his regained strength.

While Yue Wuya could only gulp down a massive lump in his throat, he is standing face to face with one of strongest existence in whole of Primal Chaos history!!!

Why does Heaven hate him so much!!!

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