Man Against Gods

Chapter 20 - Storm Wolf's Legacy Decision

Next day, I was already back at home, with a quick change of clothing, I went to work, to render the beast or whatever left of it.

While fur was out of the question, since there was nothing left of it, I still had the bones, and enough blood to make it into Legacy.

All in all, I finished it, in a few days...

And Once the purification was done I had above fist-size green almost crystal-like core with winds dancing inside of it.

The question now is, what should I do with this?

Should I follow my original plan and add this legacy to myself? This, of course, will increase my powers by several layers and it will give me control over wind just like the wolf had it.

Downside is my Crimson Gold Manuscript will need to be edited again, and a new set of Profound Arts will need to be created, as well as my Transformation, will need to be reworked...

After finishing with the beast related stuff I went to my bed, and simply laid there while playing with the Profound beast core, throwing it up and catching it.

"Hmm... let's see what Cang Yue will say, she is a perfect fit for this power..." I sighed and waited for her exit from Cultivation room.

I could sense she is close to breaking into the Spirit Profound.

"Let's wait for tomorrow then..."

~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

"So you finally out? how was it?" Cang Yue looked at me, her eyes widened, very next moment a blush spread out on her face, she almost lost her balance as she was taking a step that moment.

"J-junior B-brother! w-what happened when I was away!?!" with her new cultivation she literally appeared next to me as she started checking me out the same way Ying'er did.

"I was training in a way, Got a new technique down as well" she shook her head for a moment, hearing me.

"I don't think... we will have problems winning the ranking tournament if you continue like this..." Princess said with a smile.

"I am not playing losing unless they have Sky Profound expert, I won't have a problem winning for you, making the empires royal family top in rankings is not out of our reach" She nodded with an even bigger smile.

"Right so we will start with next step soon enough, but I think you need a short breather from training and cultivation..." She nodded quickly to that.

"But before we do anything I have something for you..." I pulled out a simple wristband.

"Put this on, and only take it off when I say so." She nodded slowly and when she put it on her eyes grew big.

"W-what what just happened!? I feel like..." She didn't finished saying as Ying'er who appeared from corner said for her.

"like weak 'mortal', and so on..." She waved her hand casually.

"Y-yes..." Princess said as she noticed the blonde 'Goddess'.

"well get used to it, As a master is about to tell you, your cultivation is unstable, so you won't be using it, instead you shall train your body as masters says the 'old fashion way'." Cang Yue eyes continued to stay wide she even paled realising for what she 'signed' up.

"Don't look like that, think of it as a great honour, my master method will make you greatest female Cultivator in Blue Wind Empire of even in the whole Continent." I shook my head hearing Ying'er slowly is sinking her claws into Princess in her own unique way...

"I-if you say so..." the Princess wasn't sure, I can see her reason, royalty rarely do things related to physical labour of any kind.

"Right let's go get something to eat, then we have things to talk about" Both nodded as we walked into the living room.

Few hours later three of us were sitting in the living room. I pulled out a green crystal-like ball and put it on the table, Cang Yue looked at it with interest

"What is this Junior Brother?" She looked closer at it.

"The Storm Wolf's Profound Core, and I am thinking of making a 'Legacy' out of it and giving it to you..." Both girls eyes widened, especially Princess.

"Junior Brother it's too much! It was you who hunt it down! it's your prize!" Princess quickly spoken out.

"Maybe, but your constitution as a woman is more suited to it, as well as it's in your name," I said back to her as well.

"Maybe so master, but you can't give it for free, even if she is training under you..." Ying'er words made Princess as well as me look at her.

"She should give something back, as well..." Ying'er had smirk, while she said that.

"And you have something in mind?" I asked, while already having a feeling of what she is thinking, she wouldn't allow someone like Cang Yue easily leaving after finishing training under me, especially with Storm Wolf's legacy which gives total control of wind...

"Correct, the best solution would be for Cang Yue to be your wife..." Cang Yue face lit up like a Christmas tree, from Ying'er words.

"This way your Storm Wolf's legacy wouldn't wonder much away from you, and Cang Yue would be with the man she likes..." I looked at Ying'er with sign, while Cang Yue was looking away with a blush.

She obviously has her own angle in this...

"I don't mind marrying Cang Yue, but it obviously depends on her..." that's one of those childhood dreams for a guy having a wife for a princess.

Cang Yue looked at me with big eyes and massive blush.

"And I do believe Storm Wolf legacy would be great dowry as well..." Ying'er continued her speech.

"I-I agree if Junior Brother takes me as his w-wife" Cang Yue said while her she was looking down at her dress instead of looking at me.

Hearing that Ying'er claps her hands " then it's decided, After your training is done, we shall visit your Royal Father the Emperor, and tell him what's transpired here, by then he should be more than happy with your choice for a husband! if it was me, I would not even hesitate or think twice!" Ying'er said with her own wide smile, Of course, you wouldn't think twice, since I would be the husband of next Brahma realm ruler, I would have massive power over everything, and by then I would reform many things, which in turn would give her even more power, not that I would complain if that would happen.

Crusader Kings series was one of my favourite games back home...

"Since we got this over, I will go and make this into a 'Legacy', while you Cang Yue rest, you will need all strength tomorrow..." I said while picking up the Profound Beast core from a coffee table, while Cang Yue shuttered hearing my words.

I walked back to the workshop and set up the formations needed for legacy-making, it was much easier than with Hell Fire tiger legacy, since I did it in wilds, but here? where not even a Sovereign Profound realm cultivator couldn't dream to enter without my permission.

The amount of Profound energy here is enough to power several of these formations at once.

After all preparations were done, I activated it, the process started all the litres of blood from Storm Wolf we're rushing into Profound core, seeing everything is alright I walked outside to training grounds we're I will torment... I mean train, my future wife.

Setting up formation was child play at this point, nothing serious, only some running training, eventually...

Once done here I returned back since there is some time, let's finish with Cang Yue sword and battle shoes, maybe some protectors as well...

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

"What you have to do here is very easy Cang Yue, all you have to do is touch that formation on another side of the training field, nothing more, nothing less..." I said to Cang Yue, as we were standing in the training field just outside my home.

"that it? I have a feeling it's not as easy you just said..." The princess was dressed in training clothing I prepared to her, a simple t-shirt and shorts, while her hair was done into a high ponytail.

"you will understand everything once you start..." I said to her.

"very well then..." She started walking toward the formation around 70 metres away from her.

While I walked under the tree we're Ying'er is sitting on a blanket watching Cang Yue.

I got on it as well and took my seat cross-legged and crossed my arms.

Cang Yue started walking but soon enough, each step was getting harder and harder to take.

"What kind of formation did you put there?" Ying'er asked, while watching with interest how this formation works.

"I am focusing on training her stamina, and speed the most, with wind type of legacy she will be a speed demon, she will need those to enhance her overall fighting power, this formation is works like rivers current, in other words, resistance training..." I said to the blonde girl, explaining why Cang Yue has bȧrėly moved from her spot.

"anyway, watch over her, I am going to start turning one of the rooms into the library"

Getting up I walked back to the house, while I somewhat trust Ying'er on this little thing, the home barrier, turns off the training formation once certain conditions are met, just in case...

Once back in the house I walked, checked the formation for 'legacy', seeing everything is fine I walked to one of the spare rooms, which will be turned into Library.

This is where I am planning to show the true power of formations and what is possible to do with human ingenuity.

Starting with expansion formations, I turned the room into a larger size than my living room combined with kitchen, next was room sealing, it was expanded, to at least the size of three floors, once these formations we're set, I laid several more to make sure they stay always active and nothing can actually turn it off or effect in any way.

Once the room was stable, I went to get wood and start, making a bookshelves.

When both girls saw the progress I did in the new room, Cang Yue was most affected by it, you could say the inner fire was lit up in her, while Ying'er simply stared and tried to make sense how room actually works, as room proportions don't fit with the whole house.

when she asked how formations did this I only said two words which I always wanted to say 'It's magic', she huffed and walked away.

And so few days passed like that, I finished the bookshelves, The 'Legacy' pill was finished, and Cang Yue slowly getting stronger.

After putting bookshelves in place, I finally, employed my 'slave' to work, as Cang Yue got hang on training she doesn't need the supervision as much, and Ying'er was utter bored from her expression.

So I told her to put books on shelves according to their genre, and alphabet, and there was a massive mountain of books from two sects...

The Blonde woman's expression was utterly priceless.

Once again I wanted to hit myself for not getting a camera or trying to invent one, after all, I live in the world we're gods existed, how hard is to make the item similar to camera...

To put the cherry on top of this I told her after she finishes here she will work in my herb garden where she left that dead land after her arrival.

So after this Ying'er was well, subdued? she finally realised how it feels to be treated like normal?

So as she was working on books, I was working on making a search system, this world shall know the power of Google!

How is it going to happen? the plan is quite simple, but there will be a lot of formations and Profound runes, each book shall be marked with one rune.

This rune shall identify the book name which will appear on the main book which will work like a terminal, once you press on the books name on this terminal, the book in the bookshelves shall glow, showing where it is.

A very simple system, yet it's the first step to bringing a search engine to this place.

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