Man Against Gods

Chapter 24 - Upgrading Profound Palace

"Princess! it's good to see you! When you vanished like that, a year ago, I thought something happen to you!" Qin Wuyou said quickly as he walked over to her, his steps faltered a little bit as he noticed changes in her.

"By heavens! Earth Profound! " His mouth opened wide.

"It's good to see you Senior Qin as well, as you can see I am not a helpless Princess anymore." Cang Yue said with a smile.

"I-Indeed! with such increase in power you one of youngest Earth Profound expert in Blue Wind Empire!" The Elder Qin said with happiness.

"Let me guess Yue'er he was your bodyguard when you were in New Moon Profound Palace," I said in realisation.

"Yes, dear," Princess confirmed my guess.

Qin Wuyou chuckled hearing exchange between us.

"It seems junior Jian stole your heart princess!" Cang Yue blushed for a second.

"And trained me, Senior Qin, I will participate in the upcoming tournament and will show the strength of my family." Princess seriously said to her Old bodyguard.

"I see... it leaves only one empty spot for the tournament, you are thinking of picking it up from Blue Wind Profound Palace?" The elder man stroked his beard while saying that.

"Yes, we shall have proper evaluations of their strength, but first my dear plans to upgrade the Profound palace as well as its security measurement..." Cang Yue motioned towards me, the elder man raised eyebrow hearing that.

"Ho? and how he will do that?" Cang Yue lifted her hand and Profound Runes started to float in her palm.

"I learned much more in a single year than I did in my whole life Elder Qin, And the thing is my dear is much more than a youngest Earth Profound expert..." Princess said with bȧrėly hidden smug voice.

The Elder Qin chuckled hearing that

"Most impressed here Junior Jian, Princess already ferociously defending your honour..." I sighed and nodded at the older man, Cang Yue saw what I did, she simply 'Humph'

"Only telling the truth!" I rolled my eyes and motioned for them to start walking to the Profound Palace.

Once inside Qin Wuyou started explaining how the place is slightly different from the one In New Moon City.

Having Outer, Middle, and Core Palaces, basically cliche Wuxia sect-like setting.

With Core being individuals with Strength of low to mid-Spirit realm...

This alone is a massive slap to face for Royal family as tournament finalists are around late to peak Spirit Profound...

The Blue Wind Profound Palace needs a massive upgrade...

"Right I need to see the Core Profound Palace Senior Qin, I can feel this place was built on Profound energy Vein, a perfect spot for a sect like an institution, but it's incredibly wasted, as there is no proper barrier formation, or energy walkway formation system, lots of energy is simply flowing into the city and is wasted away..." I said things from the top of my head after entering and sensing how this place is working.

"A-Are you a formation master!?" The elder man looked at me with gaping mouth, I did 'no duh' expression.

"No wonder Princess is so defensive about you, Junior Jian, Formation makers are even rarer than Alchemists!" The man said with glee.

'You really going to waste time here master?' Ying'er said with a bored tone.

'I am marrying a member of the royal family Ying'er, if this place is not to my standards, then I will need to find a corner and hide from shame, As I will be related to this place...' I said back to her.

'So it's pride then...' I nodded internally to her.

"This is how we will do this Senior Qin, gather everyone to the main square, I want everyone to be part of this formation, this way I can establish a formation for a security system at the same time as well..." The elder man nodded seriously, there was some glimpse of excitement there as well.

~~~~~~Few moments later~~~~~~

In the biggest square, there were thousands of people waiting for someone or something, the only thing they know is that it's urgent and anyone from the lowest of the low grunts to Core disciples had to come here.

There was countless whispering and, lots of talking, Disciples are discussing and trying to predict what's going on, some Core disciples are thinking that it's maybe related to upcoming Blue Wind Ranking tournament, but it doesn't make sense as there are middle Palace and Outer Palace, disciples here as well.

"Hello, Disciples of Blue Wind Profound Palace, today marks an incredible opportunity to our Blue Wind Profound Palace! As our nation's Princess is engaged to a Formation Master who will set several powerful Formation on our Palaces grounds!" When Vice Palace Chief said those words, everyone, we're staring at him as if he is crazy, some other less educated ones we're even asking what the f*ck is a 'Formation Master'!

Very next moment Jian Feng walked on same sparing ring we're Vice Palace Chief was standing.

Before anyone can ask anything he lifted right hand.

His Profound energy washed everyone, when he started very quickly to write with his left hand, and started sending letters into the air.

Moments later these text formed into cycles of letters started spinning clockwise others we're spinning anti-clockwise.

Once these cycles we're finished, another Profound energy blast washed everyone up.

Everyone stared at this with awe, others were simply didn't know what to think, as this was utterly alien to them.

Then on their right hands, a Profound runic letter for 'boundary' appeared.

"I need each and every one of you go and touch Profound Palace walls, these letters, has to be ten metres distance from each other, once you put it place, I will finish with Barrier which will improve overall cultivation speed, now go!" Jian Feng said while he continued doing Profound energy letter writing.

Soon enough thousands dashed to do this little mission.

it only took less than hour whole place marked with boundary runes.

Jian Feng sensed that, and send last remaining command to lit up the Formation which can be seen throughout the whole Capital city, as massive Blue boundary field came to live in Blue Wind Profound Palace.

"Very impressive Junior Jian, never seen anything like this in my life! I can already feel the effects in the air!" Vice Palace Chief said to Jian Feng.

Jian Feng simply nodded, as he lowered his hand.

"This only bȧrė basics Vice Chief Qin, now that our sandbox is set, it's time to play inside of it..." the Older Qin laughed hearing that.

"Hahaha! can't wait to see that!"

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

After deploying the Barrier Formation, the air started to get thicker with Profound Energy, this is where I can start adding more stuff, to increase the overall power of this place.

I can upgrade this place and then check out the local merchant guild branch here, since I am running low on herbs.

As I was walking In Core Palace grounds, this place reminds me of a small University like village, all houses are the same and it has its own shop like places where they can buy stuff related to cultivation.

At the very heart of this place, there is a place where everyone can cultivate, the same time here is where Profound energy from the vein comes out.

I walked closer to this building, but then I saw a board with names, on it.

'This must be the names of people who are part of core Palace...' I said internally as I approached the board.

'Indeed, such a method is used in the Brahma realm as well to encourage people to cultivate...'

I shrugged at that, I can see the point.

'yes, and same time build up rivalries, which can turn bad or good... another reason I don't care much about joining a sect, I would have lots of enemies and rivals.' I said to her as I started reading the name on the list.

'You already have those my dear master~, its only matter of time until that Young Master of Burning Heaven Clan come in barging into Royal palace demanding why 'his' Cang Yue is marrying you~' I can sense amusement in her about this little situation...

'you only want me to show him his place...' I sighed at that, but then again I am itching to do something...

'Indeed, after all, you are Brahma Goddess master~' I rolled my eyes...

Then I saw an interesting name on the list, and it's in first place...

'what does a Fen doing here...' I said to Ying'er

'who?' She asked back.

'Fen is a surname used by Burning Heaven Clan...' I explained to her.

'an in-fight then? trying to prove something to the main clan, seen those before, very proud individuals...' Brahma Goddess said, while I started to get an idea what to do with him...

'why don't we show him the 'Light'...' I chuckled for a moment.

'what do you mean by 'Ligh'?' The blonde girl asked me.

'Well having an insider in one of four great sects is a great thing no?' The Blonde girl had a realisation.

'why so devious, master~' She said with a sing-song voice.

'thanks... now most import thing is to see if he is convertible through conversation alone or extra push will be needed to do that...' I stroked my chin while I said that.

"You are that Formation Master!" I snapped out from my thought as I heard quite arrogant voice behind me.

Then I turned around I saw a guy dressed in red which is against the rules, as this place is 'Blue Wind' Profound Palace, it's in its name, and yet this kid doesn't even follow that!

"yes it's me, and you?" I asked him with a bored tone.

"I am Third Young Master of Burning Heavens Clan! Fen Juechen!" I simply nodded at him, lucky me, as people used to say 'speaking of the devil'.

"Good for you I suppose, so why are you breaking the Profound Palace rules?" To mine question, he only blinked at me, since I pulled him out of his element.

"what rules you talking about!?" now it was my time to look at him weirdly.

"Do you? I mean, did you even notice that everyone here, even the instructors are wearing blue?" I even pointed at myself, since I am representing a 'team' now, I am wearing blue wind robes.

"So what? I am from Burning Heaven Clan, Even here People won't going to say anything to that!" I sighed hearing that, time to bring out inner 'Thanos' again.

I started slowly lifting my right hand up.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Fen Juechen, Third young master of Burning heaven clan, but blue is blue, we playing for the blue team here, so..." I snapped my fingers and formation appeared around Fen Juechen, now everyone even himself will see him wearing blue, even his own skin colour is blue, obviously its nothing but an optical illusion.

"What did you do to me!?" he was looking to his own hand and he was 'seeing' blue skin blue robes, even blue nails.

Reminds me of avatar...

"I said, blue means blue Fen Juechen, Third Young Master of Burning Heavens clan..." He was seething in anger, and that good thing for me.

"Take this formation off this instant!" I shrugged my shoulders and used my pinky finger to clean my ear.

"I didn't hear you say 'please'..." This time his anger reached a boiling point.

He pulled out his sword which was red by the way...

And then he used some Burning heaven something on something technique, I didn't even listen to this technique name, even when he was shooting it out loud...




He used flames on me... Gods...that is literally the biggest disadvantage he can possibly get.

His orange flames travelled towards me, only midway they turned into Crimson one and then formed into a floating ball of flames, and then it floated casually behind me, as if nothing happened a few seconds ago...

"You used Profound energy attack on Formation Master? Did anyone tough you not to do that!?" I asked him, by now Fen Juechen was starting with utter shock at me.

"This is impossible you turned my attack into your own? this makes no sense!" He sends another wave after wave of flames at me.

Only result was the same, again and again.

By now I had 7 floating crimson flames behind me.

I lifted my hand and they flew into my opened palm and transformed into a much bigger flame, then it started to morph into a tiger which leapt from my hand and landed on the ground, it was a two-metre-long Hell Fire tiger replica made from flames and animated by Profound energy.

"H-How is this possible! no one, even in Heaven Burning Clan no one has such techniques over the fire! Fire is one of the hardest elements to control!" Fen Juechen dropped on his knees seeing prowling tiger made from flames in front of him.

"Do you wish to learn to wield fire like I do?" my question broke him from this reverie, his eyes widened this time with greed and ŀust for power.

"Yes! if I can wield fire like that then I shall prove to my brother that I am better then him!" and now I know why he is here...

'Wonderfully done master, now to finish this off..." I internally nodded at Ying'er

"Then I shall teach you, in turn, you shall be my subordinate..." This time I channelled my own Profound energy into him. His eyes widened even bigger.

"Third of Earth Profound... Heavens..." He was blown away.

"Fen Juechen greets his master..." I smirked hearing that.

"A question... Fen Juechen" time to ask something, why he didn't sense my power in the square...

"Of course master ask away!" He eagerly said.

"did you been in the main square when I set down formation..." Hearing my question he shook his head.

"No master, I was cultivating..." I facepalmed hearing that.

Of course 'Young Masters' won't listen to instructions...

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