Man Against Gods

Chapter 46 - Trojan Horse

I was standing just outside the Blue Wind Imperial city walls, next to me is Yun Canghai, the 'Demon King' from Illusory Demon Realm.

The old man has recovered much of his strength while not 100%, He could fight anyone below Fifth of Sovereign Profound, not that he will be fighting today.

No, today we greeting our new minions, who are coming here so... willingly...

Sometimes it's so easy to manipulate people with their greed...

Old Man Yun already told me what was he doing here, and how all the sh1t happened.

Making a long story short, someone betrayed the Demon Emperor family and spread out some nonsense information that 'Samsara mirror' one of Seven Heavenly Treasures will help reach the Divine Origin realm...

Once I heard that I was laughing for the rest of the day.

Only in the Wuxia world, people believe that mirror which can reincarnate person can help achieve Next realm in cultivation.

While...probably...possibly but then again you losing your body...for next one and that is a gamble...

Such treasure is great as an insurance policy, but not helping to cultivate in current body...


Whoever was this traitor he was using Sacred Grounds like his own b1tch, and for that, I will give one of my fruit like tasting pills to him or her for amusing me.

Waiting with closet eyes I sensed at least...

Ten people of Sovereign Profound enter into the area of effect of my Formation Fortress...

They don't know yet but they already lost...

"Old man your turn..." The Demon King smirked with a feral smirk, as he looked at me.

"With pŀėȧsurė! Junior Demon!" The old man released his Cultivation base, becoming like a beacon for the Sovereign's from Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Seconds later ten old men dressed in Green robes just like Ling Kun landed in front of us.

"There you are filthy Demon! You will come with us!" The Green dressed old man said that while utterly ignored me...




I snapped my finger...

Game Over...

Cultivation was taken away...

"I have very little patience for your kind of filth, Old man, so I will tell you what will happen..." I started walking towards them, the elders faces turned pale ghostly.

"Who are you junior!? what did you do to our CULTIVATION!?" The old man shouted with spit at me.

"In very simple terms... it's a trap..." The group of Elders now turned quite scared.

"That's right! you bastards from Mighty Heavenly Sword region! how does it feel like to get your own medicine!?!" The Old Man Yun said with a feral look on his face.

I did a 'grabbing' motion with my own right hand and the ten elders were grabbed by their necks by Profound Energy...

That's right... I brought 'Force Choke' to Primal Chaos Dimension and it's here to stay...

"Now let me tell what going to happen, my dear elders... Have you ever heard a story about 'Trojan Horse'?" Seeing confusion appear in their eyes alongside already existing panic and fear.

"I see... Pity then, Let me give a very simplified version of this incredible story...

You ten will infiltrate your own Sword region and Set a very nice brainwashing formation for me..." The ten elders eyes grew big with utter disbelieve, shock, anger, and hatred loathing and so on...

"Sorry to disappoint, but there are no negotiations on this regard as you have completely ignored me at the beginning, I guess with age comes greater narrow mindedness" I waived my hand and ten red pills started to float towards ten elders.

"Don't worry it's taste like strawberries... at least the last thing your consciousness will feel are strawberries... Aren't I kind?" The Elders started to struggle against my neck hold but it was pretty much useless.

As one by one the green dressed elders we're forced to swallow the delicious tasting strawberry pills...

Sensing that rewrite was effective I released my hold on them.

And, thus I have ten elders of late Sovereign Profound, ready for real infiltrations of Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

"Well boys ready for job?" The ten elders quickly straightened their backs hearing my voice.

"Yes, Master! what do you wish of us?" one of the elders asked me.

I fished out ten thin books and handed over to them.

"Inside these books are your list of objectives, Do it and then contact me with any of these communicators..." I gave them each a flat and thin rocks with formation engraved on them.

"To use them just channel your Profound energy, and it will contact me." Ten elders nodded at the same time, as they stored all the items.

"Now go! and contact me when it's done..." The green elders nodded seriously, and I released them.

While the Demon King looked at me with some fear, and respect as well.

"Junior Demon... that the most horrifying thing I have ever seen, while I already saw you 'rewrite' that bastard Ling Kun...But this? what's the point of Cultivation when someone like you exists now?" The Demon King said with bȧrėly hidden fear.

"I can only tell you this Old Man Yun, that Cultivators bȧrėly touched what Profound energy can truly do, most people I fought and met before are brawler type of cultivators who engage in direct confrontation..." The Old Yun listened closely.

"That kind of use of Profound Energy is a...very short-sighted, Profound Energy is much more than that, If people know how to wield it, they could perform miracles..." After saying that, we returned back to the palace.

~~~~~~Few Days Later~~~~~~

The ten brainwashed Sovereign minions did their work splendidly as Formation around Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was up, and on standby.

Once we got notification that everything was ready, Demon King and I rushed to their Sacred Ground location.

Landing just outside the gates, the guards rushed to our location, they were at Sky Profound level.

"HALT! this is Sacred Ground Of Mighty Heavenly Sword Region!" One of the guards said with arrogance fitting for a Young Master.

"I know that... that's why you will let me pass..." I snapped my fingers, and magic happened, the guards expression changed, it was a complete 180-degree change from their previous.

"Of course Master Jian!" I smirked hearing that, it seems everything was done to perfection...

"They even know your name? how so Junior Demon?" Old man Yun asked me.

"It's in the formation Old man, each of them have lost their individuality and now they possess minds of a small kid who can only follow my orders," I explained casually to him as I was strolling through Sacred Grounds as if I own them, which I do by the way...

"Heavens Junior... I am going to tell Little Demon Empress not to provoke you in any possible way, the more I spend time with you the more I pity your opponents..." I chuckled hearing him as I walked inside the main compound.

Entering the main hall I found a group of elder sitting.

It seems they had a meeting discussing something...

I clapped my hands

"Hello Everyone! it's I... your Master! and I have delightful news to everyone!" I walked towards them, all late level Sovereign got on their feet respectfully waited for me to finish.

"From today forward there is only three Sacred Grounds! is it great?" I said with large shit-eating grin on my face.

"That's a wonderful master! is there something you need?" One of the late sovereigns asked me.

"Yes... I wish to speak with Sword Master Xuanyuan Wentian, make sure his neck is clean for chopping." I said to them as I took my seat in the throne-like chair of the Sword Master of Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

'You going to kill one of the strongest Cultivator of Sky Profound Continent? why not make him into one of your minions?' Ying'er asked me as there was some time to 'relax', from her voice I can hear she was enjoying this show very much.

'While having peak Sovereign is an incredibly good thing, it's only a matter of time, very short time that I have an army of them, As I am already developing much more powerful Profound energy gathering Formations as well as having few hints how to reach the next stage in profound energy, thanks to the Lotus Flower natural compression of Profound energy it's only matter of short time that I will unravel the mystery of Divine Profound energy' I said to Ying'er as I ȧssumed the same sitting position as the characters from Skyrim sitting in their thrones...

'I see and what kind of treatment will this...Sacred Ground will get?' The blonde asked with interest.

'I need resources, more high-end ones and this place is full of them...' I said to her, as I saw a plain-looking man entering the main hall.

Once this man saw me he instantly turned respectful.

"Xuanyuan Wentian answers your call master!" The Sword Master said with pure fanatical respect.

"Wonderful, first of all, I want the Samsara mirror your son snatched from Demon King's descendant" Hearing my request Wentian quickly pulled out a simple-looking silver pendant, from his personal storage ring, and handed over to me, same time 'Demon King' gasped hearing what I said, he was extremely shocked.

Once It touched my hand, my power went haywire, this thing was the same as the pearl.

I handed over the Pendant to Demon King since this thing belonged to his family for generations.

'Are you sure master? it's one of The Heavenly treasures!' I rolled my eyes hearing that, the girl is so greedy.

'Yes, I know, but there is always a chance of getting it in a different way, even if I fail there is another five somewhere in Primal Chaos...' She sighed and pouted at me.

"Now then Wentian my minion, tell me all your dirty secrets..." I smirked at him and the Sword Master told me all his little secrets.

From the fancy sword he has in his basement, to what he did to get it, the story about the Fifth Sacred Ground and it's fate, How his Son got his hands on the pendant.


By now Yun Canghai was bȧrėly controlling himself.

"Your...Son...did that to My Grandson!!!" The old man almost lunged at the kneeling Wentian.

"Stop... there is no need, Xuanyuan Wendao is yours do whatever you wish with him." The old Man Yun tsk' ed hearing that and crossed his hands, in pissed off fashion.

"Now Wentian is that all?" The kneeling man slowly nodded.

"Then Old man Yun take his head off and you can do whatever you want with his body, but the head stays with me, it's a gift to Your Little Demon Empress after all." My head turned to the side towards the 'Demon King', the pissed off aura he had vanished, and Old Man Yun vanished and milliseconds later Xuanyuan Wentian head was flying away from his body.

I snapped my finger and the head started floating towards me.

His face expression was still stuck at reverence when he died...

I stored his head inside my pearl since time doesn't flow there.

'Ew...master really?" Ying'er noticed floating head inside the pearl.

'Just store in one of the ċhėsts.' I rolled my eyes at her, isn't she supposed to be a scheming 'Goddess' who killed at least a few digits of people?

'Fine, Fine I will...' She huffed and stored Wentian head in one of the ċhėst I have in the pearl.

I looked back at Old Man Yun who dissected Wentian Body into small pieces then used his Profound Lightning to vaporize remains into ash...

Watching the old man wield lightning I was interested in that, but as It turns out the way he wields it is much cruder than my own.

After all my body channels lightning naturally.

After releasing his pent up frustration Yun Canghai walked over to my side.

"Well, I got I all the info I need from Wentian, You all..." I got attention of patiently waiting Elders.

"Gather all, your resources, Profound arts, Profound coins... everything in value, and then bring it to me." The elders quickly nodded and disappeared with their Sovereign speed.

"So, Junior Devil you just going to take all the Sovereigns and their resources?" The Old man regained some of his old character after killing Wentian.

"Not quite, I am ending Mighty Heavenly Sword Region today, all 'tainted' people shall die today, while people who did nothing wrong shall continue living..." The 'Demon King' nodded in agreement.

I waited for a few hours as everything of value was brought before me, it was a mountain of Storage rings, I smirked seeing that and with a hand motion, they all entered into my pearl, while same time Yun Canghai killed of Wentian son Wendao, and returned next to me.

"Observe Old Yun, this is how you clean a Sect..." I closed my eyes and focused on the formation, It's a delicate move, so I will need my hand signs for this...

With few hand motions, everyone below Sovereign, who had tainted Profound energy, died instantly, and their bodies turned into mists of blood and Profound energy which rushed into specifically designated areas...

Thus over hundred forbidden pills were created.

"Old Yun, Simply killing them is extremely wasteful, so why we just don't make cultivation pills out of them?" I said to the Old man, who turned pale like a zombie, seeing what just happened. as at least half of people in the Great Hall...just... stopped existing.

"Definitely...telling Little Demon Empress not to provoke you Junior Demon..." I chuckled hearing him mumbling the same thing over and over.

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