Man Against Gods

Chapter 42 - The Cheat Called 'Water Seed'

Once leaving girls in a spot where they could be safe and same time they could watch the show I am about to unleash, I was ready to take this werewolf down.

But before I did anything major, I transformed into my 'Golden Asura' form, increasing my cultivation to Eight of Emperor Profound.

Then I put on several formations on myself, which camouflage me from things like profound energy, eyesight, even smelling and hearing.

I was pretty much invisible unless the thing was physically touching me.

Once that was done I rushed towards it.

As I was flying at it, the sheer size of thing started to get to me, the difference between Sky Profound and Tyrant Profound beast is enormous, the size alone is staggering!

Where Sky Profound is around between fifteen metres for a canine-like Storm Wolf, to this werewolf-like existence at Tyrant Profound, who could make Godzilla look like little shrimp...

So, how I am going to do this?

Well, there is that saying 'the bigger they are harder they fall'...

Laying down restriction formations around him, while the whole monster moves around, his movement is slow, as the thing is still looking for that Flower, only the problem is that the flower is gone and any traces of it are long gone cold, by now the beast doesn't even know what to do anymore.

And that is good for me, laying over twenty 'Enkidu' type formations around this thing should be enough, for at least a moment to slow down this thing...

Flying some distance away, making sure the thing is facing away from me...

I started deploying very simple, yet very useful formations called mirror amplifiers.

Aligning them in front of me, ten transparent mirror-like formation ready for my new ultimate attack...

This could only be possible thanks to my new upgraded cultivation...

Pointing my right-hand index finger at the mirror, using sword intent as a base, I started bonding Hell-Fire tiger flame with Silver Lightning...

Creating an Orange black ball of pure destruction, slowly it started to grown...

My obvious use of Profound energy outside my body has attracted the Tyrant Profound Beast.

I narrowed my eyes and send a signal for most of 'Enkidu' formations to activate.

Moments later Crimson formations came to life around the Beast and chain started rushing around beast limbs, constantly growing stronger by absorbing more Profound energy from the air, but even by then, the Beast was capable to move slowly but surely towards me.


The massive beast growled, it's mere growl was powerful enough to blow buildings away...

'For Dead Gods sake, that thing's growl could lever a whole city!' I said with bȧrėly hidden shock, only staying safe thanks to where the mouth was of the beast, as he standing sideways and moving towards me.

'This is nothing yet master, wait till you arrive in God Realm the beasts over there are much bigger...' I gulped down a little bit, but then quickly focused on my attack as the beast is starting to get loose.

Sensing that my attack is ready I smirked...

"Here take this... Cero Oscuras..." Black Orange beam accelerated from finger rushed into the mirror amplifier, the mirror did what the name intended, the black orange beam got stronger, then it left the mirror and rushed to next one as it was in its path, this continued for another nine-times.

Once the Black Orange beam left the last mirror it was ten times stronger and it was rushing at the Tyrant Beast who noticed the rushing attack

And is preparing his own attack charging in its enormous mouth.

"I saw this one coming..." saying that, last remaining 'Enkidu' Formations came to life and rushed to constrict the beast mouth.

Sealing it shut even for a moment it was enough.

As my Cero Oscuras rushed right into beast eye...

And leaving from the other side of the skull...

From my perspective, it looked like a tunnel was created in one massive skull.

'Master making necklace from this beast teeth will be quite difficult...' The golden Blond giggled saying that.

'No kidding those things are massive...' I said to her as the beast started to fall on it's back.

"Timber..." I said softly...

As I saw the massive body falling.

The werewolf body hit the ground and created a massive cloud of snow.

I waited a few moments for the snow to settle down.

Then I cancelled my transformation and took off all the formation on myself, then I slowly landed on the beast body.

Taking a deep breath, finally realising that the thing was dead, I was able to relax somewhat.

The first thing I did was to start exploring the surface of the beast and pinpoint where this excess energy is coming from.

Few minutes later I stopped around the stomach area.

'So he ate something...' I said to Ying'er

'It appears so... this Profound Energy is...very unique...' She said to me as she was focusing very hard on the same thing I am.

'Well, it should be... a Tyrant Profound Beast is unheard of in these parts of Profound Sky Continent...' I said to her as I started constructing my energy blade on my hand.

When it was around five metres long I stabbed into the stomach of this werewolf.

It was like a hot knife slicing through buŧŧer,

A few minutes later I started to make a 'tunnel' Into the beast insides, making sure no blood drops on me by placing formations, I really don't like nagging I get from my princess, that I sometimes look like a beggar after wiping off some bandits and forgetting to coat myself in Profound energy...

So yeah... I coated myself with Profound energy AND places formations where needed...

Eventually, I arrived at the stomach of the beast, but it was like freaking Ice cave made from pure ice...

'This is so can anyone even be alive having such stomach?' I asked Ying'er as I spread out my sense through the whole stomach now that I was inside of it...

'Holy...this is weirder... then I thought! how does this thing even digest stuff!?' I said with wide eyes, I sensed nothing in this place apart from that 'thing' emitting icy water like energy...

The whole organ was literally an icicle!

'Master... I have a feeling I know what it is...' The Blonde Goddess said seriously.

'Really? then it will safe us some time learning about it...' I said to her as I walked deeper into the stomach of the beast.

As I walked deeper the coldness got greater, not that I could feel it...but the area around us looked like something pulled out from some pure ice arctic cave with crystal-like walls...

Then in the very corner I

I walked over it and picked up...

My power instantly told me what this is...

"T-This is... Physical manifestation of Water laws???" I said with utter shock, as my hand was shaking like crazy holding the blue coloured ball.

'Yes and no... I never expected for you to find such a thing in this backwater realm...master... what are you holding is water seed of Heretic God himself...' My eyes widened to massive proportions.

'This thing was made by Heretic God? Does it mean he used his knowledge of water laws and created this!?' To my question she shook her head.

'No... this is part of his legacy, you need his veins to truly use it, if legends are true about this, then once ingested by Heretic God Veins inheritor he or she will be able to learn anything related to water or ice in mere moments and he or she will completely immune to said element...' I whistled hearing that.

'Impressive...' I said to her before storing the Blue-water law thingy into the pearl before leaving its stomach, and moving back to the surface.

Next was finding the beast core which was the heart area of the beast...

But, by now ladies already arrived at my location...

Cang Yue jumped on me, and started kissing, then quickly checked if I am alright.

"That was impressive Master Jian! Simply amazing! with one single attack, you killed it!" Fairy Wu dropped her icy person for now as she was far too impressed to care about such a thing.

Fairy Shui next to her nodded in agreement, While my dear Qingyue still trying to make connection how it happened.

After getting Cang Yue off me, I focused back on getting the Profound core.

It took me around the same time as digging into the stomach.

Once I had the Core which was the size around a metre and half, I was thinking what to do with this carcass...

"Master Jian, Frozen Cloud Immortal palace would pay a fortune if you would sell this to our sect..." Fairy Shui said to me.

"Hmm, yes I could see that happening, but I am not selling certain things, Fairy Shui..." I said to her as I pulled the Beast into carcass into the pearl.

"Incredible! You even have storage ring big enough to store such a massive beast!" I shrugged my shoulders, in agreement.

As longs as they believe whatever they want to believe it's fine to me, after all, it's half true.

"What now? we still have more than a day in this realm." Cang Yue said

"Let's explore... we bȧrėly did anything of that sort in here..." I said with shrug...

'And what are your plans for the heretic god's water seed? knowing already have an idea what are you going to do with it.' Ying'er said with a knowing look.

'You know me...' I closed my eyes and allowed my sense to enter the pearl and feel the water seed, then I asked the Blond 'Goddess'.

'I have a question Ying'er... how cultivators wield laws? how they enforce their will over-land? From my own experience, I have gathered that Cultivators release their Profound energy in specific frequency... like this' I channelled Profound energy in a specific way, and silver electricity was dancing between my fingers.

'When I consumed the pills made from Profound beasts, I got a shortcut to specific profound energy patterns... well-calling them shortcuts is not good enough explanation... no it's more like those patterns became like second nature to me...' Did the same thing with flames of Hell-Fire tiger...

'But the Water seed... is something else... it's like whole Water Law is open for us to understand...

only thing we need is powerful enough senses to make heads or tails of this...' I sensed the water seed in the pearl, and started to copy what the pearl is emitting...

Then I took off my gauntlet...

And there was moisture between my fingers

I looked at my wet fingers and smirked at it.

'If we can study that thing, mastering... water laws is not a pipe dream... no... it will be possible in a mere few years this thing is the ultimate cheat for learning water laws...' Hearing me Ying'er started laughing.

'Only you master can come up with such a thing! If it was me I would have stored this thing and went to look for heretic gods veins legacy! Instead, you use it to cheat your way to learn water laws!' She shook her head from amusement.

'Not only that Ying'er... there is much more to this than that...' I smirked and didn't say anything more...

This thing is like one of those infinity stones from marvel...Now I only need to find how to make my own 'infinity gauntlet' for proper use for this seed, for now, I am going to study it...

~~~~~ A Few Days Later, Back in Heavenly Sword Villa~~~~~~

People started to appear one by one back at the entrance point as the period of exploration was over and everyone inside are started to get ejected.

A few moments later a certain pair was back, both were lacking clothing, one of them was actually nȧkėd completely, while the other one clothing is shredded as if someone was pulling them off...

That was not all as their general looks is as if they were rolling in the dirt...for days...

"THANK HEAVENS WE ARE BACK!!!" Fen Juebi shouted on top of his lungs.

His elder brother is about lunge on at him but Fen Juebi is already master at dodging him, so he did just that, and then kicked right in his balls.

"Young Master Juebi! What is the meaning of this!" Fen Moli the Grand Elder asked his Clan, Young Master.

"It's that Monster Jian Feng alongside with that traitor Fen Juechen! they did something to elder brother Juecheng!" Fen Juebi quickly explained to Grand Elder while quickly dodging Fen Juecheng... again...

Fen Moli narrowed his eyes hearing that...He was pissed... Very pissed off.

"Grand Elder quickly you must knock him out! maybe it will help!" Fen Juebi quickly got an idea, which Grand Elder quickly granted as Fen Juecheng every second acting like this brings shame to their great Clan!

Fen Moli neck chopped Fen Juecheng out and pulled out some spares robes, then order for another elder to take him away...

Once that was done he waited for Jian Feng to appear...

No one will save him from his wrath...

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