Man Against Gods

Chapter 41 - Blue Wind Youngest Throne

Taking a deep breath, I could feel the power flowing in my veins...

The feeling was phenomenal, the increase in power was staggering, if I could put in numerical values it will close to 1000% increase in power... maybe even more, as I don't have a scouter from Dragon Ball Z to check myself properly...

Getting back on feet, I took a few steps, getting so much power under control is quite something else, as someone who takes pride in total control of my powers, I can't stand such thing...

First thing what I did was start Channeling Crimson Gold Manuscript, to get the feel of my new power-up, in simple terms it's like exploring the new area which opened in your back garden.

It took longer than the whole power-up process, But I was able to put a leash on this excess power.

"Right time to leave this place... I am starting to feel claustrophobic in here..." the moment I spread my senses...

I felt it...



"T-This is...power of domain!?" I said with utter shock loudly enough to be heard by the Blond resident of my Pearl.

'Are you impressed by the power you have now?' Ying'er asked with bȧrėly hidden arrogance.

'Ying'er...I am feeling omnipresent in my own area around me...' When I said Ying'er gasped loudly enough for me hear as well...

'W-what? I never heard about such a thing!' She quickly said that, then she started to think.

'It's possible because of your absurd senses and control over Profound energy, I have never seen anyone before Divine realms to have such senses and Control over it! Master this is an incredible thing you achieved!!!' The Blonde 'Goddess' said with glee.

'I know...with this...Oh... let's just said a lot of people will meet their end without even know why or how...' Ying'er giggled hearing that.

' go and deal with that Tyrant beast, that Profound core is one of the things I need for my body!' I rolled my eyes, time to test my new omnipresence...

I entered the pearl and put a few formations on this little arrogant blonde girl...

More specifically on her bum...

Few Seconds later...

*Loud girly Squeaking coming from the pearl*

'M-Master! what are you doing?!? Ow, ow, ow! I don't have cultivation! It hurts!' The blonde girl had tears coming down from her perfect face.

'Darling you can't tell your master what to do, don't even try copying that naughty little fairy... do we have an understanding?' I said gently to my blonde hug pillow.

She quickly nodded, holding both of her hands on her stinging bum.

'Yes, Master! Ying'er understands!' Smiling hearing that, I turned off the formation, but didn't remove it.

'Great! then we have an understanding!' Saying that I finally left the room.

Seeing someone use formation in action like this was an eye-opener for Xia Qingyue, a question popped inside her head, why no one else in such long history used Formation to such extensive way!?

"Princess... may I ask a question?" Xia Qingyue asked the Princess who was waiting for Jian Feng to finish his cultivation.

"Yes... of course, what do you wish to know?" The Blue Moon princess attention went to Young Misstress of Frozen Cloud Immortal palace.

"...You have been trained by Jian Feng in arts of Formations... correct?" Cang Yue slowly nodded.

"Yes... I am nowhere near my beloved's level of formations understanding or it's usage... he is in the realm of his own in its usages Xia Qingyue..." To Cang Yue explanations she slowly nodded.

"I see... but why no one else reached even half what Jian Feng reached now?" The young Mistress just couldn't control herself and asked such question...

"I asked such question myself not long ago, but the answer I got is something, funny as well as understandable..." Cang Yue chuckled a little bit.

"You see, it's an art which is truly explored by humans, as it was never fully embraced by 'True Gods' millions of years ago, and if any sect did any true breakthroughs, they will get the upper hand, which will lead to jealousy and envy, which will lead to that said sect destruction, It's same with Profound Veins Xia Qingyue, we cultivating for millions of years now, and yet no one has a true understanding of Profound entrances or where they are or even situated, the same can be said with formation, we use them, yes, but it's true power? people destroy it before it's true potential can be truly reached..." Xia Qingyue nodded in understanding, she could not believe such incredible art was destroyed constantly because of people greed or envy...

But she can see such thing happening, as cultivators constantly try to get an edge on other sect's which can lead to extinction of smaller or weaker sects...

'An art which never was allowed to truly shine, until now of course...' Xia Qingyue in a way was excited now, the first time in millions of years she sees something which was never truly has been seen before! it's like she living in an era which is ending and a new era is about to begin!!!

That feeling even got more evident when she felt extremely powerful Profound energy washing up their whole temporary base!

She looked at the corridor, just like the rest of the group, moments later she could hear a noise coming from the corridor, as she heard him walking over to the main room.

When she saw him enter the living room she was instantly impressed, he just did a massive leap in cultivation but his power was like before! under complete control...

'It has to be some sort of formation in place... heavens! they are so convenient!' For Xia Qingyue learning formations just went higher in her list to learn things...

"Dear it seems it was a complete success!" Princess happily said to Jian Feng, as she 'teleported' to his locations.

"Much more than that Yue'er... observe..." The whole group eyes widened as the room changed literally! there was no hand waving, the only thing Xia Qingyue saw was, formation appearing around them!

Next thing she saw was that their makeshift like a cave turned into grasslands!

'Illusions!!! but when? how?' Xia Qingyue looked around, she was in shock and awe, same time she was terrified how realistic everything is around them is, the warmness of the sun, the gentle breeze of summer wind, she even touched the grass on the ground!

'Heavens... I would never wish to face someone like Jian Feng on the battlefield it would be complete and utter nightmare!' The Young Miss of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace took a deep breath, just in right time as Grassland surroundings vanished with glass-like breaking noise turning back into their temporary cave-like base.

"...How did you do it? when I saw you wield Formations before, you had to use at least hand movements." Xia Qingyue asked Jian Feng who walked over to her, for some reason she wanted him to get even closer to her...

"Well...I have theory at best for this my dear Qingyue..." He said that as he wrapped his hand around her waist pulling her closer to himself.

The Young Miss didn't know what to do, she started to internally to panic! How she should react in this situation!?

Next thing he did was to take a seat on one of the chairs, he moved her to sit on his ŀȧp, sideways, then he took off his clawed gauntlets, and started stroking her long hair.

Same time Xia Qingyue cheeks started to heat up, even when she is trying to use her frozen heart arts, which actually even failed to start!

She then heard a profound whisper from Jian Feng, which made her eyes widened, and her pink cheeks levelled up from what he said.

"I saw how you looked at me when I was punishing your Senior Master Chu, my dear Qingyue..." Hearing such thing Qingyue quickly looked away from his gaze, she found his robes more interesting than anything else at this moment.

"Right back to question Qingyue just asked, it seems my Domain powers are quite upgraded from regular ones, As I had very powerful senses before, with this breakthrough to Throne level it took another step forward..." He explained in simple terms what just happened, as he continued to stroke Young Mistress hair.

"So you going to face the Tyrant Profound Beast now?" The Princess walked over to him and took a seat next to him.

Qingyue could feel her gaze is digging into the back of her head.

"Yes, I am going to blow this thing with something I recently came up..." Xia Qingyue could hear sheer smugness radiating from his voice.

Now she is really interested in how he is going to destroy being who is Great Realm higher than him!

"Well, then it should be out by now no?" Princess asked.

"If my counting is right the ten-hours period should have passed a few hours ago..." Senior sister Shui answered back.

"Guess it's time then..." Jian Feng stroked her hair one more time, as he gently makes Xia Qingyue get off his ŀȧp, that moment she felt great hollow feeling emerge in her gut, He got up himself from the chair and got his gauntlet canon, and started to move towards the exit,

she looked at his moving figure, that moment she bit her lower lip.

And quickly moved to his side...

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

After leaving our temporary base I spread my senses as far as possible, this feeling is incredible...

It's like I can feel everything around me, If I can focus on the tree in the distance not far from me, I can 'touch' it, and feel the texture of tree trunk...

Trying to push this feeling further I decided to 'grab' it...

That moment the tree trunk started to crack under my pressure...

Now to put cheery on top...

Feeling my inner tiger surfacing I ignited the tree in Hell-Fire flames from distance...

"I have never seen such... unique display of power before..." Fairy Shui said, as she looked at the burning tree in distance.

"While I saw Seven Fairies, even Sect Mistress practising before, never I have seen such unique deployment of techniques before, not even once you even moved your hands!" She was awed and terrified at the same time.

"Fighting you in a tournament now would be an absolute nightmare!" She said truthfully.

"Well my strength lies somewhere else other than direct combat Fairy Shui... anyway follow me, ladies..." That moment I started channelling my Throne cultivation.

Everyone around me instinctively suċkėd cold air, and I spread out my cultivation around them.

Then I created a cocoon around them, securing the whole group, once that is done I activated technique which I wanted to use for a very long time, since the moment that fool in Sky Sword Sect mentioned about the legendary realm of Sky Profound! and it's ability to fly...

Too bad I missed that realm...

By completely surpassing it...

Activating technique which is completely engraved in Profound Veins of every man or woman...

Once they reach Sky Profound realm they can all use it...

The Profound Floating technique...

"Well ladies hang on tight for this one..." I smirked at them as we started to float.

Moments later I accelerated towards massive Profound Energy I am sensing in distance...

Less then a half-hour later I landed around five kilometres from that thing.

And guess what? We can see it from such a distance!

"Heavens... that thing is massive!" Cang Yue said, while standing next to me, she was not afraid instead she was fascinated by it...

"Yeah, and it's an actual canine... it's a good thing I erased our smell otherwise that thing would have found us through smell..." I said to ladies, which collectively gulped down.

That's right this thing is a massive around two hundred metres tall werewolf!!!

The most fascinating thing is that it's emitting ice energy something I never sense before in a Profound beast, since I never was in cold places before...

And it's similar to Faires next to me, but much more violent, and feral, the energy is very potent in this thing, it's as if it has some sort of power source...

I narrowed my eyes at this thing, You have secrets I am itching to find out...

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