Man Against Gods

Chapter 101 - THE Sword And The Girl Which Comes With It

Transition Gates opened just above a massive Star Realm, and a pair of people came through them.

Jian Feng looked at the Star Realm bellow him, he was taken aback by the sheer size of this world.

While Azure Dragon next to him, was washed by nostalgia.

Few moments later they descended towards the Realm below.

Jian Feng felt the Primordial Energy engulf him, he was impressed that this Star Realm still has Primordial Energy, but then again it amused him that people of this Star Realm never thought of refining their Profound energy into Primordial Energy.

Oh well, not that he is planning to point this out, if they want to reach Godhood the old fashion way it's their choice.

Soon enough they approached a place which make Jian Feng raise his eyebrows, as the laws he sensed in this place were something he never sensed before.

But then...he might felt this type of energy before, only very little of it...

He then quickly accessed his pearl storage and pulled out the 'lowest' ranked Heavenly treasure, the Samsara mirror.

None of his ladies knew what this mirror power is, no one knew from this reality, except that it's related to reincarnation, that's were 'samsara' word comes from.

That's leads to Jian Feng putting these two things together.

The energy he is feeling right now is related to reincarnation, or at least to a certain degree.

"Cang Long... the energy in this place is very special here..." Jian Feng said to the Azure dragon.

"Yes...we are approaching the place where Well of Transmigration used to be before it was destroyed in the war against the devils." Shen Cang Long spoke with a bitter voice, for him this was a massive failure of his responsibilities, when the Well was 'destroyed'.

Jian Feng slowly nodded hearing that, but he was somewhat sceptical, 'destroying' something like Well of Transmigration should be extremely difficult it's not a simple building where one can just blow up with a profound technique...

After all, he can still sense the laws which govern reincarnation.

'If I could restore it, I could make it into my personal 'safety belt', another means of survival if something unexpected might happen...' Jian Feng for a moment though about the possibilities he can have if he restores the Well of Transmigration.

"Master...we are here..." The Dragon God said to Jian Feng as they looked down on the area which looks like a hole in the ground.

Both of them landed at the edge of it, Jian Feng focused on the laws in the area, he can sense the unique energy which governs the Reincarnation...and then he sensed something else...

"I can sense THE sword...but it's here...but same time it's not... it's like it's stuck between realities..." That was the only thing he can think off at this moment, the only thing which makes sense to Jian Feng.

Shen Cang Long nodded hearing that.

"Yes, My Clan wanted to make sure no one got their hands on it in the very end..." The Dragon God continued to speak with a bitter voice.

He was proud of his clan for their actions, but the same time he was bitter that they were overwhelmed by the True Devils who wanted to get their hands on the sword.

As they were looking down on the pitch darkness of the Well, a figure slowly approached them, both Jian Feng and Shen Cang Long sensed this person.

Jian Feng was somewhat taken aback what he sensed, it was Light Profound energy!

But most importantly he can sense draconic energy come from this individual.

Both of them turned around and looked who it was, to Jian Feng shock it was...kingdom destroying beauty, she has extremely breathtaking azure eyes, and waist-long black hair.

"Royal Father?" She softly said with utter disbelieve in her voice.

That moment Shen Cang Long next to Jian Feng had a realisation who she was.

"Xi'er? is that you?" hearing his question her eyes widened and she quickly appeared at his side and hugged him with everything she got.

That moment Jian Feng realised that this woman by name Xi'er is actually above that of Divine Master...

'Isn't she suppose to be sealed in THE sword? is she somehow 'projects' herself from the sword? interesting...' Jian Feng IS interested how she walks around even if she is sealed in the legendary sword.

"Royal Father how are you alive?" The raven head beauty asked the Primordial Azure Dragon.

"It was my master who did it, Xi'er, he is a monster when it comes to formations." Shen Cang Long motioned towards Jian Feng, only now did Azure Dragon's daughter noticed Jian Feng.

Her eyes widened when her Royal Father, the Strongest True God acknowledged someone as HIS master!

This has completely and utterly shocking to her, to the point that it even send ripples to her very core.

"Cang Long you should introduce me to your daughter, I don't even know her name yet." Jian Feng spoke with a somewhat annoyed voice.

The Azure Dragon quickly realised that it's the truth, with his memory which is a mess, and his closed-door cultivation, he bȧrėly explained anything to Jian Feng about his daughter and his original purpose of rushing to regain his power.

"My apologies, Master, Let me introduce you to my daughter Shen Xi, she was a student under Creation God Li Suo herself and she is capable of using Light Profound energy." Shen Cang Long introduced his daughter with pride in his voice.

While Jian Feng finally understood why Primordial Azure Dragon',s daughter can wield Light Profound energy.

'Li Sou huh, it seems whatever I meet someone from the Ancient Era, it some way related to Li Sou, from her students like Bing'er to man who was chasing after her...' Jian Feng was interested in this Creation God whose beauty was at his Golden hug pillow level.

'Pity that she was one of the first victims to fall against the Devil Horde' Jian Feng sighed internally at this though.

"It's an honour to meet the princess of the Dragon God Clan, my name is Jian Feng." Jian Feng respectfully greeted her, not that he really needed to do that, but still, he has an image of an Emperor to keep.

She slowly nodded at his greeting, still inspecting him with a critical eye, Shen Xi wants to understand just how this mortal human achieved the impossible of bringing her father back to life, she knows quite well that it should be impossible to do that, as there were only wisps of her Royal Father soul left after he died from poison, just like the rest of God and Devil race.

And yet, here he his full power no less! Shen Xi knows full well achieving True God realm in Primal Chaos nowadays is pretty much impossible...

And yet, it happened, this only proves the point that her Royal Father's...master is someone worthy of her full attention.

"You have my eternal gratitude for bringing my Royal Father back to life." The Azure eyed beauty did her own respectful bow towards Jian Feng, who nodded at her.

Once the introductions are out of the way, Jian Feng looked back at the Well, while Shen Cang Long talked with his daughter.

Jian Feng unleashed his full senses on the Well, he was able to make...some sense how does it work.

It's more or less a 'caved-in tunnel' at this moment...

'The amount of Profound energy I am going to need to restart this thing is going to be quite astronomical at my current level...' but then he smirked.

'But, then again it's a good thing I have two True Gods this very moment available to me.' He turned towards his Dragon Minion.

"Cang Long contact Moon Slaughter for me, I need him here as soon as possible, I am going to restore the Well and get THE sword." Jian Feng casually ordered the Dragon God, it took a moment for Shen Xi to understand what he just said, she wanted to say a single word to him, which is 'Impossible', but her Royal Father didn't even bother saying that, instead he pulled out a thin and round stone-like thing, and channelled a little bit of his Primordial energy into it.

Moments later image of a True Devil appeared above the round stone, Shen Xi was baffled when she saw who her Royal Father was contacting...

'It's a True Devil! what is going on? why my Royal Father is in contact with our enemies!?' The Princess of Dragon God Clan was in shock, since when they are 'friends'?!

"Ah, Azure Dragon! Does the Emperor has a mission for me already?" Moon Slaughter asked with bȧrėly hidden giddiness.

"Yes, he wishes to see you as soon as possible Moon Slaughter." The Dragon God notified the True Devil, who quickly nodded and ended the call, he will soon be in Dragon God Realm.

Once Primordial Azure Dragon saw the call terminate, he looked at his Master, who had his eyes closed and had focused his senses on the Well of Transmigration.

"Master, he should be here in a few minutes." Shen Cang Long notified Jian Feng.

"Wonderful, by the end of today we shall have the strongest Heavenly Treasure in Primal Chaos." Jian Feng said that with some glee, as he still had his eyes closed and continued to grasps the laws which were operating the Well.

"Royal Father, even if... the Well is fixed and sword retrieved...even Creation God Mo E didn't had the sword's acknowledgement..." Shen Xi sceptically said to Shen Cang Long.

She basically said that Jian Feng had no chance of getting the sword acknowledgement.

But to her surprise, The Dragon God only smirked.

"You underestimate my master, dear daughter, he already has 5 out of 7 treasures, all of them accepted him as their owner and master." The Primordial Azure Dragon said proudly to her.

Which only made her look at Jian Feng curiously, she is he achieved that!

If her Royal Father master got True Devils working alongside True Gods then he is something else.

Few moments later Shen Xi felt massive Devil energy appear not far from their location, and then a few seconds later she saw a tall man appear not far from her Royal Father's master.

"My Emperor! Moon Slaughter your fateful servant answers your call!" The True Devil dramatically bowed to Jian Feng.

"Good, I need you to go to the opposite side of this Well." Jian Feng said that to Moon Slaughter and then looked at Shen Cang Long.

"And Cang Long I need you to stand here, when Formation will appear in front of you start channelling your Primordial energies into it." Once Jian Feng explained to them he flew above the Well and spread his arms.

Several dozen formations appeared around him.

Shen Xi could feel several different laws surround these formations, the most shocking for her, were Light and Darkness accompanied by space and time...

She never saw this kind of powerful laws coming from a single person before, even her master and Heretic God she meets before only had singular dominant law, or several lesser ones like Heretic God who had another name which is the Elemental God.

But this takes the cake, she never met someone who is so young and yet has such an understanding over higher elements.

Moments later she saw her Royal Father and the True Devil start pouring energy into formations which appeared in front of them.

The amount of energy they're poured was enough to blow up the lesser Star Realms, yet they all went to the specific formations which started to affect the Well of Transmigration.

Several minutes later she saw the Well Glow with energy which she never thought she will see ever again...

"He actually...did it..." Shen Xi said with disbelieve in her voice.

And then, a few moments later she saw IT...

THE sword floating up from the Well towards Jian Feng.

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