Man Against Gods

Chapter 18 - Herb Bath, And Preparation For Next Step...

After Cang Yue signed contract, I opened her profound veins, her reaction was priceless! I should create something like a camera just for this kind of moments.

The next thing was to teach her 'Truth Concealing Shroud', which will allow her to conceal her Profound Entrances.

Once this is done I gave her the small bag of pills and send her to cultivate till Spirit Profound inside Cultivation room.

She looked at me as if I was insane, saying it's impossible to cultivate that fast! instead of answering her questions, I pushed her into Cultivation room.

Cang Yue needs to lose that old mindset, just because others take years doesn't mean it's going to take her that long...

Especially in this place... a room, which was created for the singular purpose of cultivation, where Profound energy gathers like into singular nexus of Profound energy ready for absorption.

That's the difference between someone who was not originally raised in Cultivation world and someone who was.

I don't follow their rules, that's were Formation use comes in, Profound energy is almost like what western world calls magic! that right magic! But instead of swinging staffs and wands we swing swords with elements and practise martial arts, but the energy which can make miracles is still there, the only thing we need to do is find a way to harness it. but no one here does that, why?

Because they follow teaching past down from Gods, so long ago, no one questions that, why?

Because of God's legacies left behind which gives them powers, Gods themselves never needed something like Formations because they were that powerful, they were born powerful as it is!

Even if Gods themselves forgot that Humans will never fully capable of accessing those legacies, after all, they are not Gods...and so...

After Millions of years later everyone still use the same techniques, same methods, trying to reach something greater with someones else flawed techniques...

And I learned that just from conversing with Ying'er!, people here simply don't care or follow traditions so old they even don't question them!

Time to show middle finger to all that...

"Right Ying'er I am going to prepare my herb bath for next step..." It was only me and Ying'er in workshop now as Cang Yue was locked up in Cultivation room.

Once she reaches that Spirit Profound we will work on her muscles, with such an increase in her cultivation, it will destabilise her foundations, and that's where I come in.

I will turn off her profound senses, and she will have to train in the old fashion way, while at the same time her cultivation base without her interference will calm down and stabilize.

Doing two things at the same time...

"So what does it entail this Herb bath of yours?" Ying'er asked while her fingers were playing with her long hair.

"A full cleansing of impurities from my body, the same time will make me more in tune with nature, and Profound energy as well," I said to her as we were walking to biggest bath in my house.

Once there, with a wave of my hand I activated runes and water started pouring into it.

This is were the little cheat called the Sky poison pearl comes in play, with fast refinement, and my editing powers I changed some herb effects, instead of working only on my skin it will actually sink into the body, other herbs which required something like Phoenix flame purification I did it with my own powers of formations and Tiger flame.

A few hours later the water in the bath looked really green...

"you really going to dive in... that..." Ying'er looked at the bath as if it's the most disgusting thing she ever saw.

"It's for Greater Good..." Quoting a certain dark wizard and an old headmaster of a certain magical school.

"Good luck then, make sure your skin colour doesn't change..." Ying'er said as she 'floated' out of the room.

Damn... she is even graceful when she is leaving a room...

I shook my head, focusing back to what am about to do. but then looking at the green water I

remembered that this may be going to hurt... a lot... as there are a bunch of effects which going to dig into my very muscles...

I then disrobed and then jumping into the bath, submerging fully.

I can feel how water-rich with Profound energy mixed with herbs starts to sink into my body.

At first, it was like a thousand needles poking at the same time... From everywhere...

The pain was strong enough to force me to nearly pass out, even with a full hand of pain killers beforehand.

But I focused on what I wish to accomplish.

It gave me enough willpower to pass this short but very painful Phase.

Once that feeling passed, I felt like I was on Cloud nine, how long it lasted I didn't know, by then I lost sense of time.

Only when I noticed that this feeling passed did I lifted myself up from bath.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that so-called Green Bath, turned into blackish-green substance, I lifted myself up, and tried to get off the bath, but my balance was an utter mess, with single-step I almost walked into a wall.

"Holy crap!" Using hands to stop myself by touch the wall.

Holding myself together I checked my hands, still having greenish-black spots, that moment I thought of using Profound energy, and the effect was instantaneous.

The feeling was like I was one with this energy, it was like I took the next step in my control over Profound energy, something like 'Sage Mode' of naruto, only no multiplier to my power.

I checked myself sparkling clean, I looked at rune in the bath, and it glowed, the dirty green and black water started leaving the bath.

"This is perfect... now only those runes left..." saying that I dressed myself up, bȧrėly...

And of course, I tried to walk again, the balance was all over the place, it's as if I was weighting nothing...

It took me around 3 minutes to actually arrive in the living room.

I looked at lazing Brahma goddess who was eating fruits and reading a book, she lifted her eyes and looked at me...

Her eyes widened, then she started bleeding from her nose, then drool started going down from the mouth.

"did something happened?" I asked, it seems there were more changes to me... than expected...

"M-master what happened to you!!!" she quickly appeared next to me, for a second there I thought she broke the seals somehow.

"the herb bath remember?" she nodded, then she noticed my awkward way of standing as if I was on a surfboard.

"y-yes! but you look more h-handsome now!!!" I shrugged at that.

"like I know all side effect Ying'er!" I sighed.

at her and, slowly and walked to the sofa, and dropped in without any grace, completely opposite to the blonde girl who 'floated' next to me, and took her own seat, she started looking at me from top to bottom.

"So tell everything!" She said with bȧrėly hidden interest.

"Well, there was a lot of pain at first, then as if I was on clouds or very comfortable bed, and I even lost time how much I spend... how long I was gone?" I asked her in turn.

"hmm I guess around 4 to 5 hours..." She thought for a moment.

"I see..." I looked at my own hand, the coordination is utterly atrocious... if I want to move my hand fast, it will move faster then I expect, same with opposite action!

The same goes for legs as well... I will need to retrain, and fast...

"any changes to cultivation or to your Tiger flame?" She asked with concern.

I smiled at her, and balls of flames manifested around us, they started to morph into all sorts of forms.

"Heavens this is ridiculous!" Ying'er looked at this with even greater awe, then she looked back at me.

"What an upgrade master!" she happily said!.

"now you can beat that pesky mutt you constantly muttering about!" she said happily, I rolled my eyes, same times I was embarrassed, hearing her saying that... as sometimes I forget that I have a passenger, when I was walking to New Moon City, Ying'er sometimes wouldn't talk whole day, instead she was reading...

While I had to deal with a stupid animal pack's who sometimes even ignore cultivation difference from that hunger, and it's where that stupid muttering comes from.

"yeah maybe, but my body coordination is in shambles..." I cancelled my flame manipulation.

"Besides I still have something to do..." I changed my sitting position after a few tries.

Sitting in the lotus position, I closed my eyes and started meditating.

Doing a proper check-up first, then trying to find out why this is happening, only after a few minutes I came up with a possible theory, that my muscles memories got somewhat reset.

Anyway, after finishing with that I spend rest of day trying to get basic movement back under control.

Next-Day I spend In training field retraining my movement, what I learned is that I learn faster anything related to Profound energy and it's movement in one's body, much better sensitivity to Profound energy actions as well, by now it was like an extra limb to me, Ying'er said that my control over it was like the Old Divine Master realm cultivators, it was a great accomplishment according to her, as these Cultivators were around for thousands of years...

After getting back the control of my body it was time for the next step.

"are sure master? By now the tournament will be an utter breeze for you..." I was standing in front of three mirrors, which I can see my upper body from several directions.

"I am, I am quite excited perfectly honest, and besides I will give them a chance to fight, If they can exploit my openings it will be good for them, if not then they are morons, besides I am fighting for the royal family, which in turn should be the strongest family in the empire, my Cultivations should be highest by default as well," I said to her trying to get an excuse to do this, after the successful herb bath, I can't just stop and wait!

"fine it's your choice, besides any increase in power is on more step closer for me to get my body back..." Ying'er said as she got closer to me, I gave her a thin paintbrush.

"Right, you learned what I need for you to do?" She nodded at me, with her eyes pointing at a piece of paper close to her on the table.

On paper there was drawing of the human back with Profounds runes on it.

"Good, then you can start..." she nodded hearing that, and started drawing with runes on my back with a paintbrush.

I observed her work with mirrors.

She drew very elegantly, each stroke was quite an art on its own... I wonder if she actually did calligraphy?

"all done... now what?" She put paintbrush away.

I closed my eyes and channelled profound energy, very next second I sensed letters reacting and starting to glow, the paint slowly transformed into actual tattoos.

"any changes?" Ying'er asked with interest

"yeah...It's like I have more profound entrances..." Ying'er blinked several times...

"that's absolutely cheating you know?, if... anyone's from any star realm learn of this..." she didn't finish what she said.

"a revolution? a war? probably both..."I said back to her she only shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't need to tell you what will happen, you probably can predict..." she said as she observed my back.

"Right, but then again as I said, that it felt like profound entrances, but that's just a part of this, remember what you said about Heretic God's veins?" She nodded slowly.

"well it's similar and different same time, each of these tattoos have passive augmentation, which will work towards the multiplying technique I am developing..." She nodded slowly, but I can see the excitement in her eyes, she wants to see it, so do I.

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