Man Against Gods

Chapter 44 - Plotting...

I slowly was walking towards Ling Kun the 'Great' Elder of Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Upon activation of my 'sleeping' formation, the whole Heavenly Sword Villa was under my thumb, of course, no one needs to know what I am going to do to this man...

So Xiao Sect, the Heavenly Burning Clan, Ling Yuefeng with his little group, and rest of unimportant people got to 'see' a show in their own little illusion worlds...

Only now did Ling Kun realised that he is alone, the other Ling family members won't going to do anything as they just standing there spacing out.

And of course my own group as well as Frozen Cloud Fairies looking at this with interest.

"Stay away! Do you know who I am? Do you know what will happen to the Blue Wind Empire if anything happens to me!?!" The elder man said with a fearful voice as he was taking steps backs.

"So much for the 'Great' elder..." I chuckled and appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the neck.

"Say 'ah' I made this pill taste like strawberries just for you..." He tried to say something to me but only grunt came out from his mouth, probably because I was holding him by the neck...

Forcing him to swallow the red pill, specially made for this stinky elder, as Cang Yue calls him.

Once sensing the pill-taking its effect I did release him, he dropped on the ground on his ȧss.

"What did you feed him, Master Jian?" Hearing that I turned around I and saw all the people who are not under formation control looking at me.

"Just watch and listen..." I smiled at them, which didn't ease them as my 'smile' was a different kind of...

"Ling Kun, who is your master?" I asked the man who dusted himself of as he got from the ground, hearing my question he snorted.

"What a weird question, it's obviously Jian Feng! The greatest cultivator and swordsman in Profound Sky Continent!" I chuckled hearing that, then looked at the people behind me.

"See? that the pill which taste like strawberries" Cang Yue only shook her head from amusement, and Qin Wushang didn't know what to say he was terrified and same time relieved, my minion only said the same thing he always says... that only 'His' master can do that...

While the Fairies were a mixed bag, Chu Yuechan obviously fascinated how quickly Great elder changed like this, Chu Yueli was terrified what she heard before same with my dear Qingyue, they were taken aback, that this elder wants something from my Qingyue.

"Master Jian, can you ask why he is interested in my disciple?" Chu Yueli asked, almost pleading.

"You heard the lady, Ling Kun, speak up!" hearing my voice the elder straitened his back, his hands were behind his back.

"Of course master!" The elder started speaking happily "When the preliminaries started I noticed the girl's unique Profound Energy signature, after doing some researching I founded that her profound energy signature comes from her unique body constitution also know as 'Nine Profound Exquisite Body'! such thing has not appeared in this continent for tens of thousands of years! Such information have fetched me a thousand and five hundred grams of purple-veined crystals!" The elder said proudly with puffed out ċhėst, Chu Yueli and Qingyue paled hearing that, I walked over to my girl, and pulled her into a protective hug, she quickly melted there, Yueli looked at this with a weird expression, it was a mixture of several emotions, she quickly hit it through.

"To who did you sold this information?" I asked with bȧrėly hidden anger.

"To young master of Sun Moon Divine Hall" Ling Kun again proudly said that, Both Chu Sisters gasped, slowly their faces morphed into a real panic.

Qingyue turned stiff, I lifted her chin with my hand, she gazed at me, there was fear in her eyes.

"Don't worry dear, you are mine and no pathetic young master will take you away from me, do you understand?" I gently said to her, she slowly nodded.

"...I understand..." Hearing that I kissed her forehead.

"Wonderful..." I turned back to Ling Kun, still holding Qingyue in a hug.

"Does this...young master knows the location or name of my Qingyue?" Ling Kun shook his head.

"No master, He has to give half of the crystals first, only then I would tell everything." He said truthfully.

"Great, then do that, once you have crystals give them to my Qingyue, all of them..." The Grant Elder nodded seriously, it's like it's his greatest mission right now.

But Chu Yueli quickly rushed to my side and grabbed my hand.

"What are you thinking! are you mad!?" she shouted with a terrified face.

"Why do you think I am mad? Yueli dear..." I patted her head, with one of my hands while the other one was still around Qingyue" They coming to US, not we going to them..." She was trying to fight off her own blush, as my action was intimate for her.

"But! it's one of the Sacred Grounds! they have hundreds of Sovereigns! and thousands of Tyrants!" She said while biting her lower lip.

"The number and cultivation is irrelevant once I lay down Formation Fortress for your Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, Not only that, once they come to us, we will capture them and force their Young Master to come to us, once he is here, he will feel despair..." Chu Yueli shutter seeing my expression" no one touches what is mine..." Once I said my hand, left Yueli head and returned to hug my little mistress.

A few moments later my gaze returned back to the green elder minion.

"Now that little problem is solved, let me tell you what is your real mission." Ling Kun instantly nodded like real minion.

"Whatever you wish Master!" I smirked hearing that.

"You will return to your Sword Region and tell them that the sealing has failed and you had quickly to escape, and have guessed that the 'Demon' is hiding in Blue Wind Imperial Capital..." I said that to Ling Kun but my gaze was on the 'Demon' who was looking at everything with interest.

"This old man understands... it shall be done..." I nodded at him.

"Good, now go, make sure the story is believable" I waved him away like some dirt, returning him the ability to use his cultivation he nodded and disappeared then, flying at top speed back to the Sword region.

"You planning to use Formation Fortress in the capital?" Cang Yue asked me as she was watching the whole thing with interest.

"Correct Yue'er, it's time for me to get high-end minions..." She chuckled hearing that.

"If anyone else said that to me...I would call them mad-man..." I chuckled myself hearing that.

"Indeed... and do you think they would expect an ambush that they can't even comprehend?" I said to her, as I waived my hand, the glazed people started to leave the premises.

The 'Demon' looked with shock as he saw how everyone...just left...

Releasing Qingyue from the hug, I walked to the chained 'Demon'.

"Tell me...' Demon', how will your...Demon leader pay me if I give a...head of the Sword Master of the Sword Region?" To my question, the 'Demon' laughed heartily.

"You one scheming junior! I believe the Little Demon Empress will reward you handsomely, even more, if I am to return to the Illusion Demon Realm myself!" I smirked hearing that.

"What's your true cultivation, old man?" To my question, he laughed.

"The name is Yun Canghai! The Lord Demon King! and Leader of Twelve Guardian Families of Illusory Demon Realm!" The man said everything with a proud voice, trying to impress me...

"That's...lots of titles old man, I will call you either Old Yun or Old man..." I said lazily at him, the old man's bravado and proud look instantly evaporated...

"It's Eight of Sovereign Profound..." He said with deflated voice.

"Impressive...anyway my name is Jian Feng and I am your new employer until we get means to travel to Illusory Demon Realm..." The old man eyes widened hearing me.

"Junior...Why would I follow you?" I laughed hearing that.

"Old man there are two options for you right now..." The old man actually suċkėd cold air hearing my voice.

"One... I rewrite you the same way I did to Ling Kun, or two you become my bodyguard, I help you reach Peak Sovereign, and if I am satisfied with your performance I help you reach Divine Origin realm..." This time old man Yun eyes nearly popped.

"You know about...higher realms..." The Old man said softly with disbelieve.

"Oh... I know them quite well, all known Seven realms above Sovereign Profound..." I mysteriously smiled at him.

"Very well then Junior Jian... I shall be your bodyguard until we travel to Illusory Demon Realm..." The old man sighed between words.

I clapped hands happily hearing that.

The deal was successful!

Next, what I did was dismantle this crude formation.

Moments later the chains holding old man Yun dropped on the ground and the Demon King's cultivation started to return slowly.

"Eat these, they will restore your strength much quicker..." He inspected then for a second, then looked at me.

I sighed seeing that.

"If I wished to do something to you old man, you would be behaving like chicken right now..." the old man gulped down hearing that, he obviously believed that after the display I just did.

"Junior...I am actually questioning myself right now if I am the Demon or you are one..." The old man said that seriously.

I chuckled hearing that the man took a step back from instinct...

"There times for being Demon...same time there a times where one is has to be a Saint... When Ling Kun pulled you out from that hole I was merely observing..." I walked back to Qingyue, the whole group silently observed our conversation, I hugged her again, the girl was actually this time bashful, I guess she was finally over the fact that one of Sacred Grounds are after her.

I hugged her tightly and looked back at the 'Demon' " Then you decided to kill my Qingyue, obviously it would fail, since Fairy Yueli and Yuechan were next to her, but still you tried and it was enough for me to end this little charade..." The old man chuckled hearing that and swallowed the pills I gave him.

"It was the time when you decided to take 'off' your gloves and get serious..." The old man Yun shook his head " if only Illusory Demon realm had someone talented like you back In the old days the Demon Emperor would be alive..." The Old man said with a depressed voice.

"Oi! old man will have your chance to mop around, when we are back in the capital!" The Old Man sighed and said something about 'Youngsters not showing respect to their elders'...

I only rolled my eyes at him...


After the incident at the Sealing, I manipulated the Formation for people to see that formation was successful, this, of course, will create confusion, and I like confusion... it can be used to our advantage.

Another thing is that I collect my victories the Sky Profound dragon scale armour and some herb and pill, I simply dropped this stuff into Cang Yue storage ring.

Once that was done we left towards Blue Wind Imperial Capital, it took me less than two hours.

But before that, we had to separate with Fairies of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace...

So just above The Capital, we had temporary goodbye...

"Well, Ladies I shall see you in a few days..." I said to Chu Yuechan group.

My lovely wife-to-be bit her lower lip as she was having an internal battle for a moment, then she sighed and removed her veil, and floated towards me.

"Remember...Jian Feng to come see me as soon as possible..." She said that as she leaned forwards and kissed my lips.

"This is for you to remember me by, and come to see me as soon as possible..." She said that with blushed cheeks.

Very next moment she quickly left with her sister and the Fairies, I saw Qingyue jealous look, she was giving.

She obviously couldn't do anything as Chu Yuechan and Yueli were the ones holding them in the air...

"So, Junior Demon, how many wives you have?" My eyebrow twitched hearing that...

It seems this 'Demon King' won't be dropping that title anytime soon...

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