Man Against Gods

Chapter 17 - A Farmer, A Princess, and A Ghost

~~~~~~Cang Yue~~~~~~

"M-may I know w-who you are?" The Blue Wind Princess was in shock she has never seen, such utterly perfect woman in her life! , even if she is dressed in a simple yellow dress, her beauty was enough to completely forget about her dress, she could wear a sack of potatoes and it still looks good on her! who is she!?

"You may Princess, I am Qianye Ying'er, my master's pet, and... I would love to be much more, but of course it's difficult, when he sees thru me like that, you on other hand have greater chance to have him in bed than I ever had..." Princess was blushing a storm, Her Junior Brother has this utterly insanely beautiful woman as Pet!?!, and yet she says that!?, what going on here?!

"what do you mean in bed!? I-I " Cang Yue had a hard time saying anything.

"Please don't hide it like that, I saw you look at him from the very moment you saw him in that 'Profound Palace', You like him, where I am getting obsessed with him, yet I can't do anything about it, It grates my nerves, So here is the deal..." Cang Yue gulped down seeing that obsessed expression the golden beauty just had, it terrified her! Cang Yue doesn't know her cultivation, she can't sense anything from her, but it doesn't put her heart at ease, at all!

"if I had my full power, I would have ended you in mere thought, but it would have been the last thing I do, since I don't have my freedom anymore, so I have to do some... sacrifices, you and I will watch over him, he is a most unique individual I have met in a very long time, probably even more then that... " Qianye Ying'er stopped for a second, thinking something through.

"If he gets attention from other 'fascinating' females, they will have to pass through us, this is why you will have to train as hard as possible, Do you understand?" Cang Yue quickly nodded those golden eyes scared her to no end.

"Y-yes I do, but what about you?!" Blue Wind princess asked carefully as possible.

"What about me? what do think I can do as his pet, and slave? His formations made me nothing more than a 'mortal' woman." Cang Yue nodded slowly, she really wants to know who this woman actually is, same time she is afraid to learn, but sometimes it's better to be ignorant about certain things...

But even now her respect for her Junior Brother grows even further! she doesn't know how or what this golden woman do, but Cang Yue knows she is a powerful being! yet he sealed her off, and even made her fall in love? or something similar sort happen!

Few moments later Golden-Haired woman expression did a 180-degree change as Princess saw her morph into an incredibly beautiful Blond

Princess or even a Goddess, smiling at someone, her whole aura, demeanour did complete change!!!

Cang Yue turned around and saw her Junior Brother come down dressed in simple pants and shirt, Cang Yue could bȧrėly control her blush as that shirt made him look simple, yet very delicious?

It's a very refreshing sight from the likes like that Murong Ye, who didn't even have that aura of reliability, and that is only one of few probably hundred things which Murong Ye didn't have...

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

Leaving Ying'er with Cang Yue alone? well, It had to be done at least at one point, I didn't expect them to actually have a proper conversation since I remembered my first conversation with the Golden 'Goddess'.

Yet it happened while Cang Yue was a distance away from Ying'er they still it would seem have talked, at least from Cang Yue expression.

"I hope she didn't scare you?" I asked the Princess while Ying'er 'humph' at me.

"We had a proper conversation between women, master, it's something you should not privy at!" I quickly raised my hands in surrender.

I won't be going into that area, thank you very much...

"it alright Junior Brother Jian as... Ying'er said we had a proper conversation" I nodded hearing that.

It would seem Ying'er didn't say who she actually was, otherwise Cang Yue would have face of worship or at least something similar to that...

"Anyway, I will do something with chicken today..." I said back to both girls, as I went to the kitchen area.

"junior brother you can cook?!?" Cang Yue asked with shock.

"Princess... I already said that before..." Ying'er sighed for me...instead... I appreciate that...

Cang Yue blushed hearing that.

"I maybe miss that comment since I wasn't expecting Ying'er just appear like that, and she is very eye-catchy..." I snorted, I can believe that.

"Indeed, anyway, wanna see how to make spicy chicken wings?" Cang Yue nodded and went with me into the kitchen.

Now after dinner, I went to Workshop, while Cang Yue was left with Ying'er, I would be scared normally, but she doesn't have any power, And I constantly check her seals, in case she started learning formation some way, but to my satisfaction, nothing was touched.

Now for Cang Yue battle robes, dress or is it a battle skirt?

Will be lightweight, since female natural build is leaning towards speed, nothing fancy of course.

Going along with the theme, which is in her family name of 'Blue Wind' her robes will be decorated in blue wind pattern.

The hardest thing in this crafting would be of course the battle shoes and, her new weapon which will be done over the next days, in the meantime I will teach her theory...

I doubt she knows more than bȧrė basic like the rest of the world...

the Robes were done by nighttime, and with that, I had just enough time to break through to next stage of Earth Profound, while I said that I would allow other competitors have fair, chance Cang Yue said that record of highest cultivation is early Earth Profound and second Of Earth Profound skill count in that category...

With that thought, I walked to Cultivation room, I took a sit in lotus position and took a deep breath, the high density of Profound Energy is refreshing after spending hours in the workshop.

Fishing out a few Spirit Profound pills, I started cultivating for the evening.

After one more check, I left the cultivation room and walked upstairs to get a shower for the first time in over a month...

As was showering I thought about yesterday, and complete people lack in any advanced relaxations regarding baths like, hot springs, which should exist in this world, yet I haven't seen any records or even mentionings, do Sects even horde those as well!?

Well anyway, time check on women population of this house...

After a quick shower, I went downstairs and found both of them sitting on a sofa and reading, which was not out of the norm...

"Junior Brother you had a breakthrough!" Cang Yue was first to notice, as she walked over.

"yeah, I was close to the second level for over a month now..." I said truthfully, while Ying'er simply smiled for second and continue reading her book. for her my each level up is closer for her getting her body back.

Looking at her book for a second, Hmm, I do have enough books to make a small library, after raiding both sects there are enough books to make a decent library one.

"that's incredible Junior Brother, so what we will do today?!" Princess asked me after checking me out for a second.

"Theory today, I need to know how much you know and understand, after that we shall see..." Cang Yue slowly nodded, Ying'er got up from the sofa and walked next to as well.

"I am interested as well, I want to know how you see profound energy and cultivation, master." I shrugged my shoulders

"why not, better than seating here alone..." I motioned for both of them to follow me to the workshop.

Cang Yue instantly notice, extra mannequin in my workshop, it had identical size to her, but what attracted her most attention we're the robes, on it.

"heavens they are beautiful! Junior Brother how did you..." she waived that off as if it's a regular thing to break HER common sense...

"Master now I am jealous, I want more clothes!" Ying'er said with jealousy written all over her perfect face.

"I shall see what I can do later." As I walked over and pulled out blackboard on wheels, which was full, written bunch of runes, formations, herbs.

If someone can read this apart from me, it will know that it's one of the pills of 'Seven Sins' not that they can make one if they even read this...

I quickly wiped it off and motioned both girls to sit on the sofa in the workshop.

"that one interesting... writable wall on wheels?" Cang Yue asked.

I laughed hearing that she pouted for second.

"partially correct, anyway, let's start from very basic..." I fished out white chalk, and quickly drew the human body.

"Now each human is born with profound veins, in some cases, some people are born with special ones, but for now we go the base ones" I quickly draw profound veins on the human body.

"Each of these veins have 54 Profound entrances, but for each human, it's different how many profound entrances are open upon their birth, now from here many idiots and morons think that talent is depended on the number of profound entrances are open, which is ridiculed by the way." I quickly typed that down.

"Next is how profound veins work and how people can understand what realm they are in" I typed that down as well.

"it's quite easy, it depends on aura which is emitted when profound energy is circulated in Profound veins" I typed that down too.

"now breakthroughs... there two types, the small realm ones and grand realm ones..." I wrote four words down.

"small realm ones are where enough energy is gathered in profound veins, it has to be compressed, becoming denser, that would mean a small breakthrough, that process is rinsed and repeat until it happens ten times, by then veins are full of energy and great breakthrough comes next we're veins expand, upon expansion more space appear for profound energy, this where we return to the previous action for another ten times, then expansion process is repeated, again, and again, for 9 times, by then the amount energy is enough to evolve into next stage of energy which a certain mental barrier has to broken..." at the end I smiled.

"next stage of energy you say?" Ying'er said, as she crossed her arms.

"Does that mean there is another type of energy after Divine Profound energy?" to her question I shrugged my shoulders.

"that's a big possibility, after all, there was a change of energy after Sovereign as you said." Ying'er nodded going into deep thought.

"Interesting Junior Brother Jian, You are better at explaining than elders in Profound Palace! " Cang Yue didn't say anything when Ying'er and I conversed, instead she listened, a smart move.

"Thanks, Now I have something for you..." I went to a small bookshelf I have in Workshop, I picked up a scroll, and walked back to sitting girls.

I handed one to Cang Yue.

"This is what I call a 'GEASS' scroll " She rolled it open, everything inside was written in Profound runes which were glowing gently.

"What is this..." she softly asked me

"A contract which protects my secrets, everything I teach you, you won't be able to accidentally tell anyone, or no one will be able to force out of you..." her eyes widened hearing my explanation.

"Ho...master, what interesting thing you created~" Ying'er went over to Cang Yue side and checked it out with her.

"Yes, it's necessary, what am about to teach you, Cang Yue, so don't think I am overreacting," I said to her as I pulled a red pen for her.

"It has to be written with blood..." Cang Yue looked at the pen in my hands, and gulped down, and took a deep breath

"Very well, Junior Brother I trust you."

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