Man Against Gods

Chapter 45 - The Lovestruck Fairies

~~~~~~With Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace~~~~~~

Palace Mistress Gong Yuxian alongside a small group of Fairies were waiting for returnees from the ranking tournament.

She internally was disappointed their Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace dropped to overall third Spot in 'Four Major Sect' ranking, but same time she can understand why...

'Peak of Earth the age of sixteen...Such a thing is unheard of...' That was not all, her younger 'daughter' explained in more detail over the jade communicator, what kind of monstrous existence Jian Feng is...

But what made her want to pull out all her hair was her successor actions!

She literally sold herself out!!!

Gong Yuxian overestimated her successor ambition, and now Jian Feng has his claws in her...

If it was a normal situation she would simply force him to give up on her, talented or not, She was a Throne, but now he is a Throne himself...

And if what Yueli said about his powers over Formations, her cultivation matters little...

And now she has to make...sacrifices...two of her fairies, which one of them is considerate her own 'daughter' will actually have a relationship with a man.

The worst of all Grand Mistress happily agreed, with few requirements...

For moment Gong Yuxian though that Grand Mistress is getting delirious from cultivating that long without breaks...

Forgetting that for a moment she saw two of her 'daughters' arriving with palace disciples.

She took a deep breath, thank heavens nothing happened to them...

"Mistress we are back..." Gong Yuxian nodded at Yueli, she instantly noticed...her youngest 'daughter' was different as well...

She is showing signs the same ones as Yuechan did.

The Palace Mistress looked at the disciples quickly as well... that moment she really wanted to find a wall and hit her head.

That man literally stole every single disciples heart which participated in this ranking tournament!

She took a deep breath and calmed herself.

"Indeed...Li'er, Chan'er, come in, we have things to discuss..." both Chu sisters nodded and followed inside.

Gong Yuxian looked at her successor as well, she saw, that this girl is beyond saving, when no one is looking at her she would space out, or blush, or even fiddle with her robes, trying to look prettier, even if that man is coming here only in few days maybe a week...

Arriving at main palace Gong Yuxian looked at two disciples Fairy Shui and Fairy Wu.

"Wushuang, Xuexin you may go and rest.." Both girls nodded and with 'yes mistress' they left towards their residence.

"You three follow me..." All three girl internally gulped down an embarrassing conversation is about to happen...

"Chan'er tell me everything what happened in the tournament..." Gong Yuxian asked her elder 'daughter' with the voice of a matriarch of a Sect.

"Yes, Mistress..." Chu Yuechan started telling everything...

The Frozen Beauty stopped at the part where they discovered Xia Qingyue upgraded Profound Veins...

"Qingyue...tell me why did you do that..." Gong Yuxian asked with a defeated voice.

Xia Qingyue who was in her own little world snapped out and came back to reality.

"...Mistress I apologise...but I can't live my life as a simple Throne or Overlord... I wish to reach realms above Monarch, and through my life, I only met such a person only once, who knows means to do that..." Gong Yuxian sighed she already can see the picture...

"Very well, I can see there is no changing your mind, and I am pleased to announce that Grand Mistress agreed to these things, if Jian Feng is to arrive at meet her in person..." Xia Qingyue eyes widened in disbelieve.

Grand Mistress agreed to her selfish actions!?

"Chan'er please continue..." Chu Yuechan nodded and continued her, story.

Gong Yuxian wanted to groan hearing how much Chu Yuechan explained Jian Feng battles in much greater detail than any other participant, even their own disciples were told in a neutral and quick way, while her eldest 'daughter's' husband-to-be was a complete 180-degree change, much longer and in more detail, even conversations Jian Feng had with Ling Yun, Chu Yuechan recited everything...

For first time Gong Yuxian saw a side of her Elder 'daughter' she never knew she had!

After hearing everything Palace Mistress noticed something weird as the battle between Xia Qingyue and Jian Feng was...weird.

"Chan'er can you explain battle between Qingyue and...Jian Feng in more detail?" Chu Yuechan mouth opened then closed, no voice is coming from her mouth.

Xia Qingyue tried to do same but...

"Mistress...we can't, we signed a contract no to spread Jian Feng secrets..." Chu Yuechan said apologetically, while Gong Yuxian was shocked that such thing even exist!

"I did not Mistress, so I will tell what happened..." Yueli said truthfully, but gazes of her elder sister and her own disciple are digging into her skull.

Chu Yueli bȧrėly controlled herself not to flinch, but she took a deep breath.

"That time Qingyue used her trump card, and froze...Jian Feng " she said his name with some affection, Gong Yuxian internally ġrȯȧnėd. "...Instantly, that moment he unleashed his full cultivation of Peak Earth Profound, he shattered the ice around him... then he...transformed...his transformation is nothing like I have ever seen before! his cultivation increased by five small stages Mistress! his body became golden as if he was bathed in Sword intent, and through his veins fire itself was flowing, his hair was on fire, and Silver thunder was dancing around his body..." Palace Mistress observed her younger 'daughter' closely as she spoke, at first it was in neutral Frozen Fairy voice, but as she was telling more started slipping, blush started to appear around her cheeks.

Gong Yuxian couldn't take it anymore and she facepalmed.

Jian Feng is an opponent she has no means to fight and she already lost both her 'daughters' and her own successor to him! where is justice in this!?

Even now Xia Qingyue is spacing out! instead of listening to what they talking about! the girl is beyond saving!

Only Chu Yuechan is little better, as she is past this stage where is one is spacing out, no she is at the stage where she wants to drop everything and run to him, but her own responsibilities can't allow that...

Gong Yuxian knows once Grand Mistress gives all clear the girl will vanish faster than she can say anything to her...

"Thanks for telling me this Li'er, and what about Heavenly Basin Secret realm? Any good finds?" Both Chu sisters shook their heads, as they bȧrėly found anything.

"...Mistress...I have a full ring of herbs and some ores..." Xia Qingyue said with bȧrėly hidden blush.

"Ah yes, Mistress..." Chu Yueli was uncomfortable for a second, but she gathered her courage" Jian Feng helped our three disciples inside the Basin Realm..."

Gong Yuxian ġrȯȧnėd, this time loudly " Of course him! Why someone like him has to appear in my era!" All three Fairies looked at their Mistress with concern.

But the Palace Mistress quickly got over it.

"I will think of something to reward him for such ȧssistance...anything else?" This time Qingyue spoke after waiting for a second.

"Yes...Jian Feng took down a Tyrant beast inside the Basin realm... it's ice Profound beast, I think it would help the Immortal Palace if we buy some part from him?" Xia Qingyue finished what she was saying but she notice that Mistress is not responding...

"Qingyue... I think... we broke our Mistress..." Chu Yueli said to her disciple.

Young Mistress could only nod, and then, of course, she returned to her own little fantasy, where she does all sorts of things with her husband-to-be.

~~~~~~ Fen Juechen~~~~~~

'This Young Master is on a mission from his Master!'

Fen Juechen can finally prove to his master that he is worth all those resources he spend on him!

His mission is quite simple, But he won't fail!

He has to return to his clan and deploy several formations.

While normally formations are beyond his level, he has a guide book called 'Formation for dummies.' written by his master!

So Third Young Master Of Burning Heaven Clan was ready to bring his Clan members to see 'light' which is his master, one way or other.

"Third Young Master you finally back! I have heard that you took third place in the ranking tournament!" Fen Juechen nodded at the guard, who was guarding the main gate.

He passed the gates quick he has no time to speak how great he is, his master will always be greater.

After Fen Juechen entered into the main compound he walked over to his father place, which the main building...

After casually entering, after all, he is Third Young Master... and Future Sect Master... His Master has decided so, and so it shall be...

"Father! I am back!" Feb Juechen said to the man who was sitting in a fancy chair.

For second The Young master noticed his father cultivation which was at Nine of Sky Profound, Fen Juechen internally snared at such thing, with his master's method he will easily surpass his own father in a matter of few years, maybe even less after learning secrets of that Lotus Flower...

"Juechen, my son you finally back! I have heard many things about your exploits in Ranking tournament..." The young master nodded at his happy father, but it quickly changed as he became serious.

"I would like to know what happened to Juecheng?" Fen Juechen saw this question coming a mile away.

"He found his one true love father." Fen Juechen said with a straight face.

Fen Duanhun The Leader of Burning Heavens Clan could not believe he hears that from his own son!

"Father my brother didn't understand the meaning of quit, even when Princess was already engaged to Duke Jian Feng, my master, so... my master 'fixed' him by showing him who is his true love." Feb Juechen said with such conviction that it was extremely hard not to see his son point.

"Besides father I am already stronger than my Elder Brother..." Feb Juechen channelled his cultivation which was at First Of Earth Profound.

Feb Duanhun could bȧrėly believe what he is feeling from his son.

'Genius! My youngest son is a true Genius!' But that moment Fen Duanhun shook his head, he realised something.

'No... he is like this because he was trained by that 'monster' as Juebi calls him, my Clan has to have a neutral relationship with the royal family at least! otherwise who knows what that 'Monster' can do to us!'

"You wish to be the next Clan Leader son?" Fen Duanhun asked his son.

"Yes father, I was trained by Master Jian Feng, I know how to deploy a few Formations like Profound energy gathering formation, which will help us even gain a Tyrant Realm cultivator eventually!" Fen Duanhun eyes widened to massive proportions, greed quickly surfaced as well.

"Wonderful son! I Fen Duanhun Clan leader of Burning Heaven clan hereby declare Fen Juechen my direct successor!" Hearing that Fen Juechen did a respectful bow, No one saw a smirk on his face that moment.

"Thank you father I won't disappoint you!" Fen Juechen said with a genuine smile, after all his master said it will be so, and so it happened, he is happy because once again his master was right as he always is.

"Of course you won't! I am already proud of you! now can me tell tournament from your perspective?" The newly crowned Young Master of Burning Heaven clan nodded at his father request.

"It will be my pŀėȧsurė father."

And so Fen Juechen spend rest of day telling how he destroyed Xiao Sect participants, He was extremely happy to see that his father started to see how great is his Master!

After spending time with his father Fen Juechen started to work on his real mission, deploying formations according to his master's specifications.

Soon enough Burning Heaven Clan will see his Masters 'Light'.

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

After returning back to Capital there were massive festivities going in the city, Emperor declared that today is literally a day off for the whole Empire.

As first time for over a thousand years, Blue Wind Royal family actually won the Ranking tournament.

Emperor even ordered the construction of statues with us on them, a full-body ones!

Well I was kind of shell shocked when I heard about it, but quickly got over it.

I will probably going to have a bunch of them in future.

The next day after that, the city was still celebrating, but I was on the clock, as I started expanding Formation Fortress influence, And waiting for the Sovereigns of Mighty Heavenly Sword region arrival.

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