Man Against Gods

Chapter 29 - Frozen Immortal Palace

Chu Yuechan stared at me with shock, if she was not on the chair she would probably take several steps back.

"I-I can't, no matter how good it sounds!" Instead of complete 'no', she takes her responsibility to her cult above her own happiness.

"It's because of the rules of not having relationships?" she quickly nodded, she was blushing up a storm and its really hard for her to look at me.

"Then what will your Sect say if you are stronger then them, and you achieved that through being in a relationship with me?" I said with smirk.

"I-I don't know! I never was in this kind of situation!" hearing her answer I fished out a pill.

"I see, then you need time to process what I offered to you, so here take this..." I gave her a pill." Consume it when you are back in your Sect, it's my... well you can say its a gift, a gift given to a lady, by a man who is courting her." Her blush intensified when heard why she is getting this pill, she inspected it up close.

"M-My thanks, Jian Feng..." she stored the pill In her personal storage ring.

Once I saw that, I released the formation, and Chu Yuechan literally vanished next second.

'Well that was interesting... what was that pill anyway?' Ying'er asked me neutrally.

'Something which will get her to my side obviously... and if you really interested... it unlocks all of her profound entrances...' She gasped hearing that.

'Such pill even in God realm would earn you a fortune!' She said honestly.

'And that's why she would accept my proposal, to someone like her, it's best to be direct...' She hummed hearing that.

After Chu Yuechan left in a hurry, I cleaned up the dishes and packed everything up.

Next day, I finally moved on from this place, Thinking for a second what to next, I decided that I should get something for Cang Yue.

After all, when you visit a new place you usually pick something from there, like my necklace from animal teeth, which I got in Ten Thousand Beast mountainside.

A few days later I found something which can be useful.

'So why you need gold of all things?' Ying'er asked with an exaggerated look.

'It's good for jewellery obviously, besides I haven't given anything fancy to Cang Yue yet...' Ying'er ġrȯȧnėd hearing that.

'The Battle Robes, the Peak Earth Profound Sword with absurd ability, the Storm Wolfs legacy...' She mentioned a few things I gave her.

'I get that you are jealous so I will make some stuff for you as well..' She instantly quieted down...

'Another thing... no one will pay to much attention to jewellery, no one will expect them to have some overpowered abilities...' Ying'er nodded hearing that...there was a coy smile on her face.

'Always so devious, Sometimes I think that you even seduced the Princess to get higher in the ranks...' She said while shaking her head.

'Yes and no, I liked her so, I make her mine, the Princess side was a bonus, And now look at her, she probably slapping people, as we speaking right now.' I said to her as I was digging to get the gold vein...

'Yes, I still remember her brother face when he flew into the wall, it was quite amusing...' I agreed with her there.

~~~~~~Chu Yuechan~~~~~~

She flew top speed back into Frozen Immortal Palace, She completely ignored everything.

Once back in her small home, she slammed her doors shut, and leaned her back at them.

She summoned the pill from her storage ring and inspected it again.

Her heart was beating fast, and she doesn't know what to do anymore, everything in this area of life she has absolutely no experience.

'Should I accept his offer, but what about...' She bit her lower lip.

'I can think about his offer later... now let's see...' Chu Yuechan walked over to her bed and sit down in Lotus Position, she then swallowed the pill.



Open her Profound entrances...

One by One she sensed them getting opened...

Chu Yuechan internally counted them getting opened...

"Fifty-four... heaven's it's..." She got up from her bed, her hands are shaking from sheer disbelieve...

She channelled her Profound energy for a moment, the effect was instantaneous.

"Heavens... no wonder...that's why he was smirking when he gave me this pill..." Chu Yuechan started...laughing...

"How can I say no when he gives me something like this..." She shook her head, and she started smiling.

Chu Yuechan snapped out from her short daydream, as she walked over to the door and opened it, she saw her sister...

Chu Yueli was about to ask why her sister was acting this weirdly, but everything was blown away when she saw her sister without a veil, and she was smiling of all things...

"Sister...what happened to your veil? and...why are you smiling?" Chu Yuechan hearing her sister question blinked once, then her hand touched her face, she felt her lips are curved up, and there is no veil, she was about to say something, but... her sister touched Chu Yuechan and she felt her sister's Profound energy wash her up.

Chu Yuechan was internally shocked at her sister's bold action...

"Heaven's!!! no wonder! Sister with this you will have the chance to reach even realm of Monarch!" Chu Yuechan could only nod in this situation, as there is no denying that... she doesn't have bottlenecks anymore.

"Sister you even reached... Emperor Profound! We have to report this to Mistress at once!" Chu Yuechan slowly agreed, same time she will need fully explain her situation to Mistress as well.

They very quickly arrived at Main Ice Palace where Sect Mistress resides.

They quickly entered and were greeted by a middle-aged woman who only started to show signs of older age with few wrinkles...

Next to her was another person, Chu Yuechan knows this girl well enough, being her younger sister's disciple, as well as sometimes personally trained by Sect Mistress herself...

"Chan'er... you finally back..." The Sect mistress instantly noticed changes in her personal disciple as well as a daughter figure.

"Mistress... I have something to say to you..." Chu Yuechan actions we're quite worrying to Sect Mistress, as she was acting...well... like a maiden in love...

She knew that feeling personally...

"I met someone who..." Instead of talking Chu Yuechan decided to show to her, as she walked to her and showed her hand to her.

Sect mistress lifted her own hand and touched her, and then send a strand of Profound energy into her.

What she sensed blew her mind away...

"What kind of heavenly encounter did you had Chan'er!?" Sect Mistress could bȧrėly control her emotions sensing that...

"A man..." These two words we're like thunderbolts striking down on all three resident Fairies...

"He was like unlike any other men, neither he was drooling, neither he was looking at me like some slab of meat, and his Profound arts? it was almost like magic...Mistress, he... proposed to me..." Chu Yuechan words send warning bells to Sect Mistress, even Chu Yueli was looking at her with bȧrėly hidden horror and something else...

"What was your answer?" Sect Misstress bȧrėly whisper this question.

"There was...none...he gave me enough time to think..." Sect Misstress leaned back into her ice throne...

"I need to speak with Grand Mistress about this...and can you tell me the name of this man who conquered your heart?" The sect Mistress said as she was getting up from her ice throne.

"His name is Jian Feng..." She Sect Mistress sighed hearing that.

"And you don't mind that he is marrying the Blue Wind Princess?" Chu Yueli gasped and Chu Yuechan resolutely shook her head.

"Not at all, as long as he makes those delicious dishes, teaches me intricacies of Formations, I know with him around I will live a very long life..." Sect Mistress could see that utter adoration on her face, she has fallen far too deep for her to be pulled back.

"I really have to speak with Grand Mistress..." She then turned back to her disciple" And Chan'er I suggest you go to the ranking tournament if you wish to see again..." In Chu Yuechan eyes flames started to burn brightly, as she nodded to her mother figure.

Seeing her nod Sect Mistress vanished...

The remaining younger girl looked back at her two Master figures.

"...Master...Senior Master... what did this Jian Feng did to you... to have... such reaction from Sect Mistress?" The girl asked the two Chu sister.

Chu Yuechan looked at the girl which had a veil as well, if Chu Yuechan would be to leave her sect now, she knows this girl will be the next Frozen Beauty, not only her talent is greater then her own, but even her beauty is earth-shattering, but what Chu Yuechan suspect is that this girl has massive ŀust for power, she doesn't know why, but she cultivated more then anyone else in Frozen Immoral Palace...

"Qingyue...what your Senior Master earned from this...Jian Feng is an incredible upgrade to her Profound Veins, she no longer has any Bottlenecks, now the only thing she needs is time to reach even the realms of Monarch!" Qingyue eyes widened hearing that.

Chu Yueli didn't stopped talking..." Qingyue while your talent is incredible, but right now your Senior Master only needs to absorb Profound Energy to progress to next realm, In the end, she will surely reach the realm of Monarch, while with your incredible talent you may reach such realm..." Chu Yuechan saw the girl turn stiff, hearing that...

"...Master...Senior Master...please excuse me...I will return to my cultivation..." the girl dashed out.

For the first time, Chu Yuechan saw 'Frozen Heart' effect from an outsiders perspective...

She could not personally believe how...cold that sounded to her.

"Yueli... wasn' a little bit too harsh?" Chu Yueli looked at her sister with a raised eye.

" spend to much time with that man..." Chu Yueli said with a shake of her head.

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

After digging out all the gold I could find, I rushed back to Capital.

I was back in less than a month

First thing I did was try to lock myself up in the workshop, but a certain Princess literally pulled me out from there, so I was only able to start doing anything two days later...

First thing I did was start rendering Silver Thunder Hawk.

Since my Workshop is kind of 'rented' it's in quite an open place, so many people saw the beasts, I used this moment to my own advantage to build off the reputation, of course, there were moments where people tried to steal some bits and pieces of the beast carcass, only except they stole nothing more than thin air...

Now I know how Uchiha's felt when they played with people heads...

I mean seeing people running away while holding empty air, and having a face full of greed is very amusing...

Not to waste time, I did another thing, which was starting making jewellery, few rings, necklaces, earnings...

For future reference...Never... I mean...never... allow a woman to be close to your workshop when you making jewellery for them... especially when she a royalty of a Star Realm of Cultivation world...

The amount of time I spend making her pendant was ridiculous...

I could have easily made a full set of armour and weapon, for a cultivator... instead I was making angles perfect to a pendant, while the woman was changing her mind midway...

But in the end, it was done, and Ying'er now has a fancy, one of a kind pendant, with with a bunch of abilities which I believe she will show off once she gets her body back...

While I was playing jewellery maker, the beast carcass was drained out of its blood, and now I can finally add my second Legacy...

The Silver Lightning...

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