Man Against Gods

Chapter 30 - Arriving at Villa

Half a day later after I started making Silver Thunder Hawk 'Legacy', it was finished, making 'Legacy' out of bird is much easier than making from a mammal, not only its body is much smaller than Tigers or Wolfs, that's of course once you take all the feathers out, it looks nothing more than overgrown chicken...

After quite short pill making session I was starting at, fancy-looking, almost pure like silver pill, which from time to time will sparkle with streaks of silver lightning.

Taking seat in Lotus position I swallowed it, once the pill reached my stomach it exploded, like some fireworks, this Profound energy was fast, nothing like Hell-Fire Tiger flames.

It spread out through the whole body in mere moments.

And then it affected my Cultivation...

From Fourth of Earth Profound going all the way to Eight of Earth Profound.

When I opened my eyes the world looked quite different, brighter, more vibrant, when I walked outside I could see colours around people...

'Sweet heavens...this is amazing...' I said to Ying'er with bȧrėly hidden glee...

'What happened? did you get some sort of ability?' Ying'er asked with extreme curiosity

'Yes...I can SEE profound energy! like really see it, even if no one is channelling it...I can still see it...' I said with wonder as I looked at people walking around, and I could see a thin outline of their Profound energy, when I looked in the sky I could see, 'rivers' of energy flowing...

Thinking for a second, I tampered with my connection with the pearl, and allowed for Ying'er to see what I see now...

'This is... unique? that's probably closest what I can think off right now...' I could only chuckle hearing that.

After a short experiment of checking my new vision upgrades, I checked my Profound Energy, I could feel like I can channel it in a different way.

I lifted my hand and, and tried this new pattern, it felt very natural thing to do...

Next thing I did, was to explore this new power...

First was channelling through my hand, next was to expel from my body, moulding into the form of a blade, from here now I started mixing with sword intent, slowly it morphed into silver golden blade, taking a step further towards this direction, I started adding my crimson fire into the mix and then I started bonding them together, using sword intent as medium slowly turning into a dark orange energy blade...

Seeing the end result I could only grin, What I had in my hands was energy blade very similar to Black Goku's energy blades which he uses in his fighting style, one of my favourite villains from Dragon Ball Super...

Thinking to test this, I pulled bone from Earth Profound beast.

I put it on the table edge, and then I simply swing my energy blade down...



There was no resistance...

The cut was utterly clean...

'Did you just invented... a new type of energy!?' I could feel just how gobsmacked Ying'er is now.

'It's not as easy as it looks... moulding simply elements alone is stupid move... one needs to use a medium... Sword Intent is perfect for this as being a neutral element, using it as a catalyst I could made a perfect energy blade, and as a side effect from Sword intent, it adds even more sharpness into this...

'I actually...feel pity to your opponents...' Ying'er said genuinely.

'I don't... no one forced them not to explore all available options before engaging me in battle ...' I said with shrug.

After a few more experiments, I went to find my first minion, I did promise to him to teach how to wield fire properly.

And since he will be the third person representing Blue Wind Royal family, he needs to be at adequate Cultivation level.

Arriving at Core Palace I looked at the sky, with my new vision I could see Profound runic letters withing formation barrier floating in a controlled manner.

'This is going to take time to get used to it...' I said to the resident blond.

'It... does opens a new perspective towards profound energy as a whole...' I nodded at her as I was walking towards where Fen Juechen is...

Once there I was greeted with enthusiastic 'Young Master'.

I pulled out an 'edited GEASS' scroll

"Fen need to sign this, once you do, I will be able to show you my secrets to you without worry..."My voice was neutral as I gave him my 'special GEASS' scroll.

He raised his eyebrow and opened the scroll and saw gently glowing Profound Runic letters.

He read through them...

Seeing nothing unusual in contract he looked back at me...

" Master, you only need my name here?" I nodded and gave him a red pen.

He quickly signed and the 'special GEASS', Very next moment it burned into ashes, signifying contract established.

"Good now let me transfer some technique, and give you some items, Since we have around a month left, I will teach some stuff as well," I said to him, as I was pulling out some items, an Earth Profound sword, as well an Earth Profound Fire legacy made from Blazing Fire Eagle, an Earth Profound beast, the best part is he will get a set of Heavenly Gods Spiritual veins...

'Master... why are you giving him so many rare items! even a legacy!... and that pill! it's same you gave to that Frozen Girl!' The Brahma 'goddess' was screaming at me from pearl.

'Oh...please...I thought you can see through me by now...' I said with disappointing sight.

Moments later... she started giggling

'Oh...Master, you such devious man~~~' Finally seeing what did, I send Fen Juechen back to cultivating.

While I, still have around a month to make a new set of technique...

~~~~~~Month Later~~~~~~

So its finally time... The tourney is starting literally tomorrow, and we leave in few moments since the Heavenly Sword Villa is quite close by, It will only take us around three hours of flying on Cang Yue Profound Beast.

After arriving at the Entrance of the Heavenly Sword Region, we were greeted by two disciples who were running the main checkpoint.

"Princess... It's an honour to see you!" Both of them straightened up, seeing Cang Yue.

Cang Yue nodded and handed over a scroll with participant names.

One of the Disciples took it from her and opened the scroll when he read the names of participants, he raised his eyebrow reading it.

"It's a long time since Blue Wind royalty personally participated in this tournament, Princess... best of luck..." He motioned us to enter.

There is only four of us here, usually, Sects come here in small groups from six to even absurd number of nine.

Why absurd? because not all of them are allowed to enter into this realm called 'Heaven Basin Secret Realm', so in other words, they came here only to observe.

I wonder if Heavenly Sword Villa has an entrance tax or something they could make some money from this...

As we entered into Heavenly Sword Villa, Cang Yue and I looked at each other for a moment, there was a short nod between us as we discreetly started sending runes into walls.

Neither me or Princess won't be attending this without having ȧssurance, especially now as Princess, as well as me, have few 'enemies' in the shape of Heavens Burning clan.

Another, of course, being Heavenly Sword Villa connection to one of Sacred Grounds, while its nothing more than a hunch, I don't want any surprises...being prepared for anything lets me relax and enjoy the show...

Before I forgot, with three of us, between my minion, Cang Yue's and me, there is Vice Palace Chief Qin Wushang, The old man grew stronger after Palace Upgrade, all of Palace members got an increase in Cultivation around 150%, in few more years the Blue Wind Profound Palace will become a top tier 'Sect' in Blue Wind, and another ten or so years it will one of the top in Seven nations.

All three of us actually will totally wipe the floor in this tournament, the only actually candidate to actually be some sort of competition is Ling Yun twenty years old and according to some rumours being in Earth Profound, which realm? I don't know, but at least I will be able to unsheath my sword against him, if he is lucky enough not get in way of Cang Yue...

Few minutes later we finally arrived at the main building and we were greeted by a couple.

Her existence being here proves that the Heavenly Sword Villa is in proper contact with this Sacred Ground, thus another reason why we should prepare just in case she get some sort of idea about something, and will try to flex her authority...

And the other person? the woman's husband and the Villa Master... the youngest Throne in Blue Wind, Ling Yuefeng, the man which is extremely amusing to me, He can be considerate 'love rival' of sorts, since I want Chu Yuechan, and this guy was chasing her for over ten years...

This, of course, will cause friction in this tournament, if Chu Yuechan actual appears here, and if she does, knowing her character she might accept my marriage offer in an open area, and if she has vindictive tendencies she might do in front this man...

After exchanging a few 'pleasantries' we were shown to a small villa which will be our home for over a week.

Once we settled down, I went over and started deploying quick Formations for the house, and then, we went to explore the area with Cang Yue, leaving Vice Palace Chief, and Fen Juechen cultivating.

"This is the Sword Management Terrace..." Cang Yue pointed at the floating swords, while it looks cool, all the sword look very similar, with minimal changes to their design.

"This is where disciples come to pick their swords, each of them have to 'subdue' them before they can claim them..." After saying that we walked hand in hand, exploring the place while discreetly leaving Formation markers...

As we were walking in front of us I noticed a group of red-dressed individuals, leading the front is a man in his twenties.

When they noticed us the man in front had look of utter rage, but quickly hid it. this the idiot which Cang Yue wiped the floor with...

"Princess... its good to see you again... and this must be your..." The guy was radiating malice like Lighthouse in foggy night was showing the way for ships...

"This is my beloved Jian Feng, as you can see he is Four of Earth Profound..." as probably guessed I 'Lowered' my cultivation for this tournament...

The elders next to this young master gasped.

Time for some entertainment...

"Oh! you are that Young Master Yue'er used to talk about! Not bad! First of Earth Profound!, But you should train harder as my newest friend Is your little brother Fen Juechen! which I took under my wing, He has some talent! tenth of Spirit Profound..." I 'happily' slapped in his face

But instead the younger guy next to this loser shouted in disbelieve.

"What!!! He's is only seventeen!!! H-How!" I walked over to him and patted his shoulder, the rest were so shocked even the elders, that they didn't even noticed me walking over to them.

"Don't worry...I will tell him to take it easy on you..." With those words, Cang Yue and I left them behind.

Once we were some distance we started laughing.

"So this is the moron who was courting you?" I shook my head.

"Indeed beloved, nearly five months passed and he is still at the same level, when I saw him last time.." Cang Yue scoffed saying that.

"Yes...apparently it's hard to increase in power once you reach Earth Profound..." I said to her with 'sagely' voice.

"Says the guy who is Peak Earth Profound..." The Princess said with a deadpan expression.

"What can I say... I was on roll..."

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