Man Against Gods

Chapter 28 - Melting Ice Lady With Food

~~~~~~Chu Yuechan~~~~~~

Chu Yuechan as long as she remembers, Cultivation was her life, as it represented her power over herself, ever since her participation in Blue Wind ranking tournament all those years ago, she knew that she needed this strength as much as possible because she attracted the attention of people like that fool Ling Yuefeng, or even the Blue Wind Emperor himself...

So why was she here???

Because she can gain more power?

Or because she can gain more power, and alongside something else?

For years now, those breakthrough's felt hollow to her, she gained that power but what's next?

So here she is in the middle of the wasteland of death, watching how Earth Profound realm cultivator showed to Sky Profound Beast superiority of human ingenuity and took it down, in less than one hour...

Yes there was preparations done and everything along the lines, but the hunt its self was less than an hour.

It was refreshing to see it, a new experience in her long and dull life.

Chu Yuechan looked at him as he pulled the Silver Thunder Hawk which appears to be storage ring.

Once he did that, he looked back at her, his gaze made have weird feeling inside her stomach.

"Follow me, I am sure you are hungry, Following me for weeks not stop, you probably haven't eaten anything..." His words were so pinpoint, That Frozen beauty of Immortal Palace could only nod and follow him.

So he can even cook, it made her actually excited to taste his food.

Since when?

~~~~~~Cang Yue~~~~~~

It has been over two months since he left, and Cang Yue started to realise how it feels like being separated from someone she really loves.

So that's why she is helping her Royal father will all these nuisances plaguing their Empire.

Once everything is done she will be able to be with her dear.

Being a Princess can bring those to light.

As Princess Cang Yue with her Royal Father, the Emperor were holding a court, the Royal Palace doors slammed open, as a man in his twenties alongside two men dressed in red robes with Burning Heaven Symbolism on them, entered in the Throne room.

"Blue Wind Emperor what's the meaning of this! I was courting Princess for Cang Yue for years! and now some person without background comes in and takes her away!? I demand answers!" There was utter silence in the Throne room.

Cang Yue was utterly pissed hearing him, not only she is away from her man, she misses his food, his massages, his patting...

Basically everything related to him...

And now this moron comes in and forces her to remember that he is not here...

"Because you are weak, Young Master Fen..." The court gasped hearing Cang Yue speak.

"W-What! I am First of Earth Profound at the age of twenty-two!" He showed off his cultivation with smirk!

Cang Yue snorted and showed her own, Second of Earth Profound.

"T-This is... incredible! Princess Cang Yue your not even Twenty yet!" Cang Yue wanted to cut off his tongue hearing that, she hates people who give such empty praises.

"No thanks to you Young Master Fen, now leave there is nothing for you to do here" Cang Yue gave him one free ticket to leave, which she really doubts he will take, and if he doesn't take she will be more then happy to make him leave...

The Young Master of Burning Heaven Clan felt as if he was slapped several times by this shockingly much more pro-active and stronger Princess.

"I won't be leaving until I can fight that fool! which you are engaged to!" The young master Fen was fuming at Princess, and in front of the whole Blue Wind Noble court.

"I was trying to be nice...Young Master Fen, after all, your clan deserve some of it... but... No one... I... one...calls my beloved... a fool... in front of me!!!" Cang Yue went down from her Princess throne, as one of strongest Blue Wind Royal family members, she has a Throne build for her unlike other Royal Princes, it was a massive slap to their dignity...

Cang Yue raised her hand, and a Rune with her family symbol appeared on her right hand, next moment she snapped her fingers...

And two Sky Profound guards next Heavens Burning Clan Young Master, felt something...

"You see Fen Juecheng, my beloved is a Formation Master, and you are inside My Home... do you know what that means?" Cang Yue asked him as she pulled out her sword, a Peak Earth Profound sword, Designed with her in mind, A weapon which amplifies Wind even further.

"So what? he can make some Formations! its nothing in front of real Power!" Fen Juecheng pulled out his own sword as he sense actual dread rolling from Princess.

"Young Master Fen! We have to leave now!" One of them said.

"What are you talking ab..." A Sharp wind cut Fen Juecheng cheek.

"When there is an opponent in front of you don't remove your eye from him... " Princess Cang Yue said as she walked towards him.

"You are inside my home, where not even Sovereign Profound Cultivators could do anything..." Cang Yue words we're like thunder strike in the middle of a sunny day.

Fen Juecheng somewhat controlled his anger and looked back at his bodyguards which were scared shitless, then he noticed the Palace doors are locked up with massive letter for 'SEAL' glowing on them.

He was trapped here, and the Princess in front of him looked like prowling wolf.

"Daughter... I know he insulted Jian Feng, but you can't simply end him, He is still Young Master of Heavens Burning Clan." Cang Yue stopped herself for a moment, she looked back at her Royal Father, then she sighed.

'Killing him here will be a waste of entertainment in future, I know my dear has plans for these despicable Sects... or at least for their young masters...' Cang Yue sheathed her sword, Fen Juecheng actually took a deep breath.

"You may a young Master of a big clan Fen Juecheng, but that's all you are, not only my beloved, is stronger than you, he is younger than you, more reliable than you, and most importantly he knows how to make his woman feel special, but you? you can't even do most basic things without including your 'Burning Heaven clan'... I suggest if you wish to impress a lady with your clan size, then do it with one of these nobles, maybe they will be impressed with your... Clan." Cang Yue waved her hand and all three invaders flew out from Throne room all the way outside the Palace grounds and landed on road... face first...

Finally, the bird is dead, and I can switch to a lower gear.

I looked at the Ice lady also known as Chu Yuechan, which if my memory is right she is one of the most beautiful women in Blue Wind Empire.

But they never included that she has Stalker tendencies.

I lead the way to my temporary camp, where I motioned for her to take a seat in one of the available chairs.

I pulled out a barbeque set, It was a long time since I pulled out one of these bad babies out.

Next, with a wave of the hand, I pulled out some coal from one of my storage rings, then with a snap of fingers, the coal was on fire.

after this, I pulled out a pot, next was a box made from silver-like stone, it was around metre tall, there was a handle for fingers, to open it...

Chu Yuechan observed everything with bȧrėly hidden curiosity.

"What's in this box?" She asked with interest.

"It's what I call a 'fridge', it keeps food and drinks cold, since I don't have ice arts I have to use formations to keep things cold, with stasis in place the food inside can last for several centuries."

'Or you can keep it in Pearl' Ying'er rolled her eyes.

'So that you can eat and drink everything up?' I asked back, with my own rolling eye.

'You can always put locking formation~~~' she said without any shred of denial that it was her who drunk the last bottle of coke before my leave.

It's a good thing I restocked before I left on this hunt.

'Do you know how tedious it is to constantly do that?' She shrugged her shoulders.

'No clue, I haven't even reached that part yet in my studies.' I could only sight internally, this girl...

"So... I believe we should start from the very beginning what you think?" I said to Frozen Immortal Palace Fairy.

"What do you mean from the beginning?" She asked back, as she was trying to understand my angle of question.

"Who you are, what's your position in your sect?" I said with a wave of my hand, trying to get my point across.

Same time I continued working on my food, I pulled out my barbeque skewers...

"By the way do you like pork or chicken?" Before she can answer the previous question, she was ȧssaulted with another to which she has no idea how to answer, I can deduct that from her expression.

"I...Will eat same thing you will eat..." I nodded with a shrug.

"Very well, Pork it is then..." I opened the pot, Chu Yuechan leaned forward and saw marinated Pork bits.

"This is no ordinary pork, dear..." hearing that Frozen Fairy leaned back, the veil can't really hide that blush.

"This stuff was prepared by me back in Capital..." I said, as I started to put pieces of pork on skewers.

"Back to my question, You told me your name, but that all, I want more details, since you obviously know more about me, then I know about you..." As I said that, I finished with the second skewer and with, fire manipulation I made the fire at the perfect level for cooking.

She took a deep breath and started speaking.

"As I said before I am Chu Yuechan, and I am at the head of Seven Fairies of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace..." I raised my eyebrow, I never was interested in their little sect before, since it's all women one, And finding dirt on Xiao Sect, Burning Heaven and Heavenly Sword Villa was more interesting,

"So this little group of Fairies is top of your sect?" She slowly nodded.

"Does that make the next Mistress of It?" She for a moment, stayed silent.

"No... not anymore, as we have a promising disciple for that position..." Hearing that, I tried to analyse her response, she doesn't sound particularly sad about that.

"Well you don't sound sad about, so I guess it's alright..." She nodded at me, then she finally smelled something nice, as her eyes went to grill.

"Heavens... why this food smell this good?" She literally vanished from her seat and appeared next to the grill, did her speed increased even further?

"Because of spices, and food in the wilderness always taste better" I smirked at her.

"Now Chu Yuechan, the thing is, you know far too much about me, and I don't like the fact that you were watching me and learning about me without repercussions..." That moment a formations beneath us activated.

Chu Yuechan eyes widened, as she probably sensed that she can't sense her own cultivation.

"Now we shall have a conversation as just a guy and a girl..." I said with a smile.

She defensively tried to call upon her cultivation but there was nothing there.

"Don't try, What this formation does is intercepts with orders your mind sends to your cultivation, I have several variants of this one." She had the look of utter horror for a moment.

"You see, when you play with fire it usually burns, but I don't do that, Now take a seat and wait for your food..." She gulped down nervously and walked back to her seat.

Half an hour later everything was ready, there was pork barbeque with rice and a bunch of vegetable on the table.

"Try it out..." She looked at dishes with curiosity, she realised that her veil will get in the way.

She looked at me for a second, then at the food, there was a mental battle going on in her head, as if a difficult decision has to be made.

A few moments later she removed it, Now I can see her full face, and she was beautiful, while Ying'er still holds the title of most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Chu Yuechan is bȧrėly level lower of that, her beauty lies with that coldness and aloofness which she can't generate in front of me.

She looked at my reaction, seeing that I not drooling she released a satisfying sight.

"You expected me to drool?" She slowly nodded.

"Well, you are beautiful, I but there is no need to take that extra step to make fool of myself..." Besides... I had lots of practice not to drool seeing nȧkėd Ying'er, when she tries to share baths with me...

"You are the first individual who is bȧrėly affected by my looks, it's a refreshing..." I nodded, then I motioned her to start eating.

She slowly picks up her cutlery and starts tasting...




Her gaze locked at me, there was the certain look she gives me.

"Well, tell me, how does it taste?" I asked curiously.

She then released one of sėxiest mȯȧn I ever heard, was she holding back for that long!?

"!" then she continued eating...

Less than twenty minutes later she, finished almost everything on the table.

"Is this how you always eat? is this how Princess Cang Yue lives? eating such heavenly food constantly?" Her cold expression is replaced with excitement.

"Yes, by the way..." I fished out a 'GEASS' scroll and put it on the table.

"This is what I call 'GEASS' scroll, I want you to sign it, once your name appears on it, you won't be able to tell my secrets to anyone without my permission." She opened the scroll with curiosity and awe, she saw the glowing letters and read the content on it.

"Very well, I shall sign it, its the least I can do after watching you without permission for weeks..." She blushed when she said that, I gave her a red pen.

"It will use your blood, so it stings for a moment" she picked it up with a nod, and put her name on it.

Moments later scroll got on the fire and burned out. not even ash was left behind.

"Good, now a question for you..." I asked seriously, she motioned to ask.

"Would you like to be my wife?"

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