Man Against Gods

Chapter 72 - Princess Snow

~~~~~~Feng Xue'er~~~~~~

Princess of the Divine Phoenix Empire was laying down face first in her bed inside the Royal Palace of Divine Phoenix Empire.

It has been several hours after Her Brother Feng, took over the whole Continent.

Moments later after the whole fiasco she was given a thick folder of and scrolls from Divine Phoenix Empire Main Army Headquarters.

She saw full evidence that her Royal Father was planning a full-on invasion of Blue Wind, where they will do scorching earth tactics on whole Nation!

It means that Divine Phoenix Empires will not going to conquer their land, no they going to burn everything in there...

And while the main army will be burning people in millions, which is only a smokescreen, a small battalion will go too far east of Blue Wind and dig out the crystals...

So after reading all of this Feng Xue'er locked herself up in her room...

And that was a few hours ago...

"Princess... can I speak with you?" Xue'er stiffed hearing that voice, it's one of her Brother Feng women.

"C-come in..." The doors slowly opened and Feng Xue'er saw one of Brother Feng women, she is pretty and those strands of green hair only made her look more beautiful and exotic.

Princess can sense that she is powerful, very powerful, and as if the wind answers to her beckoning.

"Princess... How are you feeling?" Feng Xue'er little bit grimaced hearing that.

"N-not good..." hearing that the elder girl walked over and pulled her into a hug.

Feng Xue'er turned stiff for a second, she never before had physical contact with anyone...

"It's alright, I have suffered as well you know?, my own brother wanted to ȧssassinate my royal father just so that he could get the throne..." Princess of the Phoenix Empire looked at her with shock.

"T-truly?" She nodded at Feng Xue'er question, but then she realised that she doesn't know this older girl's name.

"Xue'er must apologise...b-but I don't know your name..." Princess blushed a storm, her cheeks we're red just like robes...

"It's Cang Yue, I am Princess of Blue Wind Empire, and as well the first Wife of Jian Feng." Feng Xue'er eyes widened she then muttered something about meeting Brother Feng wife!

"Can Xue'er ask a question?" Feng Xue'er fiddled with her robes when she spoke, hearing her question Cang Yue casually nodded.

"Of course!"

"Um... Did Brother Feng took over your nation to?" Cang Yue blinked hearing that and started giggling.

"You expect My husband Jian Feng sitting in solar and reading mountain of paperwork?" Feng Xue'er didn't quite understand what she meant by that.

"My apologies, you only spend a day with him... what I mean is that my husband is going to tell how Divine Phoenix Empire is going to operate from now on, he is not planning to 'rule', anything directly." Feng Xue'er eyes widened again she still don't understand how this is going to work.

"My husband is going to be what is called 'Realm King' it's a term used by people from higher realms, My husband will be the ruler of this world, while the 'smaller' Empires will going to continue managing day to day things..." Once again Phoenix Princess was taken aback that Blue Wind Princess knows about higher realms, she obviously knows about them thanks to Phoenix memories, but how does Princess Cang Yue know about them?

"I-I see..." Cang Yue sighed.

"Listen I know you are sad that my Husband out of nowhere 'Attacked' Divine Phoenix Empire, but your father, the Phoenix Emperor had to be put in place, he was planning genocide, and... to put your heart at ease no one died today..." Feng Xue'er mouth opened hearing that.

How is that possible!?

"Citizens were too afraid to even move Princess, and you expect some sort of fight?" Cang Yue chuckled saying that.

"Over four thousand Tyrant Beasts where released, alongside over thousand Peak Sovereign soldiers." Cang Yue said with pride those numbers.

Feng Xue'er can see that Princess Cang Yue is very proud saying that, does it means Brother Feng raised those numbers himself?

"Now Come, Princess, Husband is waiting in the main hall, where All Emperors are meeting, my husband is making decisions which will change Profound Sky forever..." Cang Yue said with a happy voice, Feng Xue'er slowly nodded.

She is somewhat relieved that her Divine Phoenix Empire is not getting simply dismantled...

Once Feng Xue'er left her room she saw two stationed Peak Sovereign solders, her eyes widened to massive proportion as she could not sense them!!!

But what put her off were those obsidian like armours they wear, they were easily above Tyrant Profound or even Sovereign...

And those face masks...

Cultivation combined with those angry-looking masks...

"Scary aren't they?" Cang Yue commented on them.

"Husband decided to go full out theme of being 'Demon Emperor', since he is one in Illusory Demon Realm..." Feng Xue'er looked at Cang Yue for more explanation.

Who only smiled at her.

"He married Huan Caiyi the Demon Empress in Illusory Demon Realm, the other Continent on our Blue Pole Star." Feng Xue'er was not surprised anymore, Brother Feng is far, far too powerful than she ever expected.

'No wonder he never was truly intimidated by my Divine Phoenix Empire, by that point he was already Emperor of Illusory Demon Realm.'

Arriving at Main Hall Feng Xue'er saw Five Emperors, as well as her Royal Father behind him, was Feng Xue'er's Grandfather and Great-Grandfather and the strongest Cultivator in Divine Phoenix Empire Feng Zukui.

Both of her Grandfather figures were not happy with Her Royal Father Feng Hengkong, she could see they radiating 'pissed off' auras.

"Oh, Princess you finally here, come take a seat." Feng Xue'er stiffed for second hearing Jian Feng voice.

Princess Snow slowly walked over and took her seat.

"Now that Feng Xue'er is here, let's talk." He clapped his hands, and behind him formations came to life, showing statistics of some sorts.

"As I showed today, I have the military power to take over the whole continent with the power of strength..." He showed a picture of his soldier and Tyrant beast.

"But I would like to offer a different solution, I am offering Empires to join under me, In turn, I am offering means to learn my methods, this way your nations overall strength will be lifted..." By this point, Feng Xue'er Grandfather had a question.

"Didn't you conquered us already why you telling this?" Jian Feng simply shook his head.

"Because I am giving you face? because people prefer to join someone without being forced to?" He said that with a raised eyebrow.

"Then why you didn't approach us like this before?" One of Emperors asked.

"Because I needed to beat that empty arrogance you all have, you all are so proud that you all sit in your basements for years it makes me sick..." Feng Xue'er almost giggled seeing how her Brother Feng just stomped on their pride, and they couldn't really do anything about it...

Everyone had their ears turned red hearing that.

"And what if we don't want to join you?" Feng Xue'er Great-Grandfather said, with bȧrėly hidden anger.

"Simply really, that nation will be destroyed..." Brother Feng said with such casual voice, that it sounded nothing much...But for the rest?

They all turned pale.

"In the end, you still going to force us to join!" hearing that accusation Brother Feng only Chuckled.

"It won't going to be me who will do the destroying Feng Zukui, it will be other five nations who will have superiority in cultivation, pills, formation, weaponry." Hearing that Feng Xue'er realised what he meant.

He simply will not going to support a nation, which will make them weaker than the other five nations.

"And what about Blue Wind?" One of Emperor asked with interest there is no Emperor of Blue Wind here.

"I am in-laws with Blue Wind Imperial Family they get all the benefits..."Brother Feng said with a smirk.

Realising what this meant the Emperors of Five nations were in-deep thought, but then Feng Xue'er saw a small mocking smirk on his face.

She really doubt he will accept any woman from these Emperors, she personally doesn't know any famous Princess of other Five Nations.

"Anyway...these documents here are which you all going have to follow to the ladder, if not, my army shall intervene and 'fix it' but repercussion will be big for that nation's prestige, and it will be a massive slap to the Royal family face, as it looks like that Royal Family is incompetent in their work.

Feng Xue'er had a chance to read the document.

To summarise, this in a single sentence, is that the Imperial families will have much more active role in their land, more or less sects will be more supervised, Sect which practice questionable arts will be erased or inspected if found guilty terminated.

Banditry will be stomped out as soon as possible at the first sign of its existence.

Another big paragraph where city, village developments will be supported by Imperial Families as well.

Feng Xue'er can already see that this is going to cost a lot for the Royal families wealth.

"And what kind of benefits we can expect to get?" One of Emperors asked Brother Feng.

Hearing this question Brother Feng showed another piece of document.

People started reading it the more they read the more their greed surfaced.

Feng Xue'er felt that they are falling into some sort Brother Feng trap, as the smile he was trying to hide is someone who got these people where he wanted them.

Feng Xue'er Great-Grandfather, and Grandfather looked at her for some time, Feng Xue'er that moment got a feeling that her life is about to change...

"Jian Feng if we would offer Princess Feng Xue'er hand in marriage would you accept it?" Feng Xue'er face blushed instantly hearing that, she looked at her Great-Grandfather who was asking her Brother Feng in a serious voice.

Princess Snow Royal father looked like someone stole his land and house on top of it.

Yet he couldn't muster any opposition, as he was nothing more than Tenth of Elementary Profound.

"That question lies with Feng Xue'er..." The moment those words left Brother Feng mouth, everyone looked at Phoenix Princess who was fiddling with her robes.

She never expected this moment will come so soon, over those few weeks Feng Xue'er had several dreams where Big Brother Feng would make several delicious dishes and then he would feed her and then...

'So embarrassing!!!' She shook her head, imagining how their lips...

She shook her head again...

"I-I-I don't mind if it's Brother Feng, Xue'er only wish is that the Divine Phoenix Empire will be treated fairly..." Feng Xue'er continued fiddling with her red robes.

"I will treat them fairly Xue'er, but that not the point in this matter, the matter is how competent the ruler will be, Phoenix Nation rules over half of continent... and Feng Hengkong bȧrėly ever left the Capital..." Brother Feng threw another batch of files.

"Being Emperor of a country does not excuse you for being incompetent, over your hundred-year rule you only left the city for a few times...there was no meeting with your retainers..." Brother Feng waved his hand casually.

"I could continue naming your incompetence in this matter, but we have limited time." At this point, Feng Xue'er Grandfather was seething in anger as he was checking over documenting pulled out from Her Royal Father study...

There is no mentioning of any leaves, visits or any of that sort, he left everything to his retainers.

"My point is Feng Zukui, that your Grandson is an incompetent ruler, not fit to rule the biggest nation in Profound Sky Continent." Feng Xue'er could only sight while she hates when someone says that about her Royal father, but in this situation, she can only agree, after seeing his paperwork herself, she could only sigh, her Phoenix memories are screaming at her, for such stupid decisions...

Who throws money at something before finding what it is? it's as if her Royal Father though it was beneath him to rule common masses...

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