Man Against Gods

Chapter 99 - The Wood Spirit Race

When both girls entered inside the treasury of Darkya they were not dissapointed...

They found lots of Purple Profound Crystals, rocks, and not that many jades, but still it's quite an impressive sight.

Apart from the typical crystals, they found weapons, which are considered outdated to them, so they stored them for Ni Xuan's daughter as sweets.

Next were herbs which they stored anyway...they have no idea if they are good or not, they simply put them in their Storage rings, after herbs they checked out if they have any good techniques, which they found few, even some Lightning-based ones, Both Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue simply stored them with a shrug, they don't cultivate this element so both of them left it for Jian Feng to check it out.

After spending close to an hour they finally found something which garnered above-average interest from these two girls...

They were holding some sort of orb which has lost of pure energy, and they're quite a few of these orbs.

"Are these..." Cang Yue asked with a neutral expression on her face.

Xia Qingyue next to her slowly nodded, while both girls already killed quite a few individuals they never killed innocent, especially the ones which are considered pure individuals.

"...Now I don't need to feel guilty for killings these monsters... let's take these and give it back to The Wood Spirit Race they belong to them, to begin with." Cang Yue put the orb back into a fancy box from where she took it.

Qingyue slowly nodded at that, power gained through killing such pure and innocent race gives her bad taste...

After the girls cleaned the treasury, they moved on to kill any and all cultivators who have tainted Profound energy or have residue of Wood Spirit race energy on them.

They were extra ruthless on those especially...

~~~~~~Darkya Realm~~~~~~

While Jian Feng girls are raiding the Black Soul Divine Sect, his armies were taking over the Capital, and any other large cities spread out through the Star Realm.

"C'mon! surrender already!" Young ȧduŀt whɨnėd dressed in Obsidian coloured Armour, he was one of the Officers personally trained by Jian Feng, and he became quite famous in his birth Empire, and the Blue Pole Star as a whole...

Ling Jie is one of the best swordsmen of Jian Feng's ever-growing Empire.

"Never! Darkya will rise again!!!" Ling Jie only ġrȯȧnėd hearing that, he then smacked his opponent in the face with his sword pommel, and knocked the guy out.

"This is a forty-seven idiot who don't understand just how pointless this struggle is..." Ling Jie said with slight shuck of his head.


The younger Ling looked at the source of the noise and saw body implanted into a wall, he followed the trail from where this body came from.

He then saw at least seven-metre tall man with golden skin and Obsidian Black armour coming through the building wreckage towards the body.

"Senior I apologise for this punch, I thought that Divine Soul should be able to take a hit from fellow Divine Soul..." Ling Jie only snorted hearing that coming from the Giant of a Man.

Xia Yuanba didn't change much, he still ruthlessly destroys people pride and their will to fight in his unique kind way.

The body implanted in the wall only released some sort of sound from its mouth... Ling Jie tried to understand for a second, but then he remembered that he was in the middle of a battlefield, even if it ones of most one-sided battles ever.

After all, they have massive Profound Beats which are roaming in the streets, the winged ones are constantly flying over their heads, and the army on its self completely dominated the fights with their armours and weapons.

In a way now they are ready to for bigger challenges...

"So, did you saw were my brother is?" Ling Jie asked Xia Yuanba.

The giant just shrugged his shoulders at him.

"The last time I saw him he was trying to goat a fight with one of the Princes of this Star Realm." Xia Yuanba said that to him, as he pulled out the guy from the wall, while the younger Ling only ġrȯȧnėd hearing the answer from Xia Yuanba.

"Well, that's him alright...I am going to find him, he still needs to report his progress to Fen Juechen, otherwise we going to end up on ones his rants about how great our Boss is and how we are tarnishing his image by 'slacking' off." Xia Yuanba only chuckled before ramming the guy back into the wall as he was trying to fight again...

"Good, then go, I got this covered..." Xia Yuanba said that before, Ling Jie flinched again hearing a bone-breaking sound.

'Damn...those War God Veins are insane...' Ling Jie thought for a second, he remembered the first time Xia Yuanba properly controlled them, his size just kept on growing and his skin colour changed to gold, at first Ling Jie thought that his Boss taught Xia Yuanba how to transform into that 'Asura' mode his boss has, but it was not actually the case, as it's his natural look when he activates his Profound Veins.

'Oh, well he is on Boss side so it's cool with me...' With a shrug, Ling Jie rushed off to find his older brother.

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

It didn't take me long to find their little hiding place, while the formation they use is quite something else, something specifically tailored just for the Wood Spirit Race.

Once I found their location, I decided to approach them alone.

My arrival was quite something for them, as everyone had the look of fear in their eyes.

First people to approach me were a couple of green-haired...elves...

Yep, elves... I already knew that they were elves as Ying'er and Xuanyin already said that they have long elven like ears, and I saw some elves back in Illusory Demon Realm... but these guys...

Their body structure even looks elvish like...

The males look like...what was that word back from my old world? oh! right! 'Trap' these guys look like women...

"May I ask who are you senior? and why are you here?" The bravest of them all ask me, he even looks like the leader of this bunch.

"My name is Jian Feng, and I am the one who led the invasion of Darkya." They all stiffed hearing that, that means they are not blind to what is happening outside the formation.

"I-I see then what do you want from us?" He asked me with a worried voice.

"I need your race speciality, my herbs and vegetation garden is one of the greatest in Primal Chaos, I used many powerful tricks, from environment formation to time formations, even extremely rich soil, but it's said that if my gardens are tended by Wood Spirit Race it will be ten times better..." I explained to them, after hearing that they actually released a sigh of relieve... it's quite pitiful seeing them so bullied by cultivators that they instantly release a sigh of relief when I told them that I am not here to kill them...

"I see... You wish one of us to tend your gardens?" The green-haired elf asked me.

"No...not one, my garden is too big for one of your kind to take care of it, I want your whole clan to move to my personal Star Realm, a proper hidden Realm were your kind would be hidden from the rest of Primal Chaos, and in turn, your race will pay me back by tending to my gardens, is it satisfactory to you?" I asked him.

To my question, he was quite... shocked and a little bit afraid as well, after all, I am asking to move his whole clan...

"Can we...have a moment to discuss this among ourselves?" Hearing his question I only nodded at him.

"Take your time..."

After saying that I floated up above their village and closed my eyes, and spread my sense on the whole village.

I could only awe at the sheer power this race has on nature, they affect it just by walking on the grass...

This whole invasion will pay off once this race joins my cause!

The quality increase in pills will be much greater with them, not only that but I will easily increase the starting point of my new cultivators...

A few hours later the Wood Spirit Race finally decided, as they called me back.

"We apologise that we took so long..." The Patriarch of the Wood Spirit Race said to me, while slightly bowing his head, I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but people in this reality really do like bowing...

"It's alright, tell me your decision." he nodded at me question.

"My clansmen and my family have decided to accept this offer, my clan has suffered much from the people of this realm, I was even thinking of asking one of Royal Realms to protects us..." I nodded hearing his answer, even smiled a little bit, but then I heard something about asking a Royal Realm to protect them?

"Hmm, I see... then it's a good thing you didn't, as I can offer better protection since I have several hundred realms under my rule and four Royal Realms under my direct rule as well..." I said that with a smirk, as the expression the green-haired 'trap' was showing me was quite priceless...

"I-I see... great indeed..." The green-haired 'trap' quickly agreed with me, there was a sweet on his face as well.

I could only chuckle, just how timid these Green haired elves are.

After they agreed to my offer, the Wood Spirit Race Patriarch offered me taste some of the stuff they were growing, I eagerly accepted, I really wanted to taste food grown by this race...

~~~~~~Some Time Later~~~~~~

In fact they learned the Fall Of Darkya the very next day, as the Star Realm went silent, and it's quite famous for their Merchant Guilds.

The first one to learn about this incident is the Star Realm behind Darkya, the Divine Martial Realm, a High-Rank Star Realm with a Divine Master as a ruler...

"What do you mean Darkya just stopped responding? How can WHOLE Star realm just stop answering out calls?!" Divine Martial Realm King Wu Sanzun howled at his servant.

He was pissed! Darkya Realm was a great investment so far for him! not only they gave him a beautiful concubine which mothered him an extremely talented son, but this realm unexpectedly houses Wood Spirit Race!

The Wood Spirit Orb is an extremely rare commodity! he is not willing to abandon this Realm just because it's stopped responding to their calls!!!

"Tell Wu Guike that his Royal Father wishes to speak with him!" The Divine Martial Realm King ordered his afraid servant to fetch him his favourite son.

The servant quickly nodded and rushed off as quickly as possible, he doesn't want to be the vicinity of pissed off Divine Master...

Few minutes later, a man in his twenties entered the throne room.

"Wu Guike answered Royal Father's call!" The Prince bowed to his father respectively.

"My Son! Go to Darkya realm and find out what happened! the whole Star Realm just went silent on us! take as many followers as you need! once there inform me immediately!" Wu Guike quickly nodded to his Royal Father instructions, and left to collect few bodyguards...after all he is a Prince...

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