Man Against Gods

Chapter 19 - Golden Body, Heart of Fire

After finishing drawing runes on front of body as well, I triple checked the technique, I am about to try, something which probably goes 'against the heavens' and their rules or whatever thing they call it, only someone like Heretic God's had such technique invented...

No wonder he was a Heretic...

Anyway I after getting runic tattoo's I spend the day relaxing and getting mentally ready.

Next day I was finally ready to try it, in theory, it was a 100% or at least 99,99% there is always that small percentage that something may happen, that's why I never said it out loud don't want to jinx it...

I went to the middle of the training ground, taking a deep breath, I started channelling my profound Energy, slowly Runes started to glow on my body...

~~~~~~Qianye Ying'er~~~~~~

Brahma Monarch Goddess, watched Jian Feng, like a hawk, as Training Grounds behind his house we're still considerate house Barrier area she can still exist in her physical form, she needs to see this in person, after all, No one except for her will see this... Historical moment?, She can't wait to get back to God Realm and rub faces to all those fools, when Jian Feng reveal this technique to all of them and then wipes the floor with them, and she will be there bragging and telling that she helped to make it happen!

She was brought back from her daydream when she felt the wind pick up around him.

Before this training experiment Qianye Ying'er asked for her senses to be released just so that she could check the technique with her own divine sense as well.

She can't understand why he takes them away and then gives it back...

It's like he constantly reminds her that he can take it away! as if she needs such a reminder!

She watched with interest as she felt him absorb Profound energy from around area at absurd speed.

'How is that possible!? is this effect comes from runes on his body? they allow such absorption speed!? b-but it has to be refined to be added to Profound veins!!!' " Ying'er eyes widened even further as she felt an increase in his cultivation base!

'third...fourth....fifth...s-six...SEVEN! Seven of Earth Profound!'

Next moment a golden tornado of sword intent, consumed Jian Feng whole, moments later it exploded with crimson flames mixed with gold.

When the dust settled instead of Jian Feng standing, there was a man with crimson burning hair, literally burning hair, and with the skin colour of pure gold.

When he turned around, Ying'er took a step back as his there was no eyes instead there was flames...

'It's like he is... an... Asura, and this technique really fits...that stereotype...'

"I do believe 'Extreme awakening' doesn't fit this technique... it should be... something greater," Ying'er said as she walked towards Transformed Jian Feng.

"You think so? it was an 'extreme makeover' in my opinion..." Ying'er steps little bit faltered when she heard him talk, as it sounds as if he is talking through flames, and of course, she saw flames coming from his mouth when he spoke...

"Can I know details how did you achieve this?" Ying'er asked with extreme interest.

Jian Feng cancelled his transformation, Ying'er sensed a drop in cultivation instantly, returning to Second of Earth Profound.

"Well I suppose it's not that hard Ying'er, I can't simply amplify my power, or at least I don't know means to do so" He took a deep breath.

"So I have to look from external sources, this is where runes on my body come in..." She nodded understanding that.

"and leap through realms?" She leaned forward

"I continuously transform that extra energy into either sword intent or as tiger fire, into my Profound veins..." Hearing that Ying'er nearly landed on her face, how utterly absurd that sounds! it breaks several known laws even common sense! Profound Veins are for Profound energy! it's in its name!!!

"b-b-but It doesn't make sense!!! you can't have other type energies in Profound Veins!" Ying'er wanted to pull out her hair!!!.

"Oh but I can! My Veins can channel Tiger flames moment I got them! check it out" Jian Feng gave his hand to her, Ying'er grabbed his hand without ceremony and channelled a small bit of Profound energy she had.

When she saw his Profound energy she nearly collapsed, it was similar to hers Brahma God Veins! instead golden, his had shade of Crimson!

'Of course! it's his Hell Fire Tiger legacy! Unlike Gold legacies which only give a very small portion of blood or some technique, he consumed the whole beast! like pillaging it completely and making his own!'

Qianye Ying'er gulped down, realising something...

'if he continues like this! what if he consumes and makes legacy of beasts from Divine Master level? The sheer power boost!!! Absolutely ridiculous! '

"So you just added that extra energy... " He nodded at her.

"Right I followed the process of breakthrough, compressing energy, while my body as it is can only contain the power of Seven of Earth Profound..." He smirked saying that

"But..." he took few steps away from Ying'er

"Step back..." Ying'er followed what he said and took a few steps back...

She sensed how profound energy around them just got suċkėd into Jian Feng, followed by a rise in wind, and the golden tornado of sword intent, then an explosion of crimson fire.

'He is back into this Golden Asura form...'

"I can do Third Fire technique does this, right?" With loud tiger growl, another crimson fire explosion came from Jian Feng, he was now Burning Golden man.

Ying'er had to take steps back as heat he was emitting was burning...and even cutting...

'He mixes both elements so seamless...'

"and now I can do this" With small jump he started flying...

'Heavens...he just broke another heavens law...' Ying'er stared at him with another shock, she got herself together and asked the most important question.

"How long can you actually maintain this transformation?" Ying'er asked loud enough for Jian Feng hear in the air.

"Well, my body is at its peak operational time maybe 3 to 4 hours before I have to rest..." He landed on the ground and cancelled his transformation.

"Now you will try to take that Storm Wolf down?" He thought for a moment and nodded.

"Yeah, he needs to be taken out."

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

I was ecstatic how successful the technique was, After test try, we returned back to the house, and I went to a workshop to prepare to face the last beast 'King' of Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Just in case I took a few 'Cultivator killers' beast version poison pills as ȧssurance, the same time I upgrade my battle clothes with a new set of Profound runes and Profound Formations, as clothes are from Sky Profound beast fur, it can take hits from another one.

Not that I am going to allow him to hit me!, after last check-ups I was ready, of course I won't be leaving at evening...

'if we follow this kind of speed I have around five days to get back to meet her, I don't want her to leave Cultivation room and find no one in-home. ' I said to Ying'er.

' should be around five days with that speed.' Ying'er said the same thing through our mental link.

"Right let's go..." I rushed into the forest after putting the house on a simple locking formation.

The journey was much faster than last time, as my battle shoes had upgraded variation of previous speed runes.

A day later I was just outside of Storm Wolfs territory, unlike last time I won't be fighting his mutts...

Waiting for a few more hours, making sure I am 100%, I used my Transformation technique.

With single leap I was flying, leaving a trail of flames, I went above trees and accelerated towards the wolf's den...

Seeing a massive tree with a hole inside, I took a deep breath. Time to test a technique I was itching to use after my 'upgrade'...

'With this attack, I am making a tribute to my favourite Espada...'

More and more energy was gathered there, slowly I started mixing it with Sword intent, by now it looked like a crimson golden ball of energy, instead of flame.

Minute later it was already starting to get hard to keep it like that even with my absurd control over Profound energy.

Feeling it was enough I released it.

"Cero..." I said very softly

A crimson golden beam of super-compressed fire and sword energy accelerated right into sleeping Storm Wolf who only had a mere moment of time to actually open its eyes, to meet this attack.


The explosion was strong enough to even destroy the massive tree where the Wolf's den was.

As it started falling down.

'Very impressive master, that attack has enough strength to disintegrate even a Throne!' I nodded internally, the downside is that it takes quite a time to charge it, even if I am using lots of outside energy.


Winds picked up, I smirked, this time with my Profound energy manipulation, this mutt has lost his advantage.

His wind only will make my flames hotter!

I started raining fireballs down around his Wolf den.

The wolf on the ground tried to blow them away, but I instead, I guided my flames to ride on the wind, and get stronger and hotter.

Soon enough the whole area of Wolf's den was nothing but a scorching field of flames hot enough to melt even iron.

Moments later the Storm Wolf couldn't take it anymore and tried to run from there, what I did next is landed into the scorching field instead.

After all, it's my flames...

Pointing my right-hand index finger again at escaping wolf I started gathering surrounding flames into my finger.

This time it was charged much faster, thanks to the 'field advantage'.



The blast followed after disintegrated portion of the forest where the wolf was running, leaving more the 100 metres of nothing but a trail of scorched dirt.

'Can you sense the wolf?' I asked Ying'er after lowering my finger, the flames around me were gone, as it was compressed into 'Cero'.

'it's dying...I don't think you will able to make much out of him, master...' I nodded at her, if my attack can disintegrate a Throne, yet this mutt could actually take TWO of them that alone show just how strong is Profound beast body compared to actual human cultivator...

I flew quickly to dying wolf, it didn't even look like one anymore, there was no fur left, only scorched husk of four-legged beast...

I pulled out my Tiger Bone Sky sword, and killed it off quickly.

Then I stored the carcass of the Storm wolf into Sky Poison pearl, and quickly flew away.

After two hours flight, I landed and took a breather, from there on out I was travelling by foot.

'It was anticlimactic don't you think master?' Ying'er asked me with a little bit of disappointment.

'I was in no situation to be picky, Ying'er, I am still just an Earth Profound while the beast was at least late Sky Profound! and he still took two of my most powerful attacks!' I took a deep breath.

'It was either poison or this...' I said bitterly myself, Thinking is one thing and doing it is another, I knew the moment that cero didn't kill it, that proper battle was out of the question...'

Even if I could control his wind blowing at me, he could still overpower it with sheer Profound energy, if I get close enough, thus I never landed,

The only reason I won was a simple element advantage and ability to fly...

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