Man Against Gods

Chapter 14 - Causing Chaos

After dispatching, that little group of Earth Profound experts from Xiao Sect Branch, I was confused.

Such loss of 7 Elders can be considerate massive to their overall strength, How did that Young Master could pull it off?.

To enlist 7 elders, it should require massive influence!, but one thing it showed, how petty he is!

The more I think about this the more I come up with one thing!

His father allowed this to happen! No wonder that moron is so spoiled! when you have such a father who will satisfy any wimp, it a recipe for a super spoiled young Master!.

'what's now master?' the golden Goddess asked with interest.

'First we pushing our day of leave to tomorrow, and of course there is a pair of Xiao's need to be punished.' I said to her while I worked out a few kinks in my overall plan for them.

As I slowly walked back to Profound Palace, I started to look for the Princess, it wasn't hard to find her, as she was waiting for me actually...

"Junior Brother Jian where have you been! I was waiting for you over an hour!" She actually pulled out a pouting lips on me!

"I had a few things to do, Senior Sister Xuerou, we going to have to push our leaving for a day..." I said to her, while trying not to reveal too much.

"Very well Junior Brother Jian, it seems you have some unfinished business." She said in understanding.

"Yes, I still have a 'House to clean' I will see you tomorrow in the morning alright?" She nodded

'House to clean hmm? ' Ying'er smooth voice washed me up

'Oh yes Ying'er, time to check my 'hunting ground'..." I had a feral grin, and my blood is pumping in excitement, I shall teach those Xiao idiots how to stage a 'thing'!

I walked towards the area of the city where Xiao Sect branch is, as well as Heavenly Burning Clan.

Doing a short walk around as well as learning important landmarks, as well as this portion of city layup.

Along the way a bought myself casual cheap clothing, and changed into a simple 'mundane' looking 'person'.

Then my stakeout began, I took a seat close to Xiao Sect Branch, in a cheap-looking Tea house, where only mundane and some low-level cultivators would gather to drink, and talk.

Best part I can hear their gossips, rumours, as any information has its uses.

I waited for any Xiao Sect Branch member to leave who can be in similar size to me, I wouldn't do this kind of approach if the Sect is small, but Xiao Sect? wherein in this Branch alone, thousands die every year? Many of these members don't even know each other unless they are older ones, but entering inside dressed as Grunt?.

That's child play...

I waited for a few hours before my target appeared dressed in regular Xiao Sect Branch clothing.

'Isn't that we're re a...' there was a moment of pause in her words ' a discrete pŀėȧsurė house is?' Ying'er said with disgust.

'Indeed and he made an easier target for me in that alley' I quickly accelerated with Sky Shaper, and appeared on building just before a corner where the Xiao Sect Grunt is about to turn, I pulled out a cloth which was bathed in paralysis inducing liquid.

When he passed the turn, I jumped down and grabbed him by a chokehold with my left hand, while my right hand forced him to breath the paralysis inducing cloth.

Moments later his muscles we're out, the very next thing I did is knock him out.

'wasn't it better if you just knocked him out with Profound energy?' I hummed at blonde comment.

'True, but we don't know anything about him Ying'er, he maybe be some rich merchant son who has some life-saving thing on him.' Ying'er nodded and quietly watched as I changed clothes, I could feel that invisible heated look coming from 'somewhere'.

My looks will obviously attract attention but that's why choose this grunt not only he wears that ugly Taoist hat, which will hide my hair, but our builds are similar which will help to blend in...

I looked at the knocked out grunt for a second, then I smirked mischievously, I got an I idea...

I rolled him on his stomach, then my finger started to glow with Profound energy, I started to write something on his back which will be very amusing...

'that was an amusing idea, I would have never come up with something like this for a punishment...' Ying'er said with an impressed and amused voice.

'Don't worry I shall teach you in my ways, my dear' I said with a smirk as I showed my 'Sect Entrance Badge' which I acquired from a 'liberate' Sect Member.

The guard nodded and allowed me to pass, time to play!, as I gently touched a wall as I passed, no one noticed few glowing letters slowly 'vanishing' on the wall.

For the next few hours I explored and prepared for the grand finale of this evening, I learned the whole layout, and of course, gathered more intel and dirt on the Main Branch...

Once the Moon was up, the 'clock' hit midnight and formation activated.

Everyone inside the Formation started to fall into a deep sleep, while I slowly and leisurely walked to Branch leaders main compound.

I opened the doors and stepped inside and started to search for that dipshit responsible for that 'assassination' attempt on me!

I found him in bed with two 'Okay' level looking women, I walked around his bed and stood just above his head, then I fished out a sinister-looking pill.

'What's that!?' Ying'er asked, she was a little bit scared what she was sensing from the pill.

'That's my dear Ying'er is a 'Pill Of Demented' I said while moving pill between fingers, playing with it for a moment.

'Imagine Ying'er you have a visit from fellow Star realm and then out of nowhere one of your Brahma Gods starts to behave like chicken, or in the middle of the important meeting he starts to scream like a toddler or laugh like lunatic, those are only a few cases coded in this pill, they will happen in sporadic times and it can happen literally at any time, and the best part is that person cultivation will drop to ten Of Elemental Profound for that moment, and he will have to suffer for rest of his life while being conscious to these things as they will happen beyond his control..." I said in a feral grin, While holding the pill above The Xiao Tiannan head.

'Heavens this is a far worse thing than death!' Ying'er said with a shaky voice, there was respect and fear mixed in that.

'I aim to please...' I dropped the pill in snoring man's open mouth, It was designed to easily enter in one's mouth as it was not too big, waiting for a moment making sure it was in his system, then I left towards Xiao Loucheng Compound which is quite close.

Once over there I saw the same situation like in his father bedroom the 'Young Master' was even celebrating something.

'It seems he was celebrating your demise master...' Ying'er commented with a snicker.

'Indeed, And I got a gift for him! aren't I nice guy!' I chuckled and walked over to him, yanked him out of bed, he flew out of it, and crashed into the wall, and the best part of this!? he will continue to sleep, like nothing happened!

I walked back to him and rolled him on his back, and opened his mouth and dropped a similar pill, once it sunk down I summoned a small cube of sugar from one of the storage ring I carry around me.

'Why you need sugar?' Hearing her question I laughed for a second.

'Why of course for him to get addicted!, you see Ying'er this pill is very special because it's connected with individuals 'so-called seven deadly sins' as I call them.' I summoned more sinister-looking pills.

'You see at Phoenix village they had a certain curse, which I took great interest in, as I based this pill on it, mixed with interesting components, which can give certain addictions to people like to sugar, or wine, I created the 'Pill of Gluttony', it will drive that bastard to no end to consume more sugar while in turn he will slowly lose his cultivation...' I said as I yanked him back into bed on two sleeping women.

'T-That's even more horrifying then last one!' I shrugged my shoulder.

"It is for my enemies, after all, I have to be creative..." I said to her as I started using my Tiger Flames to leave scorch marks all over the place, I continued doing so as I destroyed several walls, once that is done, what I did next was I killed off several other Earth Profound Elders and experts who had, a how should I put this? questionable reputation?

what was left were clue's who these 'assailant's' we're, and how did this ȧssault happened!!!

Well, obviously it was the Heaven Burning Sect! who else has the manpower and Fire Profound arts???

Next, of course, the remnants of sleeping powder, left in certain area's!

Once I was done with prep work I went to Profound Arts Library and took everything from there, then I walked to the vault...

Which had a fancy lock with keys, I had to walk back to where Xiao Tiannan was sleeping, it was where I saw a unique necklace on his neck, wasting no time I yanked it off, and went to look for another one.

Only after spending a whole hour, I found the key was one some 'tough' bodyguard.

Once I have them both I walked to the vault I unlocked the doors, Inside there, was quite a selection of some rare stuff! , too bad I don't have shopping trolley...

Once I robbed them blind I walked back and left 'a letter' with the small symbol with Heaven Burning Clan symbolism on it.

Once done here I looted a classic Xiao Sect Nascent Realm Sword as well as a cloak, from an unlucky sleeping Xiao Sect branch member.

Once done with them I dashed towards Heavenly Burning Sect...

Time to make some chaos!!! I chuckled as I lowered my Cultivation to mid realm of Spirit Profound

"Who goes there!" Heavenly Burning Brach guard shouted at me as I dashed at him.

" Xiao Sect what is meaning of This!!!" The Guard said loudly before I incapacitated him, then I moved to knock more of them.

"Ha! young master Loucheng has the greatest Talent in New Moon City! once he reaches his peak Xiao Sect will rule this City! So I decided to test the waters before his ascension! Hahaha! " I laughed like some cliche villain from 70s. Knocking more Guards out.

It only took a few more minutes before big shoots started to gather, it was my time to leave, 'accidentally' dropping my sword as I dashed out from their Compound, right into a small alley where 'accidentally' dropped the Xiao Sect clock,

Once all the clues are left for them to find I vanished to see the sparks fly!

Standing on top of one largest building I undid the seal for the Xiao Sect branch Sleeping Formation, they will soon wake up as sun will start to rise.

And now with this 'accident', these two Sects will be at each other throats.

'with this, you will lower these sect's powers as the main branch will have to intervene, because of overwhelming 'evidence', there might be a Sect war...' Ying'er said with an amused voice.

'Indeed I hope they will weaker each other enough for me to casually end them...' I said with a hopeful voice.

'Doubtful but we can always dream' I hummed with agreement as the sun started to rise horizon.

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