Man Against Gods

Chapter 23 - Duke Jian Feng

"What is the meaning of this!" The Royal suite doors opened, and between Dongfeng arms there were two middle-aged men, and they were struggling to escape from his grip, with no luck obviously...

I raised my eyebrow seeing them, they were utterly plain...

How they are related to Cang Yue?

Dongfeng dropped them on the ground in front of Princess.

"Dongfeng Xiu! I don't care if you are Half-Step Throne! But I am PRIN...." Cang Yue slapped him into the wall very next second.

"Be silent brother..." The other brother looked at her as if he doesn't know who she is...

Then his eyes widened... it seems he connected dots...

"S-Sister..." he gulped down "W-when did you became this strong!!!" She snorted hearing him.

"Not your business 'dear' brother..." she grabbed his hair and forced him to look at the side of the room.

"Do you see that?" She asked 'gently' which was contradicting with her actions.

"I-Is that Senior Gu? what is he doing!?" Cang Yue brother looked with shock and disbelieve, at 'Medical Saint', who was sitting on the ground and poking his nose with one of his fingers.

Very next moment he is clapping his hands as if something funny is happening... somewhere...

As he is not looking at us.

Basically Cang Yue choice was Pill which made the Doctor into a toddler...for ever, while his personality is still there only he has no control over his body actions.

"This is what will happen to you 'dear' brother..." Cang Yue 'gently' said to her brother.

"W-why!?" The Prince said with obvious fear in his eyes, he is bad-shit scared of his sister.

She leaned closer to her brother ear and said something to him.

Which turned his face colour into white like paper.

"You don't know that! there are another six brothers who might have done that!!!" Cang Yue smile only grew seeing her brother reaction.

"Oh, but that reaction is all I needed 'dear' brother~" She said almost in singing voice.

"You see while you were wasting your life in decadence like average court noble of our Empire, I was training, and you see... I was given incredible power to 'smell' Profound energy..." Cang Yue explained a little bit, whatever she can without breaking her 'GEASS' contract.

"What does this has to do with Royal Father illness!?!" The Princes shouted from the ground as he was trying to 'pick up steam' But Cang Yue slapped him into the ground.

"I can 'smell' yours 'dear' brother...and your stinks like horse shit..." This time Cang Yue has put her leg on her brother, and started putting pressure on him, I could almost hear his bones were... well almost breaking...

"And besides you are the Crown Prince no?" I smirked seeing how good she is now.

While Dongfeng was staring at her with shock and... respect.

"So yes... I believe you are the one who did this to Royal Father... and for that, I should simply end you...but such decision lies with Royal Father... and guess what 'dear' brother, my beloved will heal him, and your little childish schemes will end...and then...well we shall see..." Cang Yue words were like daggers to the Crown Prince who actually started to cry...

Was it from despair or pain? well, who cares...

since we know the culprit...

"Senior Dongfeng put this...crybaby into dungeons, his fate shall be decided by Royal Father..." Dongfeng quickly nodded and appeared next to Crying Prince and picked him into Fireman carry.

"And what about Prince Shuo?" Cang Yue blinked hearing that and looked at the hole in the wall, there was some groaning coming from there.

"Oh, send someone to extract him from there and put in the cell as well, he was playing the 'game' to early Senior Dongfeng, both of them were, there will be no such thing until Royal Father is in top shape..." To Cang Yue word Emperor's bodyguard smiled a little bit and nodded, then he left with Crown Prince.

Once that was dealt with, she turned back to me.

"Do you think you can heal him, dear?" She asked me while walking to my side, that warrior-like aura around her vanished, replacing with 'loving Cang Yue'.

"Well technically all I need is to somehow separate that thing from your father life-vein and then remove it..." I said while I was holding a book on parasites in my hand, showing the page on this specific parasite.

"Why don't you just transfer that 'thing' into that 'toddler' over there?" Cang Yue pointed at that old man.

"Are you sure? if we do this. then he will die in a year or so?" She nodded, seriously.

"I suppose it's a fitting punishment for him... " to my comment Cang Yue nodded, with a vindictive smile, Ho... she picked that up from me...

'Can we get this parasite thing done already!? it's disgusting! I can't believe mortal use such... thing! I understand poison, but this!' I chuckled hearing Ying'er, even the mighty 'goddess' is disgusted by some creatures...

I turned back to Emperor and started deploying formations.

"Bring that old fart over here Cang Yue..." She nodded at me and walked over to clapping old man.

She grabbed him by the collar and pulled next to me.

"Right let's do this... Since 'that' thing is to connect to your father life-vein all I have to do is replicate it and force the thing to 'switch' to another vein..." I looked at the the 'image' what is happening inside Emperor's body, slowly but surely the worm was 'bullied' to switching the targets.

Then I 'pulled' it out from the sleeping man, I can't believe he was still sleeping after what Cang Yue did to his Royal Quarters...

'Oh, Heavens! that thing is so... disgusting! don't show it to me!' I tried really hard not to laugh hearing her.

Cang Yue was no different she was pale as paper after seeing that 'Thing' feeding on a 'Heart', she took a few steps back, after it floated closer to her side, then I pushed that thing into the old fool.

Once it was done I started deploying regenerative formation on Emperors bed.

"well I don't think your father will be happy what you did to his room..." I said with a smirk, Princess quickly looked around.

"ups.." I sighed and, Deployed several more formation around the room, returning to its previous looks.

"And what we should with them now?" I pointed at long-forgotten disciples of the old fool.

Cang Yue who took a seat next to her recovering father looked at the old man's disciples.

"Put them in the cell I suppose until Royal Father recovers, and makes his decision..." She said with shrug.

I nodded, and with a wave of my hand two runes slammed into them and 'turned them off'.

"And your brother?" I pointed at another body groaning on the ground next to the recently fixed wall.

"Senior Dongfeng will see to his pick up..." She said casually with a wave of her hand.

I nodded at her and found my own seat on one of the sofas available in these Royal Quarters.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

After that little 'accident' and room 'cleaning' from filth, Cang Yue showed where her room was...

Well, after healing her father, she decided to award me in her 'own way', so we spend the rest of the time in her room, till morning.

Next morning Palace servant notified us that Emperor was awake, and in a very jovial mood.

"Royal Father you finally awake!" Cang Yue flew into Emperor's Quarters.

"Hahaha! We are! Daughter, it's so good to see you!" Cang Yue walked to him, while I was few steps back.

"My old friend told me what's transpired here Yue'er..." His Jovial mood dropped a little bit.

"We can't believe our own family doctor will do such a thing! and ordered by my own son no less!" He said with a little bit of furry.

But then he took a deep breath

"But for now let's talk about something else Yue'er..." His smiled morphed into one of those were father knows about his daughter's boyfriend...

"Dongfeng told me that you found the 'one'." The Emperor finally looked at me, I did a classic Chinese greeting...

"Your Highness, this one name is Jian Feng." He nodded at me.

"We are in great debt to you Young Jian Feng, Even if my daughter chooses you as her husband, we still wish someway to reward you..." The Emperor said with a sincere tone.

Oh crap... I don't know what should ask him!?

"I don't know... your Majesty..." I said with a shake of my head...

"Hmm, then we shall give you a noble rank, to satisfy nobles of Blue Wind Empire, so that they wouldn't question my choice of marrying the only Princess to someone who has no great Background, after all The Burning Heaven Clan will not take this lightly..." The Emperor said seriously.

'Ho Ho...I see.. this is good Ying'er! it seems we shall see the real face of Burning Heaven clan!, If they are similar like that Xiao Sect Branch!' I said to my pearl resident.

'Indeed, only this time I wish to see the pills in action, that 'medical saint' actions we're quite amusing...' Ying'er voice was tainted with amusement, to which I can only agree.

"Then I shall graciously accept..." Blue Wind Emperor nodded

"Good! then with your Strength, I can grant you the rank of Duke!" My eyes widened hearing that

Holy shit! is the serious!? Even Cang Yue was shocked.

"Don't be surprised, Jian Feng, you are A Earth Profound Cultivator, there is bȧrėly this level of cultivators having such rank, most of them are from sects, the rest simply don't bother, they look down on nobility, while you will be breath of fresh air, and maybe help me to put all these sects under Imperial rule." I nodded with a smirk, oh this is going to be fun...

"Royal Father, Since we on this conversation, My dear wishes to fight in the ranking tournament as well as I... do..." Emperors eyes widened hearing that, he looked at his daughter from top to bottom, and then started laughing.

"We only now noticed your power dear daughter!" then The Emperor turned towards me" Jian Feng, we wish to award you again for training my daughter, but we doubt you have anything to ask?" I shake my head, I personally have nothing to ask for now.

Duke huh?, interesting times are coming up...

~~~~~~Same Day, A Few Hours Later~~~~~~

After spending time with the Emperor, Cang Yue and I went outside to see the Blue Wind Profound Palace.

As we were walking holding hands, we met a certain person...

"Ah! Junior Sister Lan! I finally meet you again!" Our both eyes widened seeing THIS lanky young master here!.

"Excuse me... who are you?" I nearly lost my footing hearing that, I can't believe Cang Yue used that card on him! the Lanky young master eyes widened in disbelieve as well, he lost all the courage he build up in an instant.

"I-Its Murong Yi, Junior Sister Lan! we spend time together in New Moon Profound Palace!" Cang Yue looked at him as if trying to 'remember'.

"I don't remember spending time with someone this 'girly', as well as so sickly-looking, besides I am engaged now..." Each word Cang Yue said to this lanky dolt was like hot knives and slaps in his face.

"B-But I am a Young Master of New Moon City!" Ah yes, the most used and abused card which 'Young Master' can use! His face was red like a tomato from shame, by now he doesn't even know how to talk with Cang Yue as she constantly 'slaps' him with words.

"And I am engaged to a Duke, So I suggest you leave Murong Yi, otherwise I will have to use some drastic measures..." Cang Yue Profound energy washed him, the fool almost creamed himself, And quickly dashed away.

"I can't believe he actually came to Empire's Capital..." Cang Yue said with annoyance.

"Well this kind of people don't know the meaning of quitting." She nodded at me, and we continued walking.

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