Man Against Gods

Chapter 47 - Aftermath and Tyrant Realm

After 'cleansing' one of the greatest taint's of Sky Profound Continent, I returned back to Blue Wind Imperial Palace and decided to relax for a few days, by checking out my loot.

I got...lots...lots of swords, pills, herbs... oh did I mentioned swords?

These people were obsessed with swords and Profound energy in the Ex-Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Tha's why nearly half of Storage Rings were nothing but swords, ranging from Earth Profound to Tyrant Profound.

With this, I will be able to reforge my blades to Tyrant Realm.

Next the most obvious was that I brought discreetly over a hundred Sovereign minions back to Blue Wind Capital.

The Emperor's expression was one crazy almost shit-eating grin, as I lent him two of them for security and intimidations purposes.

The man instantly started 'Cleaning' house outside the Empire's capital, and taking control over the disloyal Sect, wiping off corrupted ones. and so forth.

In the meantime, I started purifying 'Thousand Blood' Pills in my workshop.

And So several days passed since Sky Profound Continent mysteriously lost one of The Sacred Grounds.

People, of course, talked about this, but it was extremely confusing for normal cultivators, as nothing made sense, why over Hundred Sovereigns just left somewhere?, why more than 70% other members just vanished? Why no ones remember what's happened that day!?

This kind of thing is what I like, Chaos... utter Chaos, and no one will notice how slowly the whole continent is falling into the hands of one man...

The same man who lazing around with his princess in bed.

"Want to come with me to see Yuechan and Qingyue?" I asked Yue'er, while I stroked her long hair.

She hummed to my question.

"Why not? it's not like we have anything else to do right? Royal father is rampaging through Blue Wind now with his two Sovereign minions, Solidifying his power, and only then we can start planning our marriage since he wants it to be perfect..." Cang Yue said while shaking her head in amusement.

I chuckled back at her, and we slowly got out from our bed.

"Well dear, why don't you breakthrough into Sky Profound first and then we can fly there on our own strength?" To my question, she nodded with a smile, And I handed over to her one pink pill.

Then she left the room, while I walked towards the Workshop, unlocking it with a unique formation lock, I went to the middle of the room where a Formation gently was humming with power.

Inside of it, there is a small mountain of pure dark crimson blood like pills, next to that there much smaller one with light pink pills.

That's right, this is the 'Thousand Blood' Pills purification formation, something I invented over two years ago.

I motioned for one pink pill to float to my hand, I inspected it for a moment, then I took my seat in Lotus Position, and swallowed it.

Slowly the pill landed in my stomach and exploded with pure...refined...power.

Entering into My Profound Veins, this energy started to improve my Cultivation...

Fifth of Emperor Profound

Seven of Emperor Profound

Nine of Emperor Profound

I slowly opened my eyes, Sensing much more power humming under my control, and ready to be unleashed.

That moment I could feel hands slowly wrapping me from behind, they are jade-like and extremely soft.

Moments later strands of gold hair entered my vision.

Angelic voice purred into my ear.

"Master... you almost there... are you ready to be one of the youngest Overlords in Sky Profound Continent?" The blond 'Goddess' said to me, with excitement.

I nodded to her as another pink pill floated to my hand.

"Yes dear, these pills are made from Tyrants and below, so they are only useful to those levels, I would probably need over ten of these just to reach Monarch realm..." I said to her as I inspected the pink pill.

She hummed in understanding, seeing what I am about to do, she released me from her hug.

I swallowed another Pink Pill

Profound Energy inside my Veins compressed, and Profound Veins reacted, expanding to accommodate more power.

Signifying my Breakthrough to the next Great Realm of Tyrant Profound also known as Overlord.

This Realm Is called like this because how much Profound energy Tyrannical becomes, Where Sovereign realm is where a cultivator's Profound energy has 'Aura' of a 'Monarch', becoming ruler's of Mortals.

I sighted seeing results, I just use the whole Pill for one realm...

The gap between Throne and Tyrant is something else... in sheer power wise...

But now with me being in this realm?

I wonder how powerful I am now?

"Master~~~" Ying'er walked around and got on my ŀȧp.

"It's so nice that you getting closer and closer to Divine realm~~~" Ying'er purred out her words.

"Unlike other cultivators, Ying'er my cultivation is like a snowball effect... it's gets faster and faster if I really want to." I stroked her long blond hair.

"I already have an idea how I am going to enter Sovereign profound, But before that, I want to improve my body to the next level..." I said to her as I showed her my notebook.

"This is something I came up when I was checking the loot I got from Sword region." I showed her a formation, one of the most complex I did so far.

"In one of the books I got from Wentian private library, its explanations about traits Profound beast have, especially the dragon ones, it got me excited" Ying'er listened to what I say but same time she was checking the formation I got drawn on the notebook.

"And which trait really got you so excited that you literally created this? even the Brahma realm divine legacy formation is less complicated than this!" the blond 'goddess' looked at me with a raised eyebrow, she really looks ultra-cute right now.

"I call it 'Rampaging Dragon Constitution' By drawing this Formation with dragon blood bathed in Profound energy, I can add Profound Dragon's traits, the most important trait, which is dragon body gets stronger much faster if he battles more, while it doesn't effect's cultivation much, it improves body naturally without any cultivation method or Profound energy..." It's like 'zenkai' boost, but without it's most broken trait the instantaneous power-up after healing, this is more like a gradual thing... but in long term? I could probably kill cultivators with my pinky...

"I...see this is something else, no matter which star realm in God realms, dragons are always revered for their physical body capacities." I nodded at her.

"Yes... and the same time this will shrink the gap between people with God legacies and me in the physical sense," I said that to her as I got up, with her still in my hands, She slowly realised that our time is up for today, Ying'er pouted for a second as she turned into golden particles and vanished into the pearl, next moment one of my Sovereign minions entered the workshop.

"Master Jian, Princess Cang Yue is ready to leave." He said respectfully, I nodded at him.

"Very well let's go then..." The Sovereign minion nodded to me with fanatical look.

~~~~~~Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace~~~~~~

Gong Yuxian was sitting in her icy Throne deep in thought, this whole week was nerve wreaking for her, She personally saw how each and every single disciple was waiting for a visit from that... man...

How did this started?


She underestimated curiosity of her Palace disciples, It started when Shui Wushuang and Wu Xuexin started telling tales from Ranking tournament, their own battles, and eventually, they slipped up and started telling thing about a and his 'over the top' abilities...

This of course perked up interest for rest of girls...

That multiplied when the rest learned that it's the same man who is responsible for Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue increase in cultivation speed.

A powerful man who was able to win the heart of Frozen beauty? mysterious abilities? high cultivation?

Those things add up and like snowball effect, it grows and grows...

Gong Yuxian couldn't take it anymore and she simply... gave up, what can she do?

As she was resting in her icy Throne with closest eyes, and channelling her 'frozen heart' arts, she sensed it...

Massive amount of Profound Energy like a tidal wave approaching just above their Frozen Palace.

The Palace Mistress opened her eyes with shock and horror.

Five Monarch's! One Overlord and one Sky Profound!

'Heavens what is happening!?' Gong Yuxian dashed outside and saw seven figures descending from heaven, her eyes bulged out as recognised the figure in front of this group, how couldn't she? how many Cultivators have short hair with strands of pure silver and has shades of crimson? and most of the disciples talk about him for over a week now!

'Heavens when did he reached the revered realm of Overlord!?'

For a second she even forgot that there are five Monarch's with him!

The Frozen Palace Mistress gulped down as they landed in front of her bȧrėly few metres away.

"Ah, you must be Palace Mistress Gong Yuxian...correct?" His voice snapped her out from her reverie.

"Yes... I am..." She slowly got herself together, as Jian Feng and his group is not channelling their Profound energy, the passive effect is still there! there is a reason why the realm is called Tyrant, after all, she can bȧrėly control herself not to kneel in front of him!

"Duke Jian Feng... I...was not expecting you to be in Tyrant Profound!" Gong Yuxian said with bȧrėly hidden shock and awe, it's really hard to keep Poker face in front of him.

"Well, yes... I decided to reach it today, while my Princess reached Sky Profound herself!" He motioned to the Princess next to him, Gong Yuxian realised that it is Princess herself here as well, and she is A Sky Profound!!!

How they cultivating so fast!? That singular question constantly popping in her head!

"Anyway I have arrived here for a few reasons Palace Mistress..." He smoothly said to her.

"Yes! of course! Chan'er and Qingyue are waiting for your arrival! But maybe first we should meet the Grand Mistress!?" To her question, Jian Feng nodded.

"Well then let me show you where the guest hall is!" Gong Yuxian quickly started to guide these guests to the guest hall.

The Palace Mistress internally was panicking, as the original plan was to lead Jian Feng where Grand Mistress was cultivating so that she could test him!

But that plan flew right through the windows when she learned that he breakthrough to the realm of Thrones!

But now? She needs to invite the Grand Mistress herself to Guest Palace otherwise who knows what this powerhouse would do 'accidentally'!

As she was leading the guests she quickly noticed one of Seven Fairies rushing to her side, she quickly send a Profound whisper to her to call the Grand Mistress as well as Yuechan and Qingyue!

A few moments later, they were inside guest Hall, a small palace-like building which was built to show off Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace beauty.

"Very beautiful Palace Mistress, such intricate use of Ice Profound energy..." He said to her as he was exploring the Hall, same with Princess as she was looking at everything with wide eyes.

Only the Monarch's were standing like statues some distance away, Gong Yuxian doesn't have actually courage to ask why these men dressed in red robes with black and gold patterns even following this monstrous existence called Jian Feng.

"Yes, we rarely use this palace, but I always have few fairies stationed here to keep this place in pristine condition." The Palace mistress explained to Jian Feng and the Blue Wind Princess.

"I see, truly beautiful..." As Jian Feng was talking, Gong Yuxian sensed her Master arrival... she took a deep breath in relieve.

"Duke Jian Feng...its an honour..." He looked at the source of the new voice.

"The Honour is mine Grand Mistress, I have answered your wished to speak with me?" Jian Feng said that as he was approaching the Grand Mistress.

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