Man Against Gods

Chapter 100 - The Second True God

Wu Guike was somewhat nervous, this event with Darkya came out of nowhere, this Star Realm is quite some distance away from The Northern Regions, and the Devils should not bother invading such place, after all, so far they only were interested in Mid to Royal Rank Star Realms, and Darkya doesn't fit that criteria.

The only thing he can think of, is that it has the last colony of Wood Spirit Race, but why would Devil's care about them?

The Wood Spirit Orbs would be detrimental to them, in fact, it would hurt them!

This invasion was so out of nowhere that it just baffled The Prince of Divine Martial Realm!

Just for this situation, he asked one of the Elders of the Divine Sovereign Realm to join him in this investigation, it may be overkill for a Divine Sovereign to descent in a Low-Rank Star Realm, but the young Prince is not taking chances in this situation.

~~~~~~Blue Pole Star~~~~~~

Barely two days have passed since the invasion, and Jian Feng alongside his ȧssistant Mu Feixue were showing off where the people from Wood Spirit Race were going to be living from now on.

They were quite taken aback by his gardens, they never saw such...dedication towards growing plants and herbs before, how many cultivators invent formations just so that they could imitate certain conditions for the plants?

And it's not just one but several... from scalding heat, to underwater like setting...

The Wood Spirit Race was quite...touched by Jian Feng dedication towards his gardens, and they are quite eager to start taking care of them...

"This is the first time I actually saw your gardens, Master Feng." Once Jian Feng satisfied his new gardeners, his lovely ȧssistant spoke to him, there was certain emotion in her usually indifferent and cold voice.

"Really now? I thought one of my girls would show this place off by now... most of the vegetables come from this place after all." Jian Feng explained to her, to which the icy woman only showed somewhat uncomfortable look.

"Well...I didn't really bother asking, and no one bothered showing... it was a mistake on my part, seeing such a place is... an eye-opener..." She said that while looking at the plants, seeing one field which looked as if it was bathed in the scorching heat, while not far from it there was the complete opposite happening, which is so cold that the plants were covered in a layer of ice.

"I can see your point, I personally try at least once per week visit my gardens when I am in this Realm and not too busy, that why I secured Wood Spirit Race in the first place." He honestly said to her, his icy ȧssistant slowly nodded she can understand the fact that such a garden needs its caretakers...

But to invade a Star Realm just for such thing?

She can see now why Snow Song Realm King is fawning over Jian Feng so much...

They are so similar in certain aspects of their personalities that it's quite scary, where she destroyed a Low Star Realm in simple anger, Jian Feng on the other hand, invaded a Star Realm, with a massive army of fanatics, just because he wanted to get his hands on the race of people who can watch over his garden when he is to busy to watch it himself...

'Thank Heavens that no one stepped on his toes when he first arrived in Snow Song Realm...' Mu Feixue sighed internally, and then continued to follow her master around as he continues to explain how to tend to his plant, which apparently is some sort of crossbreed of some ancient plants...

Mu Feixue was somewhat baffled that these plants were tens of thousands of years old...

Well, she only shrugged at this point Jian Feng already is abusing the Fourth Heavenly

Treasure power to it's maximum...

But then as they were enjoying the casual stroll in his gardens the whole Realm shake for a second.

"Hoh... Shen Cang Long finally did took a day longer than he said, but that's fine..." Jian Feng casually commented on the fact that another True God has his power returned, Mu Feixue should feel awed...but Jian Feng casually comment, takes that factor away...

It's just another milestone in his timetable...

Which she has down in her notebook in great detail as his ȧssistant.

"So, what now Master Feng?" She asked him.

"We go to greet him, and if my guess is right we soon be getting Western Side of Primal Chaos under our control." Jian Feng said to her as he motioned her to follow him.

~~~~~~Jian Feng Main Military Base~~~~~~

A few moments later he alongside his ȧssistant appeared at the building dedicated to Cultivation.

The amount of energy radiating from. this place was enormous, Shen Cang Long was not holding it under leash, in fact he is saturating the place with it.

And Jian Feng can already guess why he is doing that, he is helping Ni Xuan to reach Creation God Realm as soon as possible.

"T-This is True God Realm?" His icy ȧssistant whispered towards him.

Mu Feixue has experienced Peak Divine Master energy before, after all, she is in a harem were three such beings exist, to pitch darkness of Chi Wuyao, to the golden radiance of Qianye Ying'er to, truly piercing iciness of Mu Xuanyin those three ladies were awe-inspiring existences to her and their powers were unquestionable, but now...

Being exposed to Aura of True God who is STILL inside heavily formation encased building, is utterly breathtaking...

The difference between Peak Divine Master and True God, is like comparing recently born domesticated cat's cub to Primordial Tiger who can swallow Planets.

'No wonder no one could reach this kind of power naturally... it's practically impossible...the only way one could achieve is how Master Jian Feng have to think outside the box' The Icy Ravenhead though for a moment, as they started to walk towards the Building dedicated to cultivation.

"Hmm, the True God energy is quite different from True Devil one... it's like comparing...bitter dark chocolate to White Chocolate..." Mu Feixue rolled her eyes hearing that, she tasted both of these... sweets, but can't grasp the reason why he needs to compare?

As they approached the building tall man with azure coloured hair came out from the building, he was radiating an incredible amount of power.

He quickly noticed approaching Jian Feng, his reaction was that of an endless amount of respect and happiness and...even worship...

"My Master! this dragon has regained his full strength! I believe its time for my kin to express their dėsɨrė to join your cause of Primal Chaos domination!" The Azure Dragon quickly dropped on his knees before starting to talk to Jian Feng.

Blue Pole Star Realm King slowly nodded at him.

"Wonderful, tell me more about your Dragon God Realm, It would be better to hear from the person who created that realm." Jian Feng motioned to him to stand up.

"Of course master!" He quickly got on his feet

"My Dragon God Realm is the biggest Star Realm in Primal Chaos, and one of the most important Star Realm back in ancient times as my Dragon God Race safeguarded the Well of Transmigration, and before the war started we got another mission of safeguarding Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword!" The azure haired man said to him.

Jian Feng reaction was quite priceless as he never thought that, he unintentionally going to get close to discovering were THE sword actually ended up...

"I-I see, and do you perhaps know where THE sword actually is?" He asked his True God minion.

"It might actually still be in the Dragon God Realm, along with my daughter." The Primordial Azure Dragon seriously said to him.

"Master, we should move to secure the sword, only you are worthy of touching it, as Primal Chaos already has decided that you are worthy of wielding its Treasures." Shen Cang Long motioned towards his tattoos which are not just simple tattoo.

"Very well." Jian Feng nodded, he then turned towards his ȧssistant, who was silent most of the conversation.

"Feixue dear, go and notify, my first minion, tell him to start mobilising all the forces, once we return from Dragon God Realm we will start moving." His icy ȧssistant slowly nodded, and then flew away to find Fen Juechen.

"We should move Cang Long." Jian Feng then looked at the Azure Dragon, who nodded back at him.

Primordial Azure Dragon ascension towards his old power was felt pretty much through the whole Primal Chaos, everyone knows how dragons are overbearing beings, and they're showing off, of their cultivation is one of the things they regularly do...

Above one of Medium Rank Star Realm two extremely powerful beings were clashing...well more like one of them is trying hardest he can to kill another one, while the other one was toying with him.

One of them was the 'strongest' cultivator of Primal Chaos and the ruler of the Dragon God Realm, the Dragon Monarch Long Bai, while the one who was toying with the Dragon Monarch is Moon Slaughter, Jian Feng's one of most loyal fanatic, and a True Devil.

"Is t-that... hahaha!!!" Long Bai started to laugh as he sensed the power of Primordial Azure Dragon, he can't believe this is actually happening!

It's a miracle! maybe they are going to be saved after all!!!

The strongest True God is back! everyone knows that Primordial Azure Dragon was strongest just below the Creation Gods!

"Your days are doomed Devil scum! my ancestor is back and they will punish you all for your crimes!!!" Long Bai said with an almost crazed expression, he was being tormented, by this lunatic True Devil, never in his life he experienced such thing, multiple times he questions himself what he was been doing his whole life! he can't remember last time felt such powerlessness before!

Yet this True Devil brought all those negative feelings to surface...

But the Dragon Monarch was taken aback by Moon Slaughter laughter, it was extremely mocking one.

"You are an amusing child... how do you think a mere soul strand of Azure Dragon, returned back into the full power of that of True God? you are amusing child indeed, you don't even question how such a thing is happening do you?" Moon Slaughter said while continuously mocking the Dragon Monarch.

"Let me enlighten you..." The True Devil slowly spread his hands in dramatic fashion, there has a fanatical look on his face.

"It's My Emperor who brought him back! he is the only person in the whole of Primal Chaos who has such capacities! and soon enough even a Creation God shall be brought back to its full Power! and then whole Primal Chaos shall bow to him! hahaha!" Moon Slaughter said with a crazy grin on his face.

But Dragon Monarch who had a chance to catch his breath, could not understand this...

"B-But this doesn't make sense! why your Devil Emperor brought a True God back? aren't True Devils and True Gods enemies since ancient times?" Long Bai asked the Moon Slaughter, since the True Devil doesn't mind explaining, why not learn everything he possibly can?

"You are a naive fool, who only sees things in white and black! it's My Emperor who truly sees the grand picture! Devil kind already is bowing to him! and soon Descendants and Inheritors of True God shall do the same!" Only now did Long Bai started to grasp what is going on!

'T-This Emperor is planning complete conquest of whole Primal Chaos! this is unprecedented!' He was in such shock that he didn't noticed Moon Slaughter smirking victoriously.

"But its a pity... that you won't be seeing the dawn of a new era..." With that Moon Slaughter for the first time since he regained his power that he called forth his cultivation, even when he was attacking Eternal Heaven Realm he bȧrėly used any of it, as his existence alone saturated the Star Realm.

But now that Shen Cang Long is back, he doesn't need to hold it under a leash...

"Die... withing Darkness of Eternal Night..." Moon Slaughter swung his sword and 'Strongest Dragon Monarch disintegrated into nothingness.

Few moments later after he killed the Dragon Monarch did he looked around, there was no one here left around, and this star Realm was already robbed, he can now leave.

"Time to return to base, with Shen Cang Long return, we move to phase 2..." Moon Slaughter said to himself, as he opened Transition Gates to Soul Stealing Realm.

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