Man Against Gods

Chapter 13 - Hook, Line and Sinker

~~~~~~Cang Yue~~~~~~

She knew how bad this ceremony went last time, members of Profound Palace were brutally humiliated, in these sparing matches called 'exchange of pointers'.

More like legitimate beat-up of a person, she despised this, but maybe this time with her Junior Brother, maybe he saves them from that humiliation.

Moments later representatives from other Sects started gathering, all of them where arrogant like peacocks, hiding under fake friendly smiles, Cang Yue internally was disgusted by them

She looked at Junior Brother Feng sitting next to her his hands crossed and his face was indifferent, but Cang Yue can tell he is checking each and every single person out, she knows he has an absurd way of figuring out each and every person, she personally was a victim of that not long ago.

By now Cang Yue hopes that her Junior Brother will protect her fellow disciples.

Soon enough the feast started and Palace Chief Qin knew how to control the crowd, but all good things come to end, as one guest elder suggest a spar between their disciples.

What shocked Cang Yue was that all of the guests are banding together to make this spar happen, Cang Yue was disgusted even further, as Palace Chief was pushed into a corner from several angles, eventually, he had to cave in.

Moments later enough space was made for the spar to happen and first and most eager one was a member of the same sect as the Elder who suggested this spar!

"This one is Profound Heart Sect's useless disciple Xuan Yu, sixteen years old. Who will come up and advise me?" the teenager said in 'Humble' voice which was tainted with Arrogance.

Next to Cang Yue, Jian Feng got up from his chair, Cang Yue took a deep breath as his cultivation washed up whole Hall, she was the one who took the brunt of it, it was hard for her to breath for a moment she felt like she was at the edge of volcano staring at bubbling magma

Jian Feng slowly walked up on a stage several steps away in front of Xuan Wu, the teenager was shaking on his feet by then, as he was standing face to face with Jian Feng.

"This one is New Moon's Profound Palace's disciple Jian Feng, fifteen years old, I am severely impressed Senior Brother of your bravery to face the public, so I just had to test your bravery personally..." Jian Feng said with bȧrėly hidden amusement.

"Palace Chief Qin where you have found such heaven-defying disciple !" Xuan Ao the elder who came with Xuan Wu said with bȧrėly hidden worry for his disciple.

"Junior Disciple Jian is a new addition to New Moon Profound Palace, I am quite proud of him, he will be a great opponent for your Disciple Xuan Wu is he not? After all Elder Xuan, it was your idea to have these spars..." Palace Chief rubbed more salt on Elders 'wound'.

Who now he had a horrified expression, the rest of Sects quickly abandoned this sinking boat, instead, they going to look at this spar neutrally, Cang Yue seeing this is only shook her head, how quickly sides can change in front of such power like Jian Feng.

"Well Senior Brother Xuan I am waiting for your guidance, I know my cultivation is quite small compared with our Palace Chief, but I hope it won't be inconvenient in this spar..." Jian Feng Rolled up his sleeves and flexed out his arms muscles a small bit, the gathered female population blushed, at least able to see a small portion of 'that' body, Cang Yue felt a pang of jealousy, seeing drooling females stare at her Junior Brother.

By now Xuan Wu started to take steps back slowly one by one, in front of whole New Moon City Top Sects he was showing to everyone just how coward he is, not only he is bringing dishonour with his action but his action is a constant slap to Xuan Ao face.

"Well?" Jian Feng looked at Xuan Wu, then at Palace Chief " Palace Chief, can we start ?" Jian Feng asked with a raised eyebrow, The Palace Chief raised his cup with the vine inside of it.

"By all means Junior Disciple Jian!" Hearing that Jian Feng, flexed his Profound energy, many in-room started wish to kneel in front of that power, even elders who were in Spirit Profound realm were sweating bullets sensing scalding heat rolling at them.

'just who is this Child! What is his background???' Such question was on everyone's mind.

Many branch Elders decided to contact their main Sect and notify them about this individual!

The one most affected was Xuan Wu who was losing consciousness slowly, as Jian Feng slowly with each step walked towards him, the pressure from Jian Feng was too much for him, and it was getting more and more stronger as Jian Feng was getting closer to him.

Few steps later Jian Feng was in front of him, he lifted his right hand and with his index finger... he poked Xuan Wu forehead, moments later the sixteen-year-old collapsed like a sack of potatoes on the ground.

"As I suspected my ultimate move the one finger of total destruction was too much for Senior Brother Xuan..." Jian Feng shook his head.

The was a lot of snickers and giggles coming from Rest of Profound Palace disciples, many Profound Palace Elders trying to hide their amusements as well.

"Well is anyone else wishes to guide me? I still need more practice to control the power of my ultimate move" Jian Feng said with a serious expression, this comment alone earned more humiliation to the seven sects of New Moon City.

And so... the sparing portion of the event has ended, Cang Yue was more than happy that none of Profound Palace disciples were humiliated, and so she finally was able to enjoy the food served in this event.

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

The event was a total joke, it was cliché event where everyone wanted to humiliate a sect's disciples, where seven other Sect's actually bullied one much weaker, even branch Sect's of two out of four main sects! That Xiao Sect branch representative was a beacon of hate and jealousy like some pre-schooler child jealous of another kid for having a toy he doesn't have.

"What's with that sour face master ?" Dandy hands wrapped me from behind, strands of golden hairs, entered into my vision, as I felt a small extra weight on my left shoulder, Ying'er chin was on my shoulder, while her hands started to stroke my ċhėst.

After laying down a few small formations in my room, there was an instant guess in said room, the moments the formations started working

"You knew it going to happen, master, then why you showed yourself up like that?" Ying'er was right, I knew it, but it has to be done... for fun things to come, after seeing those people I know they will come.

"Because it should be obvious Ying'er, by now the Elders who participated in this little event, should have informed their Leaders, and in turn, if it was a branch Sect it should have informed their main one... with two intentions it is either to recruit me... or..." I turned towards her, gods she is so beautiful...

"Or to be killed... what are you planning to do then?" Ying'er asked with interest.

"Is it obvious Ying'er? The fourth Great sects of Blue Wind, two of them have a very dubious reputation, while only one of them can actually interest me in some way, while the Frozen Immortal palace is cult of Women who try to actually do some weird stuff by trying to make their women into some icy Queens... Heavens know there so many weird things in this Continent..." a small smile appeared on Ying'er face when I commented on the weirdness of Frozen Immortal Palace.

"Just wait until you travel to Realm Of Gods master, there many weird realms over there..." I shuck my head

"Yes I suppose there is even more weird stuff up there, but that can wait, now we need to wait for tomorrow, we shall see true colours of these seven sects, I have a gut feeling I know who will be sending people after me..." I summoned my Tiger Bone Sky Sword, and pulled out from its sheet, checking the sword Edge and seeing my own face on the blade.

"And you, of course, going to deal with them..." she said obviously to what will come tomorrow.

I smirked at that "Indeed time to see what these city cultivators can actually do, hopefully, it will be branch Sects of those two 'powerhouses'..."

My Golden hug pillow quitted down as I did some simple maintenance to my sword, waiting for something for anything to happen...

But I guess l will need to wait for tomorrow.

~~~~~~Next day~~~~~~

I walked through main gates of Profound Palace towards the City Centre, I could feel several Earth Profound signatures started following me.

'Hook, line, and sinker... so predictable it makes me... even sad, I suppose...' I said to Ying'er

'Well what do you expect from mortals? if it was me I would at least send a Sky Profound mortal along, but I doubt it even that work on you, dear Master...' I chuckled hearing that, I suppose she has lots of scheming experience.

As I walked into one of the less known alley's I saw 7 people appear in front of me, they were at varying levels of Earth Profound, lowest being Second of Earth Profound, while highest being only at Fourth of Earth Profound.

"Junior, you will come with us.." I looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

Well, I suppose only the leader of this little troupe is dangerous, so he is first to be killed, the rest... well...

"Are your mother hit you on the head when you were small? You actually believe I was not expecting this?" I shook my head first, then with quick motion threw six daggers at dumbfounded and about to be raging enemies.

What next followed where vails and painful screams.

"Ahhhhh its poison damn it!" six of seven ȧssailants dropped on the ground as their body parts started to be consumed by Necrosis from Grand Forest Python.

The only one who is still standing is Second of Earth Profound, who by now was so shocked, he didn't know what to do as his fellow members of the same group are trashing on the ground, he could see how their flesh slowly but surely turns into a dead one.

I pulled out my sword from the sheath and ȧssumed a very loose stance.

"Now peasant, tell me who ordered this, and I shall be merciful..." My words snapped him out and he furiously looked at me.

"You! Junior!, I will have your head for this ! " he lunged at me, his fighting style was so sloppy that even difference in cultivation was utterly useless here for him.

Few moments in a fight, the elderly looking ȧssailant was shocked each sword strike is literally dodged, parried, or blocked with minimal effort in movement from me.

"Who, just who are you !? " the elderly ȧssailant is starting to get a mental breakdown.

"You are pathetic... you are someone who is in his later years of life, yet your swordsmanship is utterly sloppy, where you been spending your life? This is pathetic! You are disgrace !" My free hand slapped him in the face and he was sent flying, not far around 5 to 6 metres away from me, I continually insulted him, even further...

"Pathetic! Utterly disgraceful, waste of oxygen and Profound energy!" Once I said those words the man snapped, his eyes turned bloodshot, while he is dressed in concealing cloak, by now his sect clothing starting to show off thanks to his erratic movement.

"HAaaaa!" roaring like a wild beast he started swinging his sword wildly, I coated my left hand with as much Profound energy as possible, and waiting for the right moment.

I only needed to wait for a few seconds, then I punched him in the gut.

*Loud Groan, followed by lots of coughing*

He dropped on his knees, the sword flew away somewhere forgotten, instead he was holding his gut with both hands.

"Junior what did you do to me?!" He asked me with a mad look.

"Is it obvious you dimwit? Tell me... can you call forth your cultivation?" I asked with a cold smirk

"You, YOU! How did you do this!?" I shook my head, is he really expect me to answer that?.

"You are a moron are you?" I walked to other, crying, or vailing or even begging ȧssailants.

With swift movement I killed them all by quick slice through their necks, then I turned back at the last remaining ȧssailant who was crawling away...

"Really? crawling? Man, you are really a desperate one..." I appeared to his side and soccer kick him into the wall.

*A body hits a wall*

"Listen you ball of filth tell me who send you or I shall teach you the meaning of despair..." There was a growl of tiger followed after my last sentence, as I was starring right into his bloodshot eyes.

"Xiao...Xiao Loucheng! HE send us to C-Cripple YOU!" The man was already in the fetal position shaking, while he said that.

"I see, as expecting much" saying that I went over to the corpses and collected my Python daggers, storing them back to my belt, then I left the alleyway, leaving the man slowly to die, as his cultivation is gone and he probably is over hundred years old by now, and that is above the natural lifespan of a mundane mortal, that's of course if the formation I hit him with won't finish him off first...

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