Man Against Gods

Chapter 22 - Cang Yue Unleashed

After finishing one year of training, we finally left towards Capital of Blue Wind, the journey lasted over a week on Cang Yue Profound Beast.

The sight of Capital was breathtaking, especially from the air.

Buildings as far as I can see, none of them were high as skyscrapers from my old world, but the palaces on their own we're good enough of replacements even if they were not as tall, they were beautiful on their own.

Even if I have a certain amount of distaste towards such type of buildings, thanks to my past, spending two years in a similar building with people you hate tends to do that.

But everything else simply blows away, the city is really massive, and according to Cang Yue, Pheonix Empire Capital is twenty times even bigger than Blue Wind Capital...

That's insane size...

"We here, look over there its the Imperial Palace..." Cang Yue pointed at distance.

"It's quite big..." I said to her.

"Yes...I don't know what my ancestors were thinking when they were building it..." Cang Yue honestly said.

"You can spend days exploring it, and even then you can sometimes get lost..." Cang Yue said with a slight blush, hinting that it actually happened to her.

"Right... I prefer my little house in the forest thank you very much..." Cang Yue nodded, and leaned at me.

A few minutes later we landed at the palace entrance, the guards quickly walked over, they obviously know the royal family's Profound beast, as they were respectful instead of being alert.

"is that... Blue Moon Princess?" one of the guards asked.

"look at her hair, did something happened!?" Another asked his fellow guards.

"you fool! her hair? who cares! check her Cultivation!!!" another one said loudly.

Cang Yue only shook her head, there was a small amused smile on her pretty face.

Both of us jumped off the Profound Beast, and Cang Yue recalled it.

"Is my Royal father, in his chambers?" Princess voice made all three guards straighten up.

"Yes, Your Highness!, but his situation worsens as we speak..." one of them said back quickly.

Princess hummed hearing that.

"I see... let's go dear, you need to check my Royal father, I am sure you will find what's wrong with him." The guards gasped and looked at me with interest.

I blinked at her, why she didn't say anything that her father was sick!?

I could only groan, and start to chase after her, as she was already inside the palace.

After catching up to her, she continued walking like a woman on a mission, each step was with strength and resolve.

I didn't have much time to look around, as Princess was walking fast towards, we stopped at one fancy big doors.

She gently opened them and pulled me with her, into the massive room, it was everything you expect from royalty, from furniture to decoration everything here was showing off that you are in quarters of an Emperor of A Country.

"Princess you came back! It's an unexpected surprise!" I looked at the source of this voice at it was a cliche lanky old man with beard long enough to reach his stomach, behind this old man were two individuals in their twenties, one man, one woman.

All three of them were bȧrėly hiding their distaste and arrogance towards princess until of course Cang Yue profound energy washed them up and they stiffed.

"Senior Gu..." Cang Yue said the old man's name with a neutral expression, but then she 'smelled' his little group, it's a surprising ability which we noticed a few days later when Cang Yue got her Storm Wolf legacy, it reminds me of Emiya Shiro, ability to 'smell' magic, only the Princess can smell Profound energy around people, a very powerful ability to have for a royal who can be surrounded in court with lots people, she can tell persons character just by 'smelling' their Profound energy.

She started to employ this ability much further after that 'little' expedition into the forest.

Cang Yue narrowed her eye, and simply vanished, and appeared next to the old man, with sword in hand, pointing at the man's neck.

"W-What's the meaning of this Princess!!! I am the one who is taking care of your Royal Father the Emperor health!" The old man said with sweat and 'justified anger'.

"We shall see about that, senior Gu..." Princess said with a little bit of anger, then she looked at the shadow of the room, where I can sense a person 'hiding'.

"Senior Dongfang please make sure these three don't leave this room." Cang Yue said to the man which I believe is the bodyguard of Emperor himself.

"As you wish Princess, but I would like to know why such drastic measure?" the man appeared next to her.

"Because I have a feeling that Senior Gu is not telling the whole truth..." I saw the old man for a second go stiff when Cang Yue said those words.

'My oh my someone got caught red-handed there, the first rule when you scheme, make sure your acting is superb...' I nodded internally to Ying'er comment.

"Nonsense! I am a doctor of this royal family for decades, never before I was disgraced like this!" the man shouted with a nervous look.

'The second rule of scheming, when your schemes got revealed continue acting like it's nothing to do with you until there is solid proof of your involvement' Ying'er said with disappointment, I am sure she is disappointed how quickly this old man crumbling.

'I am sure to tell him before Cang Yue slice his head off'.

"You may be our doctor for a very long time, but it doesn't change the fact that my Royal father's illness is quite... unnatural and yet you can't find anything and give weird excuse!!!" She hissed at him there was echo a growl of a wolf behind her words.

Damn, she turned into a very hot princess.

The Emperor's bodyguard was quite shocked at change of the princess, no doubt he knows her for a very long time, and her change of character was quite a shock.

"Princess when did you reached... Earth Profound!?" Only now did the Bodyguard noticed her cultivation, He obviously didn't care much about it before, being a Half-step Throne tends to do that...

"I had a very... great teacher, Senior Dongfang..." She now turned towards me, as she sheathed her sword.

"Dear, can you check on my Royal father?, it seems he has grown even weaker, if he didn't wake up from all this noise we made..." Cang Yue said with a little bit of desperation.

"I will try, Yue'er but I am no doctor..." She nodded slowly.

"you may not, but formations can do anything, you taught me that..." I nodded, and slowly started to walk to the Emperor.

"Are you sure Princess? And why are you calling him 'dear'?" Cang Yue rolled her eyes hearing question.

"He is my future husband, that's why, and if there is anyone who can figure out what's happening to Royal Father it will be him..." Cang Yue said with utter faith.

"Very well Princess I put my trust in your...' dear', but what can I say I am impressed with your choice, much better than that young master of Burning Heaven Clan, he is even younger... and stronger... Third of Earth Profound at such a young age, very good choice..." The bodyguard words made Princess blush for second.

"Strength only is a small part of that choice." The bodyguard nodded approvingly at Princess.

While I walked over to the Emperor, he wasn't looking too well, it's as if someone draining life from him.

Taking a deep breath, this time I won't go to fail...

Channelling profound Energy and creating runes at corners of the bed, slowly a barrier came up.

Next, I isolated The Emperor and started doing a full-on body scan.

Soon enough profound energy above Emperor formed into the spitting image of Emperor himself.

This image soon faded and replaced with Emperors organs and bones.

"well, did you find anything???" The princess appeared next to me, and her voice was full of hope and at the same time worry.

"Yes I did... there is something in his heart region..." I zoomed in showing picture, we'll more like the illusion of Emperor Heart.

Cang Yue looked closely, she narrowed her eyes.

"it looks like a... worm or.... a parasite..." I could feel Princess, even My blonde 'Goddess' shutter at sight of the disgusting creature, girls and ugly creatures don't mix, no matter dimension or reality.

"Indeed... and such creatures don't appear out of blue, Yue'er." She nodded, same time she had a realisation as she swiftly turned around, and waved her hand, strong winds blew the lanky old man flew into the wall of Royal Suite, imprinting himself there.

"Senior Dongfang... I am sure I don't need to tell you what this means?" Princess said to the Emperor's bodyguard.

"I do Princess... I am ashamed that I didn't notice such thing before... there is the only one person in this Empire who had access to His Majesty body..." He furiously looked at implanted old man in-wall, completely ignoring two old man minions on the ground, who are holding each other in fear.

"Senior Dongfang... I have a better way of figuring out about this disgusting creature inside my Royal Father..." Cang Yue looked at me.

"Dear, maybe one of your pills?" I nodded at her.

"sure thing, but if we found he is at fault, I want to use one of my special ones for punishment?" I asked her with a feral grin

"Oh, I love to see it in action, even 'she' would be interested as well!" I nodded at her and appeared in front of that lanky old man.

I slammed the 'truth pill' into the man's mouth, breaking a few teeth in the process...

Then I yanked him from the wall, and threw him down on the ground, my action was so fast that two minions of lanky old man bȧrėly realised what happened to their teacher.

Moments later a Formation appeared around the old man and 'glued' him on the ground.

"Now tell me what is that filthy creature inside Cang Yue father's body!?" I asked the lanky old man.

"I-I-Its the soul-devouring live binding parasite!" The old man said with wide eyes he was in total disbelieve what he just spilt the beans, even his minions who were afraid, now turned into total panic.

"well it sounds ominous enough..." I said to Cang Yue.

"Indeed, now... Senior Gu did you put that creature into my Royal Father's body?" Cang Yue asked 'gently', but it was like calm before storm in my eyes.

The old man was fighting back, his eyes are wandering around, as he was trying to fight something he doesn't know-how.

"Y-Y-YES!" when the old man shouted the whole place turned into a silent graveyard.

"I see... on whose orders did you put 'it' in?" Cang Yue continued to ask 'gently' but the hand which was holding her sword in the sheath was shaking, she was bȧrėly controlling herself not kill the little old man.

"T-the Princes! don't know which one! I didn't ask questions! the money was too good!!!" Cang Yue snapped towards Dongfang.

"Senior Dongfang can you please bring my 'dear' brothers here? I want to 'talk' with them..." Cang Yue asked the Bodyguard.

"it will be my greatest pŀėȧsurė Princess..." Very next moment he simply vanished.

"Now then... Senior Gu... is there some sort of antidote or means to take this 'thing' from my Royal Father?" The old man started crazy laugh hearing that... he lost it...

"HAHAHA! HOW should I know! I only found the method making the parasite!" hearing this Cang Yue snapped, and appeared in front of him and stomped down on his ċhėst.


"That means there is no use for you now!" Cang Yue furiously said.

"Dear... Please give me one of 'those' pills..." Cang Yue looks back at me, her eyes reminds me of Storm Wolf's as they were almost glowing green.

"Of course...pick which one you wish to feed him..." I showed her pills between my fingers.

"Oh, you sure know how to spoil a girl..."

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