Man Against Gods

Chapter 12 - Joining A 'Camp'

The Grand Elder, brought me to most fanciest doors, and knocked on the doors, soon enough I heard the voice of an older man behind the door.

"Come in."

Elder Sikong opened the doors and motioned for me to enter, then he entered himself.

"Palace Chief Qin, good day to you, I have a guest here who wishes to participate in Blue Wind tournament by representing the Royal Family..." Sikong Han said respectfully to an older man.

While the Palace Chief eyes never left me

"Truly? This is unprecedented... seeing Earth Profound at such a young age... what's your name, young Lad?" Since his cultivation is stronger than mine it demands that I show proper respect to him, I cupped my fist, in traditional Chinese greeting.

"Jian Feng, Age 15, travelling Cultivator..." I said respectfully.

"Qin Wuyou, New Moon Profound Palace Chief, youngster..." The Palace chief introduced himself as well.

"And why do you wish to represent Blue Wind Royal family? If I may ask?" He continued asking me, I shrugged my shoulders.

"because there are no strings attached, Blue Wind Profound Palace only keeps their members around till certain age or cultivation... unlike other Sect who trying to keep for life," I said bluntly.

"I see, I feel there is a story behind this, but I won't be asking or demanding such information, now I need to check if you are truly are Jian Feng the Earth Profound cultivator as you say you are. " He pulled out a weird looking stone

"This is small Profound Assessing Stone, it will show to us your true name and Profound strength..." I nodded hearing that, and walked over to him, and poured a small amount of Profound energy.

Slowly letters could be seen appearing on stone

Jian Feng, 15-year-Old, First Realm Of Earth Profound.

Both of elders looked with utter shock at the stone.

"F-fifteen...Heavens..." I rolled my eyes didn't I already said that?.

"So? Is it to satisfaction? " The Palace Chief nodded still looking at the stone, then he looked at me.

"Before anything happens I need you to meet someone, she is the one who will decide if you can participate..." Slowly connecting dots

'So its princess, lucky me...' I sarcastically said to my Ying'er.

'We don't know yet, but it's most likely.' Golden 'Goddess' said back.

"Very well... " I said with a shrug

"Grand Elder you may go, and thank you for bringing Junior Jian request directly to me." Sikong Han cupped his fist and left the room

"Now Jian Feng, the Person who you about to meet is hiding her identity for a reason, so please call her by her alias when she requests" I nodded and followed him to a different room.

Once there I meet face to face with the same girl I saw a few moments ago, she was still dressed in the same Profound Palace robes.

She did a curtsy princess greeting.

"Its an honour to meet you face to face Jian Feng, I am Blue Wind Princess Cang Yue, also known as Blue Moon Princess " I did my own greeting.

"Honour is mine Princess, I wasn't expecting to see Royalty this early..." The Princess blushed for a moment, but she controlled herself perfectly.

"I have not expected to meet such expert in New Moon City, to be perfectly honest I was thinking to look talent in a different city..." The Princess said honestly.

"I know the feeling I only came to this city for Trade and information, once I heard about this tournament I instantly came here to sign up then leave to train..." The princess nodded in understanding.

"Then may I help you with that? My family will help with resources if we go to Capital." Thinking for a moment, I always wanted to see the Capital of cultivation world empire.

"Very well then Princess..." I agreed to her

" Please, in here can you call me Lan Xuerou?" she asked with almost pleading voice.

"Very well then Senior Sister Xuerou?" I tried out her alias.

"You have my thanks, Junior Brother Feng?" I shrugged my shoulders hearing her calling me like that.

"It appears so Senior Sister Xuerou" She smiled at me, happy with this setting, she clapped her hands.

"Then Junior Brother Feng can we leave tomorrow? As today there is an event happening here, would you like to participate? " I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Sure thing Senior Sister Xuerou, I haven't been in one over a year now..." I said, remembering what I did in the last event.

"Wonderful! , Junior Brother Feng.." she looked at Palace Chief Qin

"Chief Qin prepare Robes for Junior Brother Feng for this event, for today he will be part Of New Moon Profound Palace..." She looked back at me " is it alright with you Junior Brother?" She asked my opinion.

"For today yes..." Princess nodded happily hearing my answer, and Palace Chief went to 'fish' for Palace Robes.

"Now Junior Brother may I know more about you?" now it was clear that Princess was interested in me, I even heard Ying'er snort inside the Pearl, and Princess obvious blush didn't help either.

"What do you wish to know?" I leaned back into the chair.

"Well from where are you? , it has to be from outside of Blue Wind empire right? Such talent rarely appears in this empire!" She asked the most obvious and expected question

"You are wrong there Senior sister, I am local as much as you are..." her eyes widened in disbelieve " I originally come south-west from Thousand Beast mountain range, I was born into Family of Herb farmers..." By now she was leaned at her own chair, otherwise she would have been on the ground, I guess my achievement is impressive to her.

"I can see you bȧrėly can believe that..." she snapped out from her disbelieve.

"Of course! Such a thing never happened before! Such talent from ...." she didn't finish.

"From farmers yes, I know, but your understanding what talent is, is misguided and misunderstood..." I crossed my arms, as I am entering 'lecturing mode'.

"The most important thing for any profound practitioner is to resolve, of course even that can become warped as it can turn into a very narrow-minded mindset many people fall into eventually, because of misguided people teachings," I said in a matter of fact, by now the princess was like a student in school listening attentively.

"Before anyone starts to cultivate they have to prepare their body, physical training" with the finger I pointed at my hand's visible muscles, Cang Yue had thin blush there once she looked at those " of course even there people can misunderstand as well, as a proper training regiment has to be followed, once a certain point is reached only then Person can Break into the First Stage of Elemental Profound, let me guess..." I leaned forward " you did nothing of that sort right? You started your cultivation around 12 to 14 of age when you veins mȧturėd? And from there you used some of the resources available to your family to reach Second realm of True Profound correct?" There more I revealed about her own cultivation methods the more she was blushing from embarrassment.

"Do I am that easy to see through?" she asked with a very quiet voice, almost silent

"At least for me, yes..." that moment Palace Chief Arrived with a set of robes, and handed over to me, there are shoes as well...

"Junior disciple Jian those gauntlets will have to be taken off during period of Event..." I sighed hearing that and took them off, storing in my personal storage ring.

"Are they made from Profound Beast Bones!? , such intricate design !" she looked at them closely before I stored them.

"Yes from Hell-Fire Tiger..." I said as I stored the other one.

"Impossible! It's a Sky Profound Beast!!! That means those are a Sky Profound Artefacts!!! " Palace Chief Qin lost cool as he shouted in disbelieve.

"How so? Its a beast killable like any else, it has flesh and blood, as long as you believe it is impossible, it will become impossible for you Palace Chief Qin..." I said in matter of fact as I got the robes from still gobsmacked Palace Chief.

"That's incredible Junior Brother Feng! Can you tell me how you did it when we wait for the even to start !" I nodded before walking out to change.

'They obviously want to use you in this event master...' My companion said with distaste

'I know, but its a chance to see rest of this city prodigies...' I said with amusement.

'And why you care? About some little city prodigies? You will squash them like bugs!' The blonde commented.

'Because I am bored and it's better to attend this event then stay locked up in a room...' I said back as I started to change my clothing.

'You can always cuddle with me, master...' She said with a seductive voice, it was like someone whispered into my ear about promises of unlimited power.

'Yes I could, but I would need to deploy few formations for that...' I countered back.

"Or you could release the seals~" she said in a sing-song voice.

'Maybe some other time...' I denied that, as I checked myself on the mirror, Even dressed in Palace robes, I stand out like sore thumb, my physical appearance and short hair does that...

I walked back into the room where Princess and Palace Chief are waiting for me, Seeing me entered Princess nearly floated to my side

"Junior Brother Feng let me show you around, and you can tell me stories how you hunted the Hell Fire Tiger!" She gently took my Elbow and started to guide me through the Facilities.

"As you know this Profound Palace was built by my family..." she said that part quietly " for sake of getting talent for armies, and people who don't wish to be part of any Sect, while the most talented ones are sent to Capital Blue Wind Profound Palace where they are nurtured to be Armies officials..." I listened closely to her explanation it was like on earth's military academy only in here they added the cultivation in the mix.

"Junior Sister Lan there you are!" Princess sighed hearing that, there was annoyance written all over her face.

I looked at the source of this voice, it was the same Lanky young master...

He noticed me their instant hatred on his face as he saw my elbow being used by the Princess

"And who you are? Unhand Junior Sister Lan this instant!" He raised his voice at me, that moment I felt a little bit vindictive.

I lifted my free hand a little bit up, feeling of channelling a little bit of inner 'Thanos' on this fool.

And then snapped my fingers, channelling with sword intent and Profound energy, directly at him.

That very moment his expression paled as he sensed my Cultivation, only moron would not probe first, guess he was one.

He could only raise his hands in 'defence' but it was not attacked direct at him, oh no it was direct at his... clothes.

Very next second his clothes were shredded into absolute nothing, and he was utterly nȧkėd, I looked at him in disappointment, while Princess looked at away with a red face.

"First lesson to be a man... boy! You have to look like one! Now get lost before my next snap of fingers will cut more than clothes!" I said in 'Senior Brother advising his junior' voice

The little young master quickly dashed away trying to hide his modesty, His face as red like a tomato, his long hair was like a mane, with that jade-like body he was more of a woman that man...

"Heavens Junior Brother! Was it necessary for you to do this!?" Princess said accusingly, she had the look of exasperation.

"He thought that I am the one holding your elbow Senior Sister, does he though that I am a woman or something? " I shook my head in amused fashion " And does this Palace has Elder responsible for health? " I asked the princess.

"Of course Junior Brother! This Profound Palace is fully equipped with staff!" Princess defensively answered my question.

"Good then we should notify him or her, about this little master, as his eyes are defunct," I said as if I am trying to help that little dolt.

"Junior Brother I do believe it enough humiliation for Senior Brother Murong as it is..." Oh such kind heartened girl!

"Very well then, but in case he acts blind again I shall personally escort him for his eyes need to be checked Senior Sister, it's for his greater good..."She giggled hearing that.

"You have my word then Junior Brother I won't get in your way, if that would happen again" I happily nodded that I have free reign to 'guide' that lanky fool to 'nurse office'.

After that small incident, there was no more morons getting in our way, Princess showed the facilities which I cared only a little bit, in the same time I told about my time in Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

She was asked even more questions once I told about my side activities especially in my craftsmanship.

But soon enough it was time for the Event in biggest Hall.

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