Man Against Gods

Chapter 71 - The End of Tournament and Nations

After Wushuang beat the Sunflower Dew Nation, another three matches passed...

And our Blue Wind nation got called again... this time, against Grand Asura.

But this time boys were ready and Ling Yun went up, he crossed his arms and waited for Grand Asura Nation.

"Match begin!"

Ling Yun didn't moved instead he waited for Grand Asura combatants...

"I will simply wait while you ten organise a proper battle formation..." Ling Yun said with ȧssurance that Grand Asura has a battle Formation, something I tough all of them, meaning that if we would be to encounter stronger team then us... (this was my thought at the begging of our training), then we would deploy into a specific position and unleash a team combo attack...

Something which Ling Yun hopes this team actually has...

"Umm..." Ling Yun looked at them with raised eyebrows...

"We don't have such formations... it's usually done with several hundred men no?" Ling Yun wanted to facepalm hearing that...

'They are so behind in formations!? or we are that advance? Or is it my masters insanity affecting me?' Ling Yun doesn't know anymore...

"I see... it seems I was expecting something too much..." Ling Yun said with disappointment as he used his hand like a sword and then just blew the whole team from the arena...

Winning the match.

"This match goes to Blue Wind!" Feng Feiyan said with loudly, there was pity in his eyes for the opposing team...

Next was Blue Wind versus Divine Incense Nation... Wu Xuexin didn't had the chance to fight as they gave up...

After that one was Blue Wind Versus Black Fiend Nation... Once again Xiao Kuanglei didn't had a chance to fight...

I realised that I won't going to have any more fun from this unless of Divine Phoenix Empire will offer something...

Eventually it was Blue Wind with every single win, and thus we have no chance to fight against the 'Strongest nation...'

"Well, it was interesting... since my team won and Ling Jie didn't had the chance to fight he should face Divine Phoenix Empire now?" I said that loudly enough for everyone to hear...

The Elders from Divine Phoenix sect all gulped down they all are sweating bullets, even the Phoenix Emperor is having a hard time keeping his Throne in one piece...

"We approve..." The Emperor eventually spoke...

The Divine Phoenix team gulped down and eventually went up the arena...

Ling Jie quickly with Sky Shaper appeared in the arena... his shown of speed deeply worried the Divine Phoenix Team.

"Finally some action! I can't believe I lost every single rock, paper, scissors match! but in the end, I won the best hahaha!" Ling Jie said happily he smirked at his brother, Ling Yun only waived his hand in a casual manner, implying it's no big deal.

He pulled out his sword, it was forged by me obviously, every piece of that masterpiece is bathed in Primordial energy, and refine with purest of Fire laws...

"What's that Sword! Such Power!!!" Phoenix Emperor alongside other elders got from their chairs and stared at the sword which is emitting an insane amount of aura, as it's almost warping the space around the blade.

"Are you that surprised? it's just a sword forged with Sword intent in mind, one of many swords forged by me with no element in mind..." I said with an utterly indifferent voice, I simply can't see a reason to be shocked, just like any art I continue to improve myself, and Ling Jie sword is nothing more than another stepping stone... towards next stage of Blacksmithing...

By now everyone is staring at me with real fear, it seems the started to put several things together, like that I am more than just 'Peak Sovereign existence' and Phoenix Emperor is somewhat pale now, I guess he realised that his 'perfect plan' is not so perfect after all...

"Ling Jie, you can Sky Sword style if you wish... it's finals after all..." Ling Jie eyes almost glowed hearing that while the opposing Phoenix Team Realised that I 'allowed' something to be used...

It means it's something special or something destructive which can mean...

They are very much f*cked up...

"Thanks, Boss!" Ling Jie quickly ȧssumed the Sky Sword stance.

Everyone saw that there was something akin to space like ripple when the blade moved.

Phoenix team are quite scared, but they will listen to orders of their Sect Master and Emperor.


Ling Jie dashed into the team from Divine Phoenix Sect.

He then used Fourth Sky: Breaking Void...half of the team was simply blown away...

When Ling Jie saw what happened he stopped in his tracks...

"Um... guys are you even trying!?" Ling Jie question got the team tongue-tied...

"I am using Strength of early Throne in this battle..." When he said that, he made remaining Phoenix team blush from shame...

They quickly started to dash at him as they started to use...I believe arts from the Divine Phoenix Spirit.

The funny thing was Ling Jie ignored the flames completely...

Which only made the last remaining members shocked, and of course afraid...

"Impossible! How can Phoenix Flames don't affect him!" By this Point Phoenix Emperor was at the edge of losing 'it'...

"Those are not Phoenix flames..." I said with an eye roll.

"Phoenix flames would be if you to have pure Phoenix Blood and understanding of Fire Laws...

I can easily copy it like this..." I lifted my hand and create the Phoenix flame in my palm.

Feng Xue'er looked with fascination.

"Incredible! Big Brother Feng! such pure Phoenix Flame!" My actions got everyone even more shocked, by this point Pheonix Emperor at the point of mental breakdown.

"And this is flames of another divine Beast... the Golden Crow..." then I turned Pheonix flames into Crow Flames...

By this point, Feng Xue'er left her Throne and walked towards me.

And Divine Phoenix Emperor and rest of Princes and Elder don't know what to do...

How can they stop her? Princess Feng Xue'er never behaved like that! Crown Prince Feng Ximing wanted to bang his head into a wall from Frustration!

And now I am showing her perfect recreation of Phoenix flame, real Phoenix, not some diluted BS, they are so proud of, as my power source is Primordial Energy, this flame can be considered even greater version of it...

"How do you do that Big Brother Feng?!" Feng Xue'er asked me with almost borderline Puppy eyes technique.

'Is she subconsciously using that thing!?!' For a second I was terrified, what she can do with that.

"Fire laws, I study them a lot, since it's the most obvious thing to do once you have a bloodline which is related to fire," I said that to Feng Xue'er the rest Divine Phoenix Sect felt like it was a slap to their dignity.

Which I am Implying that they don't even properly study their 'Phoenix Flame'

Which is, of course, the truth, they have it for over a thousand year and they only created a single technique which I saw being used on Ling Jie by one of their Prince, which didn't last long, as Ling Jie send the prince flying from the Arena with minimal damage...

"Well it's over Princess... you should return to your Throne..." I said that to her, Feng Xue'er felt like pouting, but she complied with me.

The Divine Phoenix sect, released a relieved sigh seeing that Feng Xue'er was back to their side.

By the point I looked at the arena and only Ling Jie was there with a disappointed look.

By this point Divine Phoenix Emperor wants to run and hide his embarrassment, his massive empire got owned by the smallest empire of this continent, which can be considered 'a backwater Nation'

"You look dissatisfied Ling Jie." By this point, I got up from my chair, my action got everyone attention.

"Boss, I think we trained too much..." Ling Jie said that after sheeting his sword and storing it inside his storage ring.

"It appears so Ling Jie... we tried too hard..." By this point, the Divine Phoenix Empire elders blushing from shame, they only wish to end this and return to their home and forget about this day ever happen.

As if it's going to end like this.

The Great Elder composed himself and cleared his voice.

"With this I declare...Blue Wind winner of this ranking tournament." Feng Feiyan said with red ears.

Whole stadium was very quiet and only after a few minutes they started clapping...

But that moment Tyrant Profound energy exploded...

And very pissed Ye Xinghan floated down.

"Who dares to hurt this young Master!!!" The Divine Hall Young Master appeared with his two sŀuts.

I looked at him, with a massive smirk...

'So....perfect... just on time... Time to unleash my plan...'

That moment I released my cultivation... my real cultivation...

Fifth of Divine Origin...

That moment the whole city started to shake...

"I did..." I started to float...

By this point no one can comprehend what's going on as they can sense my power yet they can't tell what realm I am...

Feng Xue'er got up from her Throne, her eyes are wide.

"R-Royal Father Big Brother Feng is Profound God!!!" Phoenix Emperor eyes widened to massive proportions.

"Ye Xinghan... I have decided... Your Sun Moon Divine Hall shall end same way Mighty Heavenly Sword Region has ended..." My words terrified everyone as people finally learned what happened to one of the Sacred Grounds.

"After witnessing 'might' of my home continent, I am severely disappointed by the incompetence and how wasteful you all are with your resources..." I released my cultivation pressure, which was my signal...

This Point everyone sensed hundreds of Peak Sovereign popping all over the city...

Moments later extremely loud roars of Profound beasts spread out through the whole city...

I looked at the Phoenix Emperor who realised what is happening but at this point, he can't even lift his head...

"Big Brother Feng what's going on what are you doing?" I looked at Feng Xue'er who started panicking

"Princess...I am taking over the Profound Sky Continent...I can't allow people like your Royal Father to continue rule this land as he is incompetent...observe..." I threw a small round and thin stone in the middle of the arena.

Moments later Profound Formation came to life and it showed a conversation between Feng Hengkong and Feng Xichen...

[Royal Father you sending me to that countryside nation?] Thirteen Prince asked his Royal father, bȧrėly hiding his distaste.

[We want you to check extreme east of Blue Wind there should be a Vein of Purple veined divine Crystals, once you confirm that, we shall declare war on Blue Wind nation as a smokescreen to get those crystals...we going to make sure it's believable... with many casualties as possible on their side] Feng Hengkong turned white seeing that... Feng Xue'er was in shock her hand was on her mouth, she couldn't believe that as well.

"That's why you are incompetent to rule Feng Hengkong, you have disappointed that noble blood you have in your veins, I know that Phoenix would be casually you can order borderline genocide...that why I going to punish you in her stead..." With a wave of the hand, a formation slammed into him.

Next moment a red flame appeared on his forehead.

"W-what did you did to us!?!" The Phoenix Emperor said with disbelieve, as noticed his cultivation leaving him.

"The curse of Phoenix, you are unfit to have Phoenix blood..." I said with smirk.

"Impossible, Imposible! who are you!? how can you have such powers!!!" The Emperor finally lost it while the Rest of Divine Phoenix Sect elder and princes looking at this with utter disbelieve and fear...

Not only that but the massive army of Tyrant Profound Beast didn't help that as well...

"Someone who actually studies Profound energy...Feng Xue'er what do you think now about your Royal Father who had such intentions in mind? is he fit to wield Bloodline of Divine beast of Phoenix?" My question got Feng Xue'er by surprise, she looked at her Royal Father, who had the curse of Phoenix.

She was at loss, in the end, she sighed

"S-Stop this Brother Feng...Divine Phoenix Empire has no means to fight you..." The Princess said with a pleading voice.

Not that my army even entered the city...

"Does it means your Divine Phoenix is surrendering to me?" Hearing that Feng Xue'er looked at her father who is a broken mess...

She sighed and nodded.

"Yes, we are..." I smirked hearing that then I gaze went to other Five Emperor...

"And you guys? do you wish to 'fight' me as well?" I asked with a somewhat teasing voice.

All Five heads quickly shook their heads.

"Wonderful then should we go and talk this in more detail?" After saying that I looked still dumbstruck, Ye Xinghan, to which I completely forgot he was still here...

Same with representatives of other Sacred Grounds who are looking at me with wide eyes full of disbelieve.

"Right Qingyue dear, what do you want to do with him?" I asked Qingyue who was looking at Ye Xinghan with loathing.

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